Royal Road

Chapter 16

Chapter 15 Team is

Yi Yan raised his head abruptly and blinked his eyes in disbelief: “The lord wants me to be the team leader?”

“Why, don’t you dare to be it?” Liang Feng took the tea cup handed by Luzhu and sipped his saliva gently.

In fact, the exercise of the part is never the task of the Patriarch, and he will do it for him. But Yi Yan didn’t know this, he just felt that the blood all over his body was going to burn. The lord trusts him! I would like to give him all the private soldiers to practice! His heart almost jumped out of his cavity, and he replied loudly, “May I die for the Lord!”

The green bamboo shivered, but Liang Feng had the urge to laugh. I dare not say anything else. After being a criminal policeman for so many years, he has a good vision of people. This kid has a good heart, has blood and courage, and really wants to follow him. Moreover, this kid is only seventeen years old and has not received any orthodox education. As long as he is properly nurtured, he can become the talent he wants. Enough loyalty, strong enough, this is the sharp knife he needs most.

Liang Feng converged his expression on his face and solemnly said: “From tomorrow, you will start to learn how to lead soldiers to practice. If I were not a group of villagers who can only fight and fight, I would beat the drums in and retreat, so I could protect behind me. A strong soldier in your homeland. So the task on your shoulders is very heavy, even harder than those soldiers under you.”

“I can do it!” Yi Yan replied loudly. Tomorrow, the lord will teach him how to lead soldiers! This is not something a servant should learn! Just for this, no matter what the lord orders, he will do his best!

Seeing the other person’s vigorous look, Liang Feng also had some smiles in his eyes. He didn’t expect this group of people to quickly develop into a three-talent formation or a Mandarin Duck formation, but the basic formation must be neat. This is the basic skill of marching, and it is also the formula that the modern army has tempered for a long time, and its importance is self-evident.

To be honest, he was also very curious, this kid can learn a bit of the ability to lead soldiers.

“Langjun, it’s time to take the medicine.” Green Bamboo inserted the needle at once and took the boiled medicine in.

This is not because she deliberately interrupted the conversation between the two, but because she was afraid that Lang Jun would be overworked and exhausted.

It was to deal with Tian Chang again, and to encourage the trilogy, Liang Feng was indeed a little tired at the moment. Without rejecting Luzhu’s kindness, he took the medicine bowl. It should be a prescription newly prescribed by Dr. Jiang, not to mention how effective the medicine is, the taste is much more exciting than before! He closed his breath forcibly, he raised his head and drank the bowl of medicine clean, a strong feeling of nausea surged up in an instant, his face turned blue when he was holding back.

After finally suppressing the urge to vomit, Liang Feng turned his head and saw that the two little guys beside him were staring at him nervously. The green bamboo had already brought the candied fruit box, and said anxiously: “Lang Jun, hurry up with apricots. breast…”

Liang Feng waved his hand weakly: “No need.”

The sweetness of the preserved fruits marinated in honey is really unsatisfactory, and the apricots are so sour that the medicine might be spit out. Maybe the medicine is mixed with some soothing and hypnotic ingredients, although it is disgusting, but the sleepiness is gradually rising. Liang Feng took off his robe under the service of Green Bamboo, and leaned on the couch. He was only about to stare at him for a while, but he fell asleep after a while.

This is exactly what Luzhu hopes for. Carefully tucked the bedding for Lang Jun, she turned her head to find that Jie Nu hadn’t left yet. Looking at Yi Yan disgustingly, she whispered, “You still want to retreat?”

Yi Yan didn’t mean to leave, but retorted in the same low tone: “The lord asked me to watch the night for him.”

“You are the only one who stained Lang Jun’s bedroom!” Lu Zhu couldn’t help but whispered.

After realizing it, Yi Yan found out that he hadn’t dealt with the mud and sweat. Thinking of this appearance in front of the lord for so long, his face immediately turned red, and he ran out.

The green bamboo was all taken in a daze, stomped angrily, and began to pack the things on the book table. I added some sleep aids to the Boshan stove. After all this was done, the door outside suddenly creaked and rang again. I saw Yi Yan changed into clean clothes and ran back with a wet head.

“I’ve been washed.” Yi Yan didn’t mean to retreat this time, and firmly stuck at the door, “I want to watch the night for the lord!”

Lu Zhu almost fell on his back with anger, and snorted, she whispered: “Then you just stay outside!”

Looking at the heavy man sleeping on the bed, Yi Yan didn’t refute this time, and stood hard at the door. After successfully defending his privilege of watching the night, Luzhu began to concentrate on organizing the things at hand, but within half an hour, there was another low quarrel outside the house.

“Little Lang Jun is here to please peace…”

“The lord has fallen asleep!”

“Little Lang Jun is Lang Jun’s only son…”

“The lord has fallen asleep!”

“You, you dainty…”

Just a few words, I heard a black cloud on the green bamboo head, quickly opened the door, and said to the people outside: “Don’t quarrel, Lang Jun just fell asleep after taking the medicine.”

The woman outside saw Green Bamboo, as if she had seen a savior, and quickly said, “Sister Green Bamboo, please be more comfortable…”

At this time, Lu Zhu also saw Liang Rong, who was holding her head down and the nursing mother, and bit her lip. She whispered: “Sister Chao Yu, let’s wait for tomorrow. Today Lang Jun has been working all day. I also said that Lang Jun has recovered from his serious illness and should not be tired.”

A touch of regret slipped in Chao Yu’s eyes, but Liang Rong, who was led by her, pulled each other’s hand and replied in a low voice: “Father is asleep, and I will come back tomorrow.”

Lu Zhu couldn’t bear it in her heart, but she didn’t wait for Liang Feng for a short time, but she knew all these things at home very well. Finally, the relationship between the father and son is not so embarrassing, in case Lang Jun is annoyed, he will give birth to trouble again. Thinking of this, she said softly: “Xiao Langjun don’t worry, after the lord wakes up, I will report to Ming Langjun what you came to visit. He must be happy in his heart.”

Liang Rong stubbornly shook his head: “I will come back tomorrow.”

After saying this, the little man pulled the nurse’s arm, looking like he wanted to leave. Chao Yu couldn’t bear it and stroked the top of his head before saying to Green Bamboo, “Thank you sister, then.”

After speaking, she took Liang Rong’s hand and slowly left the main house.

Lu Zhu turned his head to look at Yi Yan after the two disappeared outside the courtyard. The boy still had no expression on his face, standing straight at the door. She couldn’t help rolling her eyes: “That’s Lang Jun’s only son, aren’t you afraid of being blamed by Lang Jun?”

“The lord has fallen asleep, no one can disturb.” Yi Yan’s voice was not loud, but his tone was very rigid.

Luzhu couldn’t help but laugh and cry. Although this Jie Ren looks a bit ugly, he is a bit loyal. She snorted, she didn’t say anything, and closed the door gently. Through the door, you can faintly see the scene in the house. Yi Yan only glanced at the sleeping figure of the man, then withdrew his gaze and stayed firmly outside the gate.

Tian Chang angrily returned to the courtyard where he lived. As soon as he entered the courtyard, a middle-aged woman greeted him: “Husband, can the Patriarch allow you to regain control of the inner courtyard?”

Tian Chang flicked his sleeves: “Which Patriarch?! I think that kid was scared by the bandits, and he will train when he comes back! Huh There are not many private soldiers in anyone’s family, but it is a really useful part. Is it so easy to practice? It’s not a waste of money!”

The lady of the Tian family was startled: “Is the main rebuilding part of the family?”

“No! To save many people’s land fortunes, it is estimated that they will have to give those trilogy sweetness. Regardless of the situation in the Liang Mansion, just supporting the lives of his father and son are stretched, and he can still raise soldiers? “After eating flat in front of Liang Feng, Tian Chang was so angry that he said bitterly.

This was unexpected. The Tian family thought that after Yan’s life and death, her family’s man would be the leader. However, she was also the dowry girl of the old mistress. She was very clever and said immediately: “I heard A Liang said that the family owner asked him to recruit some villagers and nursing homes to join the trilogy together. Would you like to tell the Wang brothers? ”

Brothers Wang Hu and Wang Bao are both guards at the village. They are usually restless and love to drink and bet for money. The big man above didn’t know how Tian Chang couldn’t be clear. He immediately understood the meaning of the lady, this is to add some thorns to that song!

With a smile on his face, Tian Chang patted the other person’s arm: “A Yuan’s words are reasonable. There are also two craftsmen, Jiang Wu, who also need to make some preparations…”

Among the 100 households that Liang Mansion originally entrusted to Hou Shide, in addition to the farmers who were engaged in fishing, hunting, and farming, the few that were skilled in crafts gradually became workshops. There are four workshops: weaving workshops, iron workshops, pottery workshops, and wood workshops. Among them, the craftsman heads of the wood workshops are poor and dull, and the craftsmen heads of the iron workshops are stubborn and conservative. Only the pottery and weaving workshops have the most oil and water. Secretly manage his own business. Two consecutive generations of Patriarchs were weak and incompetent. They didn’t know how much private property they had earned, and even the inner courtyard steward did not dare to offend these guys easily.

Now that the Liang Mansion is about to undergo tremendous changes, I am afraid that these four workshops will also be earthshaking. If you lay a foreshadowing on the account book you handed over, and then threaten and lure, you are not afraid that you will not be able to attract these two people!

These days, it’s easy to find someone who can handle knives and guns, but it’s even harder to find someone who can use calculations. Since Liang Zixi wanted him to pay the bills, don’t blame him for making troubles and causing some trouble. At that time, let’s see how he will end up!

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