Royal Road

Chapter 233

Chapter 232 Show weakness

As soon as it was dark, Liu Cong picked up the curtain and walked out of the camp. In front of him, there is still the city that stands tall. After attacking for two days, the road from Daying to the root of the wall was bloodstained all over the place, and many carts and artillery carts fell to the ground. The scorched wood was like a craggy skeleton, just looking at it from a distance, as if you could hear the screams of the soldiers under the carriage when the sun burned.

Liu Cong just glanced at it, then moved his gaze to the top of the city. Although the order to slaughter the city was given, this small high capital was still more difficult to attack than imagined.

A small section of the moat below the city has been filled, and the ladder truck can also drive down the city, but no matter how much it climbs, no one can really take the top of the city. There are three to five night battles every night, most of which are feints, but there are also real moves. This tossing down can exhaust any defender. But even so, the city is still the same as before, and even the bolts of the crossbow have not been exhausted.

How many soldiers does this Gaodu have? Sometimes Liu Cong himself has some doubts. If there are not five or six thousand soldiers in the city, how can he resist such a tough attack? But how many soldiers are there in the Shangdang?

Reaching out and rubbing his cheeks frozen by the morning breeze, Liu Cong gave an order: “Tell me to go down, have breakfast, and continue to attack the city!”

He doesn’t care how many defenders there are at this height. These days, the horse detection scout did not stop at all, constantly staring at the Liang Mansion next to him and the Hyun family further away. Just see where there will be action. Once they dispatched troops, the Han Guo Jingqi would immediately go out and beat them by surprise. Field battles are no better than siege. The Huns are good at it. He is eager for the Shangdang soldiers who are shrinking in their shells to show up as soon as possible.

But it doesn’t matter whether Gaodu lives or lives. Tianjingguan has been attacked, along the Yangchangban all the way south to the hinterland of Hanoi. The western army should have already reached Hanoi. If the upper party soldiers really did not leave, leaving some troops to continue to attack the city and hold on to the back road, the army would directly enter Taihangxing.

As long as there is news that Taihangxing has opened up, it is time for him to send his troops south.

However, the fighting was so tragic, and Tianjingguan was caught by another hand. He didn’t believe that the guards of the Shangdang could sit down! I am afraid that in the two days, the opponent will be forced to send troops to save Gaodu.

That was the head-on battle he had been waiting for for a long time. A battle that completely defeated the upper party soldiers and horses!

Looking at the bumpy wall hit by the artillery truck again, Liu Cong gave a cold snort, turned and walked back to the camp.

Dangerous cliffs are towering, ravines are deep, and a mountain road is winding and winding across the top of the mountain. Xingkuo has only three steps. Don’t say riding a horse or riding a horse. If you walk a little faster, you might be in danger of falling into the mountain stream. Gu Yun said that “the danger of the sheep’s intestines, the mouth of the Taihang”, said that this military master who controls the commander and the throat is an important way.

However, at this moment, a group of soldiers in armor was hurriedly approaching Hanoi along the trail. Just yesterday, Tianjingguan, which had been in the hands of the Shangdang soldiers, was in a different hand with the Xiongnu.

This battle was not easy. Tianjingguan is located on the cliff with cliffs on both sides. Not to mention that countless trap barriers were set up before the level. With three thousand soldiers and horses and two days of effort, Liu Wang just managed to overcome this critical barrier.

Most of the hundreds of enemy soldiers who guarded the pass were dead, and some abandoned the pass and fled to Sizhou along the Xing Road.

Liu Wang did not choose to chase overnight, but after a rest night, he led his troops towards Sizhou. It is not enough to get through the Tianjingguan, but also to solve the exit on the side of Sizhou. It is self-evident that it is difficult to tackle key problems from Xingdao, but Liu Wei has no fear in his heart. Near the pass, there will always be some open land, so it won’t be such a narrow mountain road. As long as he is given a chance to line up, he can always break through this small city!

Although Yangchangban is dangerous, there are only forty miles of mountain roads, which can be reached in one day. Liu Wang had made preparations a long time ago. He only waited for Yangchangzaka and immediately stopped the army and attacked the city before dawn. If you don’t talk about it, and spend another day, you will always be able to beat that pass, right?

However, after walking for more than ten miles, the front sentry ran back in a panic: “General, there is a small city ahead!”

what? ! Liu Wang was taken aback. This is Yangchangzaka! On the top of the mountain, three steps wide enough to pass a car, how could it be possible to build a city? When was the city built?

However, now that we have reached the mountain road, there is no room for turning back? Liu Wang gritted his teeth: “The three in front are in a row, holding their shields and walking. Behind them are bows!”

Must be rushed up! The city built on this mountain road will certainly not be too big. Even if the deserters at Tianjingguan were taken in, there should not be many garrisons. Just rush over!

But when he really saw this city gate, Liu Wang still secretly shouted badly. I saw a small city built on the narrow mountain road. The length of the city from east to west is less than forty steps, and the width is only twenty steps up and down. However, the whole body is paved with bluestone, and the city is more than two feet high, just like an inverted bowl, guarding in the narrow path.

On the left is a cliff overgrown with trees, and on the right is a bottomless stream. How to conquer such a city capable of garrisoning a hundred people? !

“Give me a punch!” Liu Wang roared.

There’s no way, but what else can you do except rushing up hard?

The Huns clenched their teeth sharply, holding shields and bows and arrows, rushing towards the city that suddenly emerged. In the city, a Liangfu team stood up and down, and said coldly: “Blow the trumpet!”

He has been waiting for a day. Just wait for these Huns to fall into the trap. Tianjingguan is a dangerous one, and Xiongguan is good. But it is not the only pass above Xingdao. Since the Liang Mansion took over the Taihangxing Road, many defensive facilities have been built on this road. This Wanzi City is just one of them.

Rejecting the enemy’s door, what is the joy of beating a dog at the door? However, in order to dispel the enemy’s doubts, the vicious battle at Tianjingguan actually cost his lives. Losing more than 70 people in one breath is not a small number for his team. This anger can finally be spit out!

The whining horns blew, and the surrounding canyons echoed back and forth at the same time, just as the mountains responded to the stern sound, which drew people’s hearts and souls.

Liu Wang sternly said: “It’s just an enemy trick! Don’t bother! Charge! Charge!”

Dozens of steps are a hundred lives, and there is no room for hesitation!

However, with a swish, a long feather arrow struck from the cliff on the side, the soldiers in the squadron. One fell on his back, and the person on his side nearly fell off the cliff.

“There is an enemy on the mountain!”

Needless to say, Liu Wang also knew that the enemy was ambushing on the cliff beside him. But how is it possible? How many people can a little Xingdao hide? ! Where did they camp?

No one answered his question, and more arrows poured down. On the top of the city, the team was vocalizing: “Fall arrows! Exterminate all these thieves and avenge the brothers!”

Wanzicheng is just a pass in Taihangxingzhong. On the ridge not far away, there is a military village with more than 500 troops. With soldiers and horses in ambush, how could it be possible for a mere two to three thousand people to break through the road they were stationed in?

Above the narrow path, the Huns were already in a mess, either killed by an arrow, or squeezed off the cliff, even turning their heads and fleeing. The shouts of killing and screams were also accepted by the mountains and echoed endlessly.

“The Jin army has sent troops?” Liu Cong was shocked when he heard the news from the scout!

Sure enough, this group of Shangdang soldiers can’t sit still!

“How many soldiers are there? Where do they come from? Are there cavalry?” Liu Cong asked quickly.

“There are only 10,000 soldiers, coming from Liting’s direction, and I will be able to reach the Xuan family tomorrow. I have never seen the cavalry.” The scout hurriedly replied.

“This is to lure the enemy.” Liu Cong sneered.

The Shangdang has cavalry, and the number of cavalry is very large, there should be two thousand or so. There are not only the Jie people, but also the Xiongnu who surrendered before. At the beginning, Liu Yao had suffered from the loss of that group of soldiers, and returned in a terrible defeat. The infantry led by Liu Cong was even caught off guard by the weird pikemen.

But these are things of the past. The soldiers he prepared this time are completely capable of restraining the opponent’s play style. As long as his marching speed is fast enough to intercept the group of Jin troops halfway, so that they have no time to camp and deploy blasting artillery, they can win!

“Leave five thousand soldiers and continue to attack the city. The others follow me to meet the enemy!” Liu Cong stood up and ordered loudly.

Although it is a mix of pawns, there are 10,000 fine riders in his army. These cavalry alone can suppress the Jin army, let alone the rest of the infantry!

Winning more with less depends on luck. When marching in battle, after all, they are still competing for military power. He brought all the elites of the Han country, how can that group of Jin army be presumptuous!

The distance between Xuan’s family is only fifty or sixty miles. If the two armies are in parallel, it will not take long to meet each other. However, Liu Cong kept an eye on him and did not march with all his strength. He set up camp and rested after only a few miles. On the second day, when a restful night, the Xiongnu army with a strong army appeared to the south of the Xuan clan, Tan Ma returned the news. Three miles away, the Jin army, who had been on the road for a day, ran into it head-on, and there were only pawns!

In a mere three miles, both sides can detect the enemy’s situation. According to common sense, you should set up camp immediately, rectify the soldiers and horses, and then line up to fight. After all, it is an army of more than 10,000 people, and it takes a lot of time just to organize an army formation.

However, Liu Cong did not do so: “The cavalry attacked first! The infantry marched in formation, and then followed!”

This is the advantage of cavalry. The enemy who came in a hurry and was too late to encamp was like a fragile lamb in front of the cavalry. The Huns were good at this kind of play, and the battlefield ahead of them was open and flat, without valleys and narrow lanes, unable to set up ambushes, and unable to block, which was suitable for cavalry to charge. How could this group of Jin troops have the power to fight back after losing their best camping skills?

As for the enemy rider that disappeared, there are still ten thousand pawns left behind, and they are walking in formation, even if they want to ambush, they can’t bite this hard bone!

Liu Cong’s eyes could not help but a scorching light flashed, this Hyun family, really suitable for the scene! Back in the Warring States Period, there was another name here, which was “Changping”! Where the four hundred thousand Zhao army’s souls are lost, we should have more Jin soldiers today!

Under the order of Liu Cong, the army of Han was divided into two parts. Ten thousand cavalry came out, and they rode their horses towards the enemy. Three Mile Road, for the cavalry, is just a short time. When the enemy team appeared in front of them, there was no antlers, only the formation just lined up.

The opposing generals were already very keen, and they had lined up the army in advance. If it’s something more stupid, I still want to camp. But even so, it is useless.

Liu Cong ordered loudly: “Beat the drum, rush!”

Following the order of the drums, the Xiongnu’s spirit rode like a tumbling black and brown dragon, rushing towards the enemy.

The author has something to say: It is said that Taihangguan and Taihangxing are easier to look at. In order to avoid confusion, it will be called Tianjingguan in the future.

The city built in Wenli is the Wanzi City of later generations. Most of the Taihangxing Passes were established after the Tang Dynasty, so for the parties involved, it was indeed very shocking.

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