Royal Road

Chapter 262

Chapter 261 Mess up

Although Wang Mi’s camp was wiped out a month ago, Sima Yue did not return to Luoyang, but instead lived in Xudu. The only thing he can do is to get rid of those relatives who threaten him.

Chengdu Wang Simaying proclaimed the emperor, tossing for a whole year, almost shaken the foundation of the country. But if you get rid of the Chengdu king, will you be able to worry-free? There are forty or fifty ethnic groups in Sima alone, and many of them stood on the side of the pseudo-emperor. Even if you don’t show your attitude, if you have too much power, don’t you have a heart of rebellion? With the lessons learned, how could Sima Yue let the threat be in front of him!

Therefore, instead of returning to Luoyang, he also recruited many courtiers to come to Xudu. Ling Ji continued one after another, replacing those potential threats with his own cronies. If these methods were placed a few years ago, they might have caused a shock to the government and the opposition. But now, with the power in hand, no one really dares to resist.

And this made Sima Yuezhi more satisfied. Now Bingzhou has driven away the Xiongnu, the bandits in Jizhou have also been wiped out, and Jingzhou and Yuzhou have even defeated the puppet imperial insurgents. In addition to the pseudo-Han entrenched in the east of the river, there was a sign of peace, which made Sima Yue’s actions more and more reckless.

Unexpectedly, this great mood did not last long.

“Gou Daojiang is even asking about Yanzhou?” Sima Yue frowned, his face was already unhappy.

Gou Xi is his confidant’s love will be good, after the war, Sima Yue has also given him many officials and generous rewards. But the right to hold soldiers, after all, has to fall into their own hands. No matter how much you trust Gou Xi, it is impossible to give up an important place like Yanzhou!

On the side Pan Sima whispered: “General Gou is afraid that the prime minister will not be anxious to lead the state animal husbandry…”

Since Muzhou County, Sima had wanted to do things earlier, and the three states of Jing, Yu, and Qing were assigned to reward his confidant. It was not that Sima Yue had not considered making Gouxi the governor of a prefecture. It was Pan Tao and others who persuaded him to change his mind by saying that he had great ambitions and was not a pure minister. How come you ask me directly now? Isn’t it enough that the awards of the generals and the princesses are not enough?

However, Sima Yue knew the seriousness in his heart when he became angry. Gou Xi is a warrior who can help him quell the chaos and suppress the bandits. In any case, he shouldn’t be slow. Gritting his teeth, Sima Yue said: “Jing Wen is in a bad situation in Jiangdong. It seems that he wants to make Wang Chuzhong a bureaucrat. It is better to change Wang Chuzhong’s Qingzhou governor to Yangzhou governor and seal Qingzhou to General Gou Dao.”

He was talking about General An Dong and Yangzhou Governor Sima Rui. Before Sima Yue was afraid of the chaos in the Central Plains, he sent Sima Rui to Jiangdong, hoping that there would be a place to retreat when the current situation deteriorated. But when Sima Rui went to Yangzhou, he still failed to establish a good relationship with the Jiangdong family. I have also written many times, wanting to recruit talents for help. Taking advantage of this opportunity, letting Wang Dun go over and ceding Qingzhou to Gou Xi was also considered a solution to a trouble.

Pan Sima was stunned: “But Wang Dun is also very human. If he enters Jiangdong, he is afraid that he will give birth to alienation…”

Sima Yue coldly snorted: “Before you said Gou Dao will be very human, now you say that Wang Chuzhong is very human. Is there anyone available for the lonely?”

Pan Sima closed his mouth immediately because of his bad temper. Recently, Sima has a great power, and his temper has become more and more weird. If you persuade him, you can do it once, and I am afraid that it will cause trouble to the upper body.

Seeing that Pan Sima stopped talking, Sima Yue nodded: “Let’s write to Wang Situ quickly and get this done.”

Wang Yan should not refuse. After all, it is a governor for another governor, and Qingzhou is remote, and there are frequent wars, it is not as safe as Yangzhou. As for Gou Xi, huh, a reckless man, with Qingzhou, he should be content.

Consciously arranged the rewards of his heavy ministers, Sima Yue concentrated on dealing with dissidents. Unexpectedly, half a month later, he jumped up from his seat by a letter on the table.

“You want me to kill Pan Tao and Liu Wang? What a courage!” Sima Yue yelled angrily, pinching the letter to the ground.

Gou Xi didn’t appreciate it. Not only did he not accept the dispatch of the governor of Qingzhou, but he also wrote angrily to reprimand Pan Tao and others, saying that they wanted to make false accusations and frame themselves. These are the confidants of Sima Yue. How could one of his foreign ministers say that he could kill them? !

Pan Tao was demanded for heads, and he lost his calm attitude, and said bitterly: “I heard that there were envoys in the Luoyang Palace who entered General Gou’s account. Will he move General Gou and let him deal with the prime minister? ?”

“What?” Sima Yue was really startled, cold sweat bursting out of his back. When did the little emperor catch up with Gou Xi? He arranged so many eyeliners in Luoyang, why didn’t there be any news? If this is the case, he is not facing a brotherly lover, but an endless enemy!

“Quickly send someone to Luoyang to see the situation in the palace!” Sima Yue said with a stern expression.

The little emperor cannot be killed yet. As long as the emperor holds in his hands and others want to oppose, he dare not be too blatant. If he murdered the little emperor ruthlessly, someone would immediately come forward and attack him under the banner of Qingjun. What’s more terrible is that he has just dealt with a bunch of clan relatives, how can he find a suitable candidate to be on the throne so quickly?

To stabilize the palace, let the restless emperor settle down! As for Gou Xi… Sima Yue’s eyes burst into a fierce light: “How can you kill your confidant alone because of your own personal interests? Gou Dao will be too arrogant! This matter is rejected and ordered to enter Qingzhou as soon as possible!”

If Gou Xi didn’t know how to constrain anymore, he wouldn’t think about the love of the past!

“Your Majesty, the matter of Xu Capital has already been raged. If you don’t clean it up, I’m afraid it will endanger Luoyang…” Wang Yan persuaded with a worried look on his face.

In fact, he has been home for days to avoid disaster. Ever since Sima Yue wanted Wang Dun to step down as the governor of Qingzhou and take over Yangzhou, Wang Yan, the old fox, became alert. This is clearly because Sima Yue and Gou Xi are at odds. If one is not good, he will also be implicated in the middle. It happened that Wang Dun himself was not interested in going to Qingzhou, so he wanted to learn from Wang Dao and enter Jiangdong to assist Sima Rui. Wang Yan pushed the boat along the way and allowed him to take over the appointment of the Yangzhou governor, which was regarded as a face to both sides.

No one expected to retreat, but their anger was not suppressed. In the past few days, Sima Yue’s heirs have been stationed in the palace, and the guards in the palace have changed all the time, all of which arranged for Sima Yue’s own national soldiers. There is a rumbling in the imperial palace, how can anyone dare to stand on the side of the emperor?

And Wang Yan himself, under Sima Yue’s instructions, came to “persuade” the emperor. Wang Yan really didn’t want to get involved in this matter, but as Sima Yue’s spokesperson in the dynasty, he still had to be famous for warning one or two.

Above the throne, the little emperor’s eyes drooped slightly, and he whispered: “Situ is too worried. The prime minister and General Gou are afraid that it is just a misunderstanding. General Gou first punishes the pseudo-emperor and then suppresses the chaotic army, and he has made great contributions. It’s okay to be an important minister, even in Yanzhou. Maybe there are villains who are deliberately trying to provoke right and wrong.”

Wang Yan frowned. The implication of these words was that Sima took a step back, resigned from Yanzhou, and killed Pan Tao and others, so that Gou Xi calmed down. This is how to persuade, it is clearly to provoke the emotions of both sides! However, on the face of the little emperor, there was no conspiracy, on the contrary, there was a low-pitched posture of seeking completeness. It seems that this yellow-mouthed child is afraid of something, and wants both sides to not guilty and ask for peace.

Is this his truth? Wang Yan also couldn’t see through, so he could only sigh softly: “Your Majesty can rely on at this moment, only the Prime Minister. If your Majesty is biased, I’m afraid it will make the Prime Minister chill…”

The meaning of these words is more straightforward, I am not afraid that the little emperor will not understand it.

However, the person in the seat was silent for a moment, and suddenly said, “Is there a famous general like General Gou in the court?”

Wang Yan raised his head to look at the emperor with a look of Nuo. The meaning of this is too clear! He can be controlled by Sima Yue, but if Sima Yue and Gou Xi fall out, can the world be kept? It is no longer Taikang, or even Yuankang years. At that time, even killing one or two generals was irrelevant. Some were able to guard Luoyang.

And now? In the chaos for more than ten years, the generals who were able to fight died seven or eighty-eight, and there were repeated military disasters everywhere. If it weren’t for Gou Xi, a warrior comparable to Han Xin and Bai Qi, could Sima defeat the puppet emperor and annihilate the rebellious army? Jackals are rampant outside, tigers and leopards are everywhere, when is the Tibetan bow dog cooking!

But if he could say such a thing, would he not understand the meaning of his provocative remarks just now?

Looking at the thin and dull child on the throne, Wang Yan also felt a chill in his heart. Sima Yue suspected that the emperor sent an envoy to instigate Gou Xi to oppose him, but no one could find any evidence. If this plan is really an instruction from the emperor, what kind of mental means should it be?

Can Sima Yue kill the emperor? At least not at the moment! The more dissatisfied Gou Xi is and the more he accuses him of taking power, the less he can act easily. Once Sima Yue attacked the emperor, others could immediately raise the banner beside Qingjun. Gou Xi can build his army, but can’t Wang Jun of Youzhou? Can’t Liang Zixi of Binzhou? Without this puppet in his hand, Sima Yue is the only way to survive, and there is nothing to do!

Therefore, he can only strictly control this uneasy emperor and try his best to eliminate hidden dangers. The more trouble Gou Xi makes, the safer the emperor will be! So to provoke Gou Xi and Sima to lose peace, isn’t it a matter of profit and harm?

No one knows better than Wang Yan what this young emperor is facing. There are no cronies, no wise ministers, or even relatives. Who can give him advice? If this method had been devised by him alone, his mind would have been no less than that of their years old veterans. Such a scheming emperor, if three or five years earlier, can the world still be in chaos?

Unfortunately, it was too late.

Wang Yan constricted his face and sighed softly: “Your Majesty said that. I only hope that the two of them will give up their previous complaints.”

Wang Yan doesn’t plan to care anymore. Regardless of whether this was the plot of the little emperor, how much Sima Yue and Gou Xi would make trouble, he was not interested in asking. The important thing is to save one’s own life. Anyway, Wang Cheng has already settled in Jingzhou, and Wang Dun has also served as the governor of Yangzhou. The Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit, which he has always planned, has been realized. Even if the conflict between the DPRK and the Central Government is really uncomfortable, Wang Clan of Langya will not be affected by this. Moreover, Wang Yan is also confident that he can use his skillful tongue in exchange for the trust of the winner. Who wins and who loses, what to do with him?

Seeing Wang Yan’s calm expression, the little emperor suppressed his eyes and suppressed the thoughts in his heart.

Ten days later, Gou Xi did not take up the post of Qingzhou. Instead, he sent a message to Chen Sima Yue for all his evil deeds, saying that he was blinded by the saints and took power. Afterwards, Gou Xi directly prepared his army and attacked Xu Du.

Sima Yue was shocked and hated, and quickly sent Liu Kun to wait for his confidant to stop him. In Luoyang City, the little emperor didn’t accuse Sima Yue, but gave a verbal message, saying something that was quite important to state affairs. But anyone can see that this is to make Sima spit out more power. There were no stupid people in the DPRK, everyone knew that the emperor began to be dissatisfied with Sima. If the prime minister from the five states who shepherds himself can take a step back, how much power does he have to leak his fingers?

There are countless people who are dissatisfied with Sima Yue’s domineering. Many people are even more afraid, for fear that they will be killed in the next moment. The voices against Sima Yue also rose, and together with the flames of war, they ignited fiercely.

The hinterland of the Central Plains has been calm for less than two months, and has fallen into boiling water again. Far in the north, some people were thinking.

“Gou Xi is going to beat Sima Yue?” Wang Jun looked at Yu Li playfully, with a sneer smile on the corners of his lips, “It’s okay to beat. This person is afraid he doesn’t know where his authority comes from.”

Wang Jun had long been dissatisfied with Sima Yue. If he hadn’t captured Yecheng and Chang’an in the first place, how could there be Sima Yue today? But he made a great contribution, not to mention the generation of the county, but Jizhou made him angry. After all, the imperial court did not let him lead the governor of Jizhou at the same time. Instead, Sima Yue led the prefecture by himself and appointed Yiyan as the captain. Now, after working hard to eliminate the gangsters, it became a marriage for others!

If it was the past, Wang Jun said that he would send troops to fight against Yiyan. But Najinu didn’t know whether he was timid or satisfied with the imperial reward, so he stopped in the southeast of Jizhou and didn’t mean to interfere with the county. Now Wang Jun is not busy doing it. It seems that Yi Yan and Liang Zixi have fallen out. There is indeed something to do, so why push him into the arms of the enemy?

Therefore, in addition to reorganizing the territory that Jizhou had obtained, Wang Jun’s eyes moved back to Bingzhou. Now that Jizhou has been decided, it is time to start the army.

When is the best time to go to war? Before he could choose, the time came. Sima Yue actually wanted to borrow troops from him? It’s a sigh, his family and soldiers are also lacking in skills!

“Raise food and grass immediately and march into the merged state!”

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