Royal Princess of Blood

Vol. 2 Chapter 6: Treasurable Gift

At the moment, I was in the large room that was used for my lectures, and with me were my usual two servants. I was reading the book about basic magic. As you can see, I’m not outside since I’m not yet trying to practice anything drastic.

Furthermore, I’m not practicing any spell in specific since I think that it would be best to familiarize myself with the guides to every spell. Well, not memorize, since to be honest, the most you will need to do is familiarize yourself and you’ll get it.

Memorizing every word or step would be too time consuming, and unnecessarily brain juice draining. Once you have familiarized yourself with it, you’ll generally get an idea of what you should do. I’m going to finish this entire book first before I’ll practice anything! Otherwise, I’ll only slow down.

I can’t lose efficiency now that, well, my enemies could very well be very strong. I even had a hard time defending myself against Oryn. I’ll be fucked if I slow down. Aaah, carefree life, where you at?

In any case, I didn’t waste time these few days. I’ve been trying a light, or using another word, an illumination spell, think of it as a ball of light that can be used in the darkness. I can even make it float in the air, that would be pretty useful just in case I’m in the dark.

Although, a fire spell could be used for that just fine. But the light spell was brighter and lower mana cost. But that’s not the bright side, haha get it, bright cause it’s… okay anyway, can you guess what it’s greatest use is?

It’s the flash! I can make it emanate an intense flash of light, it can be like my alternative flashbang! Ain’t I bright?

Furthermore, I’ve been striving to learn the element of ice. Believe it or not, it’s pretty flexible in my opinion, since I could make shapes of it however I want. Maybe I can create an ice dagger just in case of an emergency. Ultimately, the notion of frost magic is just cool.

Okay, what’s me and puns today? Maybe my brain kinda got brighter these few days, ain’t that a cool thing!

Alright I’ll stop, damn.

If you’re calling me cringe, grrrr, I’ll smack you down hard on your face, and sure damn well you’ll live your entire life with a flat nose.

Of course, I’m joking. You’re cool.

Or am I…?

At any rate, I’m almost done with the book. You’ll never know, perhaps someday you’ll be surprised I can call a storm in the future. Yeah, of course that wouldn’t be easy with all my LIMITATIONS!!! Dammit, I’m still pissed off about that.

Can’t I just have the power to vaporize someone with my mere gaze? That would be awesome. I mean, easiest is best, right? Who would like difficult situations anyway? Shit.

But alas, I’m not gifted with that kind of power, so I gotta climb up that ladder as fast as I can.

“By the way, Vernon, can we start the lesson for your technique tomorrow?”

He said he would teach me, no way I’ll let him back out now. Of course there’s no reason for him to back out, but still…

“If we have the time, but remember princess, you are going to continue your normal lessons starting from tomorrow.”

Guuuuuhhh, I knew that. I’m not dreading the general academics, and music, especially music since I love that. The problem was the etiquette lesson, fuck… Manners were easy, but dancing, guuuuh.

I don’t know, I just get lazy when it comes to it, and I end up not giving it my all. Hey, at least there was a good side now. Somehow, I felt like the muscle memories came back, I don’t precisely know how and when, but it just felt like — fooossh, came into my head or something.

What a saving grace. But there’s another problem. No, not exactly a problem, just bothersome. Ugh, dancing means I’m gonna meet that guy that’s taking his chances on me. It was amusing, but now in retrospect, eh — it’s tiresome to deal with that right now.

That being said, maybe I’ll find some amusement or something. Haaah, the muscle memories better don’t fail me, else I’m gonna get scolded again by the woman.

Can’t it just be music every time? Music is better. Give me music.

“Yes, I have not forgotten my returning lessons.”

Vernon narrowed his eyes towards me as though he sensed my exasperation.

“Your highness, you have been working diligently recently, please don’t be all lazy now.”

“I’m… I’m not being lazy!” I puffed my cheeks. “Mera, do I look like I’m going to laze out?”

Mera looked at me, then shifted to Vernon. After thinking about it, she smiled wryly at me. Hey, what are you trying to say? But she did not speak a word, but that expression told one thing. She agreed with Vernon.


“Milady… please listen to Sir Vernon.”

I’m not the old Estelia! Fine! I’ll show you guys how good I can be.

Hm, I’m surprisingly so worked up about this.

“Alright! I understand… But there will certainly be free time around late afternoon, so we’ll use that time. Time is essential, after all.”

“As you wish, your highness. Please ensure you also focus on your lessons, not just magic.”

Of course of course, who do you think I am?

It was then that there came knocking from the door. Strange, I was not expecting any visitors today when Eleden had just arrived. It wouldn’t also be mother since it’s not lunch yet. I turned my head towards my two servants and indicated to open the door.

“Allow me.”

Vernon was the one to open the door. Hm, was he wary perhaps? Well, perhaps after all what happened, I couldn't blame him if he was being that way.

Ever since Allie was captured, it felt everything in the palace just got more peaceful. Of course that was just my own feeling. I am just relieved to clean up a few filths.

When the door opened, it revealed a familiar person. It was my eldest brother, Eleden.

“Vernon? I was told that Estelia would be here,” he looked towards me. “But, I didn’t expect to find you here.”

“Greetings, your highness,” Vernon bowed. “Yes, at the moment, I have been assigned as Princess Estelia’s attendant, as ordered by the king.”

“That’s interesting, father actually let you off his side… it must have been for a good reason, but I can’t think of why that would be?”

Of course, apparently my brother didn’t know it yet.

“....... I believe it will be explained to you by his Majesty soon.”

Eleden furrowed his brows.

“A reason you couldn’t tell me?”


“..... Alright…. Anyhow, I came for Estelia.”

My brother walked towards me, I stood up and looked at him with puzzlement.

“B-Brother, I’m glad to see you here, but why have you come?”

I said with a smile.

“I came for a special purpose,” he then looked at my book, and a bemused expression formed on his face. “You’re studying…?” He looked surprised. “Magic?”

“Um, yes.”

“Father allowed you? That’s good I suppose, but I'm surprised you would be interested in it.”

Ah, he’s completely clueless.

“Situation has changed, and that is why father and mother allowed me. And, it is necessary for me to learn.”

“Necessary? I don’t understand. First Vernon is assigned to you, then… Is something going on?”

“Um, it will be hard to explain it here. I think it is best to wait for our other family members.”

“Is that so? Then, I suppose I can wait. In any case, let us sit down.”

He smiled gently as he pulled a chair and sat down beside my seat. Oh, I wonder, was he going to give me a gift? Oh, that’s cool! Wait, he came from a chivalry nation so don’t tell me he’ll give me a knight figurine or something. Boooo.

I’m a lady, I want some ladylike things.

He grabbed something from inside his coat and pulled out a neat small wooden box with a red string tied on the entire thing while a ribbon formed atop of it. With an extended hand, he presented the box to me.

“My gift, for you.”

I looked at his eyes before slowly taking the box.

“I tried thinking of other gifts to give… but, hehe,” he scratched his temple. “I couldn’t think of anything else, and then I saw it, so… I thought maybe you would like it.”

He seemed to be having difficulties with what to say, as though he was nervous about his own gift.

I pulled the string and removed the cover, placing it on the table. My eyes widened at seeing the gift I was receiving. It was a pendant necklace in which the gemstone was half my pinky in terms of size. But that was not I was surprised with entirely, but, it was the shape it had.

The azure jewel was in the shape of a flower, considering its size and the era I’m currently at, I’m impressed at how precise the carving of this was. More than that, it seemed to be unlike a diamond, somehow, even in where I was where there was no direct contact of light, there were numerous dots of light within it which glimmered like the stars in a starry night.

“I know that you already own plenty of jewels, but—”

“I love it.”


Yes, I love it… It was… rare for me to receive this kind of sweet gift. Not the first, but rare. And a jewel, a beautiful necklace, of course my heart would dance. I had no luxury of owning things such as these in my past life, but I would often try to buy one for myself...

And, most that I received as “gifts” were just new weapons for me to use, knives, guns, and so on, and some that weren’t weapons didn’t last long. Gifts as simple as these, I greatly appreciate it. Although jewels weren’t exactly simple, I just mean just the type of gift that is simple. And, is a necklace not simple? But simple as it may be, I’ll give value to it.

I gently took it in my hand, and used my thumb to caress the jewel.

“Ah, it’s not a simple jewel, it has a few quirks. I was going to do it, but as you’re already learning magic, I suppose you can do it.”

I looked up at him, wondering what magic had to do with it.

“Pour a tiny amount of mana into it, but give it a color.”

A tiny amount, huh. I’ve been improving a lot in controlling mana, and pouring a feeble amount should not be too hard in the first place.

I poured a tiny amount into the jewel and designated it a color of red. Then my mana was absorbed into the jewel, to my surprise, the jewel itself turned red.

“That jewel is made from an ore called Kaleidronite, which is mostly found at Myra.”

“It absorbed my mana’s attributes?”

“Yes, quite an interesting ore. But, as tiny as it is, don’t pour too much always, otherwise it might break. But if you accidentally pour a lot, it should just expel the excess amount, but too much than it could endure, it will certainly break.”

“I’ll be careful with it!”

He smiled widely in joy and relief as he beholden my proud expression.

“Shall I help you wear it?”

“Ah, yes please.”

He stood up after I gave him the necklace. He moved to my back, moved his hands in front of me to position the necklace forward and put the chain around my neck. After locking it, he stood in front of me with a nod.

I looked down at the hanging treasure and grasped the now crimson jewel.

“Thank you so much, brother.”

I smiled broadly at him, it might have been genuine.

“You’re welcome, I’m glad you like it,” He spread out his arms. “As thanks, give big brother a hug. I miss you a lot, Estelia, I’ll have you know. Don’t be shy now.”

I chuckled faintly and walked into his arms. He caressed my head like a child as I buried my head into his chest.

I was reluctant to do this. This type of stuff is just... too much, still, I cannot just deny it.

But, it wasn’t bad.



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Thanks everyone for reading! And please look forward to more of the story.

I feel this volume would be the same length as the first hahaha! I was surprised to see I have hit 60k words (in my draft) when I was just writing the first half lol. But I am trying to apply the reviews I received, so I hope I won't get to make this volume too long. The length might get troublesome when I try to submit this to a publisher lol.

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