Royal Road

Chapter 125

Chapter 124 Occasionally

“Liu Yuan has arrived in Zuoguocheng and is gathering five soldiers and horses.” Liang Feng put down his diary. Now that he is a prefect, he can naturally enjoy the official messaging system. Although wars have been chaotic for years, and the post roads are in disrepair, the news is still smooth in the territory of the state. Especially this kind of major event related to the safety of a state can be handed to his desk within three or four days.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yuan’s destination was actually in Zuo Guocheng. That was where the royal court of the Huns used to be. In this way, his ambition was obvious.

Duan Qinmeifeng frowned: “He can return, it must be the king of Chengdu who wants to borrow the Xiongnu’s soldiers and horses. However, at this moment Yecheng has been broken, and it has become a vertical tiger and returned to the mountain. The Xiongnu in Binzhou is afraid that there will be 200,000 households. There were a hundred thousand army in a flash.”

What’s more, the Xiongnu Dingkou may not only have this number. The thought that so many Huma is about to go south makes people shudder.

“Urge the remaining counties to complete the autumn harvest immediately. Cultivation and land reclamation are temporarily stopped, and the grain is transported to the nearest city gate. Strictly guard the city!” Liang Feng ordered.

There is no room for relaxation at this sensitive moment.

“How is General Linghu’s situation?” Liang Feng asked again.

“All ranks of officers have been elected, just guarding Huguan and Baixing, it shouldn’t be a problem.” Duan Qin replied.

This means that defending the city is still useful for surveying, and other things are difficult to talk about.

Liang Feng sighed, “It would be great if the county can also set up an army.”

This is also the biggest headache for Liang Feng. According to the rules of the Qin and Han Dynasties, there should be county soldiers in a county. However, at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the various prefectures seized power and caused great chaos in the world. With this lesson from the previous dynasty, Emperor Wu of Jin ordered the prefectures and counties to dismiss their troops, and ordered the prefectures to disarm and return to the fields. Logically, this method is not wrong. In a short period of time, the population of the prefectures was enriched, farming was restored, and the newly unified Dajin also prevented local chaos. But the terrible thing is that the states and counties that belong to the country don’t have the soldiers, but the counties and counties that belong to the private sector can recruit soldiers and buy horses.

Because the Sima clan usurped power and won the world, when Sima Yan became the throne, he established more than 20 kings of the same surname. The eight princes who have grown up also have their own feuds. As a result, half of the military power fell into the hands of Sima. During the reign of Emperor Jing of the Western Han Dynasty, the Seven Kingdoms Rebellion occurred. Just because Emperor Jing intended to cut down the feudal clan, the kings of the Liu family rebelled. But at this moment, the one who sits in the seat of the emperor is a foolish person. How can the Sima Junwang who holds a heavy hand give up? So there was the melee of the Queen Jia and the subsequent kings.

These major political affairs are not something that Liang Feng can participate in, but the disadvantages lie ahead. There are no soldiers in the county, and the soldiers and horses under the command of Linghu Kuang are under Sima Teng’s command. They are neither deployed by him nor can they be deployed in the army. If there is chaos, how can Liang Feng feel at ease if he puts his wealth and life in the hands of others?

“There is no way to set up an army in the county, but expedient measures are not without.” Duan Qin said, “It is better to refer to the method of assisting soldiers, set up official land, accommodate the refugees and enrich the mouth, and then recruit troops from it. Although there is no name for farming, it is feasible. The reality of farming.”

This is indeed a kind of Tuntian, but it is not the Tuntian method of Cao Wei, but the Army Tun of Datang. No one knows the origin of the military system he set up better than Liang Feng. If it is said that the main soldiers were to follow the military merits to grant land, then as auxiliary soldiers for the reserve service, they were formed in the form of the Tang Dynasty’s military system. Farmers can cultivate in their leisure time and serve as soldiers in wartime. If they can bring their own weapons to participate in the battle, it is even more convenient to recruit. As long as it is carefully arranged and properly arranged, there should be no mistakes being caught.

Slowly nodded, Liang Feng said: “It’s also a way. Fortunately, it is General Linghu who is in the party’s garrison, and he can be accommodating one or two.”

This time Linghu’s promotion was entirely thanks to Liang Feng. He is not cunning, and he is quite grateful. It is much more convenient than others to sit in the party.

“General Linghu also asked yesterday if he could let his youngest son enter the Chongwenguan. It won’t be difficult for the lord to think about it.” Duan Qin said with a smile.

This is also where he admires the lord the most. With just one school, several Cui family members were invited. These are all the proud disciples of the great Confucian Cui You, and they are not lost in Luoyang Taixue. I’m afraid it’s a mentor that countless poor people can meet. And such people set up a library to teach in the Taishou Mansion, regardless of their status, and just look at their talents or not. It has attracted countless officials!

There may not be any prominent wealthy people in the county government now, even those small nobles are also impressed by the teachers of Chongwenguan. Therefore, this newly established academy is divided into two parts, one for officials and eunuchs, and the other for orphans or soldiers. Not only can calm people’s hearts, but also select talents. More importantly, unknowingly including all the offspring of an official official into the bag, this is much better than banning other people’s family members like Yan Ji.

Linghu Kuang came from a big family, but he was also a soldier. How can you easily offend the lord if you can have such a good school for children to enter the school?

“There are still slightly fewer talents in the Chongwen Museum, and we may recruit more in the future to enrich the Xuxu.”

Liang Feng actually wanted to run a primary school. However, the term “primary school” now mostly refers to the study of exegetical phonology, that is, the study of characters. At first, it referred to the elementary college established for the children of the nobles of Gongqing. Obviously, neither of these two meanings can be used. It is too crude to use “Mengxue” alone, so he chose “Chongwen” as the name of the museum. Although it is somewhat similar to the Chongwen view of Emperor Wei Ming, the Yitou is still excellent.

At the beginning of the establishment, a dozen people were enrolled in the museum. The talented orphans and the sons of heroes will be taught by general lecturers, and they will also learn arithmetic and military formations as future grassroots officials and military talents. Those officials’ children who were between six and ten years old attended the upper part with Liang Rong, and Cui Ji and others served as teachers.

But in the final analysis, these are basic education. When the world is in chaos in the future, we can see if we can get some genuine Confucian scholars to enrich the higher education like Hsu. Talent is indispensable at any time, so the selection of talents must be widened early.

“Yi Yingzheng, is it enough to bring only these regular soldiers?” Zhang He asked.

“You have to guard the township, you can’t take all of them. Leave thirty riders and twenty sword shields in the mansion for a period of March to train new recruits as soon as possible.” Yi Yan replied simply.

Zhang He nodded immediately. This time he went to the county with the lord, he really made a lot of credit. Because of this, he was exceptionally promoted as a deputy of the battalion, and became the person in charge of the Liang Mansion left behind.

This time I went back to the mansion with Yi Yan, just to hand over military affairs. This trilogy can be regarded as Yi Yan single-handedly brought it up, and only he is most familiar with the deployment and arrangement of the mansion. As one of the first squad leaders, Zhang He naturally obeyed him.

“The guard posts on the mountain should be guarded and changed every five days. The staff arranged by the post should also be replaced from time to time, so you can’t slack off.”

This is the most convenient way of warning before the road is repaired. It can last a day faster than the post road. It is also one of the methods used by Liangfu to guard the surrounding counties.

“There are also Wang Long and others, all of whom will be appointed to the city.”

Zhang He felt relieved. This is the Jieren trilogy in the mansion. It seems that the most brave team is drawn into the city, but in fact it is to reduce the pressure on his side. Let him, a battalion deputy who was born in a household, better control the left-behind trilogy, so that the two sides will not oppose each other and cause problems.

“Subordinates know. After March, a batch of recruits will definitely be trained.” Zhang He replied sternly.

This is also the result Yi Yan wants. Now that the land boundary controlled by the lord is getting bigger and bigger, the trilogy that originally seemed to be enough is immediately stretched. Therefore, expanding the number of soldiers has become a top priority.

Fortunately, this time there is an increase, and it is necessary to further accommodate the refugees. In the next step, the lord may have to set up another camp near the county town, and his preparations should also be put first.

But for Zhang He, he was quite relieved. This kid is smart, sleek, and reliable. He is also the first person in the trilogy to take the initiative to enter the school, which shows that he is motivated. But after looking at Zhang He, he changed his mind: “Your family members can also settle in the county, and I will arrange a house for them.”

Zhang He smiled: “I only have an old mother and a younger sister in my family. It would be best if I could go to the county town. Unfortunately, I haven’t married a wife and have children, otherwise I can send my son to Chongwenguan to study.”

These words surprised Yi Yan a little: “Why not marry?”

In the Liang Mansion, many households were poor, and they were delayed until they were in their twenties until they got their wives. But everyone who enters the trilogy will become hot, and there are many people from all over the world who ask to marry women, not to mention Zhang He who has climbed up from the head of the army all the way. As long as he wants to marry, I’m afraid his family will be broken.

“Last year, I was just a pawn, and this year I have become a battalion deputy. If I had married at the beginning, wouldn’t it be a bad match? As long as I have been with the lord, sooner or later I can marry a daughter of a big family.” Zhang He replied frankly. .

This is extremely arrogant. How can an eupper surpass his identity and marry the daughter of a big family? Do not say that it is a noble family, or a general proletariat, and it is not something he can climb high. However, Zhang He said that he was full of self-confidence, and seemed certain that as long as he stayed with the lord, he would one day be on par with the big clan. And in such a troubled world, it is not impossible to climb up with military merits.

It seemed as if he had been stabbed in the chest. Yi Yan was silent for a moment, and said coldly: “Then send her two to the county town.”

After speaking, he strode towards the stocked building on the other side. Zhang He didn’t dare to stop for a while, and hurriedly followed.

“Jin, this trip is hard. Your mansion has been arranged, and you can arrange for your family to move in at any time.” Seeing Jiang Da who had finally returned from Tong Yan, Liang Feng couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

These days, working hard for the affairs of the mansion, his physical condition is really worrying. I was overjoyed when I saw the health care doctor coming. What’s more, this is his chief epidemic prevention expert. Later, he can set up hospitals in the county and cultivate more talents who can master the essentials of epidemic prevention. In this way, the chance of a pandemic in Shangdang can be reduced a lot.

Unexpectedly, the lord had even arranged a place for him. How could Jiang Da not be moved, and immediately said: “The lord has bothered. This time I also brought three tribesmen to Lucheng, all of them are good at the Jiang family. That’s right. There is one more person who must be introduced to the lord! He is a person from Jurong, Danyang, who is staying in the north of Danfang this time. I have also heard of the lord’s name before being invited over. This son is the grandson of Tai Chi Ge Xianwen A disciple of the hidden fairy Zheng Siyuan, who is proficient in the alchemy and the method of self-cultivation. If he can help him, he will be able to restore health as soon as he wants to come to the lord!”

Liang Feng couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed. It’s fine to find a doctor for consultation. Why did an old god’s apprentice pop up? Isn’t it Jiang Da who was deceived? Or do you want him to use Jindan to consolidate his capital? Hanshisan has already caused a lot of sins, and heavy metal pill can be avoided if it can be avoided!

But these words can’t be said directly. Liang Feng coughed: “I didn’t expect Jin to have such a high praise. I don’t know how this son is called?”

“His surname is Ge Minghong, whose name is Zhichuan. He is waiting outside the hall. If the lord is interested, I will invite him in immediately!” Jiang Daxing replied rushingly. It seems that this person really values ​​it.

“This…” Liang Feng was thinking about not being anxious, and it wouldn’t hurt to see you tomorrow. Suddenly startled. Wait, his name is Ge Hong? How does this name sound so familiar?

Ge Hong…Ge Xianweng…Between the sparks and the fire, Liang Feng was overjoyed when he thought of something. Could it be that Ge Hong? !

“Hurry up! No, I’ll welcome you out!” Where there was hesitation, Liang Feng stood up and pulled Jiang Da out.

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