Rosie's Games

Chapter 193: Ice Cream

"The dinner was delicious," Rosalind said with a smile on her face. "Thank you."

"It is the first of the many," he said. "You should try the dessert," he gestured at the bowl in front of her.

"Not pudding?" she smiled.

"No. It's different."

Rosalind pursed her lips. Then she used a golden spoon to eat the cold dessert in the small white bowl.

"This is—" Its texture reminded her of the snow. It had a rich milky flavor, but it wasn't too sweet. "What is this?"

"It's ice cream. It came from Wugari."

"Oh…" the Countess and Princess told her that there were no desserts like this in the Wugari. They said that place is full of war and death. She knew they were exaggerating things but she did not know that they were blatantly lying in front of her face.

For some reason, she felt irritated.

"Because of the coldness, the ice cream does not melt," he said. "It comes in various flavors too. You can use fruits to make it but there are only a few fruit-bearing trees that could survive the winter in Wugari because of the cold. So if you want to make something like this with a different flavor, it is best that you bring some dried fruits from the south."

Rosalind nodded, her eyes still on the silky creamy dessert.

What if there was a way to bring snow from the North to the South? What if… she could create a way to freeze this dessert and bring it in her spatial bag? Wouldn't it be a dream come true?

"You look like you are planning something evil," he said.

"I was planning on conquering the world with this dessert."

"You really are something else."

Rosalind ignored him. Instead, she started eating more of the dessert and she finished it in just a few minutes. When she looked at him, he was casually drinking his wine while observing her.

"You have not tasted something like this before?"

"I—" She frowned. "Of course not. I have never been To Wugari." Or anywhere in the North. Dorothy would never let her out of her sight in the past. After all, Dorothy was pretending to have the Blessing so she needed Rosalind around her at all times in case she needed to show off the Blessing to other people.


Good? What was that supposed to mean? Still, she did not ask any more questions. Not long after, they finally left the restaurant. Of course, Erina walked them until they reached the door and cheerfully asked them to come back.

Once she left the door, Rosalind looked back. Again, all she could see was the decrepit entrance of the restaurant. If she did not know about the illusion, she never would have thought that this place could give her something so out of this world— an ice cream!

"Shall we?" he asked as again, he held out his arm towards her. This time, she did not hesitate and held his arm. Then they continued walking.

"I thought you were out doing something important?" she asked.

"I was around when you arrived," he said.

"You were around?"

"Are you going to start asking questions?"

His question rendered her speechless.

"I did not mean to," she answered almost immediately. Because of that dance, she had forgotten her place, and she silently reprimanded herself.

"Do not misunderstand. I was merely asking if you wanted to know. We could find a place to sit down and talk about it."

"No. There is no need for that."

"I am going to assume you are here to buy sweets?" He promptly changed the topic which she immediately appreciated as she felt awkward after asking her question.

"Am I that easy to read?"

"A little."

She laughed. "I am going to assume you are going to take me to some store that sells things that I could bring up North?"

"Of course."

Soon enough, he brought her to a corner with colorful stores. Just before they could step into one of the stores, a man wearing a purple suit appeared before them!

"Ah! A couple!" He clapped his hands once before he gave them a huge, almost creepy smile. "Are you here to buy sweets? We have a special promotion and discount for couples! Do you —"

"No—" Rosalind was quick to respond. To her surprise, however, the Duke interrupted her.

"Yes, we are taking that."

"Lovely! Why don't you follow me towards our store?"

Rosalind looked at the Duke. He only responded with a smirk as they followed the young man.

"Our store had been in this place for more than a hundred years. We have every sweet thing that you need. Candies and desserts are always our bestsellers. However, what makes our store special is the discounts that we gave to couples! Our store especially celebrates marriage and—"

"We are about to get married," the Duke said.

"Lovely!" the young man exclaimed. "That is the best thing that I've heard today. For people who are about to get married, we offer you two types of discount promotions. The first one is for our desserts, the second is for the desserts, an exclusive massage and other activities that couples would enjoy!"

For a few seconds, the man continued talking about some activities; like writing their names in a boat and letting it float to what he calls the river of love, enjoying a cake and a drink together, riding in a small boat together, and then there was having someone draw them.

A portrait together.

However, before she could decline it, Lucas was quick to say that they were going to take the second package.

"It is too expensive," she elbowed him. Moreover, these activities were clearly for lovers! She was not a prude, but these activities involved getting wet together, touching each other's bodies, and many other things!

Clearly, this is not for them!

"We are taking it," Lucas said before he whispered. "They have the best cake in the market. It's made of berries from an island in the south."

Almost immediately her eyes widened. "Really?" she asked.

He nodded in response.

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