Rosie's Games

Chapter 210: Unmarried

"Shall we go ahead and visit the Kingdom?" Duke Lucas asked. It had been four days since he came back, four days since that incident happened.

By now, the news that the King was ill had reached the neighboring territories. Just as Lucas expected, everyone wanted the crown prince to succeed and become the new King.

However, another piece of news started to spread.

It was the current state of Cirid and its people.

Many said that a beast tide had started, yet the crown of Lonyth refused to say a word about it. The unrest spread. It was amusing how four days ago, Rosalind dealt with a huge upset and now, the Duke wanted to drag her toward Lonyth to heal the King.

But then again, this was a part of their deal. She had no right to complain. Not when… he was giving her too much.

Rosalind glanced at the table full of half-eaten desserts. Then she started wondering why he was giving her all this food. "I can't bring it," she said. She was not exactly being greedy, she just did not want to eat the food.

"There is no need to worry, we will be teleporting to the castle," he lowered, picked up a napkin, and dabbed it on the side of her lips. Rosalind tried to move her face away. "Don't—"

She stilled.

Before she could say something that she would regret, she grabbed the napkin out of his hand and started wiping her lips. Then she suddenly got up. Sadly, her movements were too quick. She was not looking at him and didn't know that his head was directly above hers.


She felt like her head hit a wall— a hard wall.

Rosalind lifted her head and realized she hit his chin. She felt her face turn hot, how could she hit his chin when he was more than six feet tall?

"What are you doing?"

"The robe—" slowly, he pointed behind her. Her robe was resting on the splat of the chair— the vertical wooden element of the back of the chair. She remembered putting her robe on the splat before she started eating. She did not want to give her robe to the maid nearby, as she did not want anyone to stand next to the table while she was eating.

Lately, Rosalind's appetite had changed and she thought this might be because she had been using her Blessing too often. In her past life, this had not happened as she suppressed the dark Blessing and only used the light one. However, this time is different.

She was both using the dark and light Blessing, sometimes even using it to the point of exhaustion.

This was the only reason that she could think of.

"I— I did not mean to do that," she cleared her throat and grabbed her own robe. "Thank you for trying to help." She used her light Blessing to heal her forehead, as she was almost certain that it would bruise.

He only nodded in response, his eyes were on the Blessing coming from her fingers.

"It seems that you have mastered the healing. You healed just like Federico and Martin Lux. It was as if they taught you."

"I have an excellent memory." She avoided his gaze as she put on her robe. In the past, she watched as Federico 'trained' Dorothy. Then, she would secretly train at night. Naturally, their methods would be quite similar.

"You saw them heal someone? I heard they never let other people see their methods."

She blinked and just gave him a shrug. She could feel his eyes on her.

"Do you want to know how I learned so quickly?" she asked.


"There is no need to beat around the bush. If you want to ask then, I will answer you. I accidentally awakened my Blessing in the mountains. It was only Milith and I… naturally, I have to survive."

"So, you just learned it because you have to."

"Yes." This was partly true.

The two of them started walking towards the mansion. "There is no need to feel that way anymore."

Rosalind paused when she heard his words. "What did you say?" she asked.

"I said, there is no need for you to force yourself to learn things to survive anymore."

"Why?" she asked.

"Because you have me now."

Rosalind felt her mouth drop. What was this man saying?

"I know this might sound ridiculous and perhaps a little awkward, but you are already one of mine. I would never let them hurt you."

She wanted to tell him they could no longer hurt her and that she was not going to stop feeling that way, but instead, she could only mutter a soft, "Thank you. I will remember that."

"Good… " the Duke stopped walking and stared at the black horse next to Denys. "Shall we go?"

"I only see one horse, Your Grace," Rosalind said.

"That is because we will have to ride together."


"Because we only have one horse," the Duke answered almost immediately. Without waiting for her to say another word, he lifted her up and let her sit on the horse— like a princess.

"I don't think—"

"Stay that way," the Duke said.

"Why?" She knew how to ride a horse. Why does she have to sit like a damsel in distress in the arms of her knight in shining armor?

Instead of answering her, Duke climbed up and made himself comfortable behind her.

"Because we will be in the capital as husband and wife," he whispered.

"What?" She thought they were going to teleport to the capital? What is this nonsense?

However, before he could answer her, she heard someone call her name.

It was Leonardo.

"Miss Rosie!" Leonardo ran towards them, his face red. However, this was not as red as the single rose in his hand.

Leonardo stopped running in front of them.

"I heard you are leaving," Leonardo said.


"I apologize. I have been too busy."

"Uhhh…" Rosalind could feel the Duke tense behind her. "Yes. It is not a problem, I understand."

"I just wanted to confirm something. I heard you are seventeen and still unmarried?"

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