Royal Road

Chapter 2

Chapter 1 Big case

The dripping water turned into ice in the deep winter of Beijing, and the gullies on the outskirts of the county were even more chilly, and a scum of ice could be frozen out. In the middle of the night, let alone people, even the animals in the woods hid. In the silence, the rustling sounded from far to near, and a figure quickly passed through the invisible grove, into the dilapidated small courtyard in front.

The warm charcoal gas instantly dissipated the chill wrapped around his body. Seeing the person coming, a young man wearing a police cotton coat stood up and greeted him in a low voice: “Team Liang.”

Liang Feng took off the cotton cap on his head and glanced up in the room: “Where is Zheng Ju?”

“Inside, I’m talking to Team Zhang.”

Nodding to indicate that he heard, Liang Feng strode inward.

Pushing open the door, a choking smoke puffed out of his nose. At the large conference table made up of two wooden tables, there were four or five police officers in plain clothes sitting. There is not enough heating in the room, and everyone is wrapped in heavy coats. Hearing the sound of pushing the door, many people watched eagerly, but the first middle-aged man didn’t lift his head. Liang Feng only felt a rush of anger, and he slapped at the conference table, and said stiffly, “Juju Zheng, are you looking for me?”

This tone is a bit bad. The man on the main seat waved to several people around him, and said, “You should prepare first, and act in the early morning!”

There was a rustling sound of the seat, and several colleagues in the room walked out the door one by one. There were only two people left in the room. Zheng Ju pointed to the chair in front of him: “Xiaoliang, you sit first.”

Liang Feng didn’t move: “July Zheng, I know what you want to say, I can’t agree.”

As if he had expected this answer earlier, Zheng Ju sighed and pressed the cigarette **** in his hand into the ashtray next to him: “Xiao Liang, the preparations for this encirclement and suppression are almost complete. Your team has been with the suspect for so long now. It’s a critical juncture, it’s time to change hands.”

“Change hands?” Liang Feng laughed mockingly. “I have never heard of a change of general. Are Zhang Liang and Deng Tao familiar with the environment here? Do you know the roots of the Yazigou group? Our team followed half of them. Yue, just for today! Zheng Ju, this is not a trifle.”

The anxious look on Zheng Ju’s face became heavier, his fingers banged on the wooden table: “Liang Feng, this is an order!”

“It’s a messy life!” Liang Feng took a step forward and pressed his hands on the table, “No matter which fairy comes to say hello, they don’t understand the situation here! Zheng Bureau, this is our branch’s biggest case this year. , If you order a business trip because of this shit, everything will be ruined!”

These words stabbed Zheng Ju’s weakness, his fingers stiffened, and he curled up a little annoyed. Too familiar with the old boss’s temperament, Liang Feng’s eyes lit up and he immediately seized the opportunity: “Whose life is not life, why is mine more precious? Zheng Ju, you know, I have been in the police for nine years, and you are watching I walked to this position step by step. We have gone through many dangerous things, and there is no reason to disrupt the plan because of those people’s talk! Zheng Ju, this is the last chance!”

A whistling north wind blew outside the window, and the shabby window ridges rattled under the push of the strong wind. After half a minute of silence, Zheng Ju finally sighed: “Your kid Pi can give me a little tension, and you must not make any mistakes!”

A sharp smile appeared on Liang Feng’s face, and he replied neatly: “Don’t worry!”

Twenty days ago, a vicious robbery occurred in the branch of the State Bank of China in the suburbs of Beijing. Five gunmen broke into the reserve center and snatched millions of cash and reserve gold bars that were going to be released that day, causing two deaths and seven serious injuries. This group of desperadoes was meticulous in committing crimes, leaving very few clues, and the methods were too brutal, which immediately attracted high-level attention. Because of the jurisdiction, the Western Suburb Criminal Police Detachment where Liang Feng is also participated in the investigation. After more than half a month of arduous investigation, the group of cunning thugs was successfully targeted.

After confirming the news, the corps immediately arranged a deployment and sneaked into the vicinity of Yazigou Village the day before yesterday, preparing to close the net. After a month of hard work, this is the critical moment for Liang Feng and his detachment to play a role. Unexpectedly, the order came down and almost expelled him from this operation. And the person who gave the order really made him unable to scold his mother.

That was his second uncle, who personally greeted Director Yan.

As an authentic third generation of red, two generals and four provincial officials have been born in the family. Liang Feng Young Master Liang did not join the army, politics, or business, but went to the police by surprise. This matter has always made the adults in the family worry about it. Whether it’s embarrassing or not is second, security is the most troublesome issue. For this, the family put pressure on him and made trouble, trying to force him to leave the police force. Who wants this kid to make a guilty twist, instead of admitting defeat, he actually climbed to the position of the detachment leader with his skills.

With the results, the above will more or less turn one eye and one eye closed. It would not be in vain to mix up with the police for a few more years, to become a director, or to develop towards the Ministry of Public Security. But tolerance doesn’t mean indulgence, no matter how big a parent is, he never expected that Liang Feng would be able to get such a big case.

Where does this work! Are gun thugs playing around? !

The phone was directly sent to the desk of the General Administration, but it was forgotten that Liang Feng kept it secret. When the time came to close the network, he encountered the help of his old boss and barely stayed. However, he knew from the bottom of his heart that after this incident, he was afraid that it would be difficult to come into contact with such a major case in the future.

“Team Liang! Is it done?” A voice rushed into the ambush spot quickly.

Liang Feng smiled: “Of course it can be done. The original plan was at 3 o’clock in the morning. Let’s get on the west gate.”

“Great!” Ning Gang exhaled heavily, “We thought we were going to be squeezed out this time, the group of puppets in the team!”

There are not many people in the team who know his life experience, and most people think that someone wants to pry them into the corner. Liang Feng smiled without explaining, and ordered: “This time the mastermind, Jiang Kunpeng, has a criminal record, as well as guns and ammunition smuggled from Russia. According to an informant, they also made a few extremely dangerous things. Tall guy. I don’t know if it’s a grenade or an explosives bag. You must be careful when you act!”

“Don’t worry, Boss, we’ve checked it seven or eight times!” Someone immediately replied below.

“Not many times!” Liang Feng tightened his face, “please check the procedure again to make sure the cooperation is in place!”

Everyone’s expressions immediately became serious. The case is a big one, and the risk factor is naturally high and scary. This time, they have put together a whole team of people, and if there is a mistake, it will be troublesome. Carefully confirming the attack point again, Liang Feng ordered the team members to check each other’s equipment and body armor.

The phone in his pocket vibrated suddenly, Liang Feng took out and glanced at it, and immediately hung up the phone. However, the serial CALL did not mean to stop. The call was made every few minutes, and the text messages were not interrupted. Liang Feng shut down the machine neatly, and Ning Gang sighed: “Why, have you come together to check the post?”

Liang Feng, a boy with a hard and upright spirit, is a criminal policeman, but he is a full-fledged dandy, a sage hunter, and it is common to step on a few boats. Not to mention the Western Suburbs Detachment, everyone knows the game soon. But this time it wasn’t really a phone call from his girlfriends. Liang Feng called haha: “Envy? I’ll introduce you later.”

After being enlisted by a counter-general, Ning Gang’s face blushed: “I’m the master, there’s no blessing!”

Everyone knew about the strict control of Ning Gang’s wife, and a few smirks came from the room. The overly tense atmosphere eased a little, Liang Feng smiled and waved his hand: “I’m going to smoke a cigarette, you continue.”

After speaking, he wandered out of the room. For safety, the lights were not turned on at all in the small courtyard, it was dark and cold, and only the whistling of the wind could be heard. Standing at the leeward place and lighting a cigarette, Liang Feng inhaled fiercely. It seems that the crate stabbed a bit big this time. The few calls just now were made by Uncle Wang, who were the personal guards next to the old man. This is what Shang Datian heard, and I don’t know which one of the family stabbed the old man. Others are easy to say, but he grew up next to the old man when he was young, so he really didn’t dare to worry about his old man. It seems that after this mission is over, the police are almost done to the end.

“Liang team.”

Suddenly there was a voice around him. Liang Feng followed his reputation and found that it was Xiao Song who was watching the night in the courtyard. The newcomer has just joined the team for half a year. In the words of old policemen like them, Mao hasn’t gotten clean yet. For this reason, he was assigned a night watch mission, and it was estimated that he would stay on the periphery when he acted in the early morning. But even so, Xiao Song’s face was a little pale, his lips pressed tightly, and his hands twitched from time to time, as if he wanted to confirm the holster hanging around his waist.

Flicking the cigarette **** on the ground and smashing it out, Liang Feng smiled: “Nervous?”

After being pierced in his mind, Xiao Song immediately shook his head: “No, I am…”

Ignoring the boy’s argument, Liang Feng asked, “Do you have a girlfriend?”

When he was asked, Xiao Song babbled a few words before repliing: “Talk, talk about one. Nothing…”

“It’s like picking up a girl. Practice makes perfect. If you get frustrated in front of the door, I guess you’ll have to use it for a lifetime. Go bold! Be bright and move fast. The most important thing is to do a good job.” Liang Feng picked up his mouth. , Threw a stubborn sentence out.

Xiao Song’s face immediately swelled into a big red cloth, but the tight string also loosened a lot. He bit his lip and whispered: “Team Liang, you guys also be careful…”

“Okay, you don’t have to worry about it.” Team Liang stretched out his hand and took a big cotton cap on the top of the opponent’s head.

Turning his head and glanced at the sky outside the courtyard, the night was still thick, moonlight and starry, quiet and scary. The smile that had just piled up disappeared, and Liang Feng raised his foot and walked into the house.

After one hour.

The fine footsteps sounded in the narrow alley, and then, a loud noise pierced the night sky. The heavy door was smashed open by a door-breaking hammer and fell inward, and the dogs in the village started barking together. Amid the frantic barking of dogs, three teams of men and horses broke into the small courtyard at the same time, and gunfire sounded.

One, two, three… the light bulbs in the room were dim, and the bullets swish across his ears. In such a chaotic environment, Liang Feng was still counting the heads. Five culprits, two horses who did not take part in the operation, and a total of seven people. This is not a bungalow. There are six rooms upstairs and downstairs. If you miss any of them, you will be in trouble.

However, the officers of the criminal investigation team did not give it for nothing. It took only two and a half minutes from breaking the door to leveling the two floors, and all seven of them were pushed to the ground. Ning Gang wiped the cold sweat from his head with his backhand, and moved to Liang Feng’s side: “Boss, it’s done!”

It went smoother than expected, Liang Feng breathed a sigh of relief and stood up straight: “Go to the second floor and check it out. Money and gold bars can’t be less.”

“Don’t worry.” Ning Gang strode upstairs.

Liang Feng’s gaze swept across the mess. Seven criminals have been pulled up one after another, most of their faces are stained with blood, and two have been killed. His eyes suddenly froze on a man lying on his back with long hair, wait, that person is not in their profile at all!

“Not good!” With a sigh of relief, Liang Feng ran away. The structure of the house has long been confirmed, and several teams have checked it twice. It is impossible to miss anyone. If someone hides, the only possibility is to hide in a bunker that is not recorded in the structure diagram! When he just rushed into the small courtyard, he once saw a small concealed wooden door on the ground, just outside the east wall of the hall!

“Liang team!”

Someone screamed from behind, but Liang Feng didn’t hear it at all. Outside the broken glass window directly in front, a vague dark figure raised his arm and made a motion that he wanted to throw. What is he holding? bomb? Still a grenade! If the gangsters throw the explosives into the room, the situation will be reversed immediately. There are too many people in the hall, the lives of the team members, and this action…

The gust of wind whizzed in his ears, and he jumped up and leaped towards the window. With a crash, the glass shattered, and Liang Feng slammed his head on the person. The two instantly lost their balance and fell to the ground. An oval metal object dropped his hand and fell to his side.

That is a grenade with the safety latch unplugged!

Too late! fortunately!

Two thoughts surged at the same time, and there was no time to dodge, the grenade exploded in front of him.

The pain came, and within a few seconds, Liang Feng’s vision was shrouded in darkness.

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