Royal Road

Chapter 228

Chapter 227 Cocoon

“Yingzheng, really don’t you need to assist Tuoba Bu to attack Bai Bu Lao Ying?” Sun Jiao leaned in front of Yi Yan, his eyes burning.

As a lieutenant, he was responsible for enticing the enemy frontally this time, using more than two thousand soldiers from the Pili Battalion to hold Baibu Xianbei, spending a day and a night, and shooting nearly a thousand enemy troops, with a remarkable record. Now that the foot and horses are converging, and the loss of troops is not much, he will inevitably have to fight against the Baibu old camp. If they did not attack the camp, they would only be able to capture some war horses and crude weapons of the Xianbei people, and would not get the greatest benefit at all. It is not the same as playing the autumn wind behind the Tuoba Division. The harvest will definitely be several times more than now, and it will also allow those Tuoba soldiers to see the awe and prestige of their Shangdang soldiers.

Yi Yan shook his head: “Our army’s task is to lure the enemy, not to have extra branches. Let Zhang Cengjun handle these matters. Order to go down, and the whole army will rectify on the spot, and return to camp in half an hour.”

This battle was actually just the beginning of the suppression of Yanmen, and later the suppression of nearby thieves. There is no need to spend more effort on the white body. What’s more, the troop dispatch this time has mixed with a lot of political interests. The Tuoba Ministry is a friendly army, and it is not necessary for them to provide food. If you robbed others of the battle, you might have to cause some trouble. The most urgent task now is not the slight benefit in front of him. It is to regain lost land, and to support the people. How could Yi Yan be confused.

Hearing what the coach said, Sun Jiao also put away his frivolous thoughts and ordered a camp and rest. After fighting for such a long time, this order somehow made the tensed soldiers breathe a sigh of relief. The nurses who accompanied the army began to treat the wounded. Those who were seriously injured were sent back to the camp first, but now they are dealing with minor injuries, sterilizing and bandaging to avoid ulcers and colds.

Yi Yan also led the horse to the stream. There happened to be a branch of the Hutuo River next to the camp where they stopped. The stream was clear and could be used for drinking horses. He and his love horse are all bloodstained, and they have to clean up. He briefly brushed the horse’s mane dyed in red and black with a brush. He patted the horse’s head and asked the foal to rest and graze on the side. He squatted by the stream, fetching water to clean the dirt on his face and hands.

This time, the force was too small after all, and it was a bit difficult to attack and kill the opponent’s coach. Yi Yan also suffered a few minor injuries on his body, especially when he was shot by a flow arrow on the face. Although the blood had stopped after a few wipes, there was still a long wound on his left cheek, even his lips were torn. A big chunk. After washing his face, looking at the reflection in the river, Yi Yan couldn’t help it after all, took out the wound medicine and wiped some on the wound.

He is the commander of an army, but Jiang Da has prepared a good wound medicine, which is much faster than the medicine commonly used in the army, and it is not easy to leave scars. Usually Yi Yan is reluctant to use it, but the injuries on his face can’t be left alone. If it leaves a scar, wouldn’t it be annoying?

With that little thought in mind, he finished treating the wound on his face, and carefully washed his hands. After confirming that there were no stains on his hands, he turned and sat under a tree. Reaching out in his arms, he found out a small tarp bag.

After a fierce battle, there were no good places in Yi Yan’s body. It was either soaked in sweat or blood, or torn apart by swords, guns and swords. However, this tarpaulin bag was placed behind the protective mirror, which was originally the most tightly guarded area, and was wrapped with several layers of water-resistant fabric. The contents inside were tightly protected without any damage.

Seeing the cloth bag, Yi Yan’s expression was loose, and even the eternal ice on his face seemed to melt a bit. Carefully uncovering the tarp, he took out the contents wrapped in it.

That is a letter. Bingzhou changed the paper office, and the letter of credit was the jute paper specially used by the Provincial Government. It was ordinary and not surprising. Even more shouldn’t be kept by a person like Yi Yan as a rare treasure.

However, Yi Yan unfolded the letter very gently, sliding his fingers along the rough yellow paper, and landed on the small line at the end of the letter.

“Soldiers are fierce and wars are in danger, and good ones cherish themselves. May you return in victory.”

A very common blessing, whether it is placed on the head coach to the generals or the lord to the subjects, there is no difference. However, after receiving this letter, Yi Yan looked like a baby.

This is the first time the lord has given such orders. In the previous wars, most of them were ordered in danger. It was for the Liang Mansion, to join the party, and to conquer the state. And there is no need to give more orders for such a small task as the suppression of bandits. And this time, it was the first time he went to war in another county. It doesn’t seem to be an exaggeration to say so much.

But Yi Yan seemed to see something after this line of small print. It was the first time in such a long time that he had left the lord for such a long time, two months were fleeting, but Xinxing and Yanmen still needed time to take care of. His thoughts were like waves, and his words were like a boat. He caught the word like a drowning man alone in a lonely tree.

Does the lord miss him a little too? In addition to rejection and rejection, is there also the loneliness and concern that empathize with him?

And this little speculation is enough to comfort him.

The dexterous fingers capable of holding the blade to draw the string and killing the enemy’s life slowly and slightly awkwardly scratched the line of ink several times. As if he was afraid that the delicate paper would not be able to bear it, Yi Yan carefully folded the oil paper and put the oil cloth bag back in his arms, tightly in front of his heart. Leaning on the big tree behind him, he sighed slightly and closed his eyes.

“Ministry commander, news is coming from ahead. The White Ministry’s soldiers and horses have been defeated. It is said that many of them fled here. The Jin army asked us to be careful.” This is good news, but the deputy told the time, his brows frowned. , Obviously not very willing to believe.

To be honest, Tuoba Yu Law also doesn’t believe it. Bai Bu sent five thousand soldiers this time! This group of white dogs wanted to come to Jieyu, so how could it be that the tribe that Shan Yu spent countless efforts to defeat was the underdog? However, when placed in front of the gang of state soldiers, it looked like paper. I’m afraid it’s been less than two days after the battle. How could the organization of these murderers be defeated? Could it be that what tricks were used?

However, thinking so, he couldn’t help but care about the report: “Send a thousand people to guard the narrow path. If you see the broken soldiers, they will be wiped out immediately.”

This is not the style of Tuoba Bu. After all, on the grassland, the victorious side often regards the loser as a kind of battle. Either to exchange money, or to catch them back as a slave. But Bai Bu was different. They were originally slaves of the Tuoba Bu, now they have become fugitive slaves, and they need a more severe method to punish them. And with the example of Baibu, other departments will also hide their ambitions, obediently, only the Tuoba department will follow.

Tuoba Yulv is the nephew of Tuoba Yilu, and all the methods of scheming are the best choice. How can you not know the seriousness of the matter? For these white dogs, of course they won’t be empathetic!

But to put it this way, the five thousand soldiers of the White Department were really defeated? If the Union State Soldier is really so strong, this time the battle is allocated, I am afraid that we will have to consider one or two more.

Although it was not too difficult to attack the old camp, it still took a lot of time for Tuoba Yulv to deal with the old and weak women and children, carry tribal supplies, and even clean up the broken soldiers. Three days later, in the camp of the Jin Army, when he saw the gentle and harmless man joining the army again, the Xianbei man also put on a cordial smile: “Zhang Canjun is really incomparable. This time, he will kill the white dog, but thanks to joining the army! ”

Where did the Jie Ren surnamed Yi go? Tuoba Yulv didn’t ask much, and directly knocked the credit on Zhang Bin’s head.

Zhang Bin smiled and said, “I’m a scribe, I just use my tongue. The battle is still the work of the generals. Can the White Department go to General Tuoba’s account?”

These words seem to have some profound meaning, and Tuoba Yuru is also unambiguous, and he laughed: “More than three thousand women and children have been taken to the Hui clan.”

He only talked about women and children, and didn’t mention the old, the weak, the young and the strong. He was obviously slaughtered. Zhang Binsi was unmoved, but instead said: “Then I have to congratulate General Tuoba. For such a big victory, the lower officials will also report to the Ming ambassador and ask the court for orders! After some time, the court may say that the court will have another seal.”

Hearing this, Tuoba Yulu picked up his eyebrows. Although these people yelled “Shan Yu” one by one, Tuoba Yilu has not yet been officially canonized by the court. If there is a canonization, his uncle will be able to unify the three parts. This is no small favor.

He helped himself to calm the chaos, and asked his uncle to seal it. Even the five thousand soldiers in front of them were defeated by others. Isn’t it too cheap for yourself to take up too much?

“So, I would like to thank the envoy!” Tuoba Yulv said with a respectful expression, “The general also paid some cattle, sheep and horses from the Baibu old camp, and please join the army to accept it!”

Zhang Bin made a look of surprise: “How does this make it?”

“Of course! If you didn’t have the soldiers and horses of the state, it would be so easy to win this battle? These trivialities are what your ministry deserves!” Tuoba Yulu replied extremely boldly.

“Haha, the general is so polite.” Zhang Bin wouldn’t really give way. People just passed the steps, and he took advantage of this batch of battles.

Compared with gold and silver jewelry, these livestock are obviously more in line with the interests of the state.

Each has gotten the benefits, isn’t the atmosphere more harmonious? Zhang Bin really praised Tuoba Yulu and mentioned the issue of border trade, and only then did he generously accept the livestock. There were still things on both sides, but there was no celebration banquet, and they went back to their homes.

During the camp, Tuoba Yulu glanced at the rock-solid Jin army camp again, and sighed in his heart. It seems that this is not to be underestimated by the state soldiers and horses. After returning, he must report to his uncle to get some preparations in the clan.

The Xianbei people left, but Zhang Bin and others did not immediately return to Jinyang. The two counties of Xinxing and Yanmen are tentatively decided, where can they get away. Yi Yan did not slack off at all, and led his troops on a long journey of suppressing bandits.

After more than half a month, a message from Hedong spread all over the world in an instant.

Han Wang Liu Yuan officially proclaimed his emperor and moved his capital to Binh Duong!

“This thing is really the seal of the ancestor?” Liu Yuan has been replaced by the Gun Mian representing the emperor. He was already tall and majestic, but now he is dressed in imperial costumes, and he is even more extraordinary.

However, at this moment, his eyes were shining, staring at the jade seal on the case in front of him. This was submitted by Hanchen after he was enthroned. The so-called “first ancestor” refers to Wang Mang, a self-reliant foreign cousin of the Han Dynasty at the time. This man changed his country’s name to “new” after he became the throne. However, there are three more characters on this seal, and it has become “the spring and sea of ​​new protection”.

Liu Yuan’s character sea, I heard that Fenshui got the seal, and saw the characters added to the seal, how can you not be overjoyed? ! Isn’t this the destiny of heaven, the heavens congratulate it?

Even a person like Liu Yuan who is so mature and serious, who has been dormant for half his life, ascended to the throne, will inevitably become arrogant. He stroked Fu Yuxi again, and he said loudly: “Since Fen Shui offers Rui, the New Dynasty will change Yuan to’He Rui’!”

Which of the following courtiers would sweep the master’s character, immediately praised and congratulated him in unison. Liu Yuanzhi looked at the lower ranks with triumph, and opened the Jinkou again: “Now that the emperor has set the tripod, he should attack the Jin country again!”

This is also the keynote. A mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, let alone two, or even three emperors. As long as the Sima clan is immortal, Luoyang will always be the thorn in Liu Yuan’s eyes and the thorn in the flesh!

“The last general is willing to go!” “The children are willing to lead troops to level Luoyang!”

Several appeals sounded. Liu Yuan laughed: “Emperor and Han people are full of talents, strong soldiers and strong horses. Within three years, Luoyang will be leveled!”

Like a tiger roar, this majestic vow echoed in the wide palace. The call of the mountain followed, blending with the bold words, echoing endlessly.

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