Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 62: Assurance and breakthrough

Inside was just like the first time when they entered this place, they had bitter but also happy memories. For Lu Bing this place was the place where her life started for a second time. It was the place where she fell in love with this guy, even though this wasn't the best place to fall in love it certainly was unique.

Seeing that it was almost time for Gao Ling to come Tianlong Yun didn't want to waste time and commit a mistake so he told Lu Bing to tie him up, but she let the tie loose so he could easily release himself if need arises, not that he needed it but anyway.

She also covered his eyes and then started to serve her hubby and taste that big dragon of his till that bitch arrived, even though all she wanted right now was be together alone with her hubby. Right when she could feel that her hubby was close to climax from her tasting, the door knocked.

Damn couldn't she wait one more minute or something, she was really angry at this bitch for spoiling her and her darlings moment, she cursed inside but went to open the door.

In the mean time Tianlong Yun was even more angry than Lu Bing after all he was enjoying his beautiful lovers attention when the door knocked. He was pissed off, I mean who would be happy to have been stoped before climaxing, he made his resolve to torture that bitch more than he had thought previously.

Lu Bing opened the door and was looking at a Gao Ling covered in a big black long jacket with her hair tied up in a pony tail waiting outside the door. Entering inside, and seeing Lu Bing close the door she took off the black jacket to reveal a dominatrix leather suit that showed everything but at the same time closed the most important areas like the nipples and her secret cave.

Lu Bing had to say she was really prepared for this, but she was also gloating inside because she knew that really soon the hunt and the hunter would change places. Opposite to Lu Bing, Gao Ling was showing her gloating on her face after all in front of her was her little prey that she would enjoy torturing and playing with.

But it was at that time that she felt a handkerchief on her nose and her vision blurred and blackened and she couldn't make sense of what happened before losing consciousness.

After putting Gao Ling to sleep with chloroform Lu Bing untied her hubby and was looking at him in the eyes, she still felt bad for earlier. Seeing her expression made Tianlong Yun happy at this beautiful woman who was feeling guilty even though it wasn't her fault.

He caressed her face and then patted her head and said tenderly,

Tianlong Yun:"Don't worry love it wasn't your fault, but we can't right now, you have to deal with that succubus before that idiot gets to her. And as for this bitch I will deal with her properly don't worry love."

Hearing her hubby tell all this gently while patting her head made Lu Bing really happy, he really cared about her, she wasn't just a toy or a passerby for him. Women are really mysterious creatures sometime they would lose their self confidence just because they thought their man was better than them.

Truly a paradox loving someone so much as to think he deserves better than them, but also not wanting to be left out. Tianlong Yun could sense her worries, after all Lu Bing never tried to hide them in the first place, she felt really safe, secure and loved by her hubby so when she was around him she was 100% original in her thoughts and feelings.

The same could be said for Tianlong Yun when he was by the side of his women and family he never faked his personality, only in the cases when he thought of protecting his women.

So seeing her expression like that he got closer to her kissed her lips gently and then said in her ear,

Tianlong Yun:"Don't think unnecessary stuff love, you are mine, Tianlong Yun's woman and I will never treat you as a toy or abandon you, this is my word and my promise." Saying like this he hugged her hard and caressed her back.

Lu Bing hearing her hubby's words changed immediately and started laughing and crying from happiness, truly paradox beings women are. Feeling as happy as she was and so energetic she kissed her lover one last time and went to complete her assignment.

Even though her hubby loved her and would never mistreat and judge her, she wanted to do her best for her hubby and her sisters, she had a family now, she wasn't alone. she had to do all she could to help her family and together with them open a new path towards a future together.

Left in the hotel room alone with Gao Ling, Tianlong Yun took her unconscious body tied her up in a frogtie bonding, put a gag ball in her mouth and then suspended her in the middle of the room at a specific suspender, with her legs open, showing a clear view of her body.

He had to accept this type of role play and dominating way of making a woman submit was much to his liking as a dragon he had never thought of it in his previous body. After all with his power and status he only had to open his mouth and thousands of young lady's would block his door to receive his blessing.

Anyway now that the tying up job was done he took out his phone and called the famous doctor Song, who probably would never want a second call from this guy again. Hearing the sound of his call being picked up Tianlong Yun started talking to him,

Tianlong Yun:"Hello doctor Song it has been a really short time, but I need your help again." Saying this he waited for an answer while also building pressure on the guy.

Doctor Song was still a bit traumatized from the previous happenings and he thought he would never had to deal with this again, after all he was a well known doctor and had relations to really powerful people, but he couldn't afford to lose his honor and standing in the society, even though it wasn't totally his fault.

Hearing the voice of this person again made him shiver a bit remembering how easily he had kidnapped his son the previous time and said reverently,

Doctor Song:"You promised me not to call me again, why are you doing this to me?" And he couldn't help but lament at his shitty luck of attracting such a bad luck star in his life. It wasn't that he hadn't done anything wrong in his life but never something that involved the high society.

Tianlong Yun hearing the words of the doctor laughed a bit lightly and said,

Tianlong Yun:"Oh common doctor Song don't play the saint with me, we both know about your dealings with the underworld. Furthermore this might be a good opportunity for you to earn a better reputation and also make a good friend, what do you say."

Hearing this bad luck star talk about his dealings with the underworld made the doctor startled and start sweating but hearing that he was being proposed a deal at the same time, he wasn't sure how to feel, after all who can in a situation like this.

But seeing that he had no other option beside accepting and praying that his choice was correct, doctor Song said with a sigh,

Doctor Song:"Sighhhh, it's not like I have any other choice beside believing you right now, so tell me what should I do." He was really without any other choice if this case went to the police then his reputation would be ruined and if he went to the underworld then his life would be in danger.

Tianlong was happy that this doctor was smart and could analyze the situation quickly so he gave him the instructions of what to do and said firmly,

Tianlong Yun:"One day you will thank the heavens for this choice doctor Song, now I have to leave so good bye and wait for my next call." Finishing his call and closing his phone Tianlong Yun prepared his bath to finally breakthrough to the second big stage of cultivation, Qi Refining stage.

After everything was ready he entered the bath and could feel the medicinal bath working on his body, destroying and recreating every single blood cell in his body and together with his blood refining and opening every closed meridian inside his body.

The process was so painful that his gums were bleeding from the force he was clenching his teeth not to scream. Also small leaks of blood could be seen all over his body. This painful process lasted for some time, and during this time Tianlong Yun could finally enter his sea of consciousness and observe his soul inside, this was the first time he was entering his sea of consciousness after the transmigration of his soul to this new world, and what he saw inside left him stunned…


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