Rosie's Games

Chapter 98: The Unbelievers 5

"The North had been acting all mighty," Miss Ena Thun said as she sat down inside Federico's office. She might be an eighth-generation descendant but she had interacted with Federico for a long time because of her father's disease.

Federico, and now Martin Lux, have been healing her father.

"Are they looking down on the blessed ones?" she continued while casually pouring herself some wine. "The audacity of that General to act like that in front of everyone. I cannot— " she clicked her tongue before taking a sip from her glass.

When Federico still did not answer, she looked at him.

"Besides that… the awakening did not go as planned this time. What are you planning to do now?"

Just as Federico was about to answer, Martin walked inside, his expression was as serious as his father's.

"You called for me?"

"Sit," Federico gestured.

"What is it?" he asked as he sat down across from Ena. Seeing Ena casually drinking wine, he also poured himself a glass and then looked at his father.

"The Goddess did not give us her blessing. Yet." Federico said.

"I know. We can— "

"Miss Thun will be providing us with two women. They will become your mistress and you will have them bear your child."


Hearing this, Ena Thun smiled and nodded.

"Mistress? Father—I don't think— "

"We need someone from your lineage to become the next blessed one. That is the only way for me to die at peace."


"I am not in my prime Martin, and as much as I like to live forever, I am not blessed enough to do that. One of these days, I will perish and you will lead this family. Once that happens, we need to secure the line of blessed ones. To do that, you need to have someone birth more children for the family."

"Victoria and the Foster family would never allow that to happen," Martin stated. "In the past, the Foster Family already caused a ruckus when I took that woman in. This time— I am not certain that they would do— "

"And what would they like us to do? Dorothy did not receive the blessing of the Goddess! Did they want our line to perish?"

"Martin, I think your father is right. You should— you must consider taking in more women and having more children. I do not understand why Victoria would not allow you to do that. She was the one who cannot give you more children. Why would she stop you from having more? As a Blessed one, you have the responsibility to bear more children and share the goodness of the Goddess."

"This is a family matter. Please refrain from— "

"It was Miss Ena who graciously offered to give us the most fertile women from her clan. Someone from another Blessed family does not sound too bad."

"Father, have you lost your mind?" Martin asked. The reason why not many people from the Blessed family marry someone from another Blessed family was not just because of the distance between the Empires. It was also because mixing two bloodlines would only complicate things."

For instance, if someone with the blood of the Blaize Family would impregnate someone from the Lux Family, there was no telling what the child would be. There is a possibility that the child will get red hair and another possibility of white hair.

"This was a very complicated thing, father. Please think it through." Martin asked.

"Martin, I believe you got it all wrong. The woman that I told your father about is not exactly someone from my lineage. Over the years, we have had a few branch families. These are families that are not really related to us by blood. The reason why we call them branch families is that we chose the bride and some groom of our descendants from their families. They were smart and beautiful. Tall and have really good genes. We made it like this to make sure that our descendants will be strong and pleasant in the eyes." Ena calmly explained.

"You— "

"They have been doing the things that many of the blessed families refused to do because of morals. But now that I thought about it, I believe what they were doing is right. So, I will ask permission from the Emperor to establish our very own branch family to keep our bloodline strong and pure." Federico added.

"You— "

"And you do not have a say in this matter," Federico said. "Miss Ena will give us two women and you shall do your best to impregnate them. Do not worry, there will be no wedding and you are not required to spend any more time with them. Victoria is still going to become the Marchioness, that I can assure you."

"Father, this is— "

"Again, you have no say in this matter. From now on, Miss Ena will be providing you two women every two months. You shall do your best to impregnate them until I successfully establish our own branch family."

"Martin, please do not misunderstand your father's intentions. The Northerners— despite their barbaric ways, have slowly gained a reputation in the south because of their bravery. Right now, many people have started to criticize us for involving ourselves in politics instead of fighting in the North. It was a mess. This is the time that we need to earn the blessing of the Goddess."

"But impregnating women? Monogamy is a rule in this Empire, if the citizens hear about this, they would surely criticize us." Martin muttered. There was a reason why many people have criticized the Thun Family and this breeding method is only one of them.

"But many people understood why we were doing this. Monogamy is not something that the Goddess asked everyone to do. Even if everyone had been practicing Monogamy, we should be an exception, after all, we are blessed by the Goddess. Our Blood is special. Why do we need to limit ourselves when we are tasked by the Goddess to protect this Kingdom?" Ena smiled, her voice soft and gentle. Yet, the glint in her eyes was saying a different thing.

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