Royal Road

Chapter 176

Chapter 175

“Hold the battle! Get close! Don’t mess up the battle! They won’t be able to get in!” The gangster Xiaoshuai shouted loudly in the formed phalanx.

They have been entrenched in the mountains and forests of Juyang County, and they have gathered more than 3,000 people for more than two years. With the local Qiang, Huns, and Di people as the backbone, there are still many refugees, and their combat power is really not weak. Taking advantage of the Xiongnu’s rebellion, they robbed the county government and grabbed food and people. It was very vigorous. However, no matter how much trouble it is, it is still in Leping Country. How can a bunch of Shangdang officers and soldiers pop up to encircle and suppress them? !

What’s more terrible is that these Shangdang soldiers are terrible!

The coach of the team kept shouting, wanting the team to be more stable. There are mostly cavalry in front of them, and it is not convenient to use them in a land with a lot of mountains and forests like Shiyang. As long as they stabilized the formation, the precious cavalry would not dare to rush.

However, the team of fine riders in front of them did not appear to be rushing. Instead, each bow and arrow, galloping in front of the formation like a hunting, release arrows. Where the mountain bandit’s armor is, just riding and shooting, it can also make them chaotic. This stalemate continued, and before the formation was broken, people were shot and killed!

Should we continue to defend the line, or just run away? The little handsome gritted his teeth fiercely: “Hold it up! Hold up the shield! They didn’t dare to rush in! Reinforcements are coming soon!”

Who has no cavalry? Their cavalry is also a cruel role in the mountains and forests. If it comes, these officers and soldiers will surely be able to kill them!

But he thinks so, but his son Lang doesn’t have so much courage and tenacity. When the fine knight in front of them turned again and rushed towards them, the shivering bandits with crude knives and guns finally couldn’t restrain themselves and flinched back. This retreat was like a crack in the middle of the iron plate, and those cavalry who looked leisurely with their bows showed fierce light in their eyes. When it was less than a hundred steps away from the camp, the horse rushed forward. No staying power, no stagnation, just rushing straight to the army!

The battle between the two armies, especially the battle on foot and cavalry, relied on blood and courage. If the infantry is tough and can stand still, not many cavalry will be willing to use their horses to charge. But once the army’s heart is shaken, showing fatigue, the wolf-like cavalry will immediately rush forward, tear the gap, and tear the army!

How do these bandits who have not undergone formal military training understand that they only retreat in one step to determine the outcome of life and death!

The wolf-like fine rider rushed into the team, the sword light flickered, and the flesh and blood flew across. That Xiaoshuai couldn’t stop his subordinates from fleeing at all, so he went crazy with anger. Where did their own cavalry go!

Less than five miles away, another fierce battle is also going on. In order to help their own son, the bandits galloped on their horses, wishing to have wings! But they couldn’t make it to the battlefield, and another team of officers and soldiers rushed out in a diagonal leap and stopped their thousands of horses!

“Kill! Give it to me!” The Qiang leader with a beard shouted loudly.

He is the chief commander of this group of bandits, and also a very courageous, martial arts and fierce man. If it is not good at riding and shooting, and scheming, how can such a huge bandit be created?

Therefore, even in the face of ambush, he is not afraid. Instead, he must be angry and order a deadly fight! They are all cavalry, and the numbers are very similar. What’s the fear? Kill it!

But today, what he encountered was not the weak Jin army.

Like tigers descending the mountain, the cavalry broke in. The all-encompassing sharp sword, in the sound of horseshoes, is like a urging ghost! Where did such martial arts come from? Almost everyone can account for him as a pioneer handsome! What’s more frightening is that they are not fighting alone, but in groups of three to five, and they cooperate as one!

Even if the mountain bandits are fierce, they can’t survive such a battle!

“Kill! Run out with me!” No other person, just fighting for a while, the bandit leader knew he was invincible. To continue such a struggle is nothing but a loss of life in vain. It’s better to escape and ascend to heaven first, and then make plans!

However, before he and his confidants rushed out two steps, a gray horse stopped in front of him. That horse is a good horse, one head taller than Fanma. The person on the horse is even more cold-faced by the black armor, and the angry is pressing. A pair of gray and blue eyes, as cold as a knife, murderous!

This is the enemy general! Between lightning and fire, the bandit leader reacted, without any hesitation, he led the team to rush up. There are more than ten confidantes under his men, and the opponent has only three or five soldiers. As long as you kill the enemy chief, you can get a glimmer of life!

With brute force, he made a twenty-pound mixed-iron spear. A single shot can leave a hole in the enemy’s body! Now he waved desperately, as if the wind and thunder were moving! With one enemy three, and with such a weapon, why not slash the enemy and the horse? !

But that vicious and fierce blow like a poisonous dragon did not fall on the enemy. The blue-eyed general was on one side, letting the iron gun pass, and with a backhand stab, then the siege was resolved.

Is this trying to pick up soft persimmons? The bandit smirked angrily. Keep your hands, and sweep across the gun! The gray horse that the enemy sat down seemed to be human, but the horse’s hoof made a mistake, and unexpectedly jumped three steps sideways. This letting the spear missed immediately, but the other party took another life in his hand.

It can’t go on like this! The bandit leader shouted: “Dianwu, Donghao, surround him!”

The two riders rushed over, and the three of them finished their words, enclosing the blue-eyed Capricorn in the middle. The iron spear, saber, and sledgehammer were swung out at the same time, and if the net was like a curtain, the enemy generals were trapped!

Able! These words are all in the hearts of the three of them. However, the white horse made a long hiss and shrieked its heels. With a kick, the horse on the back hissed horribly and threw off the owner. On the front, Jie threw the long knife in his hand into the enemy’s chest. On the side, a mixing gun pierced his shoulder.

bingo! That Qiang Shuai was overjoyed. Although he lost two henchmen, he hit the enemy! But the next moment, an unfamiliar sharp pain came up. He looked down along the sore spot. I saw that Jie Ren’s empty left hand had an extra spear, the iron rod was red, and the shiny spear head was buried in his thick black neck.

The spear shook, and blood spattered. The bandit leader planted his horse.

The invincible general, who could win a big victory with one enemy and three, didn’t glance at the corpse, but said coldly, “Fight together!”

With this short order, all the Shangdang cavalry began to converge, and the weapons in their hands and the murderous intent in their eyes were also combined.

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

The sound of hoofs rolled, and the sound of killing rushed into the sky.

“Lieutenant Du, I’m afraid that you will have to sew two stitches.” Seeing the wound on Lieutenant Yi Du’s shoulder, the army nurse frowned. This should be a gunshot wound, but fortunately it didn’t go deep. If it is replaced with a three-sided blade and a few inches deeper, I am afraid it will hurt my bones and muscles.

Sitting down at the table, Yi Yan said coldly: “Let’s do it.”

Stitching is not an easy job. The nurse took out a gourd from his side, opened the lid, and a gas of alcohol overflowed. However, what was poured out of the gourd was liquid like clear water. This is the essence of wine specially matched in the army, as long as it is used before the stitches are opened, ulcers can be avoided. However, the medicine is so strong that it is applied to the wound like a knife and scorching fire. If it is drunk into the abdomen, it may be pierced into the stomach.

Carefully dipped the steamed white cloth with alcohol, the nurse wiped the blood around the wound with the cloth. This should be extremely painful, but the person next to him just twitched his shoulder slightly, not to mention the pain, even his complexion did not change.

The captain seems to be more terrifying these days. The nurse swallowed, took out the needle and thread, and sewed it. The thread is sheep’s intestines, and the needle is silver needles, but stitched into the meat still makes the roots of the teeth soft and the hair straight. He has stitched wounds to many people personally, crying for his father and his mother, and there are not a few who can’t hold it. But now that it was sewn, the man hadn’t moved at all. It seemed that the sewn was not flesh and blood, but his clothes.

How dare to delay, the nurse quickly finished the work in his hands, wiped it with alcohol, put it on the medicine, and retired. Yi Yan didn’t look at the treated wound either. He picked up the shirt on the side, put it on his body, and walked out of the camp.

Outside, more than a dozen bandits were tied together, most of them were injured. These are the little handsome leaders in the bandit army and need to be further tortured.

When Wang Long saw Yi Yan, he immediately stepped forward: “Yingzheng, that’s the leader of the bandit. The old battalion has to be tried again!”

Yi Yan ignored him, walked to the leader of a mountain bandit, and asked, “Where is the old camp in the mountain?”

Laoying is a place where valuables are hidden in the cottage, and only the generals in the center of the village can know about it. The man chuckled: “You are also a nonsense, why do you serve the Jin dog?!”

He uses Hu language. Although Qiang, Di, and Jie all have their own languages, the Huns are powerful, so the Hus also speak a few words in the Huns, and they are called Hu Yu. Both Yi Yan and Wang Long could understand this. Wang Long’s face was dark, and just about to strike, a silver light flashed in front of him.

The little handsome head rolled on the ground, and the blood in his cavity splashed out ten steps before he stopped.

Wang Long closed his mouth immediately. In the past few days, his family’s righteous temper seems to be getting worse and worse, even he dare not speak nonsense. It seemed that a big victory still didn’t make this killing **** much easier.

Without stopping, Yi Yan came to another person again, still the question: “Where is the old camp in the mountain?”

There is a predecessor as a role model, that person did not dare to be rampant, and swallowed his saliva before saying: “If you want me to say, you have to let me go first…”

Before he finished speaking, Jianfeng had already kissed his neck. The splattered blood wetted the hem of Yi Yan’s clothes and trickled down.

After a few more steps, Yi Yan stood in front of another person again: “Where is Lao Ying?”

The person may be really unaware, and trembling and begging for mercy: “Master army for your life! The younger ones are familiar with those chiefs, so you can ask…”

He has no chance to say the third sentence. Another corpse fell to the ground.

In the camp, there was a chill. No one dared to speak again. It seems that what kills the gods is not the answer at all, but their lives.

Stepping again, before Yi Yan reached the next person, that person collapsed, crying and shouting: “In Zuoling! In Zuoling Mountain, I can lead the way!”

The feet in military boots stopped. Yi Yan waved his blade and shook off the blood on it: “Take them to fight against the old camp, and conquer today.”

What else would Wang Long dare to say? He quickly took his orders and stepped back.

Aside, the messenger walked forward tremblingly: “Captain, come from Zhanxian.”

Zhanxian County was the governing place of Leping State, and it should have been sent by the county government. Yi Yan didn’t change that blood suit, so he walked into the camp.

Seeing him like this, the Sun Thief who came to talk with Cao scared his eyes and didn’t know where to put his eyes. He quickly bowed his head and saluted: “I don’t know the arrival of Lieutenant Yi, the official failed to welcome him. There are bandits in the mountains, Lieutenant He Lao. Bother…”

The hidden meaning in his words is very clear. This is a catch, even if there are bandits in Leping, there is no need to go to the party to send troops to suppress it!

Yi Yan said indifferently: “The mountain bandits harass the Shangdang party, so they should be handed over. The county seat of Qiyang is already under the control of our army, so Sun Cao need not worry.

what? The county seat is laid down? Sun Zei Cao sweats more on his head, stammering: “This, how does this make…”

“Food and grass will also be transported from the Shangdang. After some time, the peace will be restored. Doesn’t internal history want Leping country to cut off banditry?”

Naturally, this is Neishi Jiang Huan, the highest person in charge of Leping State. As a confidant of internal history, Sun Thief Cao didn’t know what he thought. Soldiers and bandits are terrible, but not having this neighbor around is even more terrifying. However, is it still useful to protest again? Even if they were told to the imperial court, they were just trying to suppress the bandits. They did not attack the counties of Leping State, nor did they rob them of the city’s food and grass. Who cares about this kind of self-sacrificing nosy!

The mouth was long and closed, and Sun Thief Cao finally squeezed out a sentence: “Where is it. Your army came from a long way and killed me in Leping, and became a treaty army. I will report the internal history and receive the wind for the general… …”

He didn’t dare to call the captain, so he called the general directly.

Yi Yan did not show any expression because of this retreat, but still had a stern face that no strangers would get near: “Sun Cao is polite.”

After a few hurried conversations, Sun Thief Cao didn’t dare to stop, and hurriedly backed out.

In the camp, there are no more disturbing noises. Yi Yan closed his eyes slightly. His heart seemed to be split in half. Half of them were calm and composed, handling war and political affairs without any difference; while half were silent, like falling into some bottomless void.

The lord is going to get a wife. The daughter of the Wang family was married.

A lady who can’t be rejected or despised.

Later, he will have more concubines. Those beauties who are worthy of him and who can speak softly in his arms. He will also have children, full of children and grandchildren, and flourishing branches. You can add a smile to the empty Liang Mansion, you can go out of the way, and help your father and brother take charge of this huge family business. Just like any rising elite, it has become a huge family that people cannot ignore.

This is what the lord deserves. It is also the best way to stabilize the party and even merge the state.

He understands the truth. But there was no one to make up for him.

But even so, the sane side has not disappeared. Just like climbing the straw in the torrent, he can’t let go, can’t let himself fall into the abyss. That’s the only thing he has. The captain of the upper party and the commander of Liang’s mansion are also the lord’s most trusted confidant.

In this role, he can do his best.

In his chest, there was the sound of ice dripping. Yi Yan opened his eyes again and walked out of the tent.

At the same time, a large army drove into Tongguan and marched towards Hongnong Camp not far away. This is the emperor’s imperial driver, and the team that the general Qi Hong returned victoriously.

After hurriedly sweeping the city of Chang’an, he dared not stop any more, and left the Xianbei soldiers who were still plundering the treasure women, and took the lead in leading eight thousand soldiers and horses to **** the emperor out of Guanzhong. This is the most anticipated trophy of the East Sea King, and it is also the guarantee for him to become an official and become a nobleman. How can Qi Hong dare to neglect?

But after all, he was a rough man, he didn’t gather the emperor’s obedience, and even the imperial servants were not found. He just got a bullock cart, installed it on the emperor and left. The other princes and nobles did not even have a car, and they all walked. Because of this group of waste, it took seven days to walk from Chang’an to Tongguan. Rao Qi Hong led countless soldiers, and became a little angry.

After arriving at Hongnong Daying, we will be able to allocate vehicles for these wastes. Just waiting for Sima Teng in the camp is not a good thing. When attacking Chang’an, I didn’t see him rushing forward. By this time, he was picking the fruit instead? Qi Hong almost wanted to sneer twice. However, he is the younger brother of the King of East China Sea, and he can’t offend him.

Fortunately, Chang’an has a lot of oil and water to fish. Riding on the horse, Qi Hong casually wondered how to arrange the stolen things, and how much worth it. At this moment, a voice penetrated the thick army formation and floated to Qi Hong’s ears.

“There are enemies riding!”

Suddenly raising his head, Qi Hong found in horror that a rolling dark cloud appeared on the horizon. That is the cavalry, there are three or four thousand people! Just the smoke and dust it brings up has the potential to shield the sun!

Why is there an enemy ride here? What is Hongnong Daying doing? Why didn’t the scout report it!

Even after many battles, the general was still panicked, and quickly shouted: “What else is froze? Escort! Escort!”

He has the emperor! If there is a loss, there is not enough head to compensate!

Hearing this order, everyone hurriedly moved. However, it was originally a victorious arrogant soldier, and the military discipline was disrupted by looting. How can you react to it for a while?

Like a pack of ferocious wolves, that team of Qingqi rushed into the thin camp fiercely, and slew towards the bullock cart they guarded!

Liu Yao never thought that he could run into such a good thing.

After leading troops to sneak into Hongnong, he heard a news. Now the big account has not been withdrawn, and staying in Hongnong is to welcome Yujia. The emperor’s imperial servant had already driven out of Chang’an.

This is simply a godsend! Without the slightest hesitation, Liu Yao made a new plan, and did not harass Daying. Instead, he started from the back and robbed him of food and grass. Today there is a shortage of food everywhere, and there are many bandits along the way. When something like this happened, how could Sima Teng dared to neglect, and immediately sent troops to rectify his way.

After disturbing the big camp, taking away Sima Teng’s attention. Liu Yao waved his command and moved forward towards Tongguan. No matter how you leave, you always have to pass through Tongguan when you leave Guanzhong. If you set up an ambush nearby, you will definitely be able to wait for their prey.

As a result, it was like a godsend. The guards and guards, but a mere 8,000 people. There is no big account response, no strengthening of guards. These people are like naked lambs walking in the wilderness.

How can such a prey be let go?

Following Liu Yao’s order, Sanqian Qingqi rushed towards the enemy camp. As if torn apart the silk, the hastily formed front line was breached. The resistance of those Jin troops was simply not enough to stop this tiger-like wolf. Where the horse passes, it is a corpse!

But Liu Yao’s mind was sober. He didn’t target the Chinese army, ignored Shuaiqi, and rushed toward the bullock cart with the banner of the emperor.

A soldier of the arch guard? kill! Official blocking? kill! Personal attendant? kill!

One stab at the front of the car, the young man without a beard, behind the young man wearing a crown of beams. A middle-aged man with a white face and thin beard, all over his body, was dragged out of the car by the soldiers.

The crown of the sky, the black band, and the crimson gown. Except for today, who else would dare to dress like this?

“General!” the soldier exclaimed with excitement, “It’s the emperor Jin!”

“Is there a second master in the world? Kill!” Liu Yao ordered without hesitation.

Hearing this, the soldier would hesitate no matter what, regardless of the man’s crying and struggling, he waved off his sharp blade. Hearing a sneer, blood spattered five steps. Its color is crimson, no different from ordinary people.

Really succeeded! Liu Yao laughed loudly and said to the soldiers who were still fighting endlessly: “The Emperor Jin is dead, let’s retreat!”

All the Huns screamed and rushed to the outside. The Jin army, which was already in chaos, had no power to stop it at this moment. Qi Hong, desperately rushing forward, saw the bullock cart soaked in blood, spit out blood, and planted the horse.

That day, the bad news rushed into Hongnong Camp along with the remnants.

The author has something to say:

Jin Huidi Sima Zhong finally received the lunch. According to history, he died in November of the first year of Guangxi, more than half a year later. According to legend, he was poisoned by Sima Yue. But now, the Xiongnu quit Bingzhou early and came to Sizhou to lay a foundation, which happened to happen. According to the official history, Emperor Hui Jin took a bullock cart and Gongqing walked from Chang’an to Luoyang on foot. How tight can the defense be with this configuration? And Liu Zhen, a strong general, will not let go of the opportunity.

Butterflies’ wings are fanning more and more powerfully, and history is going to derail.

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