Rosie's Games

Chapter 229: A Sinister Thing

Rosalind stared at the large black veins that appeared on her hand.

It was darkness.

Was this the reason why most, if not all, of the sorcerers had this cracked skin? Was it because they were absorbing so much darkness that their body could no longer take it?

"You should rest, I am seriously worried about you," Magda said. She was the one tasked to take care of Miu. In fact, right now, Miu was sleeping on her lap like a small little child. She looked at Rosalind, her eyes full of worry. "I know we just met, and perhaps he told you something gruesome if you did not do your job well, but it is simply not worth your life."

Rosalind stared at the woman, speechless.

What was she talking about?

"We should get going." She got up and hid her hands in her clothes.

"What about you? Are you going to be fine in that state? I mean—"

"I can do it."

"That looks alarming. You need to rest."

Rosalind said nothing. The darkness inside her was growing, but there was a way to slowly deplete it.

"Give me an hour. I will be right back," said Rosalind. Before Magda could say another word, she used her darkness to teleport out of the inn and onto the roof. Glancing at the night sky, Rosalind closed her eyes and once again, teleported somewhere.

She needed to get the darkness out of her system and teleportation was the only way that she knew to do it.

"Hm?" Rosalind stopped teleporting when she reached a section of the walled gates that surrounded Lonyth. Outside of these walls were the small encampments of the people from Cirid. However, she did not pause because of them, she paused because she recognized someone in there.

Once again, she teleported. This time, she appeared not far away from the encampment. The place was hidden by some dead trees and, since it was dark, she was confident that no one was around this area. She started walking towards the encampment, but once again, stopped when she sensed some beasts lurking in the darkness.

They were smaller, not big enough to threaten an encampment full of hunters, but still, the fact that beasts were getting nearer and nearer to the gates was simply alarming.

"Rosie?" Valentin was the first one who spotted her. Valentin, Elias, and Captain Gaudy were currently surrounding a small bonfire, cooking some meat. Next to the Captain was also another woman that she recognized; Sofia. Of course, her maid was doing all the cooking for her.

"How did you get here?" Captain Gaudy was as welcoming as always but Rosalind noticed that his eyes darted behind her. Did he expect her to be with Lucas? Rosalind could not help but smile inwardly.

"They are no longer allowing ordinary people and hunters to go outside at this hour. The beasts are increasing," Valentin said.

"How did you get here?" Rosalind asked them in response. The last time that she saw them was during the fight at the pub.

"We are preparing to leave for Wugari."

"Aren't you going to witness the coronation?" Rosalind asked as she sat down next to Valentin.

"I have been trying to convince them to stay," Sofia chimed in. She smiled at Rosalind. "The grand crowning will be tomorrow. It would be nice to witness the festivities."

"We did not come here to do that," Elias said. His face looked sour and Rosalind instantly wondered if this was because of Sofia.

"It is not exactly fair that you would just leave after gathering supplies. You have been through a lot in Cirid, you should at least spend another night here and enjoy yourselves," Sofia said.

"People are dying outside of these gates and you wanted us to enjoy ourselves?" Elias snapped back.


"Alright, that's enough," Valentin uttered. "Lady Sofia, we have already decided to leave after this. Moreover, because of someone's doing, the guards kicked us out for fighting inside the pub. They will not let us in again. It is better this way. We never intended to stay In Lonyth for so long.'

After that, the group offered Rosalind some food to eat which she quickly refused. Luckily, the cracks in her hand were no longer there.

"How about you Miss Rosie? Are you planning to stay?"

"Ah, yes. For two more nights. It seems that we still have more important things to attend to," Rosalind met Valentin's eyes and the latter gave her a knowing look before he nodded in response.

"Is that so? Then how about I accompany you tomorrow in the plaza? I have been in Lonyth before and I know a place with some very good food."

Hearing the word food, Rosalind was very tempted. "Unfortunately, I will be working tonight." It was such a waste. "However, maybe I have the time tomorrow night! How about you bring me to some good restaurants and we can enjoy some food together?"


Almost immediately the conversation switched from leaving to the delicious delicacies in Lonyth. Apparently, this place was indeed well-known for its sweets. Since they were also nearer to the Kingdom of Rakha, there are also a lot of merchants from the south who frequent Lonyth.

"Lonyth is the prime location of the North," Sofia explained. "My father— when he was still alive— used to come here every month to buy some fabric and weapons from various kingdoms."

Rosalind's eyes twitched when she heard this. So, this was the reason why those merchants were not actually in a hurry to check the boxes. They must have been used to this kind of arrangement. Because of this, she could also conclude that whoever sent those boxes knew about this custom.

Sadly, this did not narrow down the list of suspects. Aside from Duke Moller, Rosalind could not think of anyone else. She could not even suspect the Prince as he would be with the crowd tomorrow. Judging from the size of the darkness inside those exclusives, she knew that once they explode, they would surely kill the Prince too.

'Who was it?' She asked inwardly. She refused to believe that Duke Moller was the only one responsible for doing such a sinister thing.

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