Romanian Eagle

Chapter 804 - Battle of the Middle East (4)

The sun in the sky hid behind the horizon again, and the night shrouded the earth again. The day’s battle also came to an end, and all the troops sent their information to the headquarters far away in Beirut.

The staff officers updated the positions of the various troops on the sand table in a timely manner based on the reported situation. Hoffman and Modelk stood by, watching the busy officers constantly adjusting the positions of the troops.

“It looks like the progress of the ministries today is pretty good.”

As the partner, the Chief of Staff Modelk spoke about today’s battle.

However, Modelk’s words did not attract Hoffman’s approval, and the commander wrinkled his forehead and said. “I don’t think it’s great, the results reported in the report feel a little less.”

“It’s a lot. According to statistics, the number of killed and wounded prisoners by various troops has reached more than 7,600, which is already very good.”

Facing Mordelk, Hoffman shook his head and said. “No, there is a little gap from what I expected. In my opinion, at least this number needs to be more than 9,000 for the first day of fighting, but it is currently only more than 7,000. This is the problem.”

Hoffman’s words made Modelke’s face serious. “Then what do you mean?”

“Now I don’t dare to make a decision. I will let the plane check it out early tomorrow morning to find out what the problem is.”

And when Hoffman and Modelke felt something was wrong, General Wavell, who was far away in the Sinai Peninsula, was also summing up today’s results.

“It looks very good at the moment, and all lines have met their expectations.”

Looking at the sand table in front of him, Wavell was fairly satisfied with today’s battle. Although the loss was a bit larger, the losses were basically the army from the colonies, and his troops from the mainland and Australia and New Zealand were intact, which gave him confidence in the next battle.

But although Wavell is confident, Arthur Smith, his chief of staff, is a little worried. “Did the enemy’s armored forces in the coastal zone advance too fast? It would be very detrimental to us if we let them achieve their goals.”

Faced with the worry of his chief of staff, Wavell comforted. “Don’t worry, Smith. I don’t think they are fast. If it weren’t for the sake of not letting them detect my intentions, I would even open the coastal road and make them faster. I have prepared surprises for them, and hope they like them. “

Regarding Wavell’s words, Smith, as the chief of staff, thought for a while or gave up and continued. In fact, he originally had some doubts about this plan, but His Excellency Wavell was very insistent, and in the end, of course, the commander’s opinion was the main one.

What caused the two people to disagree was on the defense of the coastal plain. In fact, both believe that the coastal plain will become the focus of the enemy’s breakthrough. However, in response, Smith believed that it should be defended layer by layer, using troops to continuously consume the enemy’s offensive footsteps, until the opponent completely stopped.

Wavell doesn’t think so. He thinks that Smith’s method will not work at all in the coastal plain. This will not only be consumed by the enemy, but also cannot achieve the desired purpose. Because the coastal plain of Palestine is too narrow and its width is between 10-15 kilometers, this distance is not worth mentioning for the navy, even the main guns of light cruisers can reach it.

Therefore, for the British forces who have lost sea power in the Mediterranean Sea, the coastal zone is a difficult zone to defend. There are not enough people to fight against the opponent’s offensive troops. With more people, the enemy’s navy can teach itself to be a man.

Although the Romanian Navy has not many main warships left in the Eastern Mediterranean, the 380 and 203 guns are enough to make fools feel scared, so the coastal plain has become a difficult point for defense.

However, unlike Smith, Wavell, as the commander, believes that since the coastal area is difficult to defend, it is not to defend. Except for the presence of a few coastal cities garrisoned forces to become nails, other positions are given to the Romanians, as long as the enemy If you dare to attack, you dare to release, lengthening its supply line.

After the enemy has been stretched out of the supply line, then the fist troops prepared by himself will give a heavy blow. The best result is of course to destroy this lonely and deep enemy, even if it is not eliminated, it will be severely injured. The fist that Wavell prepared was the mobile army dominated by the Seventh Armored Division.

Yes, this is the desert rat in the original history. And different from the original history, the division currently has two armored brigades (fourth and seventh armored brigades), equipped with 226 tanks of various types, mainly consisting of three tanks: Crusaders, Valentin, and Matidal. .

In fact, these three tanks are at a disadvantage when facing the Romanian R series. Wavell is also very aware of this, so he also prepared a weapon to enhance his anti-armor capabilities, that is, the latest British 6-pound anti-tank gun.

The development of this anti-tank was started after the Munich Agreement in 1938. Considering the performance of the two German tanks in the Spanish Civil War, the British Army believed that the 2-pound anti-tank gun it equipped in the future is likely to face backwardness, so it is instructed to do so. The Royal Arsenal began to develop.

The reason for choosing the 6-pound shell (57mm caliber) is not the calculation result of penetration, but the logistical consideration. The Royal Navy has used the 6-pound gun as a shipborne secondary weapon since the end of the 19th century, so there are a large number of domestic factories that can support production. This medium-caliber weapon ammunition.

The research and development of this anti-tank gun was announced in December 1939. At present, the first batch of 96 6-pound anti-tank guns produced, except for the remaining 48 for the formation of the expeditionary army, the other 48 were allocated to Used by British troops in the Middle East.

And this 57mm caliber anti-tank gun has very good In the case of using armor-piercing shells, it can penetrate the 84mm armor plate at a 30-degree angle at a distance of 500 meters, and can hit at a distance of 1000 meters. Wear 70mm steel plate at the same angle. Of course, this is laboratory data, which will be lower on the battlefield.

But this can also cause damage to the most threatening R20 tank in the Romanian army at a distance of 500 meters. (The current Romanian R30 rarely participates in combat, so the British army is not clear about its data.)

And these 48 6-pound anti-tank guns have long been assigned to the Mobile Corps by Wavell, allowing them to exert sufficient capabilities in this battle.

In order to complete this task, it is necessary to block the enemy in other directions, otherwise it is not called to lure the enemy into deep, but is divided and outflanked.

So in the Jordan Valley, another place that is easy to break through, Wavell deployed 5 divisions. They will rely on layers of defense to slow down the enemy’s offensive until the enemy is consumed to a halt.

Therefore, the officers and men of the Third and Sixth Armored Divisions headed by Sals still have positions waiting for them to break through.

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