Rosie's Games

Chapter 203: Creating Fire

"How do you know that?" Fraunces asked, confusion apparent on her face.

"I listened."

"You just— you were eavesdropping?"

Rosalind cleared her throat. "I was looking for something and I accidentally overheard their conversation."

"So, what are we going to do? They are looking for the Count to kill him. The Countess is working with them and… we are stuck here without a way to leave. Are we supposed to wait for the Duke to come to save us?" Fraunces demanded.

"Are you doubting him?"

"Of course not! I know him, he is a hero! However, I am not a woman that needs to be saved."

"Right," Rosalind nodded. "Of course, you don't."

"For someone who has been through thick and thin together, you are abnormally cold. Why are you so upset?" Fraunces asked.

"We have never been through any of that."

"We have saved each other's lives, it is safe to say we have been through a lot."

Again, Rosalind nodded. She had no energy or emotion left to spare.

"What's wrong? If you are scared, you must tell us. Your sorcery is important and we—"

"I am going to make that woman suffer." Rosalind declared.


"That Countess," Rosalind narrowed her eyes. "I am going to make her suffer." Out of nowhere, she got up. Rosalind did not think of herself as a righteous individual, and right then, she did not have any motivation to help the Count. After all, they were not close. They had never met or seen each other, not even in her past life.

It would not make any sense for her to sacrifice everything to save him.

However… that Countess really went too far this time. She actually wasted food— food that Rosalind wanted to eat.

In her past life, she was not able to eat a lot of nice things because she did not want to gain weight. Meaning, she died while missing out on more than a few delicacies from both the North and the South.

She's not going to let that happen again.

Her newfound goal to enjoy the delicacies in this continent was even more enticing than helping anyone else in this room.

"Where are you going?"

"Stay here," Rosalind said. "It's better for me to walk around alone."

"You cannot defend yourself," Denys said.

"And you, Sir, are not the first one who told me that today. But here I am… alive and well." Rosalind looked at Fraunces. "I will be back before the Count wakes up."

"Alright," Fraunces said. This time, she did not stop Rosalind like the first time that she left the room. It was because she already knew that the other woman was very capable.

Rosalind nodded, and then disappeared in front of their eyes.

This time, she used her dark Blessing to teleport out of the small room. It would be safer to move around that way. Once she was outside, she immediately activated her illusion and started walking toward the Countess's room.

"Hm?" she frowned when she heard something. It sounded like people wailing and begging. What happened? Just as Rosalind was about to follow the source of the sound, she saw another man that she recognized.

It was the Duke of Lonyth, Duke Moller. The man was with the Crown Prince, and a slightly annoying smile was sitting on his face.

"It has already started?" Duke Moller said.

"We had to do it before the Duke came back. The purpose of tonight's activities was to end the Count and his supporters. While we can not find the Count, his supporters are another thing. They are everywhere."

"I heard you even included the small lords and knights that supported the Count. Your Highness, I do not want to impose, but we do not want the people to hate you."

"What can they do to me, Moller? At the end of the day, power is power. I have the power and authority. I have something that they do not. They can hate me all they want, but it will not change the fact that it is I who has the power."

Duke Moller pursed his lips. However, Rosalind did not miss the slight smirk on the Duke's lips. Was he enjoying the Prince's reaction? No, that was a different smirk. This was something else…

Rosalind decided to observe.

"Your father is still alive. We do not know if the Duke of Wugari can revive him," Duke Moller began. "But there is no need to worry. My son is going to Wugari very soon."

"So, the rumors about that are true? Should we be alarmed about this matter?"

"No need, I agreed to send him there. He will give us all the information about the Wugari."

"I see…"

The two of them walked down the stairs and continued until they reached the main entrance of the mansion. In front of the large wooden doors were people— servants. They were standing in a line, their heads lowered, their clothes crumpled.

With this in mind, Rosalind once again vanished. The next time she appeared she was already inside the room.

"Why would you surprise us like this!?" Fraunces's reaction was expected. However, Rosalind was not here for that.

"Do you know how to make explosives?"


"Things that explode?" Rosalind clarified, she was looking at Denys.

"I know what they are, Miss Rosie. What I am asking is why do you need them."

"Then you must ask me properly. Do I look like I can read minds?" she snapped back. "I have no time. Can you make explosives?"

"With the proper material, yes."

"Good. You are coming with me."

Once again, the two of them left the room.

"What materials do you need?"

"Saltpeter, sulfur, and charcoal."

"I don't know—"

"We can use wine to create a fire instead."

Rosalind frowned.

"Then let us create a fire," she knew that these people keep their wines in a different building. Silently, she apologized to the Count. She had not intended to destroy everything, but right now, this was the only way.

Once they arrived, she quickly realized that it would be hard to implement her plan. The wines inside this room were… pretty expensive! How could she waste them by starting a fire? She would rather save them!

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