Romanian Eagle

Chapter 802 - Battle of the Middle East (2)

In the early morning, it is a good time to sleep, so everything is resting, except for some grasshoppers that sing in the dark.

But tonight’s Nagula, the grasshopper hid in the cave without tweeting.

Nagula tonight is not friendly to animals, but to the Romanian army stationed here, it is very friendly. Now they are doing pre-war preparations. The artillery and tanks have arrived at their predetermined positions, waiting for the designated time to come.

A little behind Tyre, a large number of armored vehicles were waiting here. They waited until the battle broke out and rushed out to give the enemy a heavy blow.

However, in the long queue of armored vehicles, the leader is a tall and mighty tank, which is the R30 heavy tank that rarely appeared before.

This tank, which is like a mobile fortress, will be an insurmountable problem for the current British army. The 100 mm thick beveled armor made it impossible for any anti-tank weapon in the hands of the British army to do anything against it. No one and no armor could survive the 48-times 88 mm main gun. The 650-horsepower diesel engine drives this 46-ton behemoth to advance at a speed of 38 kilometers per hour.

And this time in order to open up the situation for the front-line infantry, the R30 tank will let the British know how powerful it is as an infantry tank.

As the time for the offensive began, the atmosphere in the night sky became more and more frozen, and the faces of the Romanian soldiers preparing to attack became more and more serious, and even the nocturnal animals became quiet.

The British troops on the defensive position also seemed to feel something.

“Does it feel that something is wrong.”

“You say that, it seems to be true.”

“No, this is because the enemy wants to attack. Report it to the commander.”

With the alert of the British sentry, the defensive position immediately became lively, and a large number of resting soldiers were awakened. They hurriedly put on clothes and weapons, and rallied to the position.

It’s just that they were a little too late to be alert. Just when the defending British wanted to prepare for defense, a red light appeared in the sky, and the artillery from the Romanian position opened fire.

As a first mover, artillery from Romania rained down on the position.

“The enemy is shelling and you will lie down.”

In fact, without the roar of the officers, when the artillery fire came, the soldiers threw themselves down in the trenches to avoid the attacking artillery.

“Boom, boom, boom~”

The shells continued to explode on the position, as the defender could only wait patiently for the end of the shelling.

In fact, the soldiers on the ground still have a doubt. “Why, don’t our artillery counterattack?”

Just as they complained, there was also a rumbling of cannons from the rear, and the defenders’ artillery from the rear of the position also opened fire.

As the British artillery fired, the guards felt that the explosion above their heads was much quieter. They felt right, many of the offensive artillery fired at opponents who dared to counterattack.

For a time, the artillery of the two sides were under their own command, and they were trying to suppress their opponents.

This artillery battle continued until dawn, when Romanian fighters appeared in the sky, and the British artillery stopped.

Without the interference of British artillery, the position was relapsed into a large-scale shelling.

Of course, this time was not long, and then as Romanian soldiers approached the position with the cooperation of the tanks, the shelling stopped.

However, although the end of the shelling gave the British army a sigh of relief, the incoming soldiers and tanks made it even more troublesome, especially this apparently tall tank.

“The tank is here, get it done quickly.”

In the face of such a situation, the commander of the garrison gave the correct response.

The commander ordered the anti-tank team. Each position has one or two such anti-tank squads. They are equipped with 2-4 2-pound (40 mm) anti-tank guns, ready to inflict heavy damage on incoming enemy tanks. .

I saw this anti-tank squad quickly choosing a good location. There were craters everywhere in the position, and suitable locations were everywhere. With three 2-pounder guns quickly ready,

“At eleven o’clock, the tank, prepare to fire!”

Following the command of the commanding officer, all three 2-pounder guns focused their targets on one prey.


“Bang, bang, bang~”

The three 2-pounder guns didn’t mean to stop at all, and they kept firing on this tall tank.

“Ding Ding Ding~”

The constant sound of impact shocked the members of the tank, but after discovering that these shells could not help its thick armor, the tank did not stop, and still rumbling towards the position.

“What’s the matter, it’s impossible to penetrate the armor of the enemy tank at all, it’s still moving.”

The members of the anti-tank squad were anxious looking at this situation. They were unable to penetrate the enemy’s armor, making them feel that they had no effect at all. At the same time, they also put great pressure on the soldiers of the defending army.

The officers and soldiers who were hit by the tank to their morale could only open fire ceaselessly, trying to separate them from the soldiers fighting in coordination, and then think of other ways to solve them.

However, their efforts were destined to be in vain. Many soldiers on the offensive side were hiding behind this tall tank, letting them avoid the bullets in front of them for themselves.

Until the tank was only 300 meters away from the position, the R30 heavy tank, which had been bombarded by the 2-pounder gun, stopped.

However, although it stopped, its vehicle-mounted machine gun was not a vegetarian, and it was a burst of suppressed firing against the position. Its main gun fired at the 2-pounder anti-tank gun that kept shelling itself.

After a burst of shelling, the anti-tank position composed of three 2-pounder guns was eliminated without its target.

After solving the opponent in front of him, this R30 is to help the infantry suppress the firepower of the position.

It is equipped with 88 mm main gun, which played a huge role at this moment. The close-range call-in-call made it impossible for the firepower on the position to suppress the enemy.

With no firepower on the ground, can this still fight?

The result is naturally impossible. Any army without a firepower point during defense will cause the army to panic. Even the soldiers of the British Empire can’t keep their morale high.

So when the enemy was about to break through, the position commander had no choice but to give an order to As the defeated defenders retreated, the attacking Romanian officers and soldiers cheered. They took the front line without pressure.

The R30 crews, who have made great contributions to seizing the position, are inspecting the damage to the tank. The previous 40mm anti-tank shooting made them worry about whether there would be any problems with the tank.

After a short inspection, apart from the bullet marks on the front of the armor, no other problems were encountered. The other positions were basically the same as here. Accompanied by R30 heavy tanks, the defenders were unable to block the offensive.

Among them was a position with a newly developed 6-pounder (57 mm) anti-tank gun, which also failed to penetrate its armor.

The R30 tank, which was in good condition, led the officers and soldiers to occupy the second and third line positions one after another.

So far, the British defense in Nagula ended in failure, and the coastal armored clusters that had been prepared for a long time drove tanks and armored vehicles along the road all the way to the west.

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