Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 113: Target 1 secured

In less than a breath of time both kids, reached their targets and slipping behind their backs they knocked them out with a powerful kick on their back of the head.

It was a really clean and natural neutralizing that made Tianlong Yun stunned at the kids talent but there was still to come because in the time he had given them there were 20 clean knock outs in the surroundings, cleaning the place.

It was right the twins had taken out 20 people because that was the correct number, Tianlong Yun wanted to test their skills fully that's why he lied about the real number of the sleeping cells.

But they didn't disappoint him, furthermore their natural talent in hiding, sliding through the weak points and silent neutralization was top notch. What more could you require in a shadow killer, and furthermore there were two of them, identical to each other.

He was truly lucky having found these gems that could be trained in professional killers that would terrorize not only this planet but even the Immortal world.

But there was not much time to think now it was his time to show his skills, confirming once again the presence of Chu Feng and Mu Xiya inside the taxi.

He ran on the back and using the strength of the 4th small stage of Body Transformation stage he grabbed the bottom of the car and raised it a bit up so that the back wheels spin in air and the car was stuck in the place.

The people inside the car were startled at first and shocked after. It wasn't everyday that you could see a young man stop a car in the place by lifting it from the ground while the car was moving at a normal speed.

The driver of the car who most probably was one of the trained people under Chu Feng gathered himself pretty quickly and turning the car off, so no accidents occurred he got out of the car.

Unfortunately just as he got out off the car two kicks came on the back of his head knocking him out. At this moment Chu Feng was starting to go crazy he was losing control of the situation.

His plan to bait the person hiding using his car had failed and he had been found, but the worst was that the sleeping cells he had placed along the way weren't responding to his radio call.

As if his bad dreams were continuing even further his last line of defense the guy who was supposed to be a master in martial arts had been knocked out from what seemed to little kids.

What the hell was happening in this place? He couldn't comprehend anything at the moment. But his face contorted even more when he saw the face of Tianlong Yun putting the car down.

Mu Xiya all this time had been following Chu Feng's plan and didn't have any idea to oppose or offer an opinion. To her the situation was simple her family had sold her to Chu Feng as some cheap women to enter his good side.

But she was completely stunned when she saw the guy who had destroyed all her plans and dreams still alive and kicking. In a much better way than before, now he had a proud and arrogant look on his face like this world wasn't worthy of him.

She was furious inside this son of a b*tch that had destroyed all her life was still alive and so handsome and powerful at the moment, at the end her thoughts strayed from the original line of thought but there wasn't much she could do about it.

After all he looked pretty cool at this moment but that didn't change the fact that this guy had destroyed all her plans and dreams she really hated him.

Tianlong Yun didn't care about the shocked look on Chu Feng's face or the look full of hate on Mu Xiya's face, to him they held no value at all. But he had to accept those were some good looks they had.

But he didn't have time right now to listen to their crap so turning to the kids he made a small sign for them to knock them out and pretty soon both Chu Feng and Mu Xiya were out.

Taking them over his shoulders Tianlong Yun lead the kids towards the Tianlong house where the whole crowd would gather and start the show. The 1st target was secured now he just had to wait for the others.

Meanwhile in another part of the city, Gao Ling, Tianlong Yue along the four other boys Tianlong Lu, Tianlong Ying Yan, Tianlong Gang and Tianlong WenHe had just arrived in front of Chu Feng's house.

Their targets were clear Chu Fengs wife and daughters had to be captured and brought to the Tianlong house.

Right now they were checking the security of the place. There were around 10 armed security guards around and including the servants inside the house it would be a pain in the ass to deal with so many people without noise.

But they had Gao Ling with them who knew the secret ways to enter and get out of the mansion without grabbing attention.

Lead by Gao Ling they managed to find an underground tunnel that led inside the house. Everything seemed normal at the first 50 meters but after that there were some small cells in the tunnel.

To Gao Ling this was normal after all this was the place where Chu Feng would train his maid toys, not all the girls had the luck to be played with over a nice and comfy bed.

Chu Feng was a pervert who wanted to play with his women and treat them just like animals or like useless beings so that he could feel himself powerful and higher than them.

To Tianlong Yue and the boys this was something disgusting and that deserved to be punished, but they felt a bit better when remembered that Tianlong Yun was going to make him suffer.

Walking like that in the last cell before going up, they found the body of a young girl. She seemed to have suffered a lot of mistreatment from her master, and was covered all in semen and piss.

Seeing her like that angered all of them, that perverted beast didn't know limits at all. The girl seemed to be around 16 years old with blonde hair and a nice white skin that was destroyed by the semen and piss over her.

But there was nothing they could do about her, just as they were about to leave they heard her small voice,

The Girl:"Ple..please pa..papa do..don't hurt me. I..I am so..sorry."

Hearing her small voice made them all stop at the same time. Not just from hearing her voice but from the content of her words. She just said 'papa' did that mean she was Chu Feng's daughter?

That perverted beast had done such a thing to his own daughter? They knew he had made the other two his toys but they were living in the high society and seemed to enjoy all the benefits that came with it.

But this girl didn't seem to be understanding what was going on, on her surroundings she was talking in her sleep or fainted state.

Seeing that poor soul like that Tianlong Yue said,

Tianlong Yue:"Sister Gao Ling, you and little brothers go ahead with the mission while I will clean her up and prepare her to take her with us when we leave."

Gao Ling knew that Tianlong Yue's position was higher than her own and furthermore she had the same idea as her, so immediately she agreed and said firmly,

Gao Ling:"Ok my lady, we will go and take care of those above. Don't worry we won't take much time."

Saying that, she and the boys, left the place towards the mansion above. Meanwhile Tianlong Yue found the tap and started to clean the body of the girl.

She had seen and tasted a lot of white milk from her future hubby and also taken a lot of it inside, but it had always smelled and tasted good. But right now she was about to throw up from the nasty smell of that thing.

She suddenly was really happy because she might have been just like the girl she was cleaning, but her love saved her and gave her a new family. Perhaps he could do the same thing with this girl also, after all she might be her biological sister.

While Tianlong Yue was thinking like this Gao Ling and the boys were walking slowly and silently towards their targets rooms. The first target was Chu Fei, her room was closest and she was also the biggest idiot according to Gao Ling.

After all she had refused and reproached her master in his face, well it was his fault for being so low-key but that didn't matter to her. She just knew she had to teach her a good lesson when all this was over.

Reaching and entering her room they found Chu Fei masturbating in her bed while moaning,

Chu Fei:"Yeshhhhh mashhterrrrr, your big dragon is shoooo bigggg."

She was either ordered to do that or she really liked to be played with and have her secret cave explored and pierced all the time.

Gao Ling didn't want to spend much time with her or get discovered, and the boys where just disgusted at her actions, she was really cheap in their eyes.

Without waiting for a second more of her moaning and her stupid masturbation Tianlong WenHe and Tianlong Gang knocked her out and covering her with a sheet from the bed they started to walk towards the tunnel.

They all knew what to do after securing one they would send them to the tunnel, and then return to help the others.

Gao Ling looking at their actions wanted to laugh when they couldn't see that stupid b*tch play with herself anymore but this wasn't the time and the place.

Leaving her room, Gao Ling and the left two boys made for the other ones room. Just like her sister even she was playing with herself but the difference was that this time she had even wilder fantasies and ideas.

She was playing with herself while having a big toy inserted inside her asshole, that seemed to be stretched to the limits. That view was even more unbearable than the first so the boys acted quickly.

Knocking her out they wrapped her like a Christmas present and took her down towards the tunnel just like the duo before them.

Now Gao Ling was left alone and like a thieving cat she made for the room of Chu Feng's wife, only to be shocked by what was happening inside…


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