Royal Road

Chapter 257

Chapter 256 Reform

Listening to the following report, Wang Jun felt that fleeting years were not good. In the winter, I lost a game and never took advantage of the Tuoba Department. On the contrary, it caused the separation of the people of the county and lost the army. After several months of recuperation, he was planning to start another war, going straight into Bingzhou from Yanmen and Leping. Unexpectedly, before the fight started, Jizhou was disturbed by the gangsters.

This is the site he has coveted for a long time, how can others be presumptuous? Wang Jun was going to send troops, if he could wait for Ding Shao’s help, it would be better. But before the request for help arrived, the group of gangsters were actually driven away by Yi Yan, who was in the town of Hebei. Didn’t this Jie meet the imperial court’s divorce plan and betrayed Bingzhou? Why are you so nosy!

Now, without waiting for him to suppress his anger, the bandit flew to the border of Youzhou and almost broke into Fan Yang. How can this group of thieves get involved in his Youzhou? !

“Quickly kill Duan Wuchen with 50,000 troops to eliminate the gangsters!” Wang Jun said sharply.

This force is too extravagant to be used to suppress bandits. After all, after the rogue defeated in Jizhou, there may be less than 10,000 people left, so why are so many soldiers and horses used?

But Wang Jun’s men knew his thoughts. Sending troops to suppress bandits is only second, and the most important thing is to occupy more counties. After this war, he was in great power in Jizhou, and the court must let him lead the governor of Jizhou at the same time. In this way, the north of the Yellow River is under control.

“Then Yiyan, also keep an eye on it. If he dares to seize Changshan, Zhongshan and other counties, he must wait for an opportunity to cut him off!” Wang Jun added.

Although this Jie Nu has left Bingzhou, wouldn’t it be bad if he and Liang Zixi were to lose their roots? I heard that he has already occupied Zhao County. If he goes northward, he will occupy his own territory. How can he tolerate him? Wang Jun’s long, narrow eyes showed killing intent. After all, Jizhou is just a pedal, and then the two states are the key!

Soon, Duan’s Xianbei army came out and killed the bandits who dared to stroke the tiger’s beard. Jizhou was once again caught in the chaos, but Yi Yan, who had been fighting bandits in the state, did not move north, but marched south to clear up the chaos in the plains, Leling and other places. Qinghe has Ding Shishi in charge, but Wang Jun’s men do not dare to offend lightly. In this way, the two men and horses staggered along the Qinghe.

The spring was warm, and in a blink of an eye, Jinyang was relieved of the precipitous chill. Between the mountains and plains, there were not only verdant eyes, but also countless farmers. I have just changed from a refugee to a hukou, these days, no one is destined to be free. The county magistrates all went to the countryside to supervise the eradication of locusts. The shadow of the locust plague in Xihe Country last year has not passed, and now Lishi is almost a wasteland. With such a lesson learned, who dares to neglect?

However, this kind of work, even completely different from the past “worshiping the locust god”, did not make the people bored and fearful. Just because they knew that there was no locust plague under the rule of Liang Shijun last year. The king is the reincarnation of the Buddha, who is here to stabilize the world. Who else can you believe if you don’t believe him?

This is the case outside the city, the city will be more lively. The birthday of the Buddha has been set, and it will be chosen on the eighth day of April, the auspicious day. After Gu Yu is busy with farming, spring ploughing and silkworms must be in time around April, so there are only three days for the Buddha’s birthday. In addition to celebrating the Buddha’s birthday, it also added some colors to bless the good weather and safe harvest in the summer, which attracted everyone’s attention early. Even those who can’t keep up with entering the city to visit the Buddha will set up a statue at home, praying for a good harvest this season of work.

Liang Feng didn’t wait until the Buddha’s birthday to visit the door, and sat with two senior monks in Huai’en Temple early.

“I heard that there are foreign monks who are cutting meat and deboning in the downtown area to help the believers. I wonder if the two masters can know about this?”

Liang Feng’s complexion is not very good-looking. Since Zhu Fahu came to Jinyang, it has gradually become another Buddhist sanctuary. The monks who fled from various places due to the chaos of the war also came one after another. The mountain climbing gate is naturally present at Huai’en Temple, but there are also some wild monks who have the idea of ​​self-reliance.

At that time, whether it was the monk or the Tao, they all had a strong relationship with the “witch”. Taoist priests used some tricks to catch ghosts to deceive the village and keep believers in captivity. The monks like the self-harm gimmick of “cutting flesh and deboning”, and it’s not uncommon for people to be alive and kicking when skinning in the street. How could Liang Feng allow these gods to confuse the people?

Zhu Fahu sang the Buddha’s name in a low voice: “To make the monarch know something, these are the ascetic people who are going through the sea of ​​suffering.”

Liang Feng picked up his eyebrows: “If you are born in the world, you can convert to Buddhism. With broken fingers and arms, peeling and cutting flesh, can it deepen mana and reach the position of Arhat fruit? Who are they offering and where are the sacrifices? Is it true that the Buddha is a tiger or an eagle, and needs human flesh to pay for it? It?!”

This is too important to say, and the host next to him sighed softly: “Make the king speak more seriously. It’s just this kind of penance, I prefer to wander alone, it’s not controllable by me…”

“Buddhism was introduced into China, and its branches are complicated, which is the source of the disaster.” Liang Feng sighed, “I worship the Buddha for the sake of the people of the world. If the Buddha is not merciful, where should I rely? Huai’en Temple is Jinyang. The land of Longfa should be traced back to its roots.”

The words of this remark were serious, and the old monk’s thoughts of standing behind him flashed in his eyes. This is for those wandering wild monks, it is clear that the “Tao Ting” in the state of Bingzhou was erected in the Huai’en Temple. The law they promulgate is the true law. Just this, can make Huai’en Temple flourish forever!

The host did not lift his eyelids, and nodded: “This is what the envoy said is the most reasonable. It is just that the temple’s remarks may not be able to discourage the wandering monks.”

Is this to say? Liang Feng said indifferently: “The prohibition of prostitution is a national decree. If anyone disturbs the hearts of the people, it should be banned by the government.”

This is what the courts of all dynasties have done. Since the pre-Qin period, the worship of ghosts and gods has not declined. There are many small temples that are not in conformity with the classic system, and it is not known which gods are worshipped. Therefore, the emperor often issued orders to prohibit these things similar to evil temples. Emperor Wu of Jin had a clear order: “Except for those who are not in the ceremony”. As the head of the state of Bingzhou, Liang Feng is naturally able to call all things that are undesirable as “prostitutes.”

This is what the old monk wanted. He put his hands together and said a dharma sign.

Compared with the keenness of this old guy, Zhu Fahu is a little absent. After all, he is an eminent monk who concentrates on translating scriptures. How can he understand the words of these two people?

Liang Feng didn’t care so much, and he was kind and happy to defend Zhu Fa: “This Buddha’s birthday is also the beginning of Mahayana prosperity. Although self-passing is good, how can it be better than the virtues of people?”

Zhu Fahu is a standard Mahayana believer, and so is the translation of the scriptures. But the Hinayana still prevailed at this time, and Mahayana could only survive in the cracks. Hearing this, he also expressed his joy and thanked him.

Liang Feng smiled slightly, and said: “There is also the matter of opening mountains to build caves. Recently, the high school has also been actively involved. After the Buddha’s birthday, I will be advocated by each family to open the mountains. There are also Hus, and there are also believers willing to do so. Statue of Buddha.”

This was also discussed by Liang Feng and his staff and came up with a way. To promote Buddhism, it is indispensable to build a pagoda and build a grotto. Liang Feng chose the larger-scale latter, not to leave a world cultural heritage to future generations, but to use this method to pry out labor from the major families and tribes that have worked. In troubled times, no one is willing to let go of his servants easily. These thousands of labors have become private property and cannot be used by the government.

Although it takes time and effort to build a grotto, once the people are handed over, it is not so easy to take them back. And the new grottoes can also condense the centripetal force of Zhuhu towards Jinyang. As long as it is properly arranged, it may not be a good thing that kills two birds with one stone.

The face of the old monk opposite also showed some joy. Does he know the twists and turns inside? Maybe know it well. But this is a great feat for Huai’en Temple, how can it be easily let go?

After confirming all the matters concerning the Buddha’s birthday, Liang Feng left Huai’en Temple. However, as soon as he returned to the Cishi Mansion, Duan Qin rushed over with a yellow book: “Lord, the number of refugees in Guantian has started to decrease recently. I have checked, it should be the families of the aristocracy who are secretly sheltering hermit!”

“Every family? Does it include the little gentry?” Seeing Duan Qin nodded, Liang Feng’s face immediately became cold. This is no small matter!

Human resources are always the first priority. The gentry did not take advantage of the chaos to accept the refugees as slaves, but the financial resources of each family are limited, and they may not be able to grab much. Now that Binzhou is gradually returning to stability, with surplus food in hand, how can these people let go of the fat that was brought to their lips?

And this is not the work of one household with two households, but a group action of one class. Even the little gentry can’t help but start, how can they be ordered to ban?

“Why is it so?” If he was aggressively charging, it wouldn’t be surprising for those refugees to flee. Now that the farming system is so perfect, farm tools are provided free of charge, and there are also generous rules for borrowing and lending grain. Why do these people sell themselves as slaves?

Duan Qin sighed softly: “After all, there are people who refuse to join the army…”

Just this sentence, Liang Feng understood. Tuntian is now in a company with the army, and most of the people in the army are enlisted in the army. They must raise their swords and guns to protect their homes. But some people can accept such conditions, while others are afraid of it. Military households are life-long. If they become migrants, do they have to serve as soldiers for generations?

If they are willing to fight, who will leave their hometown and become a refugee? These illiterate people don’t know what Guan Tian is like. They only know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages and choose a more relaxed way of survival. Becoming a hermit of the noble family, although they were reduced to slaves, but the general family of the family had a big cause, and they might not be forced to become a tribe. Just farming, it can still be tolerated, even if the other party charges a higher rent. There are more than thousands of such fools!

What to do? Punish the gentry so that they can’t take in hidden households? Now is not the time to carry out reforms. There is no such external condition. He also relied on this large and small gentry to govern a state for him. Leave it alone and leave it alone? I’m afraid that these greedy families will eat their brains and become even more uncontrollable!

Liang Feng was silent for a moment, and said: “If this is the case, let’s change the Tuntian Act. The military enlistment is limited to five years. As long as five years have passed, you can choose whether you want to join the army or not. If you choose to retire, the cultivated land belongs to the individual, and the taxation remains the same. Pay.”

Duan Qin was taken aback: “This…isn’t this self-destructing the city wall?”

After five years of hard training and becoming qualified soldiers, let them be discharged? Give them the farmland? Everyone has gone to farm, where do soldiers come from? !

“How many displaced people are there in the world?” Liang Feng asked rhetorically, “After five years, when the old people are discharged from the army, will there be no new ones to make up? Besides, when these people go back to the countryside, they will forget their long-trained skills and let them be employed. Bullying?”

A cold sweat broke out from behind Duan Qin, this is to…hid the soldiers to the people? This ambition is too big! Yes, do people still want to live and work in peace? After serving in the military, earning enough acres and returning to the countryside to live steadily. Soldiers were transformed into common people, but the blood in these people’s hearts remained forever. If it is true that the moment of crisis is reached, and the lord screams, will they allow others to seize their land and destroy their homes?

Qin’s whole country is a soldier, but that’s all!

And this approach can completely shatter the selfishness of the gentry. If you can be the common people, why should you be a slave? Without even cleaning up, there will be fugitive slaves in each house. These people are all hermits, who have never been registered as gentry, who can stop them! At that time, I am afraid that it will not only be the state, and the refugees in the world will all be under the rule of the government!

But will these people who are good at fighting become a hidden danger? Once there is a war, they can be more difficult to deal with than ordinary grass bandits!

As if perceiving the hesitation and anxiety in Duan Qin’s eyes, Liang Feng said: “Zhao Mingde, build Taiping, promote talents, prosper officials, three companies, or from Qiongxiang, build white houses, crack the ground and seal them, and make daily use of it. Fang Waixiangfeng, but there are still thieves, the crime of two thousand stones in the county is not a fault with a crossbow.”

Duan Qin was familiar with the history of the scriptures, and immediately remembered the source of these words. This is what Wuqiu Shouwang responded to Gongsun Hong’s words in the “Hanshu”. Gongsunhong suggested that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty ban the civilian use of bows and crossbows to prevent the people from threatening counties and counties. But King Shou replied that the threat to the world was never the crossbow, but the evil government. In war, use weapons to block aggression, and when settle down, use crossbows to subdue the beasts. This is the original purpose of weapons. Back then, the Qin State prohibited the people from using swords and soldiers. Wouldn’t they still resist the tyranny with the farm tools in their hands? Because of King Shou’s words, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty did not order the prohibition of civilian use of crossbows. And the strength of the Han crossbow is invincible even today!

The ability of the people is never the root cause of troubled times. Whether the official governance is clear and bright is the key. To be able to speak such words in such a troubled world, with boldness, is beyond reach!

Duan Qin took a deep breath: “The Lord has such a thought, so why not worry about the hegemony!”

Liang Feng knew it all by himself. During the Han and Tang Dynasties, the control of weapons was quite loose, and it did not affect the birth of its flourishing age. On the contrary, the Yuan Dynasty, which strictly enforced weapons control, was overthrown by a cowherd baby and a wandering monk led by soldiers less than a hundred years ago? Where there is oppression, there will be resistance. This is the answer that conforms to the socio-historical outlook.

Wanting to rely on the gentry, after all, is a short and thorny road, which is either swallowed or assimilated. The people in this world are the most reliable people. After this, Binzhou will face Xianbei Huma, and I don’t know how many years of war will be fought. How could he leave this state with only vulnerable people?

Leaning on the Pingji, Liang Feng said: “This matter, we must work out a plan as soon as possible, and spread it widely on the occasion of the Buddha’s birthday. Before Wang Jun attacks, be fully prepared…”

The author has something to say:

Someone asked Zhang Bin as the main palace, what is Yiyan? Hehe, of course he is a traitorous concubine!

But so that the Dragon City Feijiang will be there, and the king will not come back early from then on.

Your Majesty, if things go on like this, the country will not be a country! (Heartbreaking

Yi Yan:>///<

Liang Feng:…

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