Royal Road

Chapter 150

Chapter 149

There was heavy rain last night, water accumulated in many places in the palace, and two roof tiles fell. Early in the morning, someone cleaned the palace and repaired the damaged areas. Standing under the corridor with his back hand, Liu Yuan stared at the palace men running around.

He grew up in Luoyang, the royal capital, and he has seen the prosperity of the capital of the world when Jin was at its peak. Opening twelve gates, leading to Luoshui and Gushui, the east-west avenue is 20 feet wide, and Tongluo Street, which is full of official mansions, is also 16 feet wide. Standing in the city of Luoyang, it was like standing in the heart of the great dynasty, full of excitement and gushing out.

Because of this passion, he nearly died there and was jealous of the supreme emperor. Fortunately, Wang Hun and others helped, only to escape. Later, Empress Jia usurped power and the court was in chaos. He left Luoyang and joined the king of Chengdu under the command of General Ningshuo and supervised the five military forces.

He also saw Yedu, which was not inferior to Luoyang Palace City. There are three platforms in Ye, the bronze bird, the golden tiger, and the ice chamber, all ten feet high, connected by a pavilion road. On both sides of the east and west, there are also three gardens of Xuanwu, Fanglin, and Ganoderma lucidum. Zuo Si’s “Wei Du Fu” has gorgeous rhetoric and magnificent weather, and it can’t fully express the essence of this big city.

Both of them took him nearly forty years. Returning to his hometown, he has reached the age of knowing the destiny.

Today, he is only in the original palace of Xihe Country. It has neither the grandeur of Luoyang Palace nor the beauty of Yecheng Palace, and it is not even comparable to the Guangsha and Shen Mansion of those aristocratic families. Such dilapidated palaces were the most comfortable place for him to live.

No longer the proton of the Huns, no longer the general of the Jin country, he is the head of the Han country, and one day, he will ascend the throne of the emperor. He has endured it for so many years, so why not endure it for a while?

A close attendant walked through the corridor, walked quickly to Liu Yuan’s side, and said: “King, there is news from Daijun. Tuoba Yiyu is seriously ill, and Suotou may cause internal chaos!”

This Xianbei team is commanded by the three brothers. Tuoba Yiyu has great courage and talent, and his son is even more outstanding. However, similar to other nomads, if the chief dies, there will be commotion in the tribe. Between brothers, uncles and nephews will fight desperately.

Therefore, even if Love is about to be cut, or even if he abandons the palace and flees to Puzi for a while, Liu Yuan will not be able to disturb Liu Yuan’s heart. Because he knew that he would eventually return to this new capital, and step by step annihilated the Jin army and seized the world. This is the destiny!

Picking up the corners of his mouth, Liu Yuan said: “Order all ministries to collect grain and grass, and when Tuoba Yiying dies, he will send troops to attack Jinyang!”

Sima Teng had just requested a nomination for Tuoba Yiyou, and I am afraid he was still immersed in the illusion that reinforcements were coming soon. Dadan for this title seems to be a reward, but in fact it is a curse. With a name, there will be ambitions, will cause military disasters, and will make the already chaotic battle of seizing heirs even more unbearable. There will be no time to look around, can anyone help Sima Teng?

Jinyang, and even Bingzhou, will be his first place to ride a horse!

No longer looking at the busy palace people, Liu Yuan turned around and strode towards the hall.

The cicadas screamed and the sun was scorching. Standing in the shade of the courtyard, sweat is still dripping from his head. Liang Rong gritted his teeth and controlled his arm forcefully, trying to hold the things in his hands more firmly.

Beside him, an unwavering voice sounded: “Raise your arms, keep your eyes away from the bullseye.”

Hearing this, Liang Rong’s mouth tightened, ignoring the trembling arms and sweat-soaked clothes, trying to pull the bow more firmly. However, his age is too young, even with a small soft bow, long time bowing is a great burden. Hearing a “boom” sound, the bowstring bounced out, probably because the rebound was too strong. He didn’t even pinch it firmly, and the small bow fell out of his hand and fell to the ground.

His cheeks turned red, but before he could pick it up, the man beside him bent down and took the bow in his hand.

“The bow must be decisive. It must not be loose or passed. Once pulled to the position, it must not be changed. Arm strength can be practiced, but the posture must always be correct.” , An arrow hit the bullseye not far away.

This action was as fast as a thunderbolt, and it was shocking. Liang Rong swallowed and withdrew his envious eyes: “I want to try again!”

Since a month ago, it has entered the busy farming season. Winter wheat is harvested, summer grains are planted, and locust hunting campaigns have been carried out in various places. Everyone is caught in busy work, even the soldiers have to give fakes and participate in the summer harvest. In this way, the school officer Yi Yan relaxed.

This is no longer the time when he had to lead the team to harvest last year. Once the status and status are up, there will be fewer chores. So Yi Yan stayed in the Prefect. In addition to Gong Wei Lucheng, he also served as Liang Rong’s bow and arrow teacher.

Unlike other soldiers who treat “Rongzi” and “Little Langjun” with respect, Yi Yan’s teaching method can be called harsh, and he hasn’t kept his hands at all. Being taught by such a teacher, Liang Rong sighed in his heart. Such hard training has made this little guy’s archery gradually take shape.

Watching Liang Rong pull the bowstring again, Yi Yan stopped talking, but stared at his posture with his hands behind his back. At this moment, a voice came from behind the two: “Rong’er, how are you doing?”

“Father, did you go to the office?” Liang Rong didn’t care about archery. He immediately turned around and ran all the way to Liang Feng’s side, “I have practiced for two quarters of an hour!”

Taking the veil from Luzhu, Liang Feng personally wiped the little one’s face: “Winter training for March 9th, summer training for sanfu, Ronger’s hard work is worthy of praise.”

This is Liang Rong’s favorite to hear! There was a sense of joy in Wu Liuliu’s eyes, and Liang Rong said, “I will shoot arrows for my father!”

Liang Feng rubbed the other party’s sweaty sling: “I will wait and see for my father.”

With this encouragement, Liang Rong took a deep breath, and before stepping to the target, regardless of the soreness on his arm, he suddenly pulled the bowstring and shot an arrow. The target was very close, and this arrow was almost sure to land on the target. Although it did not have a central red heart, it was also in the inner ring.

“Rong’er’s shooting has really risen!” Liang Feng applauded and applauded.

“Father, too!” Liang Rong turned his head and said to Liang Feng.

These days, Liang Feng is also practicing archery. After all, he has practiced shooting, so he can learn quickly. But what troubles Liang Feng is not the archery itself, but the vision problem.

After receiving the soft bow on Yi Yan’s delivery, Liang Feng exhaled gently, his arm violently pulled the bowstring away. This appearance immediately made Liang Rong’s eyes shine. In his eyes, no one can match his grandfather’s momentum or appearance!

However, the standard of action for drawing a bow is to shoot an arrow, but the accuracy of the head is somewhat shabby. The arrow was nailed into the board, and it was only slightly stronger than Liang Rong. Liang Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and sighed softly: “A fixed target is really not a success.”

I don’t know if it’s because my eyes are damaged by reading, or because of heavy metal poisoning. I don’t know if Liang Feng can’t see the target clearly. It’s still close. If I get a target in the school field, it’s not certain whether he can shoot into the inner ring. .

“Don’t worry, lord.” Yi Yan said to the side, “Archery sometimes doesn’t require eyes, just aim with your heart. The heart turns at will, naturally you can make a lot of shots. In my clan, there are archers with white shadows. Raise the bow, and still hit a hundred shots.”

For this statement, Liang Feng quite agrees. In shooting competitions, considering the overall distance and target size, some ten rings are not as big as rice grains. In ancient times, the so-called piercing the poplar with a hundred steps was to shoot small willow leaves 150 meters away. How many of them can really be seen in red? More than just aiming with consciousness and physical sensations.

It is precisely because of this that Liang Feng is also consciously practicing shooting moving targets. The quasi-head of the fixed target, I am afraid that it will depend on practice to make perfect.

Handing the bow to Yi Yan, Liang Feng said, “I’ll try again with a crossbow.”

Yi Yan immediately picked up a bow from the side, and then installed the crossbow arm and the crossbow machine. In a blink of an eye, a bow turned into a crossbow, which was breathtaking. Liang Feng’s favorite is also such a loading and unloading action. Just like the disassembly and assembly of guns in later generations, there is a rhythm of beauty.

After receiving the crossbow, Liang Feng raised his hands flat, aimed at the bullseye with Wangshan, and lightly pressed the hanging knife, and the crossbow bolt flew out! With a deep sound, nailed into the red heart!

“Father is mighty!” Liang Rong couldn’t help calling out.

Liang Feng slapped and put down his crossbow: “If you increase your arm strength, you will be more accurate if you don’t say so.”

Just like holding a gun, the more stable your hand, the more accurate you can shoot. The bow and arrow involve all the strength, just like the soft bow used by children, Yi Yan can also be pulled to the right in an instant, will not break the bowstring, and will not miss the target and miss the target. This is the most subtle body control, whether it is a three-stone strong bow or a half-stone soft bow, there is no difference to him.

It is nonsense to say not to be jealous in the face of such a sophisticated flesh. Liang Feng asked himself, I am afraid that he couldn’t reach this point in his heyday. His fighting consciousness is used to punish evil and promote good, while Yi Yan’s is used to kill people. Such subtle differences constitute the difference between Tianyuan.

As if being stung by Liang Feng’s sight, Yi Yan lowered his gaze: “The lord has a gift from heaven. If he is healthy, he will be successful.”

This is not a compliment. Yi Yan knew the talents of the people in front of him, just like those daring men who could siege the city and fall into battle, they were all trained based on the master’s ideas. Even the methods of physical training in the army, as well as the martial arts and methods of fighting the enemy that he has learned, are all passed down by the lord. If his body is better, he should also be able to become a famous general in command of all the people.

Similarly, only such reverence and admiration can make him suppress the desperate thoughts in his heart.

Hearing this, Liang Feng couldn’t help but laughed: “It seems that I should climb high and travel far to strengthen my body.”

These days, Liang Feng began to deliberately strengthen exercise, starting with the most basic mountain climbing and walking. It happened that Ge Hong also moved back to the mountains, which was an excuse for exercising. When his body gets better, he should be able to increase jogging and some basic physical exercises, not to mention the eight-pack abs, anyway, cover the ribs.

But thinking of this, Liang Feng couldn’t help but think of Wang Wen’s letter. Although I replied that I am currently in poor health, I am afraid that I cannot accept the marriage contract. Wang Wen still said graciously that the matter was not in a hurry, and waited for the niece and Qi to talk about it. Regarding this obvious gesture of goodwill, Duan Qin and Cui Ji both hinted that the opportunity should not be missed, but Liang Feng did not tell others the matter. He has not made up his mind on this matter.

Looking down at the gleaming, admiring little guy, Liang Feng sighed in his heart. I don’t know if finding a stepmother will make Rong’er sad. If it can be delayed, let’s delay it for a while.

But soon, another news came from Jinyang.

After the summer harvest, the Huns all came out. Tuoba Yiying suddenly died of illness, and Sima Teng failed to take advantage of the Xianbei cavalry. And the state, another military disaster.

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