Royal Road

Chapter 246

Chapter 245 Clever plan

The city of Ye just captured was like a piece of scorched earth. Yi Yan walked on the wide street, frowning tightly. He was still a step late.

The official residence in the city was almost looted. The wives are scattered, and the family is broken and the lives are countless. Coupled with the inability to resist the defenders, there should be thousands of dead and wounded. But fortunately, they broke through the bandit camp, and the women and treasures that were looted are still piled up outside the palace and never taken away.

Women, naturally, have to be sent home, but the looted property cannot be returned so easily. When the officials sent by the lord come, we will make unified arrangements, either to help the people or fill the army. His task is to clean up the insurgents and keep the city.

“General, the corpses of King Dongyan and his son were found on the camp. What should I do?” The soldiers who had been sent to check the prisoners of war hurried back.

“Converge first and wait for the lord’s order.” Yi Yan replied coldly.

Not only did Li Feng kill Sima Teng, he also cut off his wife and children adorned with him. As a result, a family of four, young and old, was slaughtered and cleaned. Only one concubine escaped. But for such a tragedy, Yi Yan didn’t have the slightest interest. Sima Teng also sold him as a slave back then. If the lord hadn’t rescued him, he would have died on the way to Yanzhou. Moreover, this person is too small. If he is rescued, he will not accept the affection, but will give birth to jealousy. If he doesn’t die, Yi Yan still has to think of a way.

It saves trouble now, but the corpses must be collected, and these coffins may have to be transported back to Luoyang. After all, Sima Teng was the younger brother of the King of East China Sea, and he had to be buried for funeral affairs. The etiquette should not be neglected.

“What happened to the soldiers?” Yi Yan asked again.

“It dropped more than a thousand, mostly from Zhang Hong’s old family.” The soldier said immediately.

Many rebels were engulfed in this rogue. Zhang Hong is the former family of Simalun, the king of Zhao, who descended from the king of Hejian that year. Later, the King of Hejian died, and his trilogy scattered and fled. Many have mixed into the team with the banner of pseudo-imperial Sima Ying like Ji Sang. Li Feng, who killed Sima Teng’s family, also belonged to Zhang Hong’s old family. Now that they were rushed into the camp by the Union State soldiers and horses, they didn’t have much will to escape. Anyway, it is the imperial court soldiers, waiting for the return is not bad.

Of course, Yi Yan would not just accept a batch of rebels who had been gangsters and had disorganized military disciplines like this: “Order them to reorganize them, put them all into private camps, repair the city, and reclaim official land.”

This is their treatment of surrendering soldiers. It’s a pity that there are too many horse thieves among the rogues this time, and even a few slipped away when they killed Jisang. Fortunately, he won the first rank of the thief chief, and he didn’t waste his efforts to defend the city gate.

These things only flashed in my mind. Yi Yan continued to walk forward, along the stairs, and ascended the city wall of Yecheng. After all, it was the old capital of the Wei Dynasty, this city is indeed a bit majestic, even easier to defend and difficult to attack than Jinyang.

But from Sima Ying to Sima Teng, these city guards couldn’t stop them, so they fled in a hurry. This tall city wall was wasted in vain. If he were given two thousand soldiers, he would surely be able to keep the defense here as solid as gold.

However, defending the city is second, and I don’t know who the court will hand over this city this time.

Involuntarily looked towards the direction of Bingzhou. In the next instant, Yi Yan’s complexion cooled. The pain of that day has not gone away, and there is more despair. It was like a dead end, trapped him in the game. Live to death? Does he really have such a capital?

When several coffins returned to Luoyang with Sima Teng’s concubine, the little emperor’s head hurt.

Who could have predicted that Sima Teng would not be able to keep it for several days? And the state soldiers and horses were only three or five days late, and the corpse capital here was cold. But are the Union State soldiers really late? On the contrary, it took a total of about ten days from the release of the Legend of Yuxie to the Binglin Yecheng. Jinyang is not close to Yecheng. It must have been ordered by the army and set off immediately. Liang Zixi has achieved the ultimate in love and courtesy. Such a loyal minister, who still remembers the old master, is really hard to find faults.

But what about Sima Teng? After all, he is the brother of Donghai King, so he died in vain?

It took a long time for the little emperor to comfort Sima Teng’s concubine. The court wanted to pursue posthumous posthumous titles, and the heirs also fell on him. I just don’t know if he was so scared that he didn’t want to return to Yecheng, but only hoped that he would be elsewhere.

This matter can only wait for Sima Yue to make a decision.

But what about Yecheng? The little emperor looked at Wang Yan, he wanted to say, “Situ, the head of the gangsters has been eliminated. Now Yecheng relies on the forces of Bingzhou, should we make arrangements?”

As soon as the little emperor spoke, Wang Yan understood what he was trying to say. Yecheng needs to send more soldiers and horses, but the state soldiers have been stationed in. This means, can Liang Zixi also supervise Hebei at the same time?

In the Jin Dynasty, it was commonplace for the governor to count states. But Liang Zixi can’t! He was the person whom the little emperor liked, and the sooner Sima was afraid. Now Sima Teng died tragically, almost extinct. Let Liang Zixi lead Wei Jun at the same time, it is a pipe dream! And this also involves Youzhou Wang Jun. Many people in the DPRK clearly understood Wang Jun’s involvement with Jizhou. But there is no suitable opportunity, and it has been delayed. Now Liang Zixi is doing bad things behind his back, ceding Daijun to the Tuoba Tribe, and coming to seize Weijun, the gateway to Jizhou, absolutely annoys Wang Jun.

But these orders were all issued by the court. Sima Yue, who was far away in Jingzhou, was about to get angry at such a level of trouble.

To be honest, Wang Yan really didn’t want to care about such troublesome things. However, after thinking about it for a moment, he raised his eyebrows: “This is a matter of great importance. It is best to write to Jingzhou and ask the Taifu’s opinion.”

The little emperor secretly moved his hands and feet while Sima Yue was away. Now that Wang Yan is broken, he doesn’t dare to make an inch, so he can only promise to say: “It will be arranged by Situ.”

Seeing the appearance of the little emperor, Wang Yan couldn’t help but smile. This son is very thoughtful and loves troubles. If it weren’t for Sima, the more eager to destroy the pseudo-emperor and establish his own orthodox position. I’m afraid that I have already done something to the little emperor. However, Sima Yue will be satisfied with the method he came up with this time!

“Kill!” shouted hoarsely, ups and downs under the city. The crowds are like turbid waves surging, washing down the towering city walls.

The imperial emperor Sima Ying retreated steadily and fled back to the country. But the important town of Jiangling has not been abandoned. Now Sima Yue’s primary task is to destroy Jiangling first, and then take the life of Sima Ying, his old opponent, just like trying to get something out of his pocket.

But Gangneung is really hard to fight! Seven provinces are thoroughfare, and the military is an important place, and the old and new cities are the horns of each other. Attacking in the winter is like a sword mountain ghost mythical creature, extremely difficult. But even so, Sima Yue did not relax. His general Gou Xi was extremely good at fighting, and apart from being harsh and white, there was nothing wrong with him. But this temperament is very useful when placed on the warlord, even the weak civilians mustered up the courage and rushed forward one after another.

This is already the tenth day, and even a city like Jiangling will not last long.

However, standing still in the account, Sima Yue was not pleased with such progress. On the contrary, looking at the newsletter sent by Luoyang, he only felt that everything was burned, and he was furious! Sima Teng actually went to death in Yecheng? Even the three prostitutes died clean…this! How can this be accepted!

It was another incident between the little emperor and Liang Zixi! Looking at the battle report, Sima Yue only felt angry, and wanted to lead the soldiers immediately and go back to teach him! But at this point in the war, how can one retreat half a step. Luoyang, I am afraid it will take two months to return. How can he sit back and watch these people do whatever they want?

Sima Yue was so angry that Qiqiao gave birth to smoke, and Sima Yue couldn’t wait to immediately make an order to let Wang Jun also lead Jizhou, it is best to eat Liang Zixi’s territory. However, when he saw Wang Yan’s private message, his sanity returned a little. He frowned, looked at it again, and finally smiled with his palm.

“This is a wonderful strategy!”

On the piece of paper in front of him, only a few sentences were written. But the most important thing is clear. There was an offensive to defend Yecheng. When Weiyuan General Yi Yan entered General Anbei, he sealed off the Neihou and led Hebei’s military affairs.

From General Miscellaneous, he leaped into the rank of Hou Jinpin and also led a place of military affairs. What an honor is this? And this kind of reward is second, Sima Yue knows well, that Jie general is the root cause of Bingzhou soldiers and horses so powerful! What about the confidant love? Several people can resist Lilu! What’s more, he is a Jie from a poor background.

If he takes the command, Bingzhou will lose a capable officer, and send a prefect to take over Yecheng, can he still be unable to restrain a Jinu? And if Liang Zixi refuses, in all likelihood, Yi Yan will withdraw from Yecheng and return to Jinyang. In this way, won’t Yecheng’s troubles be easily solved? A deep thorn can be buried between the master and servant. Is Yi Yan really not moved by such a high promotion?

Even if he knew there were ghosts in it, Liang Zixi could only pinch his nose to recognize it. Regardless of success or failure, the strength of the state’s soldiers and horses will be greatly reduced. This is the beauty of the divorce!

Wang Yifu was really clever, and after he eliminated the pseudo-emperor, let his younger brother Wang Cheng be the governor of Jingzhou. Finally resolved a major concern, Sima Yue put down the letter and chuckled lightly. Before the solar eclipse, he was still worried. Isn’t it happy now that it can be solved?

It’s a pity that I can’t keep up with the Zhengdan dynasty. Sima Yue sneered, let the little emperor spend a few more days in Luoyang. See what more flowers he can play!

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