Royal Road

Chapter 156

Chapter 155

Twenty thousand horses, the momentum alone is enough to shock people. Like a ferocious long snake, the Huns spread out in front of them. Because it was an encounter, they did not set up camp, but directly set up the battle. Bright helmets and bright armors, swords and guns out of their sheaths, and sturdy warriors riding on horses. Just looking at it from a distance makes people frightened.

Sun Jiao stood with his hands folded, standing in the military formation, looking at the majestic array of enemy troops in front of him. The opposing general is obviously a veteran. Regardless of whether it is the closeness of the camp or the arrangement of the arms, there is a sense of measure. Even if it was unfolded in front of them, there was no flaw to follow. More importantly, the other side arranged the front army and the rear army, which was obviously to guard against a sneak attack on the side of the belly, and to suppress all possible dangers in the infancy.

It really is a good general.

However, at this moment, it is not the time to shrink or fear.

“Pull away obstacles! Prepare to calibrate the gun.” Sun Jiao ordered loudly.

Following this command, several soldiers rushed to the tents standing on either side of the camp and tore off the linen cloth covering them. Four wooden machinery, as high as one person and over two feet long, appeared in front of everyone.

This is the new thunderbolt that was developed by Liu Jian, Li Xin, and the craftsmen of the Liang Mansion in a few months!

It is half smaller than the ordinary trebuchet used for siege, and its structure is several times more complicated. On the long gun tip, there was no rope for people to pull. On the contrary, a four-foot-square wooden basket was added to the front of the fuselage, which was filled with stones. Underneath it is a dizzyingly complex mechanism. There are beams for raising and lowering the tip of the gun, a twisting plate for manpower winding, and a gun **** that can hold a rock the size of a human head. Just by looking at it, you can feel the terrifying power contained in this wooden machine.

Beside the pierced artillery, the two school officers looked at the mountain with their thumbs, and quickly measured the angle and distance of the enemy camp. They didn’t take much effort, so they shouted: “The front artillery is raised by one mark, and the range is three hundred and fifty steps. The rear gun is lowered by half the scale, and the range is 200 steps. The two guns are separated by ten breaths and projectile!”

Both of them were surveying and mapping soldiers from the original school. Upon hearing this order, several gunners immediately corrected the shooting position methodically, and others took out the prepared projectiles and dumped them into the butt. After hundreds of drills, no one panicked even when facing the enemy. Only a creaking sound echoed in my ears.

This is also one of Sun Jiao’s favorite voices today. Because of these four guns, the battalion he led became the second team with a designation, called “Pili Camp”!

“The Book of Stars” says: “The five thunderbolt stars are in the north of the cloud and rain, and the main heaven will strike all things.” As long as the thunder is located, all things can be changed!

In the distance, the enemy has already lined up. The rumbling drum sounded, and the three thousand cavalrymen, like a turbid, rolling wave, slew towards their camp.

Sun Jiao raised the volume: “The artillery array is ready! Shoot!”

Liu Cong has been observing the enemy camp ahead. Although they only had 5,000 paces, this group of people was completely unlike the Jin army they had encountered in the past. Seeing an army several times the same as their own, they never felt any fear. The battalion is strong, and the formation can be said to be stable. It is estimated that it is the most elite unit of the Shangdang.

As long as this team is defeated, the Shangdang may not be able to draw troops. At that time, all counties will tremble and worship under their own feet.

But even if he had full confidence, Liu Cong was not careless. Instead, a team of troops was specially deployed as a rear army to guard against possible flank attacks.

However, just as the army was unfolding, there was a change in the opposite camp. The weird tents standing on both sides of the camp were suddenly torn down, revealing what was covered under them.

Liu Cong frowned: “What is that?”

The confidant’s eyes were not bad beside him, and he immediately said, “Looks like a thunderbolt?”

“Such a small thunderbolt? Why is it placed in the camp?” How could Liu Cong know the purpose of the thunderbolt? This thing is obviously used to siege the city, who would use it to fight the enemy in the field?

When I saw a few people busying themselves around the thunderbolt, a strange sense of crisis rose from the bottom of my heart. Liu Cong did not hesitate and said loudly: “Take the cavalry as the vanguard, beat the drums!”

No matter what tricks the other party engages in, it can’t be delayed any longer. To break through the enemy camp as soon as possible, the commander-in-chief will do!

With an order, three thousand fine horses lined up in an array and rushed towards the enemy.

The distance between the two armies was only two miles, and the cavalry could arrive in a flash. Followed by the pawns, taking advantage of the situation to tear apart the army and defeat the enemy. Liu Cong did not hesitate to draw out three thousand cavalry and ten thousand infantry. Such an overwhelming advantage should be able to defeat the enemy in one battle, even if someone attacked from the side, he would not be able to break his camp.

The sharp eyes of the eagle were locked tightly, and Liu Cong coldly watched the cavalry approach the enemy formation. As long as they advance two hundred steps, the cavalry proficient in archery can open their bows and arrows, and shoot one round first. Although the enemy formation has a large shield as a wall, not many soldiers wear armor. Only three rounds of rapid fire can open the front line…

At this moment, a buzzing sound suddenly sounded.

Liu Cong’s eyes widened. The trebuchets in the enemy line are activated!

Like a wind and thunder, a black cloud floated in the air. There were a thousand iron pills densely packed, and they rushed to the cavalry formation with the momentum of thunder. These cavalry are all light armor, they can’t withstand such a terrible sharp shot. Plasma splashed in an instant, and people turned their backs on their backs. With just one blow, three thousand cavalrymen went to the lower half!

How can it be so accurate? Liu Cong almost didn’t roar out! What kind of trebuchet is this? Why can he directly hit his cavalry forward? If there are more units, how can they rush into the enemy camp? !

However, Liu Cong did not hesitate at all, and shouted angrily: “Chong! Followers follow!”

Yes, there are only four trebuchets. It would take a long time to reload such a huge equipment. Must take this opportunity to give in to keep up!

Before the words fell, another burst of bullets flew into the sky. Visible to the naked eye, the cavalry formation became thinner, and only a thousand or five cavalrymen escaped the terror burst. There were still two hundred steps away from the enemy line, and immediately all the soldiers blushed. They grew up on horseback, and thought they were unparalleled in riding and shooting, but who could have expected that there are such terrible weapons in the world? Powerless to resist, unable to escape, can only be slaughtered by others, without the power to fight back!

No one can be willing to do this. Just another fifty steps, within fifty steps! They have the leeway to fight back!

However, these fifty steps are not so simple that they can be crossed.

Sun Jiao coldly ordered: “Crossbowman! Shoot!”

Four hundred crossbows were raised up, and the special crossbow bolts were like long spears, throwing them at the enemies who were about to bend their bows.

Four hundred arrows, four hundred lives.

One hundred and fifty steps!

“Archer! Shoot!”

Another command sounded. Six hundred archers raised their hard bows.

One shot! Second round shot! Three shots! More than a thousand arrows crossed left and right, spreading from the two wings to the riding array, like a life and death boundary that can never be crossed!

Rage! Scream! And the horse neighs long! Only a dozen riders broke through the last layer of arrow rain blockade. However, what they faced was a long spear sticking out from behind the wooden shield.

Five hundred steps, three thousand rides! At this moment, the pawns had just ran past the first half and stepped into the limit of three hundred and fifty steps. This is the projection range of the Thunderbolt!

Another round of slaughter began.

Looking at the battlefield in front of him, Liu Cong firmly grasped the whip in his hand! How could they have so many archers and crossbowmen? But how can an upper party be such a strong army? !

Since there is such a strong army, why bother to stand firm and clear the country? Use beacon to disturb his morale? No, can’t stop!

“Drumming! Drumming for war!”

After the cavalry, there are ten thousand horses. Even if half of the troops are lost, there are five thousand who can get close to the enemy’s formation! On the other side, there are at least a thousand crossbowmen. These people have no combat effectiveness in close combat. As long as he can break through the crossbow line, he has a chance to defeat the enemy!

Fighting drums like thunder, against the chilling rain of flying bullets, the Huns launched a powerful attack. After all, they have experienced countless fierce battles, and they have already had a fierce spirit that is not afraid of death. More than half killed? Numerous casualties? Their task is to defeat the enemy!

With this defying momentum, the Huns stepped forward. Although there are many bows and crossbows, after all, there are only a limited number of them. In the last round of shooting, Sun Jiao shouted: “Drumming!”

In the upper party army, drums sounded. The men holding shields stepped back, revealing the army formation behind them. That was two thousand five hundred gunmen, what their coach called a “combatable soldier”!

“Kill! Kill! Kill!” shouted violently, bursting out of the people holding spears! The motionless gun array began to move. Every row, every one, is the same action. Step, raise the gun, stab!

After one row, there is another row, which stretches infinitely, like a raging ocean wave, rushing up!

Breaking through the blockade of projectiles and evading the life-threatening Feiyu, the Huns desperately came to the front of the formation, but were stopped by this mountain-like, tsunami-like army formation. How can individual bravery resist the momentum of a thousand troops? And the hand-to-hand combat is even more frightening than those intangible and intangible arrows.

Meet on a narrow road, the brave wins!

The cry of killing that went straight into the sky finally defeated the remaining courage of the Huns. Someone started to turn around and ran towards their camp. With the first one, there will be a second, and a third… When the Shangdang army took the fifteenth step, the Xiongnu formation collapsed! The only remaining soldiers will start to turn around and run back at a faster speed than when they came.

Sitting on the horse, Liu Cong only felt his eyes were cracked! In just a quarter of an hour, the 13,000 people who rushed into the battle were beaten up and down. Even if they encountered Tuoba Xianbei, they had never lost such a terrible defeat. How can it be like this for a small party?

Do you want to fight?

This question is not only thinking about Liu Cong, but also in the hearts of the remaining seven thousand soldiers. In the face of such a terrible army, how can they win?

At this moment, the drums on the other side stopped. The turbulent army formation was like a transient calm. There is no exposed edge, no sinister murderous intent. Back to the original silent and dazzling appearance, like the tens of thousands of corpses lying in front of them, they have nothing to do with them.

Liu Cong only felt his cold hair exploded. He can’t win! No one can beat such a terrible team that is prohibited by the order! For this formation, only a larger-scale cavalry flanking can have a chance of winning. But the five thousand Qingqi was in Liu Yao’s hands.

“Keep the formation and withdraw first.” Liu Cong took a deep breath and ordered.

Yes, they must withdraw first. The morale had disappeared, and there was no way to break through the enemy’s formation. There was no choice but to retreat. Whether it’s withdrawing to Nie County or contacting Liu Yao to confront the enemy, it is better than staying here and draining troops.

Liu Cong is a solid general who is familiar with military books and can lead the army. Therefore, he knows how to win and how to face defeat. But the soldiers and horses that the father gave him can’t be lost again!

Many soldiers were relieved when they heard the command of the coach. No one wants to stay and fight with such a terrible enemy. Retreat, retreat to a safe distance, and regroup the army!

The Xiongnu army pulled out of the camp and retreated back. Even this retreat was orderly without leaving any gaps. Liu Cong stared at the army in front of him, wondering if they would catch up. Unexpectedly, the group of soldiers had turned into stone sculptures, still motionless.

They shouldn’t catch up, right? The trebuchet is inconvenient to transport. Without this big killer, how can this group of people be able to defend?

When the last group of soldiers also turned and left Xizhangpo slowly, Liu Cong finally let out a sigh of relief. Okay, as long as we can retreat smoothly…

Unexpectedly, this breath was not over yet, and there was a sound of horseshoes. It was like a torrential rain hitting the ground. In the distance, the sword light flickered and the smoke was like clouds.

bad! Liu Cong squeezed the horse’s rein abruptly: “Array! An enemy ambushes!”

The author has something to say: Using a trebuchet to fire a shotgun is a tactic in ancient times, but no one has such a precise shot as Liang Shao and specializes in bullets.

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