Royal Road

Chapter 185

Chapter 184

This question was horrible, and the cold sweat on Wang Yu’s back came down: “My lord! How dare you act so rashly when I was ordered to go on a mission?! It must be… it must be…”

It must have been twice, and Wang Yu didn’t say the following. What is it? Will Liang Zixi send a letter from thousands of miles to slander him for poisoning?

Although it was only a one-sided fate, Wang Lin didn’t think that the young master Pian Pian Jia he saw would be such a contributor. The air is not the same, and the measurement is not the same.

“Tell me about what happened that day.” Wang Jun asked simply, regardless of his son’s stupidity.

How dare Wang Yu conceal this matter, carefully describing the situation when the two met that day, and even what he said at the banquet and the reaction of the other party.

“When he learned of the adult’s plan, Liang Zixi left the meeting and then pulled out of the camp.” Wang Yu couldn’t restrain the resentment in his voice, “He didn’t intend to be attached to Ji Youzhou at all. He was extremely arrogant!”

“The last thing that was served was Yangtou Geng?” Wang Jun caught this point, “Who made the soup?”

“It was prepared by the kitchen, and they are all elderly people in the mansion.” Wang Yu didn’t know why.

“How does Liang Zixi look after drinking the soup?” Wang Jun asked.

“This…” Wang Lin immediately remembered what happened that day, “Yes, he turned pale after drinking the soup. I thought he was just tired, could it be that the soup is poisonous?! But why is it so harmful? The surname is Liang?”

“Confused!” Wang Jun couldn’t help it anymore, he scolded, “Quickly send someone to catch the cook!”

This is no longer Liang Zixi’s problem, but a potential dark place that interferes with his layout. Fortunately, this time Liang Mansion only brought 200 people. If he brought more people, would Wang Yu be counter-killed by the opponent? It is even more serious. With such a thief lurking by his side, will there be an extra dose of poison in his bowl at any time?

Wang Yu reacted at this moment, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly. How could this harm Liang Zixi, he clearly wanted to let his father’s plan fall to no avail! How can we not guard against such wolf ambitions? !

Wang Jun, who was watching coldly, shook his head in his heart. Although this son is usually capable, but at critical moments, he is still not as good as others. Just like this Liang Zixi, who suffered such a big loss, but still sent letters. It can be said that the other party has excellent demeanor, and specially sent a letter to inform him of the reason not to join hands with him. It can also be considered that the other party has guessed that it is not Wang Yu who is hurting him, and wants to borrow his hand to eradicate the poisoner.

No matter what the mind is, this method is simply and neat. On the other hand, Wang Yu still couldn’t figure out his head, it was really a mess.

It seems that the concubine is still unbearable, I only hope that the young concubine can grow up soon.

Wang Jun looked away and didn’t let Wang Yu go. The two sat down in the study, waiting for the result of the interrogation.

On the other side, looking at the guards of the Dudu Mansion who broke into the hospital to get people, Zhang Dian burst into cold sweat behind him.

“What’s going on?” He whispered to the servant.

“Like, it seems to be taking the cook…” The servant stammered and couldn’t explain clearly.

There is no need for the second sentence, Zhang Dian suddenly understood that this is Leping’s matter, and I missed the clue! Where is the problem? He couldn’t guess, but he didn’t dare to stop for a while, and immediately went back to the house to pack his luggage.

After a quarter of an hour, Zhang Dian and his personal servants rode out of the house with a small baggage. As Wang Yu’s confidant, he put on an attitude of dealing with important matters, no one would stop him.

The journey went unimpeded and left Jicheng. The loyal servant trembled and asked, “Master, where are we going now?”

With a fire in his heart, Zhang Dian said coldly, “Where can’t you go in troubled times? Go to Sizhou first!”

The wedding brought the errands, and they were folded together cleanly. If it weren’t for the sick child, how could he be so embarrassed? ! Don’t take revenge on the non-gentleman, wait for him to get it back slowly!

The old servant was still not at ease: “But after leaving Jicheng, how can I not bring those letters…”

“Hehe, I can’t marry, can someone else marry it?” Zhang Diansen smiled without answering, and drank a “drive”. The horse obeyed and galloped away.

Within half an hour, the chef asked the details of the day. There was no poisoning, and no other instigation, only Zhang Canjun urged her to serve food and added a handful of chives. Hearing this, Wang Yu couldn’t help but his eyes widened: “Zhang joined the army? How could it be him?!”

Zhang Canjun voted for him two years ago. He is smart and helped him deal with many things. How can you mess with something like this? Regardless of his father, he hurriedly said: “Hurry up and find someone in the house! I have to ask carefully!”

The confidant said: “Zhang Canjun has already left the Xiaowei’s mansion, saying that he has something to do. Now he has gone out of the city.”

Now Wang Yu was completely dumbfounded, how could this be?

Regardless of how many stupid things his son did, Wang Jun immediately asked: “What can be found in his house?”

“Xianruan has all been taken away, only a few letters are left.” The confidant didn’t dare to neglect, and presented what he found.

When Wang Jun turned the hastily, he couldn’t help but cursed: “What a betrayer! Look at what you hired!”

Wang Yu’s face was red, and he picked up the letter his father had thrown in front of him, and he was silly at first sight. This turned out to be a love letter from a few women, and it was terrible. By coincidence, the person who wrote the letter was the girl Wang Wen wanted to marry to the Liang Mansion.

“This…this…” Wang Yu’s hands trembled. Who would have thought that this was happening only because of the ambition of a spoiled wolf? ! If you want to marry Wang’s daughter, you will harm the other’s fiance’s son-in-law? He is so bold!

“Send someone to chase! Chase me back!” Wang Yu shouted bitterly.

However, Wang Jun had calmed down, thought for a moment, and sneered: “Such a letter, I have to show Jiulang…”

Jiulang, it is the father of the daughter to be married, Wang Rou. This person is also a person who is greedy for fame and good face. If it weren’t for this, it would not have been the marriage of the upper party. If he knows about this, can that girl be married?

“Father?” Wang Lin couldn’t help being startled. Is this ruining the marriage between Liang Mansion and Wang Clan?

“Liang Zixi, can you use it for me?” Wang Jun asked rhetorically.

“No!” Wang Yu was absolutely sure of this. Even if there is no Zhang Dian to be a ghost, the two may not agree, Liang Zixi does not seem to be able to obey orders. What’s more, it’s turning into enemies like this now.

“If you can’t, why do you help him? Taiyuan Wangs, it’s better to have a relationship with these lowly lintels. The left and right are just prefects.” This is also their best choice now. An enemy is naturally better to never stand up. Why let him have the opportunity to take advantage of it.

Wang Yan also understood at this time: “My lord is justified! Humph, when you have dealt with Youzhou and the party is in a mere trivial matter, why bother?”

Seeing that his son finally woke up, Wang Jun said coldly: “In the future, your house will also be under strict supervision. Don’t do such ridiculous things again!”

After doing such a wasteful matter, how could Wang Yu dare to talk back, obediently kneel down and admit his mistake. Wang Jun spoke a few more words with a straight face, before he aroused his confidant and ordered.

Liang Feng slowly opened his eyes, and there was no light in the curtain. The heavy curtains obscured all visible light sources, and also made the day and night chaotic.

He didn’t know how many days he had been lying down.

Since I woke up that day, the withdrawal symptoms have been entangled completely. Liang Feng has no real and reliable memory, only some intermittent afterimages in his mind. Tears and tears, photophobia, cramps, and insomnia are the mildest symptoms. In severe cases, it is the pain that pierces the heart, and it is like the torment of ants. He may scream wildly, he may be incontinent, he may bite and roll, he may perform all the terrible ugliness that is so terrible and abhorrent. I can’t help myself, and I can’t even leave memories that can be ashamed.

But every time I wake up, it’s like this. Lying cleanly on the couch, shrouded in comfortable darkness, the soothing fragrance slowly drifted from the tip of his nose. Also, the hand on the arm.

Liang Feng tried to raise his wrist. He didn’t raise his arm, but this tiny movement still awakened the people on the couch.

“Master…” A hoarse voice sounded, as if lacking vitality because of lack of sleep and being tortured by long-term exhaustion.

However, when he heard that voice, Liang Feng felt strangely that the dullness in his chest had calmed down a bit. Because of these countless days and nights, as long as there is some saneness, this voice will accompany him.

“Would you like some water? I’ll call for someone.” Yi Yan woke up completely, sat up on the side of the couch, and asked softly.

Liang Feng’s mouth grew several times before squeezing out his voice: “porridge…”

Yi Yan’s eyes lit up! This is the first time that these Lords of God have almost no water and rice. He immediately said loudly: “Qingmei! Get some porridge and water!”

After shouting, Yi Yan did not leave. He took the water bowl on the side with his backhand and handed it to Liang Feng’s lips: “Master, drink some water first to moisturize your throat.”

There seemed to be something mixed in the water, but Liang Feng’s tongue was like wood, and he couldn’t tell at all. He just took a few sips and stopped.

Yi Yan didn’t insist on persuading him. After putting down the bowl, he took up the cloth towel and carefully wiped off the water marks left on his lips.

This action is too intimate. Liang Feng turned his head away, took a breath, and asked, “How many days is it?”

Yi Yan’s hand froze for a moment before he whispered: “It’s been five days. Doctor Jiang said, as long as you survive the first few days.”

Liang Feng also understands that the withdrawal period is a period for the body to get rid of addictive substances. Within 90 days, the metabolism will clean up all the dirt. However, what is really terrible is not physical, but psychological. When a person knows how much happiness those things can bring to oneself, the addiction is planted and it is difficult to get rid of it.

He didn’t know exactly what kind of addictive substance contained in Hanshisan, but it was certain that his mentality was not as clean as it was when he quit for the first time.

At this moment, the curtain was opened, and Liang Feng squinted slightly before adapting to the light in the room. It’s daytime. I don’t know what time it is. Qingmei is holding the dinner plate carefully and kneeling on the couch: “Lord, the porridge and water are here.”

A hand behind him supported him and slowly let him sit up. Liang Feng took a breath again, opened his mouth, and let Qingmei feed him. When he saw the bowl of porridge that was not thick, Liang Feng realized that he actually had no appetite. The hunger seemed to disappear, and there was a heavy stone in my stomach. Even if I felt I should eat something in my heart, I didn’t feel anything when I looked at the porridge.

However, Liang Feng ate anyway, silently swallowing one bite after another. Reason and body seem to be separated into two halves, fighting alternately. However, this struggle only lasted a few minutes, and Liang Feng suddenly stagnated, bowed and threw up. The dripping porridge water and the mucus in the stomach gush out together, splashing on the skirt of the person beside him.

“Lord Lord!” Qingmei’s surprised bowl dropped.

Yi Yan ignored the stains and slapped Liang Feng’s vest to help him clear the dirt in his throat. Seeing that the other party was vomiting clean, he didn’t say anything, bent down to pick up the person, and came to the low couch on the side.

“Fetch water! Let the lord gargle!” Yi Yan whispered.

Only then did she react, the little girl hurriedly got up, brought warm water, and waited for Liang Feng to drink it. The servant on the side neatly tidied up the bed and replaced it with a new bedding. All this is done extremely smoothly. Liang Feng couldn’t help thinking, how many times has he lost his attitude these days?

When it was packed, a new suit was also placed aside. Liang Feng didn’t move, his eyes fell on the person who was supporting him.

Yi Yan was silent for a moment, then took a step back. Qingmei hurried forward, helped Liang Feng change his dirty clothes, and cleaned his hands and face with clean water. It didn’t take much effort, and the filth disappeared again.

With his eyes hanging down slightly, Liang Feng looked a few steps away. There, the muddy matter was still condensed on Yi Yan’s dark clothes, alternating yellow and white, emitting a foul smell. But the real gaze never left, as if locked on his body.

This is not possible. Feeling groggy, Liang Feng thought. The longer you stay, the less the person can let go. This will make it impossible to end the noise. Maybe it’s time to fight a battle and spend the people. After two years, everything will be restored. He would marry a wife, and so would himself. Let those impulses of adolescence disappear. If you can’t give it to him, why make people have illusions?

Just thinking, Jiang Da rushed in quickly: “Master, are you awake? How do you feel?”

“It’s okay…” Liang Feng didn’t know how to describe the current state. Apart from this sentence, what else could he answer?

“The lord just drank the porridge, and he vomited clean again.” Yi Yan said solemnly.

“Want to drink porridge?” Jiang Da sighed, “Alright, don’t drink too thick and fast next time. Feed it several times. Take some sugar water first to calm your stomach.”

After that, he stepped up to check Liang Feng’s pulse carefully, and checked the tongue coating: “The shaking is not too severe. Lord, you go back to the couch first, and I will check other places for you.”

Without waiting for Liang Feng to resist, Jiang Da supported the people and returned to the cleaned bed. Squeeze the opponent’s chest and abdomen with your hands little by little, while asking about your feelings.

It’s not that difficult. Liang Feng said something and answered Jiang Da’s question carefully. After a set of inspections, he said: “How is the situation?”

“It’s better than last time. After raising it for a year, you should be able to recover. But Hanshisan, you must never take it again!” Jiang Da said solemnly.

However, just hearing the word uttered, Liang Feng felt an unbearable itching in his heart, and the stinging skin was aching. Gritting his teeth, he pressed the abnormality to the bottom of his heart and slowly nodded.

Jiang Da was still worried. He stared at Liang Feng and drank the sugar water. Then he said: “Now it’s hard to get in if I’m afraid of taking medicine. It’s better to take acupuncture. Lord, can you bear it?”

In fact, his body was still trembling involuntarily, but Liang Feng still nodded. Jiang Da was not relieved, turned his head to Yi Yan and said, “Bo Yuan, help out. Hold the lord’s calf, and I will apply the needle on the leg.”

Liang Feng was about to say no. On the side, Yi Yan had already taken off the smeared smock and knelt beside the couch wearing only his shirt. A pair of warm and powerful hands grasped Liang Feng’s leg.

I don’t know if the stimulation of the drug has not subsided. Liang Feng’s calf twitched, and every inch of his skin could feel the person’s touch. The hard calluses he was practicing with a bow horse, his joints were hard, his palms were rough, like shackles, and he was confined to the bed. .

Having lost the best opportunity to oppose, Liang Feng closed his mouth and closed his eyes. It’s time to let him go, as soon as possible!

However, Liang Feng didn’t notice that when the hands were pressed on his legs, the seemingly non-stop tremor slowly eased, as if being smoothed. Disappear.

The author has something to say: Seeing someone discussing the issue of addiction, Wo first talk about the harmful effects of Wu Shi San, a famous acupuncturist in the Jin Dynasty. In the seven years, in the middle of winter, I was naked and ate ice, and when I was bored in the heat, I had a reversal cough, or if it was warm malaria, or typhoid fever, puffiness, swelling, and sore limbs.”

The aforementioned Pei Xiu burned all five internal parts after the stone was born, splashed water and a hundred stones, and died in January.

There is also He Yan himself, “The soul does not guard the house, the blood is not beautiful, the delicate smoke floats, and the appearance is like a wood, which is called a ghost.”

There have been many deaths from Wushisan since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and there is basically no cure. The prescription itself has become a taboo.

Is this still an addictive drug that was not purified more than a thousand years ago and replaced with the drug of today?

The article is just a fictional saying, please don’t have any fluke psychology with drugs, don’t touch, destroy people and family, there is no cure, it will cause irreversible harm to the mind and body. Don’t be tempted by any beautification or pretense, just stay away.

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