Royal Road

Chapter 131

Chapter 130 Night attack

Contrary to what Yiyan had expected, the visitor did not take him to the Taishou Mansion, but took a detour to the Taoist Temple in the west of the city. Why is the Lord Guild in Taoist Temple?

However, when he saw someone, the question was immediately behind him, and Yi Yan rushed in three steps and two steps: “Master! How can you work so hard?!”

No wonder he is worried. At this moment, Liang Feng’s sleeves were covered with stains, his hair was loose, and his pale face was completely bloodless, as if he would fall down at any time. Seeing Yi Yan so nervous, Liang Feng smiled: “I’m not a big deal here, is the city okay? Does Zhengbing still have enough energy?”

“Yes!” Yi Yan couldn’t help taking a step forward, holding on to the opponent, and then continued, “There were 27 injured in the young and Zhuang group, and all the auxiliary soldiers entered the battle. The main soldiers only took turns to supervise the battle and did not personally welcome them. Enemy. The enemy seemed to be eager to attack the city, but did not exert all his strength. Several teams took turns to rest. It should be an attempt to bring us down.”

“Good control.” Liang Feng nodded, this was the paralysis tactic he wanted. He didn’t refuse the other party’s support either, he said, “Let me go to the back. I want to show you something.”

The so-called back does not refer to the few huts, but a secluded empty field behind the Taoist temple. Getting closer, the strong smell of saltpeter came over, and there were a lot of scraps of paper and burnt black marks on the ground, and there was a bonfire burning in the distance.

“President, the last one has been properly adjusted.” Ge Hong stepped forward, looking even more embarrassed than Liang Feng. Not only was he covered in dirt, but even had a lot of black dust on his face, but his expression was quite agitated.

“Take a shoulder crossbow.” Liang Feng commanded without talking nonsense.

Soon, someone took the shoulder crossbow, Liang Feng took an object from Ge Hong, hung it on the crossbow bolt, and said to Yi Yan: “Shoot it into the fire.”

Yi Yan didn’t know why, he took the shoulder crossbow, and saw a bamboo tube tied on the crossbow arrow, about three inches long, it should be solid and not light in weight. But the fire was only a hundred paces away, even if something was attached, it wouldn’t be missed. Yi Yan raised the crossbow with both hands, aimed at the fire and pressed down the hanging knife.

The sound of breaking through the air sounded, and the crossbow fell into the flames exactly. However, in the next moment, something surprising happened. Only after hearing a “boom”, there was a loud noise in the fire, like being rubbed by an invisible big hand, the flames rose, and sparks splashed everywhere.

This one was too powerful, it was like thunder hitting the fire. All the hair of Yi Yan exploded, and Feishen stood in front of Liang Feng.

Liang Feng smiled: “It’s okay, this thing is just a little bit more dynamic, and its lethality is limited.”

Only then did Yi Yan react, and looked down at the shoulder crossbow in his hand: “Is that bamboo tube making a sound?”

“It’s called a firecracker. It’s filled with medicine, and it will explode in case of fire.” To put it bluntly, this thing is a black gunpowder version of the second kick, and the movement is not as big as the second kick. It is really short of time, and gunpowder is really limited. This can only be done.

Liang Feng turned his head to Ge Hong and said, “Zhichuan, order one to let Bo Yuan take a look.”

Seeing this fierce Jie Ren, he was shocked, Ge Hong couldn’t help showing some sorrow, and took out another firecracker and placed it on the open space a dozen steps away. This one had a long lead, and he ignited the thread with fire, and quickly withdrew more than ten steps. The fuse swish to the end, and the bamboo tube exploded in place. The sound was also loud, but apart from the bamboo shavings flying around and a black mark on the ground, there was no other damage, and even the ground was as smooth as before.

At this time, Yi Yan just got over. This thing is like firecrackers, it can only be heard, not the real thunder.

Seeing his mood a little calmer, Liang Feng said: “Now that gunpowder is in its infancy, it can only produce such an effect. What do you think?”

For another person, after calming down, you might find this kind of large firecrackers useless. However, Yi Yan is not one of those mediocre people, frowned, and he said: “If you use it at night, the enemy will definitely blow up camp!”

Such a movement and such a momentum make people who don’t know why they see it, they will only think that the sky is descending from the sky. At night, it is infinite deterrence.

Liang Feng nodded: “That’s right. Now the enemy feels that the victory is in hand, and there is a large army oppressing the battle. You must take a good rest at night. You led ten brave, careful, and reliable soldiers, and they lurked near the enemy camp with a firearm. The enemy battalion. If you want to attack from the side, you will surely retreat the enemy!”

Gunpowder is something beyond this era. Even if it is used in actual combat, it cannot let everyone understand its true function and principle. It’s like a juggling. If you don’t know the inside story, you will be afraid of worship. Knowing the truth is just one more game of fun.

Not to mention gunpowder, the horseshoes and hand crossbows developed by Fuzhong are still kept secret, and Yi Yan naturally knows the importance of this matter. However, looking at the distant fire and the heavy shoulder crossbow in his hand, he said again: “Even if there are only ten people, it is inconvenient to dive near the enemy camp.”

The artillery war tied to the arrow has no fuze. I thought it was because I was afraid that the enemy would find it by raising fire at night. But in this case, you must hold the bow and crossbow and shoot the cannonball into the campfire of the enemy camp at close range. Even the range of the shoulder crossbow is only one hundred and fifty steps at most. At such a close distance, it is quite easy to be spotted by the enemy.

“It’s okay, I will think about it and let those people turn their attention.” Liang Feng’s expression became serious, “Tonight’s battle is only victorious and undefeated! There is only one chance, and these Huns must withdraw as soon as possible! ”

Lucheng can’t withstand the war anymore, and we must drive away these thieves as soon as possible in order to preserve the hearts of the people. There is not much time left for him, and he will have to accept refugees and expand the wasteland. There is no room for delay!

Yi Yan looked at the other party’s pale face and nodded his head: “Don’t worry, the lord! The subordinates will definitely let the thieves come back and forth!”

The night dimmed little by little, and the half-full moon wheel floated up to the treetops. Tonight is a sky with clouds covering the moon, the moon is dazzling, like a cage of gauze, and even the stars are hidden. The four fields were dark, and only a few bonfires were burning in the camp of the Huns.

Liu Wei is not a reckless person, so he arranged the camp early. Nor was it slack in Lucheng’s defense against emptiness, but instead sent several teams of soldiers to patrol the camp. The abducted civilian husbands are trapped outside the camp to prevent these people from making trouble and bombing the camp. There are also people who specially guard the gate of Lucheng to prevent the other party from opening the city at midnight.

It can be said that any danger that can be predicted is on guard. Even if someone sent thousands of people to attack the camp, they couldn’t shake this solid camp.

The soldiers patrolling the sentry kept going around the camp. In addition, the camp is as silent as four wilds, not to mention people, even horses are silent.

In this silence, there was a slight noise at the top of the Lucheng wall. Several ropes were thrown down from the wall, and then, one by one, silhouettes of people slid down from the city. Like a group of night ghosts that even the shadows melt into, they quietly fell on the ground and gathered in a team. No one made a sound, because their mouths were like horses, biting on the bite, unable to make a sound, and even their breathing became shallow. After landing, these people formed a queue and dived along the left and right sides of the city wall towards the Huns camp in the distance.

However, one team was faster than everyone else. The ten dark shadows rushed towards the big camp like a pack of wolves running at night. Their movements are light and very skillful. The closer they are to the camp, the slower they move. In the end, everyone crawls on the ground, like a beast foraging, quietly approaching the camp.

This distance is too close. If it wasn’t for the sentry to stand by the bonfire and be blurred by the light, I am afraid that a slight movement would be noticed.

Therefore, none of these people moved, each holding the crossbow at hand, waiting for the signal to initiate an attack.

On the top of the city, Liang Feng stood by the arrow stack, looking at the looming bonfire in the distance. Because of heavy metal poisoning, his eyesight has been poor and he can see even less at night. The night is so dark, like a curtain that cannot be lifted. Such quietness is not a bad thing.

Half an hour passed quickly, and a soldier stepped forward and whispered: “Lord, the time is up.”

One hour was enough for Yiyan and the others to approach the camp. Liang Feng nodded slightly: “Let’s start.”

Following the order, a row of ten long bamboo arrows were taken up. Unlike other arrows, the heads of these arrows are all wrapped in a cylindrical paper tube with a cotton thread hanging behind them. The arrow shaft is thin and long, without feathers, which is very weird.

He placed a few arrows diagonally on the shelf and aimed them at the Xiongnu camp. Someone ignited the short wooden stick in his hand and leaned on the cotton thread sprinkled with medicine.

The hissing sounded, the cotton thread quickly burned to the end, a burst of gunpowder smoke came, and the arrow flew out at once, and it flew for ten feet before a silver tail wing flashed out. Immediately afterwards, the second, third, and arrow feathers rushed to the sky and fell towards the Huns camp.

The night is so quiet, such a sight is simply hard to ignore. Liang Feng raised the corners of his lips slightly. When he was a child, he played countless times with the sky monkey, but he never thought that one day, he would see this scene again on such an occasion.

In front of the camp, a Huns soldier heard a strange noise and looked up at the sky. With just a glance, he was startled. I saw in the sky, a silver star fell from the sky and rushed towards the big camp. How is this going? Why are there meteors falling on their camp? ! Should I be warned, or should I kneel down and beg the gods and Buddhas for mercy?

The Xiongnu soldier was completely stupid on the spot. He was not the only one, together with his companions, all the patrol sentries had wide-open eyes, staring at the stars falling from the sky. At this moment, in the shadows, someone moved.

A shoulder crossbow was in his hand, the hanging knife was pressed down, and the long crossbow shot out. He moved too fast, almost as fast as the falling star. When the first crisp sound exploded in the air, the bonfire beside the Huns also exploded!

It was like a muffled thunder, tearing the quiet night apart. The Xiongnu soldier’s legs softened and knelt on the ground.

“Mete…Mete…God…God punishment!”

The sky fell and the star fell, Xuan Lei entered the camp! This is clearly the sin of God and Buddha! Only the unforgivable can face such an abnormal situation!

However, the sound did not end. Thunder and thunder sounded again and again, and the bonfire was like being clamored by ghosts. The entire Huns camp was in chaos, and everyone was awakened by the thunder. However, when he rushed out of the tent, he was faced with more thunder that rang out on the ground. Flames splashed, burning the nearby tent, and the horse neighed, rushing frantically towards its owner.

It’s just a moment, the indestructible camp, turned into a sea of ​​ghosts!

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