Royal Road

Chapter 137

Chapter 136 Win or lose

The prime minister’s mansion is all plain. After more than a month, the new prime minister Liu Xuan still failed to survive the malaria and died of a serious illness.

This news is not so wonderful for the newly established Han country. Liu Xuan has a very high level of seniority, and he was born in the court of the Xiongnu. Without him, it would be impossible for the five to unite so quickly. Liu Yuan even took over the position of King Youxian from him before he was appointed as Dadanyu and Jianguo became king.

Such an old and important official who held the country, died after the new king became the throne, and soon cast a shadow on the dream of dominance. Fortunately, Liu Xuan himself was really old, so Liu Yuan declared that the prime minister had overworked and died of illness, and he personally went to his house to see him off, which was considered to have wiped out the criticism from the ruling and the opposition.

However, Liu Yuan himself clearly understood the cause of his grandfather’s death. He has controlled all the defeated soldiers who fled from the Shangdang. According to the original plan, it was supposed to see through the tricks of the bombing camp and then announced it to the world. But after countless trials, Liu Yuan could only draw one conclusion from these defeated soldiers: a miracle did appear that day!

For these soldiers who were frightened out of their guts, the new King of Han really had a headache. Even if it was him, he couldn’t put three thousand Jingqi to death for no reason, and if these people left it alone, they would shake the military’s mind greatly. If this continues, not only will it not be able to hide the reason for the defeat, but it will also make the rumors intensified and unable to end. In the end, he had to put these people into his own personal guards, strictly guarded them, and cut off the prying eyes of outsiders.

But this alone is not enough.

“Now that the kingdom is preliminarily determined, the Jin army will lead troops to the bandits, who dares to fight?” Liu Yuan, sitting on the throne, asked loudly in the hastily built hall.

Sima Teng sent tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, led by General Nie Xuan, to attack Lishi. This was the first time that Han Dynasty faced an enemy attack, and it was also their first confrontation with their old neighbor Sima Teng. The significance of this battle is not trivial.

However, in the face of a powerful enemy, some people also strode out.

“Children please fight!” “The final general dare to fight!”

Several voices sounded in unison. Liu Yuan’s fourth son, Liu Cong, adopted son Liu Yao, generals Hu Yanyou, Qi Mudou, Liu Qin and others also went out to fight.

Liu Yuan looked at the sharp eyes in the hall and couldn’t help laughing: “Sima Xiaoer will be defeated in this battle! Raise my imperial power!”

As long as you win this battle, you will be able to calm people’s hearts and let those ministers in the DPRK know where their destiny is. After taking Jinyang, why are you afraid to join the party?

Liu Yuan stood up and sent his troops!

“School Lieutenant, the thieves have traveled five miles away. Depending on the situation, they seem to want to fight our army!” The scout reported.

Sitting on a horse, Yi Yan looked at the large smoke and dust rising in the distance, and said coldly: “Go forward two miles and open the battle to meet the enemy.”

Following the lord’s order, Yi Yan led the new army to Nie County to wipe out the thieves and bandits entrenched here. This is the first time he has led so many people. However, unlike other generals, he did not strictly arrange the food route and organize the rear army. Instead, he let the soldiers carry dry food with him, and then ride to the place where the bandit is infested.

Nowadays, a more detailed map of the terrain has been drawn in the Shangdang area, and Yiyan’s horses are several times more than ordinary troops. On the second day after the army arrived in Nie County, the movements of the bandits were thoroughly ascertained. Yi Yan didn’t attack immediately, but set up a camp under their noses, posing an attacking posture.

Such a team suddenly appeared, and the impact on the bandits was not insignificant. After several inquiries, they finally determined that the number of officers and soldiers was far lower than their own, and there was no army behind, so they made a big move to defeat this group of officers and soldiers in one fell swoop.

And this is exactly what Yi Yan needs.

Rather than encircle and suppress the bandits who sneaked into the mountains, it is better to face-to-face confrontation and quickly eliminate the main enemy force. Now Sima Teng’s army has been dispatched and will soon confront the Xiongnu. Seeing the chaos in Binzhou, he didn’t have much time to delay with this gang of thieves.

With the command of the coach, the recruits immediately formed a team and marched toward the scheduled battlefield. The training of the recruits followed the practice of the Liang Mansion, attaching great importance to physical strength and marching speed, and the two miles were completed in a short time. Arriving at the scheduled battlefield, after a short break, the soldiers lined up and started the battle.

Therefore, when the bandits rushed away for a while, they ran into enemy troops who were supposed to be still miles away. He was taken aback by this unexpected formation, but after carefully observing the opponent’s camp, the bandit leader found that his family still had an absolute number advantage. It is by no means a timid person who can command such a large group of bandits. The bandit leader immediately ordered and launched an attack!

The bandits all over the mountains rushed up. These people were originally herdsmen and farmers, but in the troubled countryside, they have seen blood and tasted the taste of burning, killing, captive and plundering. What’s more, they still have a lot of cavalry, how can they be afraid of these weak infantry who walk on two legs?

More than three hundred cavalry screamed loudly and rushed in front of the formation. These are the Huns herders, and their riding and shooting skills are not inferior to the real Xiongnu fine riding. The horses could quickly break through the array, letting the group of Jins with spears scattered and flee. As long as there is a mess, the companions behind can easily strangle this poor officer and soldier, so that they will never get back!

Putting it on the Jin army, which is mostly composed of farmers, there is no omission in this arrangement. Unfortunately, they didn’t know that they were not facing an ordinary Jin army.

“Prepare for crossbow arrows!” Sun Jiao shouted in the front row of the archers camp. A hundred crossbowmen raised the crossbow in their hands. This is a new crossbow modified from the crossbows stored in the Shangdang arsenal. It is much larger than the normal arm crossbow, but it has a longer range of up to two hundred steps, and it is also expected to be aimed at the mountain. It can be said that this one hundred crossbows can take away one hundred enemy’s lives.

However, Sun Jiao was not in a hurry to order the shooting, and only after the enemy rider broke in one hundred and eighty steps, he shouted: “Shoot!”

With a hum, the crossbow arrows flew out. Like a wheat field knocked down by the torrential rain, a hundred knights fell from the horse. At this moment, the enemy formation was panicked, but at this moment they couldn’t retreat at all. The bandit soldiers who led the team shouted: “Charge, rush! They can’t shoot a second arrow!”

To be able to hit such a long distance, in all likelihood, you need to bend down and step on your feet to get on the line. After a round of shooting, it takes a lot of effort to wind up if you want to continue. There are only a thousand enemy troops, and it is incredible to have a hundred archers. It is impossible to arrange other archers!

This judgment is not wrong. However, after thirty steps, another wave of arrows rained down!

The crossbowman did not bend down and wind the bow, but dropped the crossbow, quickly took off the bow and arrow on his back, and opened the bow! Facing the cavalry, one hundred and fifty steps can only draw the bow three times. However, after three rounds of salvo, no one could sit in front of him, three hundred cavalry, not one left!

This terrifying four-round arrow rain slowed the charging bandit. The messenger beside Yi Yanchong waved his hand gently, and the sound of drums sounded. With the rhythm of the drum beat, the army began to move, striding forward. The neat pace made the earth tremble slightly, and the tip of the raised spear reflected dazzling sharp light, like an unshakable raging wave!

Seeing this, even the bandit leader began to tremble. Want to escape? That’s too late!

The two cavalry squads rushed out from behind the bandits, like crossed bows, and attacked the back of the enemy camp. No matter how fierce they are, this is just a group of bandits. And at this moment, their courage is cold, their blood is cold, just a touch, the whole is collapsed!

The fighting turned into a unilateral slaughter. The spear forest was in front, shattering all possible resistance; the cavalry behind, shattering all possible escape routes. With just a few breaths, two thousand thieves were defeated!

In less than half an hour, only the soldiers kneeling and begging for mercy were left on the battlefield, and the dead corpse. Without continuing to chase the defeated soldiers, Yi Yan ordered to close the formation and take care of the battlefield. The whole army rectified and rested.

After all, it was the bandits with battalions, and those who flee desperately rushed back to the cottage. The door was closed, and the remaining bosses quarreled. Close the gate tightly and try to resist the enemy? Abandon the cottage and escape? Or surrender obediently and show loyalty to the current master of the Shang Party?

For half a day, the group did not discuss any results. However, the soldiers and horses that have been rectified have already appeared in front of the cottage.

The ignited rocket flew into the village, and then the daredevils climbed into the wall. Next, the city gate opened wide, and the terrifying enemy holding a sword and shield rushed in.

In one day, more than two thousand thieves were wiped out. After slashing over a thousand and taking eight hundred prisoners, the hard-working nest has turned into a pile of charred wood.

“Enlighten the lord, the banditry in Nie County has been eliminated. In addition to the bandit camp, three hills have been wiped out, and more than 1,200 prisoners have been taken!”

Looking at Tang’s kneeling straight, Jie Ren youth like a javelin, Liang Feng smiled with satisfaction. Counting the round-trip distance, Yi Yan’s trip took only ten days. And such a result, for a new army, can be called outstanding.

“Bo Yuan has worked hard in this trip.” Liang Feng praised, “Reward the whole army, each of them will be rewarded three thousand dollars, a piece of silk. The soldiers should be used as hard labor in accordance with the usual practice. Wait until the winter is over, and those who can survive, then Consider incorporating and rectifying.”

He did not intend to exhaust all the prisoners to death. After the fortifications are over, these people will be enlisted in the battalion and used as auxiliary soldiers. Shattered the original arrogance, and after a long time of hard work, this group of soldiers will serve anyone who saves them and gives them a chance to survive. This is like a typical Stockholm syndrome. When conquered by fear and suffering, the established attachment complex is equally indestructible.

Can hear the joy in the lord’s voice, Yi Yan bowed his head and said, “Thank you for the lord’s reward!”

For him, there is no better reward than this.

The rapid cessation of banditry caused the Shangdang counties to shake again. Those who were ill-intentioned began to flee from the Shangdang, and the people who stayed behind became more and more convinced that the monarch was the Buddha who came to the world and could save their wealth and lives. With horses and farm tools, Guantian began to reclaim wasteland, and new refugees were being settled every day. However, the joy was not completely dissipated, and there was a message.

General Nie Xuan sent by Sima Teng defeated Daling and lost more than 10,000 soldiers. As soon as the news came out, the state was panicked!

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