Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 91: Slave and introduction of the 16 Shadows

Gao Ling was stunned she had never seen Tianlong Yun be so serious before and she knew that now she would make the most important choice of her life, well she had already promised her life to him so she said without holding back,

Gao Ling:"Yes master, Gao Ling accepts your will and promises to stay by your side for all her life."

Tianlong Yun receiving the confirmation and seeing that she was as serious as he was for this, he approached her slowly kissed her on the forehead and biting his finger he said,

Tianlong Yun:"Very well my little toy, now let yourself free and accept everything coming your way, I will take care of the rest."

Gao Ling was a bit startled seeing him bite his own finger but she decided to believe and leave her fate in her master's hands.

Tianlong Yun started drawing the same seal he made on the forehead of Ren Chang Xia, he was going to turn Gao Ling to a sex-slave also. After all she was already his toy and had gotten used to this mentality so it was easier for her this way.

Drawing the seal on her forehead he lowered his hand towards her secret cave and said charmingly,

Tianlong Yun:"Now that the seal has been drawn the only thing left to do is complete the seal with you drinking your master's sweet milk with your lower mouth."

Gao Ling was startled and then exited after all she had been waiting for such a thing from the moment he had left their hotel room. Now only hearing his charming voice made her more than ready to start.

Her love honey started dripping only from his words, truly a worthy toy and slave to have. For the next hour inside the room could only be heard the muffled moans of Gao Ling and the grunts of Tianlong Yun.

Gao Ling was forced to muffle her moans because outside were the kids and she didn't want them to hear her excited moans. But she couldn't stop her moans and amazement when she saw how the seal got completed and activated.

Now she could feel some kind of connection with her master and knew that his wishes were orders for her from now on. But it didn't matter for her after all she was already used to it, and she liked when she was being commanded and dominated.

So it was a win-win situation for her and Tianlong Yun. The only thing that made the place weird was that she couldn't hold her moans when the seal got completed and she climaxed so everyone on the warehouse heard her.

Most of the kids played it cool like it was normal thing after all Gao Ling had introduced herself as Tianlong Yun personal maid, so it wasn't much of a surprise. But there were two girls who were jealous of Gao Ling.

After some time Gao Ling came out of the room to look the kids one last time before sleeping, and she could feel the look full of competition from the two little girls. She approached them and said,

Gao Ling:"I know what you think right now, but he will not accept you if you become extra jealous you know, furthermore it's bad for your face."

The two girls knew that she was probably right, a man like Tianlong Yun must have a lot of girls and women trying to gain his favor and attract his attention so they had to do their best to not bother him and make him look at them like women.

Gao Ling seeing her words had effect didn't say anything extra and just left after seeing that everyone had eaten and entered the bed. Then she went upstairs again to sleep beside her beloved master.

Next morning Tianlong Yun woke up early and brushed his teeth and took a quick shower, there was a little shower outside the room on the second floor. At the moment he woke up, Gao Ling woke up with him.

She was a maid and it was already a reflex for her to wake up early, so feeling her master wake up she got up and wanted to start to prepare breakfast, but Tianlong Yun stopped her and said,

Tianlong Yun:"We are going to eat breakfast outside, furthermore today help the kids pack we are going to leave this place."

Even though his words weren't said as an order Gao Ling didn't question his words at all, to her after last night every word of her master was an order to her.

So brushing her teeth and fixing her clothes she went downstairs to talk to the kids and relay Tianlong Yun's words to them.

Tianlong Yun after getting ready walked downstairs to see 16 kids arranged just like chess pieces in front of him according to their age and height. He didn't know what to call them so he asked calmly,

Tianlong Yun:"So my shadows your surname is already Tianlong like me but what should your given names be, why don't you chose one yourself."

The kids were a bit startled but the oldest among them the two girls answered for all the group,

Girls:"Why doesn't Master decide for us, this is a new life that master gave us and as the head of our family it is best that Master chooses our names." They truly wanted him to give them names, it was a way to always remember that he was the one who saved and gave them a name and a family.

Tianlong Yun wasn't good at naming people but since this was their wish he didn't want to break their hearts so he deiced to give it his best shot.

Starting from the youngest kid he seemed around 8 years old, black hair, brown eyes and a cute innocent look. Looking at him he said from today you will be known as Tianlong Lu.

The second one was a girl of 9 years old with raven black hair and emerald eyes that looked him in the eyes. She was truly going to be a beautiful lady when she grew up, so he decided to call her Tianlong Meigui.

The third one was again a little girl of 9 years old, she had black hair and olive eyes, she looked really cute and protective for her age, when he approached her she said,

Little girl:"Big brother thank you for saving us, I promise I will be strong when I grow up and protect you. Also I want to become your bride when I grow up." Leaving everyone stunned at her words.

Tianlong Yun recollecting himself after the surprise from the little girl he said warmly,

Tianlong Yun:"Of course you will be very strong and protect big brother, as for becoming my bride we have to wait and see if you still think the same when you grow up. From now on your name will be Tianlong Hu Die."

Then he gave her a little pat on the head and continued to the next one. This was a boy with brown hair and sharp brown eyes that looked like a hawks eyes. He was only 10 years old but he had a resolute look on his face. Looking at his characteristics he decided to call him, Tianlong Ying Yan.

The fifth kid was a boy of 11 years old with black hair and deep green eyes, he seemed like he was a stubborn kid but with steel will, and once he made his resolve it didn't seem like he would back off. Seeing him like that he decided to call him, Tianlong Gang.

The next kid was again a boy of 11 years old but different from the others he had blonde hair and blue eyes, he looked more like an European kid than a Chinese one. But it would be useless to ask him about his origin even though he seemed like a really funny kid. He decided to call him, Tianlong Jingshen.

After him it was a girl of 11 years old that was like an identical copy of the boy, apparently she was his big twin sister who always looked after her little brother. She seemed really cute and protective of her little brother, but she was showing a genuine smile to him. He decided to call her Tianlong WeiXiao.

After the first twins there were another twins but this time both of them were boys and were like two drops of water with black hair and deep brown eyes. He couldn't differ them from each other with a normal look but using his spirit sense he could.

They were both 12 years old and seeing at their identical appearances he decided to call them, Tianlong Da Diushi the older brother and Tianlong Xiao Diushi the younger one.

The tenth kid was a 12 years old boy with brown to black hair, olive eyes and a bit plump body. He seemed pretty nice and gentle so Tianlong Yun decided to call him Tianlong WenHe.

After him 4 kids were staying a bit closer to each other, they were three boys and a girl. The boys had the usual black hair and sharp eyes, while the girl had brown hair and big ruby eyes. Two of the boys were 13 years old and the last boy and the girl were 14 years old.

Apparently they had been living together all this time and knew each other better, and they still had built some kind of protective wall against Tianlong Yun because they didn't really believe his intentions.

Tianlong Yun knew that not everyone would believe him immediately so he said to them,

Tianlong Yun:"I know it is hard for you to believe me and there is no way for me to prove this quickly, but you will see with time that everything I have said to you is true. Would you like me to give you names or would you choose one yourself?"

The kids were startled since they gained consciousness nobody had treated them nicely like that and asked them gently, all their life they were forced to live through worse and worse. Leaving in such a place like that how could they believe something so good was happening to them.

But deciding to try their fate, after all at most they would die or suffer that wasn't new to them, so the girls said for all of them,

Girl:"You give us names master." She didn't know what to say after all what they were doing was gambling with their lives but since they reached until here, there was no turning back.

Tianlong Yun looked at them warmly and seeing how they were always all four together he named them after the four guardian beasts, the boys were Tianlong Qinglong, Tianlong Xuanwu, Tianlong Baihu and as for the little girl her name would be Tianlong Zhuque.

The kids were really satisfied with their powerful looking names and for a moment they felt what happiness truly was.

Reaching the last two girls of the group Tianlong Yun didn't know how to behave after all they had clearly shown him that they started to like him, and now that he looked at them carefully they were truly beautiful girls.

One of them had red hair and beautiful emerald green eyes that could make any man lose himself on those eyes, with luscious pink lips and a still hot developing body with nice curves. She seemed like she was always fiery like fire and right now was looking at him with eyes full of passion.

The other girl was more controlled and seemed to be the gentle type, like she was the care taker of the group. She had beautiful purple hair and olive eyes, with red beautiful lips. Even though she was still developing her soft mountains of jade were big enough to surprise him.

And even though she seemed ashamed of those, when she felt his look on her she pushed them forward with courage, but regretted her decision later thinking he would think of her as a lowly woman.

Tianlong Yun was laughing inside at her actions she was really cute, but returning to the topic he had to give them names so he decided to call the first one Tianlong Huo and the second one as Tianlong Shui.

The two girls were really excited at their new names and mustering all their courage they said,

Tianlong Huo & Tianlong Shui:"Master we know that you think we are still too young to decide for ourselves and probably you look at us with the same eyes as little sister HuDie but we really like you and would like to be your for our whole life. Just wait for us to grow a bit more and we will say the same again."

It was truly funny hearing this when the person in front of them was supposed to be only one year older than them but it was a real situation and nobody dared to laugh because those were the girls feelings.

But Tianlong Yun was also thinking what would happen when they met Tianlong Yue and found out that they had practically the same age, he could feel a headache was coming…


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