Rosie's Games

Chapter 219: A Trap

"On the day of the crowning, thousands of people will die," Princess Freda smiled as she lovingly looked at her husband. "Are you prepared to face the consequences of your plan?" She asked, her hand slowly stroking his naked chest.

"Consequences?" he snorted. "Power?"

Freda only smiled in response. She then started kissing the path her hands had made.

"In three days, I will be King and you will be my Queen." He lifted her chin up and stared at her beautiful face. Seeing the coquettish smile on her face, he leaned closer and kissed her. Then he slowly pushed her away as he got up and found a robe to cover his naked body.

He heard her sigh.

"There is no need to hurry. We will have all the time in the world once I am King. For now, you enjoy yourself while I create the Empire that both of us wanted." Without looking back, he walked out of his room and immediately went to his study where Duke Moller was already waiting.

"How is he?" Prince Baltazar asked as he poured himself some wine.

"Still alive."

"Can you remind me why we are still keeping him alive?"

"We need him to frame the Duke of Wugari."

"The upcoming event will be enough for everyone to hate him. Why is it that you still want to keep that old man alive? We can just tell everyone that he died because of the curse. Is there a point in all this?"

"Your Highness, this is a part of the plan."

"Tsk." Baltazar sat on his chair and started drinking. Since he was a child, he had always hated his father for favoring the Duke of Wugari— for favoring someone that was not even related to him. So, when the Duke approached him and told him about his plans, he immediately agreed.

Sadly, it seems that he wanted something that Duke Moller cannot give.

The King's death.

For some reason, the Duke did not want them to kill the King. He said the curse and poison would be enough to kill him. That, letting him live and watch as they take the throne and kill everyone who defended him would be enough punishment for his deeds.

Baltazar disagreed.

Why did it have to be like this? All he wanted was to kill the King, his very own father, with his own hands.

"There is still no sign of him?" Baltazar asked.


"That man is like a rat, he should be around somewhere. I refuse to believe that he would just let this matter rest. He must be planning something."

"And we are looking forward to that plan." Duke Moller leaned back and started drumming his fingers on the table. "We assumed that he would stage a rescue before the coronation. He would surely want to save the King first as they are dear friends. The most important thing is for us to be there at that exact moment."

"Are you certain that we can defeat the Duke and his men?" Everyone knew that the Duke's men were more powerful than even their elite knights. They had a strength and speed that not many normal humans could fathom.

"Oh we will… we have that thing prepared against them. No matter how strong he is, we know that the Duke is not immune to the darkness."

"No one is immune to darkness and that would include us."

"If you are worried that it would hurt you, then just stay on the podium during the coronation. The podium and your quarters are going to be the safest place in this city once that thing explodes."

"Are we confident that it would do its job?"



"This would depend on which job you want it to do. If it is killing thousands of people that will be there for your coronation then it would certainly do its job, perfectly, I might add. If it is about framing the Duke, then… there might be a few more things that we have to consider."

"I thought this plan was going to work?"

"It will. But only if everyone does their job properly."

Baltazar finished his wine. He stared at the fireplace across his table. In just a few days, he would be able to sit on his throne. He would really love to see the look on Duke Lucas's face when that happened.

"I am going to see my father."

"Would you like me to accompany you?"

"No need," Baltazar reassured him. "Just make sure that all the bombs have been placed in the right area. I don't want any problems to happen."

"Yes, Your Highness." Duke Moller bowed as Baltazar left.

When the door closed, a woman suddenly appeared to the Duke's right. She was standing there, motionless. It was as if she had been there since Baltazar started.

"How foolish can he be?" the woman under the hood spoke. "Does he not realize that he too, will die on that day?"

"I told you… he can be a bit slow."

"Stupid is the term I would use," the woman said.

"You came here because?"

"I still cannot feel the Duke's presence nearby," the woman said. "Her Blessedness is getting impatient. She wants you to take care of Duke Lucas as soon as possible."

Duke Moller sighed. "I told you—"

"I heard it the first time. However, her Blessedness is not satisfied with this plan. She wants the Duke dead or captured as soon as possible."

"You knew that capturing a Rothley was almost close to impossible," Duke Moller said. "Isn't that why she sent you here?"

"You are not wrong."

"Are you confident that you can defeat him?"


"Good. As long as you are confident then we will not have any problems."

"I suggest you increase the stakes. We cannot lower our guards. That man might already be inside the castle hiding and waiting for us to make a mistake."

"Stakes? What do you mean?"

"The nobles… the ones that supported the King. I want you to start threatening them with an investigation. I heard that those nobles are quite close with the Duke of Wugari. Surely, this would force him to reveal himself, right?"

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