Romanian Eagle

Chapter 784 - Jordan Riot

Located in a remote mosque in the northeast corner of Amman, heads are now towering, and everyone is excited, because today they are about to discuss a major event.

In the central theme, Ibrahim, dressed in a traditional white Arab robe, is discussing secret events with carefully selected tribal chiefs and chiefs.

“Everyone knows their plans.”

Faced with Ibrahim’s question, everyone present replied. “Got it.”

Seeing the reply from the audience, Ibrahim pointed his finger at a European-faced person on his left and continued. “This is Mr. Rawls from Romania. His people will follow us. This time they will help us drive away the Brits. God’s people will always remember the selfless help of Romanian friends. “

Facing Ibrahim’s introduction, Rawls nodded to the people present.

The people who participated in the meeting had guessed from his position. After Ibrahim was officially introduced, everyone felt confident. This was won on the battlefield in Romania. Although Jordan is no better than Europe, the news is not closed, and the war in Europe is also full of attention.

The people present were not stunned, knowing that Jordan alone would give them a hundred and eighty years without even thinking about gaining independence (supporting national independence after World War II was the only thing the United States and the Soviet Union were willing to do together).

Therefore, seeking external assistance has become an important factor in Jordan’s independence. After learning from Ibrahim a few months ago that they had obtained independent support from a certain country, they always wanted to know who it was. Germany, Romania, Italy, the Soviet Union, and the United States are all speculating, but Ibrahim’s voice is very tight and he doesn’t say anything. They have waited until today to know that Romania is supported, so it’s not surprising that the various expressions are Up.

And Ibrahim was also very satisfied with the expressions of the people at the scene, at least indicating that the people he chose would not inquire indiscriminately. Even if they had just assigned the task, they could endure their curiosity without asking.

As for Rawls, under the introduction of Ibrahim, he greeted them kindly. “My name is Rawls and I am from Romania. I am glad to meet you all.”

Although Rawls didn’t talk much, he still received warm applause.

Affected by national independence over the years, the insightful people in Jordan have long been tired of being ruled by others. They always wanted to be the masters of their own house. That’s why they united in the 38th patriarch of the Hashemite family during the Arab Uprising. By Hussein Ibn Ali.

It was just that after the war, Britain and France gave up their demand for the independence of the Arabs. Instead, the two countries would divide and rule Jordan, Palestine, Syria, and Iraq that they would seize from Ottoman. This disappoints the Arabs who are most seeking independence. They expressed their dissatisfaction one after another, but Britain and France ignored it.

It even asked the Syrian Kingdom, which has declared independence, to lift its independence by itself. In the face of French intimidation, Syrian Minister of Defense Youssef Azmay organized a volunteer army to conduct a desperate resistance in Messeron, 30 kilometers away from Damascus. After being outnumbered, Youssef Azmay and all the volunteers were killed in action.

This also greatly affected the independence of the Arabs and facilitated the division of the colonies in the Middle East by Britain and France.

Later, under the persecution of Britain and France, Hussein Ibn Ali had to abandon his vision of the Arab kingdom and could only become the king of Hanzhi, but later in Ibn Saudi Arabia, he unified the internal records and the Hanzhi and formed the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. , So Ali can only shrink in the Jordanian foreign delegation.

It can be said that the Hashim family reached its peak in the Arab Uprising and was quickly suppressed by all parties.

The arrival of Romania now gives Abdullah an opportunity. Now he intends to obtain his own kingdom from Romanians. Of course, it is best to combine Iraq, Jordan, and Syria to form an Arab kingdom.

It’s just that Romania’s consent is needed for this, but as far as Rawls knows, the possibility is basically zero.

After the person who assigned the task left, Ibrahim turned around and spoke. “Mr. Rawls, I’m sorry to expose your identity now.”

“It doesn’t matter, anyway, I will let everyone know sooner or later. I am honored to be able to help you accomplish this feat.”

Obviously, Rawls is now indifferent to his exposure. As long as the Arabs can surprise Britain and France as expected, everything is worth it.

January 24 is no different from other days, but it is different today in Jordan and Palestine. In a small village outside Haifa, a large number of people gathered. They took their weapons and listened to a chief on a high platform.

“The British took our cattle and sheep and asked us to pay taxes to support them. This is the consequence of not having our own country. Now we no longer pay taxes to the British, nor do they allow them to levy us to pay for them. They are working hard, and we have to decide our own destiny.”

After the chief had finished speaking, the people present kept cheering loudly. “To be independent, to get rid of the British.”

Although they don’t know how to drive away the British, the weapons in their hands now give them strength. Although these are all complicated old-fashioned rifles, they still give them confidence.

Mafraq in Jordan is a key city connecting Damascus to Amman. There have been roads connecting the two places since ancient times. On a bridge outside Mafraq, a group of Arabs are busy on the bridge. Judging from the equipment and items they carry, they are definitely not bridge maintenance personnel.

“Bring the explosives quickly.”

A European-looking man is directing others under the pier. But judging from his demand for explosives, he is a complete saboteur.

That’s right, he is the adviser of this sabotage team. Because the road from Damascus to Amman is the main point, each team is assigned a blasting expert, and this is obviously one of the teams.

Of course, the British are not they have sent someone to guard the bridges and tunnels. It’s just that these people are few and they have been driven away, and now they are busy blowing up the bridge.


With the sound of an explosion, the bridge was blown up. The detachment that completed the task immediately packed up and left. They wouldn’t be foolishly waiting here for the furious British army to pack themselves.

On this day, the large-scale sabotage activities in Palestine and Jordan made the local British troops unable to take care of them.

Moreover, it is not safe in the city. The local people called by Abdullah also destroyed various facilities.

The large-scale riots of the local people caused the British army to jump up and down. As the commander, Wavell immediately smelled the danger from it. He immediately ordered the local defenders to suppress the suppression, and the non-suppression to stand by and wait for assistance. Others immediately sent a report to the French army to inform the situation.

It’s just that the French army doesn’t care about his telegram now, because the Romanian landing force has already appeared in the sea off Lebanon.

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