Romanian Eagle

Chapter 793 - Intrigue

The night air strikes in Jerusalem caused heavy losses to the British air power in the Middle East. Of the more than 200 warplanes deployed in Jerusalem, only more than forty survived.

It can be said that the sudden air attack that night killed the British Air Force’s aviation force in the Middle East. Because the fighters deployed in Palestine are all its elite fighters, these fighters need to face the incoming Romanian enemy aircraft as soon as possible, so they are prioritized in personnel and models to supplement, which also greatly hurt the strength of the British Air Force in the Middle East.

Of course, such a good news will inevitably appear on Edel’s table, but now he can’t care about this telegram, because there is a more important news that makes him feel a little bit tricky.

Edel looked at the Prime Minister and the Secretary of Arms in front of him, confirming the general question. “You mean, the current reserve of ammunition has been reduced to the lowest point?”

Facing Edel’s words, Bardovin, the former Minister of Industry, the Minister of Arms, had to answer again. “Yes, Your Majesty, I have confirmed this again and again.”

While the Romanian army was advancing on all fronts, the news was not friendly at all.

Seeing that Edel didn’t speak, Baldovin could only bite the bullet and explain. “Your Majesty, our country’s monthly production of ammunition is about 70,000 tons, but our monthly consumption is an average of 180,000 tons. The current inventory of ammunition has dropped to a warning line.”

I have to mention here that the highest inventory of Romanian ammunition was before the war. Its ammunition reserves of up to 1.96 million tons allowed it to become a ferocious boost to the Romanian army.

When Edel heard this, he couldn’t help but cut in. “Can you support the Middle East Army Group to complete the scheduled plan?”

“There is no problem at this point.”

As a high-level government, Bardovn could not know how Edel was interested in the Middle East, and naturally would not have any thoughts about the Middle East army group commanded by Hoffman.

After hearing Baldovin’s answer, Edel asked curiously. “Then what do you mean?”

“Your Majesty, we can think of ways from other places.”

In fact, there are not many ways to think of. It is nothing more than to increase revenue and reduce expenditure. In terms of increasing revenue, the limit that Romania can achieve at present is to produce 100,000 tons of ammunition per month, but this requires squeezing other aspects of production. However, this is unlikely. Although this is a wartime, the basic livelihood of the people must also be guaranteed. Unless it is a time of danger, it can be done regardless.

Since it is difficult to increase revenue, there is only one way to reduce expenditure.

The Middle East Army Group, which currently needs ammunition most, not only has to lose its ammunition, but also has priority guarantees.

In addition to the Middle East, the Luosu border is also a big ammunition consumer, requiring 21,000 tons of ammunition every month to complete training and storage, which is also indispensable. In addition, there is the maintenance of public security in the newly occupied areas of Greece, which uses less ammunition, basically 8,000 tons per month.

Of course, the navy and air forces also need a lot of ammunition, basically counted in 10,000 tons, but these are all necessary consumption.

Of course, there is another army that also consumes a lot of ammunition, that is, the North African Army commanded by Antonescu, which consumes 18,000 tons of ammunition every month.

This is also the place where Baldovin and the prime minister are most entangled, which is why the two of them came.

I saw Baldovin speak. “Your Majesty, the best way for now is to reduce our ammunition consumption. I think the North African Army under General Antonescu should be able to reduce combat consumption. At present, we cannot afford ammunition for all fronts. Consumption.”

Baldovin’s words made Edel frowned. “Does the military know about this?”

“We have already talked to Marshal Feleit, and they have no objection.”

Now Edel understood that it should be the government and the military that have reached some kind of agreement. Otherwise, the military officers would not let go of the matter of reducing their supply of ammunition supplies if they didn’t jump up and make a fuss. Edel was a little wary of this.

“So what do you suggest?”

“After discussion, we prepared a plan to reduce the supply of ammunition to the North African Army, reducing its monthly supply of 18,000 tons to 8,000 tons. The saved ammunition can be increased in inventory or provided to the Middle East and the border with the Soviet Union. .”

“Of course this was after the capture of Tunisia.”

Baldovin said here to add a sentence.

Now Edel understands it all. This is a manifestation of domestic dissatisfaction with helping Italy. Of course, there are also conflicts of interests in this.

Perhaps it is Romania’s recent performance that has been too vigorous, so many people are eager for it, and want Romania to gain more benefits in this war. Just taking the Middle East is no longer satisfying their appetite. Now they are focusing on Africa, at least focusing on the British and French colonies in Africa.

And want to seize its colony in Africa, then Italy will become an obstacle. Now they plan to reduce their support for Italy and start with the North African Army. I believe that after at least this success, other materials will inevitably be reduced in the future.

Otherwise, how could the issue of ammunition inventory arise just at this time?

Although Edel already understood their plan, it was a little troublesome to stop it. Because this is a requirement from both military and political aspects, it would be very difficult to suppress this idea.

Edel’s silence left the two of them to wait quietly. Although they want to take advantage from their allies, this is not a shame. There are too many such things, and the performance on the battlefield can explain everything. Who makes Italy perform poorly, then the benefits promised before can also be modified.

The room was unusually quiet for a while, only the sound of Edel walking back and forth.

“Don’t worry about this, wait for me to discuss it with Mussolini.”

Edel’s answer Ran Ang’s eyes flashed with disappointment The expressions of the two did not escape Edel’s eyes, I saw him continue to speak. “We also need Italy’s help to seize Gibraltar. It will always be a hidden danger if we don’t close the door to the Mediterranean.”

That’s right, Edel felt that the capture of Gibraltar must be advanced, and he must prepare immediately after the capture of Tunisia and Suez.

And Edel’s words made their eyes light up again. Gibraltar is a good place. If Romania can also get involved, it will be able to exert influence on the region in the future, which is still very beneficial.

Edel used Gibraltar to whet the appetites of the two, and temporarily calmed the thoughts of the domestic military and political leaders.

Of course, the next step is to look at the performance of the Italians themselves.

However, he himself is not optimistic about the performance of the Italians. Without the help of others, it is a high probability that the Italians will be beaten out. I can only hope that this will come later, so that Romania will free up.

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