Royal Road

Chapter 100

Chapter 99 Setsaku

If you just write a thousand-character essay, Duan Qin will not look tired and emotional after thinking about it. And a competent staff member would not just show his loyalty after discovering the lord’s intention. Therefore, Duan Qin has a great chance to make some plans for the current situation of Liang Mansion.

Sure enough, Duan Qin nodded and said: “The lord has a foresight and can be said to be complete, but there are three of them, and there are still hidden worries. One is the award of military merit.”

Liang Feng didn’t return to the main position, so he just sat down in front of Duan Qin casually and asked, “I don’t know how to teach fields, where is the trouble?”

“The Zhugong army is far better than Weiwu, and it is comparable to the Qin and Han military lords. The army fields are owned by the sergeants, but the sergeants have to drill all day. It is bound to be cultivated by farmers. While raising the army, the army also feeds a few. People who are twice as large as the army. At the same time, the reward for military merit is to reduce the land tax. If you want to honor your military merit, you must protect the Liang Mansion and make it prosperous. As long as this law continues, those sergeants and peasants will not abandon the lord. It’s a century-old foundation, and it’s also the essence of the method of granting fields to the master.”

Hearing what Duan Qin said, Liang Feng sighed secretly in his heart, this son was really keen. Most people can only see the depletion of exemption, but they have never thought that what they exempt is the annual taxation. Taking three years of military field exemption, it is bound to be that Liang’s mansion will be safe and sound in these three years. And those soldiers who have been exempted for 20 years or even for life are eager to live for a hundred years and honor their rewards.

This is to tie everyone to his chariot, and the bonding of the land far exceeds that of money and food, and it is a magic weapon that can truly make people inseparable. And when a person is guarding his own homeland, his own interests, his fighting will and determination will be far better than those who work for others.

Seeing the expression on Liang Feng’s face, Duan Qin knew that he was right. As soon as the conversation changed, he continued: “However, there are too few military merit levels set up by the lord, and there are only three grades. Even the rewards will inevitably lead to fatigue in life. Qin and Han military merits are all twentieth, so everyone in the army Be brave and dare to be the first. If the lord wants to expand the trilogy and set up more military merits, it is imperative!”

“The title belongs to the country. How can I, the Ting Hou, be involved?” The reform must also have an identity and status, otherwise, wouldn’t it be a blatant rebellion?

Duan Qin laughed and said: “The lord wants to go wrong. The foundation of the title is power. As long as there is a distinction between power and responsibility, why must there be the name of a lords? For example, in the middle school, only children who have obtained military merit can enter. , Isn’t it a special case?”

what! Liang Feng reacted. Yes, feudal society is, in the final analysis, a privileged society. The so-called title is to make people rank among the privileged class and receive treatment and rights different from the common people. For example, the right to tax exemption from military service, such as the right to education, the right to not worship an official, such as the right to be exempt from punishment. This is the essence of knighthood and the true meaning of Qin and Han twentieth-level military merits. Just like the fourth-class “no change” of the twentieth class, it can only be exempted from military service in turn, while the eighth-class “carriage” can be exempted from service.

And his education in modern society does not include this level. In the future, there will still be a privileged class, but no one will be unable to receive basic education because they have no rights, and no one will be unable to wear clothes of any color, hairstyles, accessories, and sitting because they do not have status. What kind of car. This kind of food, clothing, housing and transportation is all-encompassing, and the way of limiting the class from the root will not exist in the future civil rights society.

This is exactly what Duan Qin pointed out.

But is it really necessary to act in such a strictly privileged manner? Liang Feng pondered for a moment, but found helplessly that he seemed unable to jump out of this circle for the time being. When a society operates in a certain way, the reforms that follow the trend may be effective, and the subversion that goes against the trend is bound to be shattered. If he wants to make Liang’s mansion stable, he must make concessions to this privileged society.

“Thinking is reasonable, the military system should be reformed, let me think carefully.” In the end, Liang Feng nodded.

Seeing the lord’s approval, Duan Qin couldn’t help but heaved a sigh of relief. Before only looking at his appearance, he was also worried that Liang Feng was a noble son of a very important family. However, after looking at the various issues in the Liang’s mansion, he was worried that Liang Feng was too light and benevolent. Just like Wang Mang, who usurped Han, banned slave trade and equalized the land, completely ignored the interests of aristocratic families and wealthy families, blindly imitating the weekly system, and eventually led to chaos in the world.

Although I am a poor student, I also hope that there will be a way to allow the poor to enter the body, but the ritual law is formulated for its own reasons, and you should not change it rashly.

When the opinion was accepted, Duan Qin couldn’t help but lift up his spirits, and continued: “However, the military field matter should be kept secret. This matter is quite involved. If it is allowed to be discovered by others, it may be wrong. At the same time, the number of soldiers must be limited. Set up more auxiliary soldiers to avoid the suspicion of others.”

The kingdom had a rule that the marquis could set up soldiers when he founded the country, but Liang Feng’s title was the last of the princes, and he did not found the country. The trilogy of 200 people is acceptable, but the sudden increase in the number is too eye-catching. At the same time, Juntian is also quite depleting tax revenue. Even if there is a trade to make up for the tax deficit, the future financial pressure must be considered. As long as the lord hasn’t added the title, these things can’t be spread out. But on the other hand, if the lord becomes a high-ranking official and he is named a householder, it will be a different look.

These are all golden words and what Liang Feng is doing now, how could he not agree. However, if you want to reform the military system, you will not be able to do it overnight, and you must be cautious.

With Liang Feng’s approval, Duan Qin stopped talking and turned to the next topic: “Second, Taihangxing and Zheguanxing must be in the hands of the lord! Liang’s mansion is now located in the high capital, if not Controlling these two passes will inevitably be invaded by the rebels. As long as the two lords stick to it and cannot conquer, the rebels must find other paths. The pressure on the Liang Palace can be alleviated.”

Liang Feng said: “This is not a problem. General Wu who guards the two gates has a deep connection with the Liang Mansion. Before the rebellion passed through the border, his army was even more damaged. As long as you stay here, you can’t get rid of the Liang Mansion.”

“Suppressing the Huns insurgents is really the work of the Liang Mansion.” Duan Qin’s eyes lit up and he immediately asked.

“Two hundred parts, annihilation of four hundred cavalry, is also considered a fierce battle.” At this time, Liang Feng would not hide it. He told the previous battle in detail, and also did not miss the matter of letting Wu Ling use military food to feed the refugees.

“The master’s plan is wonderful!” After hearing what Liang Feng said, Duan Qin couldn’t help high-fiving and praised. The Liang Mansion’s combat power is second, and more important is the post-war arrangements. That is, the Gaodu county magistrate and the Taihang gatekeeper were pulled into a boat, and the lives of the refugees were saved with military rations. In this way, the actual benefits were obtained, the two allies were handed over, the population of Liang Mansion and even Gaodu was enriched, and the strategic depth was increased. It can be described as meticulous thinking.

“However, guarding the pass is not enough. Both roads should be added to the pass to make it as solid! It happens that there are refugees entering from Sizhou. If General Wu selects a group and builds a city along the road, it will be foolproof!” Duan Qin added .

This is also the way to strengthen the control of the two railways. Now it is too late to open up wasteland, and Gaodu may not accept more refugees. It is better to let Wu Ling requisition the refugees as servants and rebuild Guancheng. Anyway, Xingdao is very narrow, and the city doesn’t need to be built much, and it doesn’t cost much money.

“You can give it a try!” This time Wu Ling also gained a lot of benefits in Jinyang. Since he is destined to keep the guard, naturally the more reliable the better, it should not be difficult to move him.

“With the two temples, you should also make friends with other counties. Only one county in the capital is not enough. Only by opening up several counties can the lord gain a foothold in the troubled times! Nowadays, the county magistrates are mostly Hanmen Zhuoguan, and the lord The identity of the General Mansion should be able to easily achieve what he wants.”

This is also the benefit given by Sima Teng. Even if the requisition is not successful, most people have to acquiesce that this person is eligible for requisition. If Liang Feng does not have a Marquis of Pavilion, then others will call him “Liang Yue” respectfully. What’s more, he still has the identity of Tinghou. Coupled with the fame and new white porcelain from Jinyang, it is enough to make those poor county magistrates rush!

Liang Feng already understood what Duan Qin meant: “We still want the above party as the foundation.”

“Yes. Although the Shangdang is the place of the Four World Wars, it is not easy to conquer. Even the Huns cannot advance like the Qin army. What’s more, both Taihang Xing and Zhi Guan Xing are in our hands. It is also impossible to reproduce the battle of Changping. Instead, you have to worry about being attacked by the enemy. In this way, if you want to attack Yecheng and Luoyang, you can only bypass other roads, and Liang’s residence will turn the crisis into peace.”

This is Duan Qin’s final strategic vision. If the Huns get into trouble, they must first fight Sima Teng who lives in Taiyuan. There is no way for the army to suppress the border and take the upper party directly. And if he grasped the two roads, there would be no situation where he was driven straight into the back by the enemy commander in the Battle of Changping. It has become a way to stand in a dangerous place and save one’s life.

Liang Feng let out a sigh of relief: “It seems that we still have to do things like Lord Pingyuan.”

When Pingyuanjun advocated taking over the party from South Korea, he attracted the siege of the Qin army, and was criticized by Tai Shigong as “li and faint.” Now that chaos is about to start, he still has to stick to the upper party and use it as a foundation. Isn’t it just looting food?

“Enjoying a country and being greedy for one place, how does Lord Pingyuan compare with the lord?” Duan Qin said, “As long as the lord can survive the chaos, the lord will have room for entry, and all the difficulties will be solved by then!”

With reputation, merit, and strength, are you afraid that the imperial court will not be in danger? He did not need to rely on Sima Teng, and he was able to seize the official position he deserved.

“Listening to the Lord’s words, I just feel that my eyes are suddenly open.” Liang Feng sighed. Before, I was the only one rubbing in the dark, unconscious, and restrained. Now that I have such a reliable helper, I feel light on my shoulders.

Hearing such praise from the lord, Duan Qin also felt comfortable. These items were all thoughts behind closed doors for him in the past few days. This kind of talent will not be ignored, and the hard work will not be wasted. This is what all insightful people dream of.

However, after a brief period of excitement, Duan Qin immediately calmed down, pondered for a moment, and asked: “Is the lord determined to use the Jieren?”

The question came suddenly, but not surprisingly. After all, most people regard all Hus as a whole, whether they are the Huns, Qiang, Jie, or Wuwan, they are all miscellaneous Hus. And if the Xiongnu were to prosper, these people should be enemies.

Shaking his head, Liang Feng said: “I personally rescued Yi Yan and others. They were loyal and heroic. If they were not used, let them wander and fall into the hands of thieves, they would become disasters. All the horrors are all because of them. Chief Chief. If there is no leader in the group of dragons, the Hu people will be no different from the children of the Han family, but they just want food and clothing.”

Staring at Liang Feng’s calm and handsome face, Duan Qin sighed secretly in his heart. If you don’t have full confidence, how can you use Hu Zhinian? Just like Jin Ri, a general of Han Wu’s command, was not born in the Huns, he was loyal to the Han court and became an auxiliary minister of Tuogu. And Wei Wu drove Karasuma iron cavalry even more like an arm. As long as you have strong control, Huma can be tamed into a good horse.

What’s more, the lord also has the name of Buddha. For Zhuhu who believe in Buddhism, this is a very crucial point, otherwise the Jie people would not come to the whole village.

Thinking of this, Duan Qin slightly nodded his head slightly: “If this is the case, why didn’t the lord order these Jie people to be naturalized and make them all use Chinese surnames?”

The author has something to say: Regarding the relationship between Pingyuan-jun and the Battle of Changping, some historians believe that it is Pingyuan-jun’s fault. South Korea surrendered the Shangdang. Pyeongyang-kun said that it was wrong, but he said that he didn’t need money anyway, so he would naturally take it. Later, he agreed with Zhao Kuo as a general, and he was almost killed by Qin. This period of history is also the origin of the term “li Lingzhi faint”.

(“Historical Records: The Biography of Pingyuan Junyuqing”: “Tai Shigong said: Pingyuan Jun, the best young man in the world, but he did not see the general. The sordid saying is’Li Lingzhi faint’, Pingyuan Jun is greedy for Feng Ting’s heresy, so that Zhao is long. More than forty million people were pacified, and Handan died a few times.”)

However, some people say that Qin always beats Zhao, no matter whether he accepts the party or not, it’s just an excuse. Lord Pingyuan belongs to the back-to-back party.

The two chapters about Pingyuan-jun basically revolve around this allusion.

As for the Battle of Changping, it took place near Gaodu. At that time, the Qin army copied Zhao Jun’s back road through Taihangxing and Zhiguanxing. So the Shangdang is really extremely important on the military level.

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