Royal Princess of Blood

Chapter 74: Initiating the Plan (Part 1)

I was now back to my training. Before that, I told my father of my decision to invite Allie as my personal chef and that she accepted. As sudden as it was, he was shocked to hear I made a decision such as that.

Still, in the end, he agreed to it, as I expected. There was no significant reason as to why he wouldn’t. Potential betrayer? Likely it crossed my father's mind and considered all potential risks. However, that girl didn’t really bear the impression of a traitor. In addition, everyone here was not worried much about poisons.

In contrast, he likely accepted because I rarely make a big decision like this. He must be afraid that I would get disappointed at him and be upset because of him.

Good thing everything ended up as I hoped. If my father denied it, I would have sulked and never talked to him ever again. Good thing it didn’t end that way.

Of course this morning after breakfast, father talked personally with Allie to formally declare her new position. She was offered a kitchen of her own. Well, this building was a palace after all, there were plenty of kitchens left unused. However, Allie refused the offer saying that she was happy where she was currently.

Of course, when time passes, she would mandatorily need her own kitchen once she has her own cooks, but we have yet to reach that time yet, so she was left as she was for now.

Back to the present, I have expanded my shield to have the same height as my body. That said, it was to be expected it would be weaker than it should be, but only a little compared yesterday. However, my control in mana had improved significantly, it was easier now to manipulate them.

I practiced last night after all. About my mystic medium, it didn’t feel much different. I still feel pain when I overdo it. It felt like it hadn't changed since yesterday.

“By the way Vernon, how do you use your magic exactly?”

I asked Vernon in curiosity. I was interested in his techniques.

“I use my mana to enhance the performance of my body. Strength and speed.”

“What makes it different from the magic I’m learning and yours?”

“Mages cast their mana towards the outside of their body. For me, I keep my mana within me and use it to enhance my body.”

“So it’s a different process of learning, then?”


“Will you teach me a bit of your technique?”

I mean come on, if it enhances strength and speed, it will be very useful to me. I can lift things easier without having to appear buff and stray away from my ideal body. And speed, oh definitely gonna need speed.

Vernon frowned at my question.

“My technique does not bring a good image for a lady like yourself, your highness. Just imagining the princess doing things with brute force, just does not feel right.”

He must be imagining me punching things and other stuff with the use of my body.

He then continued.

“Besides, if you practice your spell casting, you will be stronger than me. A fighter like me can only fight in melee, but you can easily defeat me from a distance if you have the power — which you will surely have in the near future.”

I guess. However, my main weapon will be daggers. So, I will definitely need that kind of ability, even if I can only learn a bit of his technique and not match his power, that will be fine. I think I will only need additional strength for carrying new weapons such as swords and spears and some other beautiful weapons.

I am deeply interested in trying out new weapons. But I’m not looking forward to buffing my body for those. I like my incredibly delicate lady-like physical form. Therefore, physical enhancement will be really needed. Plus, a speed boost would be nice when striding through the night.

“Even so, at least teach me a little bit of it. I have… things in mind to use it for… plus, it would be good for defending myself…”

“If you are worried that enemies would get near you, there are plenty of spells for that.”

“That’s… nevermind that. Just, consider teaching me a little.”

He heaved a deep sigh.

“I do not understand why you suddenly have an interest in such things.”

I giggled.

Maybe if I learn that, I can finally carry a greatsword with ease. I think it would be cool to try something like that. Or maybe, easily swinging two swords, but I guess long swords wouldn’t be a great idea to dual wield.

Okay, I just want to have fun, okay?

“Anyhow, you are doing well in casting the barrier, so I believe we can stop here and learn another spell tomorrow.”

I agree, it would be more efficient to learn another spell. I can practice more on the barrier as time goes by.

“Is that alright for you, Mera?” I asked my maid.

“Um, I think it is fine.”

“Alright then… if I remember correctly the next spell is something called firebolt.”

I opened the book and confirmed that the spell named “Firebolt” was indeed the next one. An offensive spell. I’m pretty much looking forward to this spell. Apparently, it uses the element of fire.

I expect this one doesn’t have that much of a cosmetic freedom compared to Palm Shield. Reason being that the color of flames indicates its temperature. Well, as Vernon said, we form the spell so we can make it appear as we wish.

However, something like a fire that has a designated color, I imagine changing its color only on appearance alone, would be a bit difficult. But then again, functionality was the most important here.

“This is a nice spell,” I said with a smile.

“Your highness, if you are to start this lesson, we cannot use this room anymore.”

“I suppose, I don’t want to set my home afire.”

I smiled with a strained chuckle. Burning my home down would be a nightmare.

“I will need to find a suitable place.”

“Please do, Vernon.”

“Alright, then let’s proceed breaking your shields.”

Then we went on a shield breaking routine. This was good actually since we get more strained due to the constant breaking and improving of our shields. Like how you would increase your stamina through jogging or exercising hard, pushing and straining yourself.

That said, as time went on and many shield-breakings, Mera needed to stop first. Reason was that her mana was almost depleted. Apparently, you get way more tired when you keep on using your mana and depleting it fast. Like being drained and losing your energy.

However, I have yet to experience that.

Shockiiinnng, isn’t it?! Okay, maybe not much because I had just bursted a vast amount of mana back in the library.

I guess there’s a good side in me after all! But then again, I am restrained by my fucking mystic medium! Fuck you mystic medium! You suck!

And so the shield smashing went on. Of course, there were improvements in the strength of my shields that even impressed Vernon.


I was heading to the kitchen earlier than usual. Actually, way earlier. If you wanna ask why, not a particular reason. Maybe I just want to play around with people’s reactions. Come on, it’s amusing, a bit of a stress reliever wouldn’t be bad you know.

You need to stabilize your mental health or something, you know. What I’m trying to say is, don’t get too stressed out or distressed. Even the organization I was in was mindful of the mental state of the agents.

If agents had bad mentalities, it would potentially affect their tasks. That was why, often, when noticed by a superior, the agent would be given a break. Of course, if not noticed, the agent themself will find a way to alleviate their stress if they find it unbearable or bothersome.

Some find pleasure, doing whatever they want, playing games, talking, drinking, and mostly sex.

Sex was pretty common, agents don’t particularly mind it. However, the pleasure was great.

For me, those were not my ways to alleviate stress.

Sex? I find no pleasure in such a thing. Not even in the slightest. Therefore, I am not interested in it. I meant not the pleasure of the body, but the pleasure of the… how should I say this… I find no pleasure in a spiritual and emotional level, yeah, I think that explains it.

Even if it felt good in the body, I don’t find it desirable.

My way of alleviating stress was listening to songs, and also taking quiet nightly walks if I could.

Also, killing, taking one’s life, spilling blood, yeah, that’s also a great way to get rid of piled stress.

I’m starting to miss it so bad already.

When we arrived at the kitchen, I instantly opened the door myself. With a bright smile, I entered the room.

“Hello everyone!”

They were all inside. They all greeted me with a bow. Disappointingly, they were more composed than before.

Ah, how boring.

Looks like I couldn’t feast off their reactions anymore. I resisted the urge to sigh.

I guess there goes my intention to stress relief.

Wait, maybe there were other ways.

I turned to look at Mera. Her eyes met mine with curiosity as to why I looked at her. I immediately turned and walked forward.

It has been a while since the last time I got amusement from Mera. But, it was hard to play around with her with the intention of having fun when I’m wary of her.

Haaah, looks like I have to focus on the job for the time being.

“It’s my usual visit, so don’t let me bother you. Keep on doing what you were doing.”

Allie and Tenil returned to their work…? They were currently working on something together for some reason. As for the head chef, well he was originally sitting down with his head on the table. But now he was sitting straight in my presence.

Not much of an entertainment.

I approached Allie and Tenil.

“What is my personal chef and Tenil doing?”

“Uh-um well…” Tenil smiled wryly as he seemed to be hesitating to answer due to embarrassment.

“Your highness, I am currently teaching some things to Tenil.”

“Oh, I see. Finally seeking help, that is good.”

I smiled at Tenil, he blushed as he returned his eyes to the table.

I still have no idea why he sucked in what was supposed to be his job. Hey, there are just some weird people out there. But it’s good he’s learning.

That said, I was not lowering my guard to this guy. He may act all like this, incompetent, shy, and a boy in love, that didn’t mean he was clear. The greatest spy is the one who acts perfectly as the character they choose to select.

And that is frightening because that is the hardest to catch. There were many agents I know who were that way, very excellent people.

If Tenil was a betrayer, then he was doing a splendid job. Everything about him was genuine. And a genuine person is what always makes me very, very cautious in situations like this. Call me paranoid if you want, but I tell you, I must not trust too quickly.

And this Tenil guy, due to all his genuine actions, might have a higher chance of killing me without me even knowing it. An exaggeration? Not if there was a chance.

“By the way, Miss Allie…”

“Your highness?”

“Why did you refuse the offer of a kitchen of your own?”

“As I said, your highness, I am currently fine where I am at.”

“Yes, but, you do know you are a chef now. Isn’t that some sort of a new beginning?”

“A new beginning…”

She lowered her head as though in thought.

“I… suppose…”

“Then why, truly?”

She looked at my eyes before lowering them again.

“Maybe… maybe everything just seemed unreal… it just felt sudden…”

“Are you afraid of the sudden change?” I asked.

“...” she paused as she was about to speak. “... I…. I may be a bit scared…”

“I see…”

“But that is not the only reason…”

“What is it?”

“After all the long time I have been here… getting sent to another place would feel… lonely.”


I suppose, suddenly leaving your allies, or them leaving you, I suppose being alone was going to feel lonely. Especially when you were used to their company. And… having the company of your trusted friends is fun…

“I understand, Miss Allie… By the way, can I call you Allie?”

“Of course your highness. You do not even need to add the word Miss in the first place.”

I smiled.

“Alright, Allie… can I watch you two?”

And then we hung out as I watched them cook. I acted having fun all the while.


It was currently dinner, and I was with my family as usual. Most of the dishes tonight were cooked by my dear personal chef. I should compliment her, her cuisines were exquisite.

“By the way, Estelia. Is progress going well with your magic training?”

My father asked me as I elegantly ate my food.

“Everything is going well, father,” I said with a smile. “Although, my progress is greatly impeded by my damaged Mystic Medium.”

“I suppose that is to be expected. But, you are truly not in any kind of pain during training, yes?”

I innocently smiled at him. He appeared to be genuinely concerned for my wellbeing. For some reason, it warmed my heart, and I cannot understand why this was happening to me now. I shook that feeling off.

“Of course, father. I am feeling fine unless I push myself. Oh, you have yet to be informed by Vernon of our next plan.”

“Next plan?”

“Father, the next spell in the book.”

“Hm… what was it again…?”

He tried to remember what that next spell would be for a moment. I guess it was to be expected he wouldn’t recall it from the top of his head since he must have read that book a very long time ago.

“Was it the lightning one…?”

The lightning was pretty interesting. But I was following the process.

“The fire one, dear father.”

“Oh! That one! Well, as my daughter, I’m sure it will be pretty easy for you.”

I flashed him an embarrassed smile.

“I’ll do my best. But I think I’m getting the hang of it, so I should learn it faster than before.”

“Show me some impressive progress, dear daughter!”

He pumped his fist in the air as he looked at me with a wide grin. He was motivating me.

“O-Of course, father!”

I’ll make more than progressing in magic. I’ll also take out the rat hiding in our ranks.

“I believe in you, dear sister!”

I smiled at my ever supportive brother.

I then went on to eat my food in a flawless lady-like manner. I noticed my mother directing a proud smile towards me, but I paid no heed to it.

Just then, my brother spoke to Father.

“By the way, father. Have you been informed?”’

“About what?”

“About the information circulating among the knights.”

“Hm? Information? Which one?”

“About a potential traitor in the knights.”

Father stopped his dining as he pondered.

“Our actions had already incited a little rumor that something is going on, but it’s not that great. So isn’t the same thing should be happening in the knights. What made it catch your attention that you would speak to me about it?”

Estevan lowered his fork and spoon and drank water from his glass. After that, he spoke.

“This is no mere baseless rumor from observing what is happening all around. The rumor is you could say, stronger. Reason being that a knight spoke about it, an elite at that.”

Father raised an eyebrow.

“Oh, who could it be?”

“Rogan Dorien.”

I resisted the urge to smile when I heard that name.

Father looked a bit surprised.

“Him, huh. Any news on where he based that information on?”

“Some sort of specific source was never mentioned. Although I only heard everything about this from another party. That’s why I will be visiting them tomorrow.”

This was good. I thanked Rogan in my heart. He might be a decent man, after all. Or not… nothing was assured.

At first, I scouted the castle and gathered and observed as much as I could. However, now I have to be a bit aggressive. With this rumor turned to information coming from a knight, surely the betrayer would have heard of it by now.

They will feel their position was threatened. They will feel tense and restless, and that overall uneasiness will slowly eat them. They will question how it was known. Could someone possibly know who they were? Are everyone in the castle on them? Numerous questions will storm their mind.

Enough being careful, time to indirectly engage the enemy. Whether they choose to withdraw now or later, it will become obvious that they were the infiltrators all along. Of course, they might become more careful. However, I have already done my observations. Any strange movements will be noticed by me.

It was a good thing that Rogan had not revealed it was me, which was up to my expectations. However, for some reason, my father didn’t know yet. I thought Vernon had reported it to him.

Hm, perhaps he doesn’t always give his reports? Or was he instructed only to report the important stuff. What game was Vernon playing? What I did was pretty significant.

Of course, I wouldn’t mind my Father knowing I was the source. The important thing was that my enemies did not know it was me. I should be the clueless and naive princess after all. And the enemy discovering otherwise would be troublesome. But what if Rogan was with the betrayers? Heh, then it’s not that bad since he was already in my radar. The worst enemies are those you do not know or have seen.

To be honest, I might have become a bit impatient, that was why I took a great turn in my plans. The impatience must have influenced my decisions. My mentality has been... greatly affected recently after all…

At any rate, no harm happened to me yet.

“Very well, my son.”

I then chimed in.

“Brother, when are you going to the knights?”

My brother turned to me with a bit of surprise.

“In the morning. Why?”

“Oh, I was just wondering… Are you still working on the papers?”

“Yes. We have some new information, so I must definitely look into it. But I guess I will be delayed on looking into it. But, Oryn will sort things out first, so everything should be fine.”

“I see…”

Perfect timing.

Thank you again Rogan for opening this opportunity.

I have found a chance for some alone time with Oryn. It would seem my decision to share the thing to Rogan had brought a bit more merits than I intended.

That said, my brother will be interviewing Rogan tomorrow.

You better not snitch, Rogan!



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