Royal Road

Chapter 158

Chapter 157

Sleeping with armor all night, Liu Yao didn’t sleep well at all, and got up before the day broke. In order to prevent night attacks, he made sufficient preparations. Not only did he order the soldiers to be divided into three lines of outposts, but he didn’t even set up tents to avoid obscuring the line of sight. In the weather of nearly November, it was enough to sleep with clothes and sleep.

Unexpectedly, he had made perfect preparations, but Liang Mansion did not move at all last night. Not to mention that it was a night attack, and there was no such thing as harassing the enemy like drumming. Above the gate tower of the Zhaimen, there was a dead silence. If it weren’t brightly lit, it would make people feel that this is an empty city. Seeing that the sky is almost bright, and there is no movement inside, is it possible to give up the sneak attack?

But Liu Yao did not take it lightly. The siege is not a one-day event. There is no sneak attack tonight, maybe it will come tomorrow. Only by going to war as soon as possible can we find out the reality of the opponent.

Several villages outside burned all night, and now they are also out. The scorching smell came from a distance, making people breathe a bit stagnant. Liu Yao didn’t care about these trivial matters and ordered his subordinates to bury the fire and cook. After the meal, the day was about to dawn, and the cavalry team that had gone to capture the civilian husbands also rushed back, just in time to start the siege.

How many combatable soldiers can there be in such a stockade? I’m afraid there are hundreds of family soldiers, and it’s not surprising that there are thousands of young and strong. Defending the city is indeed a tough bone. It would be great if it could lure people out of the city to field battles.

Thinking about how to conquer this walled city, Liu Yao simply used some porridge mixed with minced meat, and ordered people to prepare for the war.

After all, they are the elite of the Huns. Although they haven’t slept peacefully all night, these people quickly regained their energy and were ready to go. However, I waited from dawn to dawn, and didn’t wait for the wandering riders who were sent out to abduct people. Liu Yao couldn’t help but couldn’t sit still, and said to the scout: “Go to see where the rear army has gone?”

Both Gaodu and Liang’s Mansion were clearing the wilderness, and they couldn’t get food if they wanted to. They were Qingqi invading the bandits, and there was no support from the food road, and the team that took the people to grab the food replaced the rear army. Because of this, he sent a total of five hundred people. Even if you can’t bring back many civilian husbands, it’s time to come back and go back to life.

Is it possible that you have encountered any trouble?

Sure enough, half an hour later, he rushed to report back: “General, Gaodu sent troops to stop the rear army!”

“What?” Liu Yao stood up suddenly. This group is so courageous, they dare to fight the idea of ​​the rear army! Isn’t he afraid that he will switch to the high capital and directly knock down the city?

“How many of them are there?!” Liu Yao asked.

“It seems less than five hundred, fighting with the rear army!” The scout hurriedly said.

“Liu Wei, bring a thousand people to support the rear army!” Even if he was angry, Liu Yao remained calm. Suddenly abandoned the city and attacked, just to cut off his back. Without the supplies of Liang Mo and civilian husbands, they could not conquer the city with their cavalry alone. It may be retreated the next day.

This is a good way, but his purpose is not just to set fire to some villages. And abandoning the defensive power of Gaodu also means that Liang Mansion is more important to Gaodu county magistrates and the soldiers who defend the city. Of course, the rear army can’t lose, but there is no need to send too many people. The focus is still to conquer Liang Mansion.

Liu Wei is Liu Yao’s old subordinate, calm and reliable, and his combat power is not weak. With him, I believe that the five hundred men and horses who are entangled in the rear can be defeated as soon as possible.

Liu Wei took the order and led his troops towards Gaodu. Liu Yao ordered the soldiers to dismount and continue to guard the Liang Mansion strictly. When the Jin army was suppressed, whether it was the Liang Mansion, continue to make threats. Still turn to Gaodu, and go down in one go. There are more options.

“Zhu team is right. A total of 20 brothers died in the team, and a dozen people were seriously injured.” With a blood stained face, a soldier reported to the team leader.

Zhu Guo wiped the blood on his face: “Hurry up and ask the nurse to bandage and move the injured to a safe place. I’m afraid the enemy is about to send reinforcements, so we can’t take care of them.

The soldier immediately went down to make arrangements. Zhu Guo leaned on a long knife and sighed hard. Today’s battle is difficult.

He was also a veteran of Liang’s Mansion, his original name was Zhu Er, but he was a household in the city of Fuzhong. Since the establishment of the trilogy, he has served in it. For more than a year, he has not fallen in battle, and he has also climbed to the position of the team. Entered the school, changed the name, it is not what it used to be.

But even with a wealth of combat experience, today is the first time he has received such a combat order. He led his troops to leave the garrisoned Gaodu City, ambush the Huns’ rear army, and then lure the enemy to go deeper and lead the enemy into a predetermined encirclement. Just thinking about it makes a cold sweat.

The ambush was not easy for them. The most terrifying thing about infantry versus cavalry is the power of horses. Regardless of whether it is rushing into the formation or rounding up, as long as the horse can run, the infantry of the same force will be difficult to resist. However, this team of rear soldiers brought hundreds of civilian husbands. With such a burden, coupled with surprises, they did give them a head start. Even so, a lot of people were allowed to run away, and they couldn’t stop them all.

But this is also needed to lure the enemy down. If there are no deserters to lead the way, how can they lure reinforcements to attack?

A group of infantrymen pretending to be defeated by the cavalry to lure the enemy, it was terrifying to the extreme. But Zhu Guo didn’t back down at all, nor did the soldiers behind him. That group of Huns actually burned the villages outside Liang’s Mansion. This alone was enough to make everyone desperate for it!

The Liang Mansion is their greatest support and their home. No matter who committed the crime, it is unforgivable! What is the ambush? What is it to lure the enemy? After all, they are the soldiers of the Yongrui Camp!

Wiping the sweat off her forehead again, Zhu Guo unwrapped the water sac and poured two mouthfuls fiercely. This group of **** Huns, come and come! See who can kill whose life!

Half a quarter of an hour later, a scout rushed to report: “The team is right, the enemy is coming! There are a thousand riders!”

A thousand rides is not a lot. Zhu Guo took a deep breath: “Evacuate to the northwest at full speed! Pay attention to the formation!”

Following this command, everyone ignored their previous fatigue and pain, picked up knives and guns, and rushed towards the predetermined ambush point.

“General Liu Pi, that group of Jin troops is ahead!” Beside Liu Wei, a soldier who had just escaped said loudly.

Liu Wei looked at the group of deserters wearing cloth armor and carrying knives and guns upside down, frowning: “Is it just that they can disperse the rear army?”

The soldier could not help but said: “The rear army was divided into several teams to catch the servants, and they encountered a sneak attack when they joined. They were caught off guard because they were unprepared and the hard work got in the way. However, this group of men was not capable of fighting. Ordinarily, Liu Pi should be more cautious.”

Liu Wei couldn’t tell whether he was trying to save face or was a sincere dissuasion. However, the speed at which the soldiers fleeing in front of them did not seem to be pretended. After hesitating for a while, Liu Wei said: “Catch up with the tail end!”

How could it be possible for two legs to run over four legs? They didn’t need to chase too fast. As long as they slowly followed, they would exhaust the energy of this group. At the same time, the horse’s speed is not fast, and it will not rush into an ambush unsuspectingly. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Hearing this command from the Shangguan, how could the cavalry below fail to guess what he was thinking, so they followed up like this.

As if forced into a hurry, this group of people fled quickly, without any intention of stopping, and even some people were so tired that they couldn’t hold their spears and left them casually. After following Wulidi, seeing a narrow valley in front of him, Liu Weicai said loudly: “Speed ​​up the horse and stop them!”

Such a valley cannot be rushed in any way, and it is too dangerous for the cavalry. As long as they don’t enter the mountain road, even if the other party has an ambush, they can’t help it. By then, whether it is encirclement or annihilation, it will be your own decision!

Upon hearing the order, the cavalry immediately increased the speed of their horses, chasing the group of deserters like a fan. As if knowing that they would never be able to escape, the group was forced to stand on the side of the cliff that was squeezed to the side.

How can they have the strength to fight? Liu Wei smiled coldly, speeding up his horse, the wind whistling, and the bow in his hand was raised at the same time. Rush? No need. Just a few rounds of shooting can completely solve this group of remnants.

However, just after raising the bow and arrow, the horse that Liu Wei was sitting on suddenly hissed and stumbled. A cold sweat broke out in horror, Liu Wei desperately slammed the horseshoes and grabbed the horse’s mane. With his excellent riding skills, when the horse crashed to the ground, one forward fell to the ground and escaped being crushed under the horse. fate.

But Liu Wei escaped, but the others were not so lucky. Next to him was the screaming of Ma Ming. Those extremely docile war horses seemed to go crazy, either falling to the ground or jumping and jolting wildly, trying to throw the person on their backs out.

what happened? ! Liu Wei stepped forward in surprise, and a heartache suddenly came from under his feet. An iron brier pierced the sole of the shoe and plunged into the meat!

bad! They have entered the ambush!

The deserters just seemed to be rushing into the valley and lined up. It is this column that makes them take it lightly. Around the mountain wall, a circle of iron briers was sprinkled a long time ago, leaving only a narrow path for passage. Covered by grass, they can’t even notice it. There is no protection on the horse’s feet, and the horse that is naturally led to stumble. Even if you have a chance to escape, this kind of chaos makes it impossible for people to set up their formation!

Moreover, is the ambush only a dead thing?

On the side of the mountain ridge, Sun Jiao shouted: “Open the bow!”

Riding on horseback for a day and a night, desperately rushing back, isn’t it for this? Under his order, more than six hundred archers in the Pili camp simultaneously drew their bows, with long arrows like rain, shooting at the group of Huns who had lost their formation! It was the advantageous terrain that was raised high, but it was unexpected. This wave of arrows immediately killed a lot of lives. Liu Wei desperately raised the wooden shield, shouting loudly, wanting to form a defensive formation, but in an ambush circle, how easy is it to say?

Standing on the edge of the cliff, Zhu Guo and the others were holding their swords and guns, panting heavily, watching the arrows in front of them go back and forth. They are all used to the ten-mile training every day, but that is jogging, it’s **** desperate! Not to mention facing the battle, it is hard to stand up. But it’s all worth it to smoothly lead people into the ambush!

A soldier envied: “The team is right, this Pili camp is really good. Just standing and shooting arrows will do!”

“It’s just a fart.” Zhu Guo panted. “Sun Yingzheng is my original captain. Not only must he shoot accurately, but he must also be able to fight. The practice is no less than the others!”

“Ah? Isn’t that better than Yong Ruiying?” Another human said.

“Our Yongrui Camp is the root of Liang’s Mansion! Can this ambush be accomplished without us?” Someone immediately retorted.

Zhu Guo couldn’t help but smiled: “That’s the reason! Hurry up and get your breath away, let’s deal with this group of dog thieves!”

Those hands with swords and guns gradually grasped tightly, waiting to regain their strength and raise their swords to meet the enemy…

This is too slow.

Seeing the sun slid down from the top of the sky, it slowly fell towards the west. The cavalry sent out still had no shadow. Is it because you are caught by the enemy? Or, this was originally a way to divide his troops and deplete his strength a little bit?

But how many soldiers and horses can be garrisoned in a mere high capital? Or does it mean that the Shangdang has two forces to face the enemy?

No matter which guess, it is out of common sense. But the more unreasonable, the more confusing the current situation.

The camp behind him was still quiet and annoying. It seemed that they didn’t look at them at all. If it hadn’t been for Liu Yao to be able to calm down, he might have organized his subordinates and began to attack the city.

But what should I do when I come down? Continue to send troops and increase personnel, or simply abandon Liang Mansion and turn to Gaodu? Liu Yao was a little undecided. Those thousand riders have not returned, which is really anxious.

Just thinking about it, there was the sound of horseshoes in the distance, as if there were four or five hundred riders. Liu Yao stood up and looked away. I saw a group of cavalry galloping here. Those people are wearing Xiongnu armor! Liu Yao couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief. Although the number has been reduced by half, it is indeed a family member. I’m afraid it was the result of the war over there and came back to report the news.

But why only five hundred people came back? Did you lose too many soldiers, or did you stay in Gaodu? Or is it necessary to reorganize the rear army?

Liu Yao frowned tightly, unable to guess the specific situation for a while. The heart hummed like that rushing horseshoe. I just hope they can bring back good news. However, the sound of dong dong did not mean to stop at all. On the contrary, it got faster and faster and started to accelerate. Liu Yao suddenly reacted, this is not a report, this is the speed of the rush! They are rushing!

“Get on the horse! Get on the horse and defend!” Liu Yao yelled frantically.

His roar didn’t play its due role, but it made many people wonder. defense? Where is the enemy?

The arrow told them the direction of the enemy. I saw that the group of cavalry, dressed in Xiongnu armor, riding on Xiongnu war horses, and a pair of Xiongnu-faced cavalry, shot out the first round of arrows with bows. The same is riding and shooting, their skills are not inferior to any Xiongnu fine riding. This attack like a tiger and a wolf immediately defeated the cavalry on standby. When the second round of archery rain came out, this group of people recovered and started to mount one after another, hoping to meet the enemy. Unfortunately, it’s too late!

Five hundred horses rushed into Liu Yao’s army. With mental arithmetic and unintentional, where can you resist? In the camp, people suddenly turned on their backs! What is even more hateful is that these people dress very similar to their own, the sky is dark, and they are mixed in the crowd, and they don’t know who the enemy is!

“Dismount! Dismount and fight at foot!” Liu Yao’s reaction was not unpleasant. Since it is too late to meet the enemy on horseback, it is better to dismount all horses and attack the enemies on horseback. As long as you can form a formation, your own forces will be multiples of the enemy, and you won’t be without the strength to fight back! No matter where these enemies came from, he would have to smash them into pieces!

“It’s time.” Standing on the tower, Zhang He looked at the chaotic Huns camp below, and whispered, “The whole army is out of the village, ready to fight!”

Following this command, the closed gate slowly opened. A line of soldiers lined up, their feet were fast, and they were light and barely audible. With little effort, three thousand soldiers stood outside Dazhai, shield soldiers in front, and spearmen behind, forming a tight square formation.

The camp was in a mess, and Liu Yao’s order was still passed on. More and more cavalry dismounted, formed a formation, and began to defend against the enemy. It seemed that the advantage was no longer there, and the enemy rushed to flee towards the periphery.

It works! Liu Yao was overjoyed. Just about to order a chase, the drums rang behind him.

Looking back suddenly, Liu Yao opened his eyes in horror! I saw that in front of the deadly gate, the enemy was densely lined up, all armed with guns, and shield soldiers in front. The drums rumbling, accompanied by their equally loud and neat footsteps, like an invincible, valiant and bloodthirsty beast, striding towards their own camp.

Behind the army formation is the brightly lit Dazhai. The sturdy gate towered into the clouds, and the bright torches lit up the sky, even overwhelming the dim setting sun. Just like the unquenchable flames of yesterday, it burns blazingly and burns the eyes!

As the drum sounded, the horn sounded. After rushing out of the camp, the cavalry group of unknown origins regrouped and took out the long arrow from the quiver. The tip of the arrow gleams with the intertwined light of metal and flame, shining brightly, and it is also frightening.

Three thousand infantry, five hundred cavalry. where are they? What else do they have? Liu Yao’s teeth rattled and shook involuntarily. How many soldiers does he have?

“Kill! Kill! Kill!” Angrily sounded like a tsunami. The setting sun is like blood, and the spear is like a forest!

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