Royal Princess of Blood

Vol. 2 Chapter 37: Report Regarding Allie

The feeling after a fresh bath was always a wonderful one, I smell so good. My hair was still a little wet, and so for a change, I tied it up in a ponytail to save my dress from getting wet. At the moment, I was still reflecting on my fight with Rogan, which was far from satisfactory.

I need to ramp up my overall magical capabilities, need more power and a variety of spells. Furthermore, my stamina was not that great, I was too exhausted when it was over, I might perhaps need to strain myself. That being said, I wouldn’t say my body’s performance was bad, it was basically the first time I strained myself fighting while using the spells I had. And I’m still technically human.

It was different from when I was fighting with Oryn when I only used the barrier and firebolt. I need to get used to subsequently using a variety of spells so as to not strain me mentally and physically next time.

I decided to use my fog at last by the way since I wanted to try direct confrontation.

In a real fight and executing the opponent immediately was the goal, I could have used it at the beginning. However, would that always work though? Rogan defeated me amidst my smokescreen after all.

More than that, he didn’t use his full capabilities. Perhaps I wouldn’t have lasted long if he did. That said, I didn’t use my trump card as well. Unleashing my mana violently. Still, using that constantly wouldn’t be healthy.

Furthermore, using physical enhancement truly strained my muscles, and after the battle, my limbs hurt like hell. I took note of what Vernon said that I didn’t properly apply the enhancement. But I am confident I made significant progress, I lasted for some time after all. And my flesh didn’t explode or something, so that was good. Dude, that would suck now that I imagined it.

A shiver ran down my spine.

Dammit, I have all the knowledge in my head but still can’t use them. It’s a bit infuriating to be honest.

Guess I should start learning the lightning spell. Lightning’s good for quick and range attacks, my kind of style — true, firebolt was range, but lightning’s neater and stronger.

Amidst my contemplation came knocks from the door and Rogan went and opened it, letting Vernon inside. The old man wore a troubled expression, now I wonder why. He stood in front of me.

“So, Vernon, how is it?”

His eyes suggested hesitation.

“Do you truly want to hear it? She is your past subordinate so—”

“No need to hesitate. Tell me, how is she?”

“...... Terrible. Her cell smelled foul, her clothes ragged and beyond hopes of cleaning. The surroundings are full of dust and insects, the corners reek with human wastes. It's dark and cold.”

Rogan seemed to be unfazed by hearing it, Mera on the other hand creased her forehead and lightly covered her lips with her hand. That truly was a terrible way of living.

“I see.”


“Are there any other prisoners? Someone she could talk to?”

“None. She is completely alone, there’s no one else who would commit such acts that are against the law here in the palace.”

I suppose, for our enemies, this could be considered the belly of the beast. Any outright act against the crown would be met with swift penance, not any would survive. Allie was an exception since I wanted her alive and wanted to keep her here.

“Then, how is she treated? As well as the food she gets.”

“The knights never attempted to….touch her. Although they admitted they were verbally harsh to her often because she dared try to assassinate you.”

Oh my, how sweet.

Then he continued…

“As for the food, nothing decent. Sometimes a small piece of bread, sometimes fresh, sometimes rancid. Having a decent meal is rare.”


“Princess, I can give the order to give her proper treatment if you say so.”

I raised an eyebrow at Vernon’s absurd proposal. Why would he do that?

Then followed Rogan.

“I can also give the guys an earful and warn them not to be harsh with your former chef anymore, your highness.”

I expected Mera to have her own words, but she delayed a bit at my gaze, hesitating.

“Mera, do you have anything to say?”

“No, milady. I… I don’t know what I should say. It is a bit cruel, but… she should be punished for trying to kill you.”

Daaamn, Mera, what happened to you?! Where’s the sweet Mera at?

“However…” she continued. “I will feel bad when such treatment prolongs.”

Huh, she still had some sympathy for her…just a little I guess.

“Princess, I take it you want to help her? That’s why you wanted me to check on her, right? With your words, we can lighten her suffering.”

I wanted to scoff, but I held it back.

“What are you talking about? Leave her the way she is.”

Their eyes widened at my words. I will not let them interfere with this affair.

Vernon looked down as if contemplating.

“...Princess, you don’t have to hold back.”

“Vernon, I said, let her be. Leave their treatment be, let her environment be. Do not tamper.”

“What?” he was in disbelief. “Why?”

“That’s strange of you, Vernon. I know you oversaw her torture, why be sympathetic now?”

“What…? You really realized it?”

Vernon wouldn’t normally be all this sympathetic given that he led the torture, so he must have other things in mind in why he was acting this way. Testing me?

“That aside, give me your analysis on her mental state. Was she able to talk to you?”

“... I… I did talk with her, but her response was brief.”

I sighed.

Not enough, huh. Well, we have all the time in the world. Should I give her a small gift? Guess not yet.


“... Well, she looks lifeless, but I can still see a bit of strength in her gaze.”

She’s still a persevering one. That’s what’s often annoying with people. They deeply believed in something and that gave them strength.

“Do you see regret in her?”

“... I can’t tell…”

“That’s fine…”

Every person regrets. If they do not, were they even human? Well, there are people out of the norm, but that’s not the point.

Allie is a normal human being.

I would have wanted to intensify her harsh treatment, but being hasty wouldn’t give the best effect, slow and steady wins the race. Human mind is a delicate thing.

“Princess, what are you planning? Asking for her psyche and her situation. I don’t see any reason other than that you care about her.”

“Nothing. I’m just curious.”

“Curious? I wonder, first you made her stay here. Do you see some use in her?”

“Sharp tools that have become dull are set aside and switched to a new one. However, when you have no other tools to use or chose to save it, then you can only sharpen the dull tool. Is what I want to say, but nothing is for certain now. The situation is mostly unknown, and I have to focus on other more important affairs. Let’s stop thinking about this, it’s pointless.”

I wonder, what should I give her as a gift? Well, given her treatment, something pleasant to fill the belly would be nice in that kind of situation. Still, I need to think about this carefully… But for now, I’m certainly not going to involve myself with her.

“I understand.”

“Ah, you didn’t say anything unnecessary to the guards, did you?”

“I only garnered information, I did not express any personal opinions.”


If he had said he pitied the girl to the guards or something, that might cause a shift I do not desire. I need to make her suffer more. Make her doubt her beliefs, regret her decisions.

Doubt and regret. The two most important things to happen.

It’s not pleasant to be abandoned after all.

Well, if things don’t happen to my expectations, throw the trash away then.


“We’ll have a formal assembly three days from now regarding our plans for the upcoming festival. I have already sent letters to the heads of noble households.”

As we were having our pleasant and peaceful dinner, Father informed us of the appointment with nobles. Not all nobles in the entire kingdom, by the way, only the nobles in the capital are involved in the planning since basically, they were some sort of sub-leaders of the nation.

“I wonder what other new games we can make up.”

Mother placed a hand on her cheek. “It is getting harder to think of something new as years pass by.”

Keep thinking of something new every year, of course you’ll run out of any creative ideas. With that in turn result in recycling old ideas. Being original is hard. It would be especially hard if you had already used all the ideas you could make up.

Still, would it even be necessary to have something new every year for the festival? A grand entertainment, performance on a grand stage or something would be alright. In addition, the same old games but better rewards would suffice, I think.

Eh, whatever, it's not my responsibility to think. Why would I add more stress for something others can handle? I’ll just enjoy the festival.

“By the way, Estelia, you’re going to the festival, right?” Father asked.

“Hm? Oh yes, I plan to.”

“And you have already requested new outfits. A shame I wasn’t there, why didn’t you tell me, dear?” Mother said with an adorable pout pointed at me.

“I’m sorry, I was scared of disturbing you.”

“... I see. Next time then, when preparing for your debut. You will be the most beautiful in the kingdom. Or perhaps the world.”

But mother, I already am.


Finally got to update! Here's hoping I can write more and update more frequently. School work has lessened for now, so there should be more free time for me.

Thank you everyone for your patience.

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