Rosie's Games

Chapter 84: Mercenaries 2

Rosalind stared at the array of different dresses in front of her. She blinked.

Then she turned towards the strict-looking lady standing not far away from her.

"The dresses— "

"His grace wanted the future duchess to dress according to the occasion. The Awakening event is a big matter, not just to the Empire, but to the seven other empires. His grace wanted the best fabric and style for the duchess of the North." The woman wearing a black suit smiled as she approached Rosalind. Then she handed her a brochure full of paintings of different dresses.

"Please check which jewelry you are going to wear for the event. After choosing the style of dress and type of fabric that you want, we will custom make it especially for you."

"Miss Monoroe, I think this is a bit overboard," Rosalind uttered. She just woke up to find more than ten dresses in her small room. Miss Monoroe, one of the best seamstresses in the Empire, told her to check the catalog for the rest of the dresses as they would no longer fit the room.

Apparently, Miss Monoroe had been sending letters to the Marchioness. It was an invitation for Rosalind to visit the shop and get arrangements for her very own dress for the awakening ceremony. However, the marchioness did not send any response.

So, Miss Monoroe was forced to use her seal as someone from the Northern Kingdom to enter this place and get her measurements.

"Overboard? This is what the duchess of the North deserved. Here… Why don't you wear this black dress? It will perfectly match your black hair and the Duke loved to wear black. This is going to be a statement of you becoming one with the North."

One with the North.

The sentence lingered inside her head for a few seconds.

"I am not good with clothes, Miss Monoroe, but if you say that black is a color that would suit me then please… by all means."

The woman looked at her with surprise.

"I did not expect that the Duchess is not like the woman described in the rumors."

"Rumors are rumors for a reason, Miss Monoroe," she replied. Miss Monoroe was a familiar name in her past life because of her talents in dressmaking. However, her name would be ruined once Dorothy became the Empress.

Dorothy and Emperor Lawrence did not want anyone who is not from the Empire to monopolize any of the business industry. So they schemed to ruin the best known personnel that was not from the Aster Empire. They had accused many people of being a spy and Miss Monoroe was one of those who had been accused.

It was all chaos.

But this only made the four quartermasters more famous.

Now that Rosalind thought about it, the ones who pushed this empire to ruin wasn't the disappearance of her blessing. It was the Emperor and Empress.

"I believe the color is going to be a statement. The Lux Family had always been blessed with white hair but you… you received beautiful black hair. Instead of hiding it, you must embrace it."

Rosalind smiled. In her past life, she never liked showing off her hair and thought of it as an embarrassment. But it was different now.

"I want to curl it," she stated. "Curl and just let it flow. And I want the black dress with sparkling stones."

"Very well. I will make sure that the Duchess is the most beautiful woman during the event."

"Though, I have some concerns."

"What is it?" Miss Monoroe asked.

"The event will be in two days. Can you make this dress in two days?"

"There is no such thing as giving up young Duchess. It is my duty to give you the dress that you want, and you shall get it. I will make sure of that."

Rosalind nodded.


Rosalind and Miss Monoroe looked at the door where the beautiful Marie Lux stood. Next to her was another woman with stark white hair, Nella Lux— Marie's mother.

"Rosalind," Nella walked in and greeted Rosalind. "I apologized for the unannounced visit, but we heard that Miss Monoroe was here to take your measurements." Without even waiting for Rosalind to say a word, Nella Lux was already holding Miss Monoroe's hand.

"Miss Monoroe, It is a pleasure to meet you. I have been a fan of your dresses for years. In fact, the dress that I am wearing— "

"Was something that I made two years ago," Miss Monoroe responded cordially. "I remember everything that I have personally made."

Nella beamed, her eyes sparkling with joy "Yes, I was lucky enough to have met Miss Monoroe all those years ago. It was such an honor to wear one of Miss Monoroe's dresses."

"You are praising me too much Miss Lux," Miss Monoroe uttered. In this world, a married woman who came from a prestigious family had two options.

First, they have the option to retain their last names and even ask their husband to take the woman's last name.

The second option is for them to use both last names. However, many people who belonged to the Lux Family chose to use the Lux last name instead. After all, becoming a member of such a prestigious family was an honor.

But this was not the case when Rosalind married Jeames in their past life. She actually chose to use both of the last names as she did not want to hurt her very own husband. What a silly thought.

"Ah, mother— this one— I like it!" Marie's voice interrupted the reunion between Miss Monoroe and Nella Lux. "I want this dress for the blessing."

"Well then… Miss Monoroe did not come here for you, Marie. If you want that dress, you must personally ask her to make it for you. Where are your manners?" Nella Lux smiled at Miss Monoroe. Then she batted her eyes and waited.

But even before Marie could utter a single word, Miss Monoroe already said, "My apologies, but I did not come here to make a dress for the young miss."

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