Rosie's Games

Chapter 196: Stealing after Killing

"I told you they have the best cake here," Lucas said when Rosalind asked why they were inside the kitchen. Everyone else was looking for them outside, guards, men wearing black and even some servants had been searching, but with no luck. By now, they must have sensed that something else had happened because Antolin did not come back.

Yet, here they were… in a kitchen.

Trying to steal some cake!

This— this situation did not seem normal at all.

"They have the best cake in this part of the market," again, Lucas said. This time, he was slicing some cake for her. "You should try some," he used a fork for the cake then held it towards her.

Was he planning to feed her?

She stared at him for a few seconds before she opened her mouth and let him feed her the cake. Once the cake touched her tongue, the flavours immediately exploded.

"This is—"

"Chocolate cake."

Rosalind blinked. This cake seemed so moist and full, but surprisingly, it wasn't that sweet. In fact, she could taste a little bitterness in its aftertaste. However, this seemed to make the cake even more delicious. She looked at the rest of the cake that was already kept inside a box.


He really will steal the rest of it.

Of course, she did not complain this time as the cake was indeed very good.

"We should leave now. They just discovered his body," Again, he pulled her closer as he jumped up towards the high ceiling. Using the window near the roof, Lucas and Rosalind left the house… with a cake in a box.


"I suppose you had a great time walking around the Black Market?" Mr. Pratt asked Rosalind the moment she arrived back at the merchant building. He immediately looked at the box in her hand but said nothing else.


"Wonderful! I am glad that you enjoyed your visit this time. How about some tea? A special bitter tea just arrived today."

"As much as I would love to, I will have to decline your offer Mr. Pratt. I still have some business to attend to."

Mr. Pratt nodded. "Let me guide you back to the room."

"Thank you."

The two of them started walking towards the room.

"It seems that the Duke of Duance did not try to find out your real identity. However, I cannot promise you that his enemies will not do it. In that, we may have a little problem."

"Problem?" she frowned.

"I have been trying to fix this but… it seems that I can no longer hide it from you."

"What is it?"

"A rumor has started…"

Rosalind pursed her lips without saying anything, so Mr. Pratt continued.

"It's about our staff, the ones that you healed."

"I thought they would not say a word about it?" she could not help but ask. Mr. Pratt assured her that those people will not talk.

"They did not. However, most of them already said goodbye to their families thinking that it would be best to say their farewells in advance as they would die inside that room. They chose not to come back to their families because… they did not want to infect them."

Rosalind felt like a bucket of cold water was poured inside her soul.

"Then they came back… home," Mr. Pratt continued.

"You cannot really blame them," Rosalind said. In response, Mr. Pratt nodded. "We are already working hard on trying to contain the rumors, but many are going to wonder very soon. This is the reason why I decided to inform you ahead of time. However, there is no need to worry. We promised to protect you… and we will never go back on the promises we have made."

Rosalind nodded. She could not stop those people from talking about the staff that were miraculously better. Soon, many people would know about her ability to heal and she could not stop the rumors from spreading.

She needed to at least reach the Duke's territory before her identity was compromised.

"Thank you for letting me know," she said as she hugged the box of cake a little tighter.

She needed to tell the Duke about this.

Not long after, Rosalind teleported back to the Count's estate.




Rosalind almost fell when she heard a loud banging on the door.

She frowned and placed her cake on the bed. Then she removed her skin mask and robe and made sure that it was back in her spatial bag before she opened the door.

"What is it?" she asked.

"I have been calling you." Dame Fraunces was standing outside of the room.

"I thought the Duke sent you back?" she asked. She looked around and noticed that Fraunces was alone.

"Am I not here in front of you, now?" Fraunces lifted an eyebrow.

"It is the middle of the night, Dame Fraunces."

"I wanted to talk to his Grace."

"He is not here," Rosalind said.

"Everyone knows that the Duke is staying here."

"I said, he is not here. He left. He had more important things to attend to."

"This is urgent," Fraunces said.

"You can tell me and I—"

"There is no need for that."

"So it's not as urgent as you said," Rosalind retorted.

Fraunces glared at her. "Then I will come back tomorrow."

Rosalind was curious yet she did not stop the woman from leaving. Lucas informed her that Fraunces and the maids were staying in another part of the mansion. Since this place was too big, they barely saw each other. Moreover, the fact that the Count had been healed must have spread by now.

Meaning, Fraunces must have already heard about it too.

Is that the reason she came here?

Rosalind slowly closed the door.

But just as she was about to walk towards the bed, there was another knock on the door. She opened it, thinking it was Fraunces only to see the Count's son, Leonardo…and he… was bleeding.

Before she could say a word, Leonardo held her hand. "Run… They are going to kill you."


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