Royal Road

Chapter 171

Chapter 170

In the late spring of March, it’s the time when the grass grows up and the ying flies, and enjoys the spring. Compared with the Chang’an and Luoyang frontline, which is in the middle of fighting, the Shangdang presents a rare leisurely posture. The Shangsi banquet, which has not been interrupted for several years, is also held on a regular basis.

After a very dangerous winter and working for more than a month due to spring reclamation, this Shangsi also became important to the people of Lucheng. Before dawn, a large number of people left the city and walked towards the Zhuozhang River. The aristocratic families drove with step barriers, circled the campsites on the rippling water and lush green shores, covered them with lichens, waiting only for the nobles to come and travel in spring.

How can the Taishou Mansion miss this festival?

Still chose the beautiful upper reaches of the river, the servants of the prefectural palace set up camps early. This year’s banquet is several times larger than in the past, so it is natural to arrange it well.

Leaving the official road, the wagon wheels creaked and crushed on the loess. The unique smell of mud in the river, mixed with laughter, floated into the carriage. Sitting on the soft couch, Liang Rong pressed his knees with his little hands, as if he was also pressing down on his unbearable itch, trying to put on a posture like a small adult.

Seeing that the little guy’s ears were about to turn with the sound outside, Liang Feng leaned on the crypt and smiled: “If you want to see it, go and have a look. It’s hard to go for an outing. You don’t have to be restrained.”

These words made Liang Rong’s heart entangled even more. This was the first time he participated in the spring banquet in Shangsihu, and he was still by his father’s side. Today, officials of the prefectural government, large and small, have to participate in the banquet, and there are even more gentry and students from the county school. It is really a major networking occasion. If you accidentally make a fool of yourself, what should you do?

As if he knew what the little guy was thinking in his heart, Liang Feng snapped and ordered Qingmei to lift the curtain of the car window. Liang Rong couldn’t bear it, so he climbed to the window with two steps on his knees and looked out. It is far away from the river section where people gather, but there are still many colorful tents and horses along the coast, and crisp laughter comes with the smoke.

There are so many people! The Zhuozhang River in the distance stretches endlessly, like a bright and clean carpet spreading on the ground. There are also a lot of waterfowls fluttering and singing in the river. It is rare to see such a scene, Liang Rong was watching with great interest, and the slowly moving carriage suddenly stopped.

A servant reported in a loud voice: “President, a bullock cart in front of me is broken. Several people stopped to ask for help.”

Before Liang Feng spoke, the more than ten guards around the carriage moved first. The horses formed a battle next to the car, and many people drew their knives. A low voice sounded by the window: “Master, don’t get out of the car. Wait for the subordinates to order someone to come and have a look.”

Even if he was promoted to the county captain, when he traveled, Yi Yan would still be by Liang Feng’s side, as the captain of the guard, and responsible for safety work. Suddenly encountering such a situation halfway, what he thought was not about saving people, but whether there would be an ambush.

When Liang Rong heard this, his small face almost turned pale, and he quickly moved a few inches toward his father, as if he wanted to help him block a gear. Liang Feng was rather ridiculous. This is not a remote road, even if there are assassins, they would not be stupid enough to set up an ambush here. However, Yi Yan has already ordered, and he will not object. Touching Liang Rong’s little head comfortably, he leaned against the window and looked out.

I saw a bullock cart obliquely obliquely blocking the road more than 500 meters ahead. It might be something wrong with the wheels, which made the bull who pulled the cart moo and moo. Next to the car, there were a few anxious servant women who seemed to be frightened by the battle here, cowering and talking to the soldiers, and they looked here from time to time.

When Liangfeng travels, it is natural to drive in a prefecture’s car, and the style can be seen at a glance. Are you looking forward to begging by yourself?

It didn’t take much effort, and the person who was investigating came back. After careful questioning, Yi Yan said to Liang Feng: “It’s because the axle is broken, and it was not repaired temporarily. The car is the daughter of the Xue family.”

The Xue family also has economic contacts with Liang’s mansion, and they are sure that there is no ambush, so Yi Yan can report with confidence.

Xue family? Liang Feng picked his eyebrows: “Is it a girl or a woman in the car?”

“It’s a girl.”

“Order to go down, move the road, send someone to inform Xue Mansion. Let’s go directly.” Liang Feng said lightly.

This is Zheng and Yi Yan’s mind, without any hesitation, he quickly ordered to go down. Although the bullock cart is heavy, it is nothing in the hands of these soldiers. Soon the road was cleared, and the motorcade of the Prefectural Palace neither stopped nor received a courtesy, so it drove over so generously.

Looking at the caravan going away, the maidservant who had been guarding the road opened her mouth and got into the ox cart with her head down: “Girl, the mansion is gone.”

In the car, a beautiful girl with a fashionable updo grabbed the silk paw in her hand: “Then what are you waiting for? Fix the car quickly and follow!”

Who could have expected such a situation? In the plan, they should have stopped Liang Taishou and let the other party take themselves to the venue. Today, I don’t know how many dignitaries will participate in the banquet. Bring an unmarried girl and sway in front of others, afraid that the wind will not be heard? With the feeling of “saving the beauty”, other things are easy to say.

But with all the calculations, Xue Wuniang never expected that the monarch would go so simply! Seeing the broken ox cart on the road, it did not come to inquire, but to draw a knife, and people did not dare to approach it. Knowing that she was from Xue’s family, she didn’t mean to lend a helping hand, but sent people to find her family. How is this helping? Obviously avoid it!

But such indifferent behavior can’t be found in anyone’s mouth. It makes sense to avoid the car driving with an unmarried girl. No one would think that Liang Taishou was too ruthless, and would only make people think that he was a respectful person. A good plan, there was no room for display at all, so it was broken and clean!

Is this deliberate, or is it just such a gentleman as the prefect Liang? ! After getting angry, Xue Wuniang gradually recovered. Yes, people are known as the son of a Buddha, and there are rare stories about it. There is no Ji concubine in the prefect’s mansion, and I am afraid that she is really not good at contacting women. That’s good, anyway, the banquet is there, and the meeting will not end for a while, there is always a chance!

Thinking of this, Xue Wuniang quickly grabbed her sleeves and said, “Forget it, don’t chase it. Let’s go back to the camp before thinking about it.”

After a pause, she lowered the volume again, and asked her personal servant girl, “Qiaoqian, have you seen the face of the man?”

Qiaoqian’s face blushed: “The car curtain didn’t fall, and the slave vaguely saw the man. She was very handsome and lived up to the rumors!”

Upon hearing this, Xue Wuniang breathed a sigh of relief: “That’s it!”

It was beyond her expectation to make the trouble to this point. You know, my father originally planned to make her a continuation room with Prefect Liang!

Liang Zixi was already famous in Bingzhou, and her father had business dealings with Liang’s mansion. No one knew the foundation of this Shangdang prefect better than her. It’s just like white porcelain, it’s like running water every year, not to mention the way to make money such as colored glaze and paper. If this continues, within a few years, it will not be known that he will become a wealthy man like Shi Chong. In addition, the opponent has a knighthood and an official position, and his looks are rumored to be first-class. Even if it’s a continuation, it doesn’t count as insulting yourself.

But after finally sorting out the pros and cons, the news came out that Wang’s daughter was going to marry before the marriage was negotiated. When she was not married, Xue Wuniang was somewhat grudged. But when she learned that the marriage was unworthy and unworthy, the anger in her heart was turned upside down. This is not over yet, the mother persuaded her to enter the Liang Mansion as a concubine! Liang is not Pei. Why is she a young girl who wants to be the concubine of a person of this kind of wealth? !

However, after a few days of her mother’s advice, Xue Wuniang gradually recognized this idea. Without him, being able to repel 20,000 Huns with the strength of one county is enough to make people move. In troubled times, it is not enough to have money and wealth, but to have soldiers is the root. Moreover, a word the mother said made her feel the same. What if Wang is angry and doesn’t want to marry a daughter? Or maybe Wang’s daughter died young, she may not have the possibility of righting her body.

With such unswerving persuasion, in the end Xue Wuniang decided to take the risk and try to seduce the Liang Fujun. As a result, people didn’t see it, so they touched their noses. However, she is also a more frustrated and courageous, on the contrary, she has aroused fighting spirit. As long as Liang Langjun is as handsome as the rumors and spends some tricks, what can it be? !

The mind was completely settled, and Xue Wuniang didn’t panic anymore. Ignoring the servants who repaired the car, she closed a pair of wonderful eyes and carefully thought about the next arrangement.

“Father, don’t you help the Xue girl?” Liang Rong couldn’t help but ask in the car, watching the broken ox cart move further and further away.

“Someone has been ordered to find her family, someone will come to pick up the girl.” Liang Feng said lightly.


Liang Rong wanted to say something. Liang Feng had already smiled and touched his little head: “Don’t worry about Rong’er, this is not a wild country. Her home camp is definitely nearby, as long as the family finds it.”

Liang Rong couldn’t understand it, but Liang Feng understood clearly in his heart. What a joke. How can an unmarried girl’s car alone be left behind in a family reunion festival like the Shangsi Feast? And if the car breaks down, it’s justified to send someone to pick it up with your family. Why stop other cars along the road. Don’t you know to avoid suspicion?

After all, it’s just a routine. It seems that Xue Ren still didn’t give up and wanted to sell his daughters out. But Liang Feng doesn’t eat this set. It doesn’t matter to hunt for beauty, but it’s meaningless to be treated as prey.

Throwing this “incidental encounter” behind, the carriage continued to move forward, and in a blink of an eye it arrived at the camp for the banquet. Surrounded by officials, large and small, Liang Feng stepped out of the carriage, turned around and stretched out his hand, and carried Liang Rong out of the carriage. Unexpectedly, his father would still take care of himself at this time, and Liang Rong’s face was almost flushed. He hurriedly stood still, hesitated again, and took his father’s big hand.

Seeing Liang Rong’s nervousness disappeared, Liang Feng smiled and led his son to the people who were welcoming him.

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