Royal Princess of Blood

Vol. 2 Chapter 20: Rogan Dorien

Rogan made his way to their usual hanging grounds — meaning the courtyard where they usually train or do some stuff. He preferred to call it a place to hang out since well, it was basically a place where he can hang out when nothing else to do, and he also barely comes back home, and he preferred not to.

It was more fun here and less annoying.

His excited steps were a bit loud, but that was a voluntary action, which caught the attention of the common soldiers and knights. He wanted to show everyone that he was feeling good.

“Sir Rogan, you look great today!”

One of the common soldiers greeted him in a friendly manner.

“Oh sure I am feeling great today!”

Today, he was suddenly assigned as the princess’s personal knight. He never expected such a thing was going to happen which shocked him to the core. But he had no qualms about it, one could think it was rising up the ladder.

He never wanted to rise up the ranks, but he was not against it either. If he was promoted, that’s alright, if he was demoted, that was also alright. Needless to say that he would feel bad if he was demoted, but it was not that big of a deal. The most important thing was that he wasn’t kicked out of the knights' order.

What he did for the princess though was especially risky, but what happened today was akin to a reward for his efforts. Although he never wanted a reward, he was still thankful for it. He was fine being the guardian knight of the princess, in fact, he felt a little interested.

The princess felt like an interesting person — he wouldn’t have felt this motivated if it was the eldest prince since he was boring, and if it was Estevan — well that would never happen.

The princess was more interesting than the two and more amusing. That being said, she felt a bit scary, like seriously. He may have said that casually previously to the princess, but he was being honest with his feelings.

There was that eerie feeling he would sometimes feel when he was around the princess. And the eerieness was scary enough for him. Even the king was already scary for him, so perhaps he was scared with the princess and the king in the same amount.

In short, he didn’t want to get involved in something or someone too dangerous. Even so, no matter how he wanted to avoid it, something dangerous would always come, so he had no choice but to face it and get involved.

Also, not like he can refuse to be the princess’s knight, the king appointed him himself.

He imagined how his friends would look if he suddenly announced that he was now the personal knight of the beautiful princess. That would be fun.

Which reminds him that there was a certain teenager around the same age as the princess that would be struck hard. He was not being mean, but Rogan could do nothing about it that he was assigned to be Princess Estelia’s direct subordinate.

It might be harsh of him, but he felt like he couldn’t hold himself from teasing someone.

Yeah, I’m an asshole, so what?

On the way, he encountered another knight going to his destination as well. She was a beautiful and charming woman clad in the glamorous knight armor of Wisteria, a sheathed sword hanging on her waist. Her hair as black as the night was tied into a ponytail, keeping them from obstructing her eyes, the pair of black eyes turned to look at Rogan carrying a bit of sternness.

Rogan grinned widely at the sight of her, she may look charming, but for goodness sake, that appearance was a bit deceitful. In short, she was a rough woman, especially to someone as carefree as Rogan. Not that he disliked her, quite the opposite actually, she was a nice friend. Just don’t be deceived when she was acting like this — the charming part.

Rogan raised his hand in greeting.

“Hey, Ayana!”

With a single nod, she approached Rogan.

“You’re going back?”


They naturally began walking together, as Rogan was blatantly expressing his excitement, Ayana didn’t miss it. She had already guessed something had put him in a truly good mood, that much was obvious immediately to her since they have been colleagues for some time now.

“What got you all worked up?”

“Well~, something unexpected happened.”

“Then it must be something great, okay. You really showing that to everyone, huh.”

“Why not? It’s not bad to show that something good happened.”

Ayana nodded.

“You said unexpected, you got a new spear or something? Or did you find someone new to tease?”

“Wow Ayana, what’s with the second part? I don’t normally search for someone just to tease them you know.”

“Normally don’t, you say. So it also implies that you also find someone to tease.”

Rogan shrugged his shoulders in exaggeration. She was not exactly far from the target, but Rogan also had no intention of verbally admitting that. Incurring her usual wrath now would be troublesome.

“Hehehe, in any case, it’s none of those. Much better, oh and I’m sure you’ll be surprised. Which reminds me, this means I’m of a higher rank than you now.”

Ayana stopped in her steps and stared curiously at him.

“What are you talking about? Are you supposed to have been promoted to a captain?”

She appeared to be having a hard time believing that would be the case. If he was made captain, then he would be forming his own squad of knights. That would be fine, however, he was not the type of person who was fit to be a leader — that was the impression everyone in the knights' order had of him, he was unreliable to be a leader. That was why despite being one of the elites, he didn’t have a squad of his own. Although Rogan himself wasn’t bothered by that at all.

“Hmmm, well no… not exactly. I’ll keep it a secret until later — hehehehe.”

He snickered like an annoying person always does.

“Wanna get punched?”

Ayana curled her hand into a fist and glared at him. Rogan stepped back and raised his hands.

“Ah Uh, that’s dangerous. Please don’t damage my face this time, it wouldn’t look good if I do my duties tomorrow.”


He occasionally finds himself being punched by Ayana when he annoys her often. When he had no armor on, she would either punch him on the arm or the stomach. With armor on, she would punch him on the face, but not that hard, at least she holds back in that part.

Of course as a knight himself, he wasn’t bothered by any of it that much. He deserved it after all, and he enjoyed those kinds of moments with her as his friend.

“Okay, what the hell happened?”

She grabbed him on both shoulders, restraining his movements.

“I’ll be mad if you suddenly surpass me, but that would be impossible.”

“Oh, but in one way or another, I did. Hehehehe.”

He grinned widely as his smiling eyes gazed at her.

“I’m punching you.”

“ — No no no wait! I’m serious, don't hit me!”

He frantically slipped away from her grasp, and he sighed when he was successful.

“You’re serious…? Fine, you’ll be spared this time. But if you are removed from that armor,” she smirked. “I have plenty of spots to hit.”

“Hah! If you can hit me that is. With my new duty, I need to be waaaay better than you!”

“Oh? Let’s just see.”

The two gazed at each other with such intensity that they failed to notice someone walking towards them with almost silent steps.

“What the hell are you two bickering about?!”

The next thing Rogan felt was a smack on the back of his head.

“Ow!” He immediately turned his head to look at the culprit.

He was a middle-aged man with a scar by the side of his face, he had black hair, brown eyes, and a brown complexion. Rogan stepped back from the muscular man.

“Why do I have to be the one to be smacked by you, Elson? Ayana started it.”

“Yeah yeah, knowing you two, you both probably at least started it all together.”

Ayana heaved a deep sigh. With Elson here, there will be no form of retribution whatsoever.

“Alright, now that you two are done bickering, you’re going to the grounds, yes? Let’s go.”

The two nodded their heads and followed behind Elson.

“Ah yes, expect the decrease in the number of knights tomorrow. It would seem we’ll be able to barely see some friends every day.”

“So they’re done designating the knights, huh.” Ayana nodded her head.

Rogan was briefed shortly about this, where knights would be sent to patrol the city, which they don’t do much unless there was some big problem. The previous day, they worked out the common soldiers first, so the knights will be next tomorrow to be sent out.

“I heard from the prince that they’ll be leaving the strong ones here in the palace,” Elson added. “So I expect I myself will be staying here. I don’t know about Rogan though.”

“Hey, I’m strong, so it’s to be expected I’ll be staying here. Well, it doesn't matter anyway, I will be staying here in the end.”

Rogan smiled widely again. Seeing this, Elson narrowed his eyes.

“What got you all smug?”

“He’s been like this moments ago.”

“I just couldn’t help it, you know,” he dramatically touched his temple as he heaved an exasperated sigh. “I am just so thrilled about it.”

“Really? Tell me about it.”

“When we arrive.”

“Is it supposed to be a big deal?”

“Oh, it is a big deal.”

“Huh. Whatever then.”

“Now now, don’t start losing interest.”

“I’ll listen, not like I have any other choice knowing that you’ll publicly announce whatever that is.”

“When you say it like that, I’m losing confidence that it’ll be a big deal.”

Ayana smacked Rogan’s back a few times vigorously, he may not be able to feel it through the armor, but it was enough to shake his body.

Eventually, they arrived at the courtyard, knights spread out all over, some training, and the rest conversing with each other. Well, lunch was just about over, and Rogan always found himself impressed by how others went straight to training their bodies.

Don’t they know how to chill sometimes?

“Hey, it’s Rogan, how’s the meeting with the king?”

One of the knights who heard that he was being summoned by the king earlier immediately asked him.

“You were called by the king?” Ayana asked.


“What kind of trouble did you do this time?”

“Would I be in a good mood if I was reprimanded about something?”

“... Wait, is it actually a big deal?” Her eyes widened.

He grinned and faced the other knights, stepping forward.

“Yeah, it was great.”

“Woah, I thought you messed up somewhere.”

“Or you misbehaved too much when his majesty called for you.”

“Come on guys, you know I am a well-behaved knight.”

Everyone laughed at his claim. Well, despite his unruly and noisy behavior, he was still a decent knight that carried his duty well.

“In any case, I have something great to announce. I am regretful to inform you that we won’t be seeing much anymore.”

Everyone became silent, intently looking at him, as though he had said some kind of omen. They were waiting on what he meant by that. It could possibly mean that he was fired or something, which everyone here wouldn’t want to happen.

“Well, to stop beating around the bush, I am now the personal knight of the Princess of the Kingdom, her esteemed Princess Estelia! Great isn’t it?”

He pointed at himself with a wide grin. Everyone was silent for a moment before they start chuckling.

“Come on, stop joking around, Rogan.”

“Yeah, even that is too much.”

“I was a bit nervous right there.”

“Seriously, what’s with the weird joke.”

Rogan flinched, utterly dumbfounded that they did not believe him at all. Was that too ridiculous of a claim? Even he himself was surprised and baffled by their reactions. In contrast to most others though, a few had surprised expressions, two of them were Ayana and Elson.

“Hey yo! I’m not joking around! I’m serious. His Majesty literally appointed me.”

The laughter died down.

“He’s serious.”

“It appears so.”


“No way!”

“You gotta be lying!”

Everyone was in disbelief. Rogan nodded in satisfaction, this was the exact reaction he wanted.

A few charged at him with dumbfounded faces.

“No way, why? H-How?”

“Why you?”

“How did you even manage that?”

While Rogan was smiling, someone pulled him from the back of his neck on his armor. The next thing he saw was the stern face of Ayana.

“You bastard! You really surpassed me! And a personal knight?! That’s ridiculous! How am I supposed to process this?”

“Hehehe, see? I won.”

Her face crumpled.

“Let me hit you.”

“Ha-ha, no please.”

He immediately slipped away from her, but Ayana didn’t give chase but only gave a pout. Somehow he felt bad looking at her.

Before anything else, other knights had already gathered before him, even the women were especially frightening in the eyes, as though they were staring daggers at her. Rogan understood all too well how these women felt. They were interested in the princess and wanted to try getting close to her.

“How did that happen?”

“I don’t know, it just happened.”

“That’s a lie.”

“Yeah, that’s absurd.”

“Did you pull off some strings?”

“Hey! Don’t start thinking something nasty about me now! Maybe the royals were just impressed by my actions, you know.”

Everyone gradually regained their calm as seconds passed.

“This truly is a surprise,” Elson said to him. “You’re a spear user so you can’t bring your weapon freely inside the palace halls while accompanying the princess, right?”

“Yeah, that would be the case, looks like I’ll be using a sword.”

That would reduce his overall capabilities, but one couldn’t say he was weak with the sword. He was just stronger with the spear since it was his favored weapon.

“Well, being the princess’s knight, more work will come to you.”

One of the knights said.

“That’s fine, I find it interesting anyway.”

“Still, this was something I never would expect.”

The knights chattered.

“Yeah, like, it’s the princess. Not many even get to see her, nor interact with her.”

The princess was shrouded in mystery, add to that her dazzling appearance and kindness, not only those added to her charms, it also made her very interesting.

Especially the kindness part, she came here and she was like the very picture of a saint. Not only that, but she was also the one who suggested having a feast for the knights when they returned from the dangerous forest. They have high respect for her.

Rogan was the same. But he still found her to be a bit scary sometimes. Maybe because of that innocence of her, too innocent as though she didn’t belong in this world.

“Aaah, I wish I was picked.”

“Me too.”

“Yeah me too.”

A few men and women wished that.

Well, too bad, I got picked!

There was still a chance for them to become close to the princess though. That is if the princess hand-picked them as her retainers. But that would be close to impossible given that the princess never talked much to anyone.

It was then a young man approached him around the same age as the princess.

“Hey, Alan.”


Oh? He looks troubled already.

“What’s up? Oh yeah, sorry man, I don’t know what happened but it just happened.”

“Why are you apologizing?” he averted his eyes.

Rogan chuckled and put his arm around Alan’s shoulder, leaning on him a little.

“I mean, I imagine you might feel a little jealous, you know.”

“J-Jealous? Why would I be?”

“Yeah, I am very lucky. I’ll get to see the beautiful princess every day. She might even invite me to some tea.”

Alan smiled wryly.

“Good for you, Rogan. Oh, I was intending to congratulate you.”

“Thanks. By the way, I will likely get closer with the princess.”

Rogan looked at Alan with amusement, who simply nodded.

“Maybe I can find a way to really introduce you, you know. I’ll help you with the princess.”

“What are you talking about? You don’t need to do that…?”

Ah yes, the reluctance of asking for help. No… he’s retreating. We can’t be having that now.

“Don’t chicken out now. I’ll help you with the princess, you might get a chance to get close to her. Be honest with yourself, would you? You can rely on me.”

“... Really?”

“Yeah, in the best-case scenario, I can convince the princess to take you as a retainer or one of her guards at least.”

Alan lowered his head, contemplating it.

Rogan let go of him and slapped him on the back.

“Stop overthinking about it.”

It was then someone suddenly decided to approach him, glaring a little at Rogan.

“Someone like you, get to become the princess’s knight?”

It was Alan’s elder brother, Alzen. He spoke to Rogan as though he was lower than him, he truly was looking down on him, thinking how absurd it was that Rogan got that position.

“Yeah? Got a problem with that?”

Alzen narrowed his eyes.

“I wonder what you did. Did you charm her?”

Rogan almost choked himself the moment he heard those words. That was almost insulting to the princess. It would have been fine if he indirectly said it, but this time, it was too straightforward.

“Careful with your words, Alzen,” Rogan casually warned with a smile, but his eyes were stern.

“Why? It is only a conjecture.”

“An absurd conjecture that is absurd itself that you even arrived at that conjecture. You must be just jealous ‘cause you never have a chance of even talking to the princess.”

“Watch your tongue, Rogan.”

Alzen stepped forward menacingly towards Rogan. Alan frantically looked at the both of them, debating with himself whether to stop them or not, but he hesitated, knowing these two were elites in the order. In addition, the other knights also did not seem to be keen on stopping them, at least for now.

“Me? Watch my tongue? Please, try looking at a mirror and say that to yourself.”

“Don’t even think we are a match if we fight here.”

Rogan snickered.

“You wanna go, bastard? I never tried fighting you, but this could be a chance to show who’s stronger. This is a chance to teach you a lesson of not even trying to insult the princess, directly, or indirectly.”

Rogan’s smile vanished and glared at Alzen. He didn’t think much about this guy, he was just some annoying arrogant bastard you would see in every corner of the world. However, Rogan was truly annoyed right now.

The accusation of charming the princess was the height of rudeness and insulting to the princess herself. In fact, this was almost akin to underestimating and undermining the princess. Rogan didn’t like that at all. Rogan knew Princess Estelia was more than she seemed to be.

Alzen glared at him, but after a moment, he shook his head.

“Nevermind. Fighting the princess’s knight here would not be good for me.”

Oh, he actually has some common sense.

With that, Alzen left as though nothing happened.

What does he even want?

Rogan found himself wondering that.

“What’s up with your brother?” he asked Alan.

“I don’t know…”

“Hey, everyone!”

Prince Estevan arrived and greeted everyone loudly.

“What’s up? Everyone looks on edge?”

“Well, some things happened,” Ayana was the one to speak to him.

“Really? What kind?”

Rogan immediately walked towards Estevan enthusiastically.

“Hey Prince! Do you know? I’m Princess Estelia’s personal knight now.”



I apologize that the update took a while. I've been sick for a couple of days now and wasn't able to do anything. My condition should get back to normal in a few days, well... should...

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