Rosie's Games

Chapter 139: Bandits 7

"The Lux Family did not even perform funeral rites for Rosalind," the Duke said as they walked towards the only restaurant in the small town of Toorin, Lonyth. Apparently, this was not originally part of the plan, but this was going to be the last town that they would encounter on this journey. Since they weren't able to get supplies back in Nanorvik, they needed to replace what they lost and they could only do that in this town.

"Hmmm…" Rosalind nodded. Earlier, the Duke was indeed in town with his people. Since they arrived, Rosalind had been acting cordial, or at least that was what she was trying to do. She did not mention that incident and just pretended it did not happen. This was the only solution that she could think of.

"I heard you healed someone?" he asked.


They finally arrived in front of the two-story wooden restaurant. She pretended to stare at the red lanterns hanging outside of the place. It was beautiful and very eye-catching as it was the only thing of color in a place full of white snow.

They walked inside and an older woman wearing a black apron welcomed them.

"We seldom see guests here," the woman said. "Welcome. Would you like to try some of our ox tail soup?"

"That would be perfect, thank you," the Duke replied. Despite his attempt to look normal, the mask on his face was already enough to attract attention.

The two of them chose a seat on the second floor. Having the view of the rest of the town, the two started talking about the matters involving Rosalind's 'death'.

"I am surprised that Victoria did not pursue the matter. Her daughter has been suffering."

"Victoria would not waste resources on something like that. She would rather ask her family to find someone that could at least help her daughter with the pain. I would have done the same if I was in her situation."

"You seem to know them very well."

"She— I grew up with them."

"They sent you away when you were 12, no?"

"I— "

"No need to be flustered," his lips lifted into a smile. "I did not want to pry into your personal business."

"Thank you."

There was a brief silence as the two of them stared out the window at the vastness of snow around the town.

"They said that the snow in Wugari was thicker than this?"


"And yet people still choose to stay?" she asked. She had been wondering why so many people would choose to live in the North with its harsh weather and dangerous environment.



"It is the only thing that they know, and traveling in and out of the kingdom can be dangerous. It is just not worth it."

Rosalind nodded. She did not know what to say, so she chose to stay silent.

"It seems that you have become more powerful," he commented.

She nodded, her gaze was still outside. "Hmmm…"

"Do you want to go hunting?" he suddenly asked.


"Hunting. Do you want to try it?"

"I— " she did not know if he was only saying this to pull her out of her current awkward state or… he really wanted to take her hunting in the middle of a snowy day. "I have never tried it before." She had hunted in the forest back home, but she was only hunting rabbits and… there was no snow! Moreover, she didn't have this many clothes on at that time so her movements were not as constricted.

She stared at him, waiting for him to say that he would just do it alone. Instead, he smiled at her. Shivers ran down her spine.

"I will teach you," he said.

Four Hours later

And Rosalind was already regretting everything. She should have just told him that she was going to sleep! Or that… she was so tired, she could not walk. Or maybe just tell him that she was scared to venture out of town!

She had so many things that she could have used to lie to him and prevent this trip, but she did not do it.

Instead, she let him take her out of Toorin with some sort of special movement that allowed him to jump over roofs and run faster than that the wolves.

Was this man even human?

She was supposed to be enjoying the moon, the serene night, and yet here she was! She badly wanted to complain, but then again, something like this would not have happened in the first place if she did not agree to accompany him.

Rosalind could feel the chilly air on her cheeks and she immediately buried her face into the man's chest. His arms tightened around her waist as he stepped on one branch and then hopped to another. She was almost certain that this man was no longer human.

Perhaps, he was an animal in a human clothing!

How could someone run so fast and jumped on trees, defying gravity? How?

After what felt like forever, Rosie felt her feet land on a hard surface.

"You can let go now," he said.

She cleared her throat and immediately stopped hugging his waist. He told her to hold on, so she did. She did not realize when she started hugging him so tight.

"I'm sorry, I did not mean to do that."

"That was understandable. You will get used to it."

Get used to what? She stared at him, waiting for an explanation. Did he mean that she will get used to jumping on trees and running so fast? She could feel her cheeks moving from the air!

She wanted to say more but ended up just glaring at him instead.

"This will not happen again," she said. He responded with a chuckle.

"Do not fret. It won't be this hard the second time around."

Second time? She just told him this will not happen again.

"Shhh— " he gestured for her to stop walking. Then he put his hand on his ear as if instructing her to listen. And she did.

There were people not far away from them. They could hear the sound of people laughing and singing.


There is another mass release tomorrow! Please do not forget to vote. Thanks!

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