Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 36: Opportunity and her real feelings (7/7)

Inside the hotel room was a mess, but the most weird and attention grabbing thing was that if you looked at Lu Bing you would see that there was a bulge in her stomach. And from her secret cave had flown like a waterfall a mix of love honey and white milk, a deadly combo.

Tianlong Yun woke up from his sleep around 8 o'clock in the morning and today was the last day of their stay in here, since today was a Sunday. Beside him Lu Bing was sleeping like a kitten but she got awake immediately after feeling her master awake.

She opened her beautiful big brown eyes kissed her master with passion and said lovingly,

Lu Bing:" Good morning master, I will continue with my work immediately." Even though she was feeling really sore between her legs and she couldn't think she would walk properly for some time she lowered her body and then brought her mouth towards her masters' dragon.

After all she had her orders to do this every morning and to her a little pain didn't stop to do her job on the opposite actually it made her even more excited. What can you expect from a masochist?

Just like the day before Lu Bing showed her amazing skills and made her master feel really good with her work. I mean isn't every man's dream to wake up like that? In this moment was the same for Tianlong Yun it didn't matter that he was a mix of a dragon and phoenix, right now he was a man.

After that nice wake up Tianlong Yun got out of the bed and let Lu Bing rest for a bit, today they would return back home and it would be a real problem if she couldn't walk at all. So he got up the bed took a shower and brushed his teeth and then went out to buy some food. They were both starving.

Tianlong Yun changed his look to not be noticed from the guys outside and went to buy some food for him and Lu Bing. The truth was that he could order food to his hotel room, or easily tell the guards that his stepmother had kept outside.

But he wanted to make his subduing seem really tiring and dramatic, if you can create a show than you should try for the best. This was what he was trying to do. He wanted to make his stepmother, Gao Ling and their master think he had suffered a lot. And probably this way he could get some relax time and better expressions when he revealed everything.

Just thinking about it made him really excited. Thinking about excitement he remembered the idiot Chu Fan and thought what was he doing and if he was afraid that he had escaped. He really wanted to have a meaningful fight one of these days and understand and control his power. What should he do to make that happen?

It was obvious that Chu Fan would never live up to his expectations so he needed to find something else, but it would be really troublesome to do. Anyway he would think about it when he had more time, now he had to buy some food or he would die of starvation.

Buying food in a little family restaurant outside the red light district Tianlong Yun made way towards the hotel he was staying with Lu Bing. Walking while thinking Tianlong Yun suddenly saw something that made him really excited.

No it was not a woman, it was a pamphlet for underground fighting. In that pamphlet was mentioned an underground fighting competition that would start after 10 days and it was also clearly mentioned that there would be a lot of masters and grandmasters showing up for this competition. After all, the prize was 250.000 yuan plus 15.000 yuan for each match ending in K.O.

It was like heaven-sent opportunity for him, he could go and have some real good fights and at the same time win some money for his cultivation resources. It was still a long time for him to control the Tianlong house and make it the biggest and wealthiest in the world. He needed a lot of money to buy cultivation resources.

Having finally solved one of the biggest concerns he had, Tianlong Yun returned to the hotel room really happy, finding a hungry and weak Lu Bing lying on the bed happy and smiling. He was really curious to know what happened and asked teasingly,

Tianlong Yun:" What happened my little slave were you so happy that your master was away?" And continued to stare at her with a teasing smile.

Lu Bing woke up from her reverie like a startled rabbit and looked at her master and her face and ears got completely red like tomato. The truth was that she was remembering everything that had happened until now, and she was really happy to find her new master.

She was really satisfied and enjoyed the way he treated her and the fact that he was a true man through and through and not a pervert and idiot guy like the master Tianlong Xiangyun and Gao Ling were trying to introduce to her.

Well her new master may be a little perverted because a guy making so much love with her and had already two wives and didn't think to stop there, was in no way normal and not perverted. But he treated his wives with love and care, and even though she was a masochist he didn't torture her much.

She felt that he was the perfect master for her, but saying all this of course would make her feel a bit shy and timid. After all it hadn't passed more than three days together and she was already so smitten with her new master. But she couldn't allow herself to allow her master doubt her so she said firmly,

Lu Bing:" I know that it is too sudden and too early to say this master, and probably you wouldn't believe me but I am really happy to have become your little slave, even though that I would try my best to not stay a slave but reach more. What I want to say is that I really like you as my master and am really happy with everything and I will do anything for you master."

Tianlong Yun was stupefied he had been a Dragon Prince in his previous body and had relationships with many women and could say that he understood a bit about women as beings but all he knew was out of the window with Tianlong Yue and now Lu Bing.

How the hell was this possible, there hadn't passed more than three days and she was clearly saying that she would even die for him, and the worst thing it didn't seem like a lie or a joke. He could tell she was clearly serious and firm in her decision.

Did he break her too much or was she already so broken from the beginning? He couldn't help but try to think hard to find at least a viable reason for her to change like this but he couldn't.

Noticing her masters confusion Lu Bing said firmly again,

Lu Bing:" I know it seems really difficult to believe master, after all I can't believe what is happening myself, but this is the way I am feeling right now. I am not saying this to pleasure you, and don't expect anything extra from master, I just want to stay by your side for all my life and show my loyalty to master."

Tianlong Yun was still a bit lost and confused but then he thought that this wasn't a bad thing, no matter the reason or reasons the main point at the end of this was that Lu Bing had really become his little slave, and she would never betray him.

So he put all the other thoughts at the back of his head and just said warmly,

Tianlong Yun:" Very well my little slave I hope you win my trust with the pass of time and become someone precious to me. Now let's eat, I am starving."

Lu Bing was really happy at her masters' words because he had said she could become someone precious to him and that left room for a lot of different thoughts and ideas in her mind. But hearing her stomach gurgle she was again embarrassed but she quickly recollected herself and started feeding her master and then eating for herself.

To her right now her master was her everything and she would always put him before herself, even she herself didn't understand why and how it was possible but she could tell that her future beside him would be limitless.

Finished eating their food Tianlong Yun told her coolly,

Tianlong Yun:" I am going to train for some time, you can rest a bit my little slave and after that we will leave this place and return home." Then he entered meditation training without waiting for an answer from his little slave…


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