Royal Road

Chapter 266

Chapter 265 Fall apart

“Chang’an is down?” Sima Yue felt dizzy when he heard the report from the messenger. How could this be? !

Yuzhou has been in chaos since he turned against Gou Xi. Liu Kun sent troops several times and never stopped the enemy. Xu Du was besieged. Although Gou Xi had to deal with the soldiers and horses behind him, the attack was not violent, but the feeling of sitting alone in a lonely city still made Sima more frightened.

In order to save his life, Sima Yue spread to the various states repeatedly, hoping that someone would send troops to rescue him. But Wang Cheng, the only one who was in charge, escaped cleanly before leaving the border of Jingzhou. Except for the 20,000 reinforcements temporarily deployed by Hongnong Camp, no one came to rescue him!

Is everyone looking forward to his early death? As soon as this thought emerged, Sima became more and more troubled. Gou Xi sent troops because of the enchantment of the emperor, what about the others? Is it also beginning to waver? Without the imperial emperor Sima Ying, his good bow has arrived when it should be hidden? Sima Yue sent people to guard Luoyang before, in order to guard against the little emperor’s secret actions. Now, is it only possible to solve this predicament by killing the brave boy with a yellow mouth?

But Sima Yue dare not. Not only did he dare not move, he was also careful to let his son converge. Only when the emperor is in his hands, can Gou Xi dare not act recklessly. If you can drag it for a day, you can drag it for a day. Sooner or later, the soldiers and horses under Gou Xi will get tired and bored, and there will be faults.

However, he thought about procrastinating, but others would not. In just a short while, Chang’an, the western capital, would be defeated by the Huns! Was it because he transferred the defenders of Hongnong Camp? Was it because Gou Xi was in trouble and Wang Junxing attacked Bingzhou? Or because…

Sima Yue held onto the table and said in a trembled voice: “Where is King Nanyang? Has he ever escaped from Chang’an…”

Nanyang King Simamo, his younger brother, was also a person he sent to the four states of Qin Yong and Liang Yi to guard Chang’an.

The messenger cried out: “King Nanyang, King Nanyang was also killed by Husbands!”

Sima sat down on the ground. Another one died. The four brothers worked together and defeated the king of Chengdu and the king of Hejian before pushing him to the throne. Now that Sima Teng is dead, and Sima Mo is also dead, how many more days can the remaining Gaomi King Simaluo live? When being an idle princess, will these brothers be killed? If he confessed his sins to the emperor and gave up the position of prime minister, would he be able to save his only brother and his own life?

However, the chill behind him is even greater in the whole life of thought. Can’t refund! If you retreat now, you are more than brothers, and even sons and wives can’t protect them! Do those people before him, those relatives who have participated in the power struggle, have a good end? He must stick to it and stand on top of the court! Otherwise, the previous efforts have been wasted? !

“Get… get the medicine!” Sima Yue hugged his head, and the crazy thoughts in his brain made him suffer from a splitting headache. Is it going forward or retreating? Offensive or defensive? The dead brothers, will they find him to pay for their lives? It shouldn’t be so! It shouldn’t be so!

“The prime minister… the prime minister…”

Someone in the ear was saying things over and over again, but Sima Yue could no longer see the others, and only the bright red pills in the tray were left in his eyes. After serving the pill, he will be able to get rid of his worries, such as climbing in the fairyland, as long as serving the pill…

He grabbed the pill and stuffed it in his mouth. The pungency passed through the throat like in the past, like strong wine falling into the belly. But today, it’s not wine, it’s poisonous flames, steel knives, it’s heartbroken pain! Sima Yue screamed, clutching his belly and rolled to the ground.

“What are you talking about? Chang’an fell, the more worried and angry Sima died?” Wang Junyi stood up, his slender eyes like a fox, wide open!

Sima Yue is dead? This powerful minister, who was in charge of the government and brought trouble to the government, died suddenly? Died so simply!

The battle of Binzhou cannot be delayed any longer! In almost an instant, Wang Jun realized that it was time for Tuqong to see him! The more Sima died suddenly, it would surely catch the court by surprise. If you want to take advantage of this change, you have to decisively defeat the Bingzhou soldiers and seize the entire territory of Jizhou! In this way, whether Luoyang is in his own hands or not, the court dare not ignore his existence.

If this big battle, let Liang Zixi take advantage. Then all the previous plans were shattered, and maybe they would miss the opportunity to seize the remaining power of Sima Yue. How could Wang Jun let go like this? !

“Assemble the soldiers and horses near Jicheng, and follow me to Jizhou! Order the troops of the Bingzhou prefecture to stay on hold until I personally preside over the battle!” Wang Jun said loudly.

There are 40,000 defenders in Jicheng, all of whom are family members. Putting these soldiers and horses on the battlefield can immediately change the state of affairs. Those gentry living in Taiyuan, Wang Jun can count them clearly. As long as Liang Zixi shows fatigue, these wolves will gnaw his bones before himself!

Once the battle of Bingzhou is won, the next step is to bring troops into Luoyang. Gou Xi has soldiers in his hands, but is it comparable to his own 100,000 cavalry? As for the puppet in Luoyang City, you can use it if you can use it, or try to kill it if you can’t. Anyway, he has also found a suitable replacement, and it is his Wang Pengzu who is holding the emperor to make the princes!

A fierce desire for power ignited in his chest, causing Wang Jun to appear a bit fierce on his face. Wang Yu, who was waiting on the side, whispered: “My lord, there is also Yi Boyuan in Jizhou.”

Wang Jun sneered: “It’s just a Jie Nu. Send someone to Jizhou, I want to see, what is this slave’s plan…”

The military sentiment was flying, and within two days, it was handed over to the guard Wang Chang who was stationed in Leping. Seeing Wang Jun’s letter, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief: “The governor ordered me to wait and wait for the reinforcements from Youzhou.”

This month, for the Youzhou soldiers and horses who went deep into the merged state, it was really a disaster. First, Shangai failed to attack the city and was forced to divide his forces. Then he went deep into Leping, and even more disasters continued.

The defenses of the several cities in Zhanxian County are as good as those of Ai, and the barracks outside the city are missing, and they are in a defensive posture. Without even trying, Duan Ji Lujuan gave up the siege and attacked the surrounding villages instead. But unexpectedly, there are no so-called villages in Leping, all of them are uniform Wubao!

This thing is not easy to fight! It was also Wang Chang who gave the death order, and they chose one to besiege it. As a result, it took five days and thousands of lives before and after to win this small barrier. Nothing was left for them in the fort, and the guards burned the warehouse on fire, leaving only a corpse.

This is not over yet, the enemy appeared before the army was able to slow down. The formation was tight and there were plenty of arrows. They just dragged them for another three days, and finally left hundreds of corpses, retreating to the mountains and forests unharmed. Leping Country is mountainous, so it is not suitable for cavalry to chase, and is afraid of being trapped, Duan Ji and Lu Zhuan can only let this group of enemies go.

Where did they escape? Will he take advantage of his attack on another Wubao and come up with a back blow? No one can guarantee it!

It was also at this time that Duan Ji and Lu Jun realized that Leping was in the posture of preparing for battle in the whole territory. The people may have gathered in several big cities, and every Wubao they saw was stationed by soldiers! It is really frightening that Jianbi Qingye can do this.

How will it come down? Hard siege? Continue to attack Wubao, burn the water turrets standing in the fields, and force the enemy to show up? Or did Qingqi break in and head to Jinyang and Shangdang to catch them by surprise?

Rarely, Duan Ji Lujuan was also caught in a dilemma. Only one thing is certain, this strength is not enough to pose a threat to Bingzhou. Only when the army suppresses the territory, shakes people’s hearts, and forces the opponent out of the city, can one have a certainty of victory. Therefore, when he heard Wang Jun’s order, let alone Wang Chang, even the generals of the Duan Clan Xianbei also breathed a sigh of relief.

Can no longer be led by the nose by the enemy. Now Bingzhou has 80,000 soldiers and horses, plus 30,000 in Jizhou and 40,000 in Jicheng, a full 150,000 troops crush the territory, and completely defeat the morale and combat power of the soldiers and civilians in Bingzhou. This is the best way! This is a battle to mobilize all the troops in Youzhou and even Pingzhou. How can it not be expected?

“Jicheng sent troops again, there were 40,000 people! And the Xianbei soldiers and horses in Leping also began to stand still, fearing that they would wait for Wang Jun to send troops to attack!”

Reading the battle report, Liang Feng only felt clammy behind his back. He didn’t expect that it would turn out to be such a result!

In this use of troops, Liang Feng calculated everything that could be calculated, even Leping lost ground and lost the city, and he could give up his business for several years. But the only thing that didn’t expect Sima Yue to suddenly die! This person died as soon as he died, and the power vacuum left by him immediately became another threat. And Wang Jun is the vulture hyena attracted by the foul smell of this power.

If Sima Yue did not die, the battle of Yuri was only a local war. Once the two sides crossed the bottom line, they would retreat as appropriate, and no one would be willing to fight to the death. But the more Sima dies, this battle will never end! In order to gain greater authority, Wang Jun will urge Ma to go south, intending to collect Jizhou and threaten Luoyang. And he has become the worst enemy in the road!

This battle will not be lighter. Merging state nobles and clans has also become a factor of instability. Who knows if they see the bad situation, and vote for Wang Jun? Who will the court favor? Where is the strong Huns who just captured Chang’an behind him?

The battle must be ended as soon as possible!

But how to fight it? Insufficient troops, if it is recklessly, the wastage can be large. His family is no better than Wang Jun, and he can’t fight it!

“Master…” On the side, Zhang Bin’s face was scorched, and he whispered, “Cui Yi General to send troops.”

Only Yi Yan sent troops to solve the state crisis. As a result, the counties and counties that Jizhou has finally come to will probably have to lose all of them clean. Even Yiyan’s official position award is in jeopardy. And even if he comes back, this battle is still not easy to fight…

After pondering for a long time, Liang Feng exhaled softly: “Trust to Jizhou.”

Even if it is a dead end, you have to fight for it!

Another secret letter boarded the fast horse and galloped towards Jizhou. However, at this moment, Yi Yan’s camp has ushered in a stranger.

An envoy from Youzhou.

The author has something to say: I saw someone asking a question about the map, probably because the Huns sent troops from Linfen, Shanxi, and took down Xi’an. Wang Jun sent troops from Beijing and was fighting in the northwestern part of the mountain. Sima Yue and Gou Xi were fighting each other in Henan. Yi Yan squatted in Hebei, waiting to bite someone like this…

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