Royal Road

Chapter 255

Chapter 254 Build troops

“What?!” Shi Le was shocked, “Where is the ambush? How many people are there?!”

“Also, it’s not an ambush…” The scout flushed and whispered, “The Jin army that intercepted us before lured the partial division into the narrow path. General Wang ordered me to ask the general for help…”

Shi Le was speechless for a moment. Wasn’t there only more than five thousand soldiers and horses that spent the city on the field? He left his confidant and loves Wang Yang to lead the partial teacher, the number is three times as many as the opponent, why is it still like this? !

and many more! Could it be said that this is the merged state army?

Shi Le’s face grew colder when he wanted to understand the key points. This strategy was daring, using thousands of soldiers and horses to split half of his troops. If it is to send troops to rescue, is it necessary to ambush it halfway? He too underestimated his troops!

“Stop the siege, retreat three miles, and set up camp to defend against the enemy!” Shi Le commanded loudly.

“General, don’t you save General Wang?” The confidant frowned beside him.

The partial teacher is fifteen thousand people! If you really don’t save it, let those thousands of soldiers swallow it?

Shi Le sneered: “Of course we must save! And all the cavalry must be released!”

This is a typical strategy of dividing forces to lure the enemy. He still had five thousand cavalry and ten thousand infantry in his hand. If he only sent two to three thousand to rescue him, he would be intercepted and killed halfway through. But with all the cavalry and the fast horses and aids, the enemy army used as bait can be defeated. And the remaining ten thousand pacesers, as long as they stop attacking the city and stick to the camp, they can survive their return.

Only in this way can the advantage of military strength be used to the extreme. The tactics of “adding troops” are most avoided in wars. Putting soldiers and horses in batches will always allow people to defeat them individually. Only when the whole army moves together can the truth be right!

The lower confidants may not all understand Shi Le’s tactical arrangements, but heed his orders. It is known to everyone because of the strength of General Shi. Soon, all the siege crews withdrew and chose a place to camp again, while Shi Le led five thousand horse soldiers to rescue the partial division.

The two battlefields are less than twenty miles apart, so you can get there soon. Shi Le did not advance at full speed, on the contrary, he suppressed horse speed, and there were scouts on the left and right. Once an ambush occurs, it can immediately launch a counterattack. These cavalry have followed their longest cronies, and they have experienced many battles, and by no means anyone can ask for a bargain. He wants to see what tricks this group of state soldiers want to play!

“Yangzheng, the enemy has sent reinforcements. They are cavalry, with a total of five thousand horses!”

Hearing the latest news from Tan Ma, Liu Gong took a deep breath. As expected by the general, it’s really not bad! He was ordered by Yiyan to bring five thousand men and horses and stopped before the rebellion. If the enemy puts all his strength to attack, this force may not be able to stop it. But the thief chief did not leave all the men and horses, but set aside fifteen thousand to deal with them.

His task is to lure the enemy into division, and to hold down these enemies. As a result, the battle and retreat, Liu Gong led his troops to the preset battlefield, using the terrain to coerce the enemy. It didn’t take much effort to disrupt the opponent’s position. Both sections of the narrow path were defended by soldiers, and the chaotic enemy troops could not break through, so they had to ask the camp for reinforcements. This is exactly the result Liu Gong needs!

“Let the order go on, let the west passageway, let the enemy break through!” Liu Gong ordered loudly.

It is quite stressful to use these recruits to besiege the enemy. Thanks to the adequate training of soldiers, the complete set of battlefields, and the help of guns and arrows, they can try their best to support. With this order, the soldiers on the periphery began to retreat slowly and quickly gave up the way.

How can a thief who has been rushing from left to right in the formation and still unable to get out of the trap would miss such an opportunity? Like an exhausted bird, seeing a loophole in the snare, it immediately rushed out in search of a gap. However, no matter how troubled Jizhou is, these people are also refugees who have never received military training. How can they know the way to retreat?

I was besieged before and didn’t hurt many lives. Now I have a chance to escape. Instead, there is a situation of mutual practice. Such as the flood tide that broke the embankment, the breakthrough turned into a rout in a short time!

“Beat the drum! The line is advancing!” Liu Gong rode on the horse and roared loudly. Behind him, five hundred cavalry also mounted their mounts, and rushed out of the array with the whirring horn!

At any time, chasing down soldiers is an effective way to kill the enemy. His recruits have seen blood in the war just now, and they have the courage. As long as the chasing formation is not chaotic, they can make the ruined army escape in the direction they need.

His general did not expect it to be wrong. Withdrawing the long knife, the blood in Liu Gong’s cavity also boiled. He didn’t come from the Liang Family Yongrui Camp, but he joined the army after the formation of the Tiger Wolf Camp, and climbed to the position of the battalion deputy step by step with his combat achievements. This time, Wang Long was given the order to return to Bingzhou, and he was the second person in the army. This is the time to really show your prowess and make achievements, how can you not seize it properly?

Like a wolf driving a flock of sheep, five hundred cavalrymen slammed into the defeated army with the sound of drums and trumpets.

“General! There is an enemy ahead!” The scout was the first to spot the enemy.

However, the voice hadn’t settled yet, and someone exclaimed: “It’s not the enemy army, yes, it’s Wang Yangbu!”

Yes, I saw defeated soldiers fleeing all over the mountains and plains. One by one, they threw away their helmets and armor, holding their heads and scurrying around, even throwing away the weapons in their hands. For them, the command semaphore is completely useless, fear is above reason, no one dared to turn around and fight, on the contrary, they can’t wait to smash and tear all the obstacles in front of them, just to escape and ascend to heaven!

In the face of such a rout, no one can close it, let alone stop it!

“Raise the bow! All those who dare to rush into the army will be shot!” Shi Le’s face was pale and shouted.

If they are ignored, this group of defeated soldiers is very likely to break through their own array, and when the enemy army catches up, even their support soldiers will suffer! This is not the time to show kindness, you must stop these scared deserters!

They are all their own brothers… the army of refugees is different from the real court army after all. Even these horse soldiers, there are relatives and friends in the ranks of the defeated soldiers. Some people hesitated, but Shi Le didn’t have a longbow in his hand, and the feathers of arrows were like electricity, shooting towards the broken soldiers in front of them.

One soldier was shot down, followed by ten, one hundred… More and more cavalry were shooting arrows, or shooting people, or shooting the ground, leaving an empty field in front of the formation. The same death threat finally gave the broken soldiers some sense and began to go around.

Seeing the broken soldiers splitting in front of him, Shi Le did not relax. He was still waiting, waiting for the group of state soldiers to take advantage of the chaos to kill. However, when all the defeated soldiers fled, the enemy did not appear.

“That’s it!” Shi Le’s face changed drastically, “Quickly return to camp!”

What they wanted to attack was not the soldiers and horses that helped gallop, but the camp that stayed outside Qinghe City!

Less than a moment after the horse soldiers left, Zhao Lu, a cronie who was left in the camp by Shi Le, found the enemy.

“Less than two thousand, are all cavalry? Just with this little horse, I want to attack the camp!” Zhao Lu coldly snorted.

He was also a horse warrior and knew the weaknesses of cavalry best. As long as there are spears, bows and arrows, plus the anti-horse and antlers set up when camping, they are enough to resist. Even if the soldiers are **** and brave, the horses are very delicate and can’t force the camp. All the formations broken by the cavalry were either unprepared, or cowardly defeated, resisting from the front, and could only go shooting. But this cavalry is not a threat even if it is shooting.

As long as the attack is blocked, the general can return soon. At that time, five thousand cavalry will face two thousand, and they will turn their backs on their horses if they still don’t kill?

With a strategy of confronting the enemy in his mind, Zhao Lu personally took it upon himself and came to the front of the battle. In the distance, smoke and dust billowed, and the hoofs of thousands of horses were like muffled thunder, hitting the vast wilderness. That noise, with a forceful aura, was even more threatening than his own Majun.

Zhao Lu narrowed his eyes. No, the array of enemies seems unusual in some places…

Two hundred steps, one hundred steps, and fifty steps. When the two armies were a stone’s throw away, and finally could see the whole picture of the enemy, Zhao Lu suddenly opened his eyes. That horse… that horse is wrong!

At the forefront were five hundred tall horses wrapped in iron armor. Like the knights driving on them, these horses are tightly wrapped from head to toe, like a moving iron mountain, galloping toward the camp. what is this? !

Zhao Lu had never seen an armored cavalry, but he knew that such a cavalry was completely different from what he knew!

“Let the arrows! Let the arrows!” Zhao Lu roared loudly. Behind him, hundreds of archers all let out their arrows. At such a close distance, the arrow can penetrate most of the armor of the light cavalry, and even some with good accuracy can hit the front door of the cavalry. But now, it was like a torrent of rain hitting the iron plate. With five horses and one column, the heavy cavalry has not been damaged, and everyone has raised a long carbine.

With a bang, the heavy cavalry slammed into the array of defenders. Wooden spears, swords, and even the antlers can’t stop the terrible cavalry like a strong shield and a barrier. Suddenly, the front line was torn, and even Zhao Lu, who was guarding in front, was knocked out by the running horses, and his tendons broke. Wherever the heavy rider went, there were blood-stained corpses everywhere, and this was just the beginning. After the heavy rider, the light rider with armor. With long swords and fast horses, bows and crossbows, the soldiers immediately harvested the enemies in front of them at high speed and effectively.

Who has seen such a cavalry?

After losing the main commander, the defense was broken, and after a brief struggle, the entire camp collapsed. All the preparations could not reach the fierce enemies who rushed into the camp, wielded knives and arrows. These rogues with knives and guns were farmers in the fields a dozen or so days ago. What are they using to resist this unstoppable charge?

Shi Le’s reaction speed is not unpleasant. However, when he rode his horse back to Qinghe City, he was greeted by a broken ruin, and soldiers and horses lined up beside the ruins.

The camp was breached, within half an hour. How much defense Ren Shile did, can you expect such a thing?

“General!” Someone roared among the cronies, “Let’s attack! We want to retake the camp!”

There is the wealth they have accumulated over the past few months, as well as the piles of grain and grass. If you don’t take it, your life-saving fight will not be in vain.

Shi Le’s teeth rattled as well, but just for a moment, he gritted his teeth: “Retreat! Collect the remnants, let’s kill!”

Qinghe, can’t stay anymore. These five thousand cavalry, but his boss, how can he take risks? But can you hold this city, can you hold this state? Change the city, see how you can stand me!

With full of resentment, and a bit of inexplicable fear, the group of cavalry kept on fleeing into the distance. In the opposing army, Liu Gong whispered: “General, they escaped.”

In fact, they set up an ambush in the barracks beside them, waiting for the red-eyed enemy to rush up and catch them all. But I didn’t expect that this thief soldier was so cunning that the defeated soldiers could not disperse, and the ambush was useless. It’s like setting a trap, but the fox cannot be caught. The adversary’s old way of using soldiers is really unexpected.

Wearing thick and cold iron armor, thick blood congealed on the tip of his nose, but the smell and the frenzied war did not make Yi Yan lose his composure. Looking at the cavalry team that disappeared, he said coldly: “Clean up the battlefield. Others, follow me into the city!”

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