Rosie's Games

Chapter 104: The Cursed Weapon 3

The silence inside the room was deafening, yet, all Rosalind could hear was the sound of her own heartbeat.

She stared at the cup of tea in her hand as she thought of what happened earlier. The dagger vanished inside her body, but she didn't feel anything different. If anything, she felt good, better.

She did not know what happened this time, but she was certain of one thing.

The darkness reacted to her.

In her past life, she never thought that a cursed weapon would react to her blessing. She hadn't exactly held one herself and just thought that she could use dark curses to make herself more powerful. But this… this was different. So different, it almost felt surreal.

"Me, the head of the Primal Fangs Mercenary Group promise to keep this secret to my grave," Mr. Montgomery's words interrupted her stupor. She watched as the older man used a dagger to cut his palm. Then he used an empty cup and let his blood in the cup.

"I, Mathies Hekhuis of the Primal Fangs Mercenary Group, promise to keep this secret to my grave," Mathies uttered before he followed Mr. Montgomery and added his blood to the cup. Before she could stop him, Mr. Pratt also started to swear.

Just like the first two men, Mr. Pratt did not hesitate to cut his hand and put his blood into the cup. Then the three men drank from the cup.

"I— I am not drinking that," was all she could say when the three of them stared at her. She did not know if this was something from the north or the south but she is not going to drink their blood.

"The cup is empty," Mr. Pratt awkwardly said.

"Oh," she nodded. "Right."

"Miss Lin, this secret— you cannot tell anyone else about it. You must do your best to avoid meeting someone with the light blessing as they would surely feel the darkness in you and once that happens… the other members of the seven blessed families will know about your blessing too."

Rosalind stared at Mr. Montgomery, the man really looked concerned. Obviously, what the old man just told her would never happen as she has the light blessing as well.

"Thank you, I will keep that in mind."

"Then the blessing— "

"Mathies, this is not the time for that."

"But she is the one who received the blessing of the darkness."

"Something like that does not exist!" Mr. Montgomery hissed. "And you will never speak of it again!"

Mathies nodded. "But I could give you books about it."

"If anyone from the outside knew about those books, they would hunt her down and kill her!" Mr. Montgomery hissed.

"Kill me?" Rosalind frowned. "I understand that there are books that the Empire has banned, but I do not think that reading one would have people hunt me, Mr. Montgomery." To be honest, what she has is not enough. She needed more resources and books to read. Preferably something about the history and something involving the dark lord.

"You do not understand," Mr. Montgomery said. "There are books that are considered far more dangerous than the books that you are talking about. These books are something that Mathies had collected over the years."

"You knew?" Mathies said.

"Of course I knew! Do you see me as a fool?"

"I— "

"What books are you talking about?" Rosalind asked.

"There is an island in the west of the Aster Empire. It is made of rock and volcanoes and was said to be something that possessed the power of the dark lord." Mr. Montgomery explained. "Years ago, many adventurers chose to visit the island. Of the twenty eight people that went, only one returned with a small ruined boat. Unfortunately, he died just as he reached the shore."

"Twenty eight people," Rosalind muttered. Mr. Montgomery and even Mathies were clearly uncomfortable about this.

"Warriors. These were not just mere adventurers. These were people who had been mercenaries for years. One of them was my friend. Me—I was young then and naive. I wanted to join them, but my wife was pregnant with Lucilla and she forced me to stay. She knew it would be dangerous. And she was right."

"So all of them died?"

"Yes. But the one who was able to live until he reached the shore wrote a book about everything he saw. That book… is currently with Mathies."

"You— how did you— " Mathies' eyes widened. "There is no use. The books were old and fragile and I could not even completely read the symbols written on it. There were symbols that I have not seen before, yet I know that the book talks of… an eighth blessing."

"So, you came up with the eight blessings from the book?" Rosalind asked.

"Not just that. The book was talking about something else. Something that everyone would find difficult to believe," Mathies continued.

"What is it?"

"It said that the world only has one God and that is the God of Darkness."

"The God of Darkness?" Rosalind once again lowered her eyes towards her now cold tea. She hadn't heard of the God of Darkness in the past. "What if the writings were nothing but lies?" she asked.

"Lies? Why would a dying person speak of lies?" Mathies countered. "Moreover… it does make sense. At least a little of it. All of the history books said that it was a dark lord that waged war against the Goddess. To protect humanity, the Goddess blessed the seven families to fight and seal the dark lord away forever. If that was not real, why would the seven families try their best to hide every book about the dark lord? Why would they try to change history according to their liking?"

"And most importantly… why would they lie about the eighth blessing?" Mathies asked her.

"Again, I do not know what happened earlier. Let us not conclude something so… impossible."

"Impossible?" Mathies asked. "Nothing is impossible in this world. You are enough proof of that. How could someone absorb the dark curse and even a cursed weapon? Only the Dark Lord was able to do that in the past. If… and only if, what you have is not a blessing, what if … are you perhaps a reincarnation of the dark lord?"


This chapter will be updated once she edits it! I am so excited. Please don't forget to vote for the .

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