Royal Princess of Blood

Vol. 2 Prologue: The Church’s Ambush (Part 4)

At a distance, hidden amidst the forest, were a group of people wearing large robes which covered the entirety of their body. In fact, even the clothes they wore underneath hid their entire skin.

If listening closely, one could hear repressed groans from some of them as though they were in pain.

At the moment, they were observing the church order battling with the members of the mystic race. They came when they discovered clashing between the two factions, their battle was pretty obvious when one looked high up in the air and saw bright golden lights radiating at a distance.

That was not only it, they had also noticed movements from the palace and the church, and thus they were on a look out for any strange occurrences. And this is what they have discovered.

The ones observing the battle were the beings being called as the Cursed Children. They would have been the ones to eliminate the Mystic Race if the church were not present. But it appeared that the church set up this trap. Thus there was no need for them to intervene.

They would prefer not to be personally discovered by the Church, otherwise things might become more difficult for them to move around. It was best to let the Church focus on the Mystic Race.

“Now that the Church has discovered enemies, we can expect more movement from them. However, their focus should lean towards the mystic race.”

Their leader, Heneis, said as he kept his eyes on the battle. Truth be told, it did not matter who wins here. However, if the mystic race was eliminated or captured, at least there would be less things to worry about.

“Battle’s really heating up, huh.”

All of a sudden, a third party’s voice chimed in from behind the group. They instantly took their stance and prepared for battle, only to see a man with long bronze colored hair nonchalantly walking. Everyone instantly recognized who he was.

“Woah woah, calm down. I come in peace.”

He said as he raised both his hands.

Heneis held out his hand and ordered everyone to stand down. The man, Taneva, casually went past everyone and positioned himself beside Heneis.

“What are you doing here, Taneva?”

“Oh, I just wanted to watch the spectacle. Wow, the church is still an impressive bunch. Actually, I was already watching from the beginning, but I discovered you guys, so here I am.”

“You would come to us at night?”

“Yup. I should say, what an outfit you guys have, really hiding that horrid appearance you have, huh.”

Heneis ignored his comment, but Taneva could feel some intense gaze from behind him, but he paid them no need whatsoever.

Taneva knew just what these people look like behind all those covers. At day they may look perfectly human, but at night, they were akin to monsters.

Heh, punishment for betrayal…

Taneva mused. He somewhat sympathized with them as the one that was also cursed because of a “sin.” But Taneva’s case was different from theirs. He observed them, some were slouching, even Heneis was no exception. He may be silent, showing the strength of his endurance, but others were groaning quietly, bearing some sort of pain.

At least they can die if they choose to…

Perhaps his curse was way worse than them.

“I… I can’t.”

Someone suddenly loudly muttered. Taneva peeked and saw one kneeling down clutching his own hand.

“Hey, what’s wrong?”

One of the cursed children approached and laid a hand on his shoulder.

“Painful… Thirsty… I can’t… I can’t bear it anymore. At least blood, I want blood. Give me blood.”

Suddenly, he lifted his head and looked at Taneva. Upon realizing what this one was intending on doing, Taneva wryly smiled.

The cursed one then stood up and extended his hand. However, others immediately restrained him.

“Stop it.”

“Calm down, breathe.”

They said as quietly as possible so they wouldn’t be discovered in this silent forest.

“I can’t! I can’t! It’s too painful, and I'm thirsty!” he said with desperation, struggling to set himself free from his allies’ hold.

He looked intensely at Taneva, reminiscent of a hungry beast.

“Your guys are a bit frightening when they’re pushed to near insanity,” Taneva said.

“Who wouldn’t go insane if you feel perpetual pain and agony even as you stand?” He then turned back to the others. “Did he not feed earlier?” Heneis asked his people.

“I think not.”

“So that’s why. Get him out of here.”

“No! There’s blood right there, give me!”

“Don’t worry, even the blood of an immortal is not anything special, trust me, your leader tried it in the past. So, no need to lust after my blood.”

In fact, any blood would do as long as it satisfies their thirst. They could drink blood from any animal, and nothing special would happen, even if it came from a human. Blood is blood. All blood was the same, they wouldn’t change no matter what manner of creature it came from, it won’t save them from their torment, with the exception of one blood.

“Serious question though, you have the princess right there in the palace, you couldn’t have tried drinking her blood? Maybe it would have worked.”

“We…” Heneis lowered his head. “We have tried.”

It was hard to obtain blood from the princess, as she was always in the palace, it was hard to catch her alone. Furthermore, the windows to the princess’s room were magically protected whenever they were closed, thus it was difficult to get in quietly.

In addition, as delicate as the princess was, it was hard for her to get wounded. Not to mention they would still need to get the blood that was from her.

However, of course, for years, there will always be at least a few times that the princess bled. That being said, they couldn’t just come up to her and drink her blood as she bled no matter how small when there were people all around her, but rather they had to steal the discarded bandages and such.

Then they would taste the blood that way. However…

“It worked, but only for a short time. We were relieved from our perpetual pain, but it was only temporary.”

“Ah, so she does have her divinity.”

“But she is incomplete.”

A blood of divinity was as is. Meaning it never changes or improves naturally with time. A child of a god will be born bearing the full divinity within it from its parent, thus forming a complete form of its own divinity.

However, for the princess, her case was different. She was not born from the womb of a god — her true mother. Perhaps this could be the reason why she was incomplete, and it cannot be changed unless something was done about it.

“So you need the essence of the goddess. So how would you do that?”

“That is none of your concern.”

“Is that so? But even if you say that, I still have an idea. But you can’t move her. And also, there may be other conditions for releasing you from your curse. Hehe, that’s a lot to process.”

Heneis turned to glare at the Wanderer.

“You laugh, and yet I can tell you sympathize with us.”

“Maybe, I am also cursed after all.”

“Even so, don’t even try to intervene, Taneva.”

“I’m telling you, you don’t need to be hostile with me. It doesn’t have any effect on me no matter what you do with the princess. I don’t need her for anything whatsoever.”

“You are lying, you are thinking about something.”

“If there is, it would not obstruct your goals. We are not enemies, Heneis.”

“...” Heneis scrutinized Taneva before walking away. “We are leaving.”

They turned into dark haze then vanished into the dark forest.

“Why are they so cold on me anyway?”

Incomplete, huh. Whatever, I need to watch the princess for any significant changes, then I’ll think of what to do.


Next upcoming chapters will be the introduction of Demons.

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