Royal Road

Chapter 27

Chapter 26 Cast effect

In the inner room, three people were sitting around. There was no wine and food on the table, only a cluster of beans, the big lamp flickering, and it was no better than the moon outside the window.

“How many days is this? The lord hasn’t called us over yet!” Wu Jiangtou couldn’t help but spoke first.

In the past few days, they don’t know how much they have prepared, waiting for the patron’s summons. Who expected the Patriarch to ignore them at all, and instead let the stupid son of Mufang Lao Liu’s family get a bargain! It is said that not only received a sum of money, but also added manpower to prepare to make paper behind closed doors.

The Sifang is somewhat separated because of the difference in the door. The willow wood in Mufang is as the name suggests, guarding a Qingshui yamen, but also stupidly like a wood so that it can’t stealthily. Therefore, the relationship between Zhifang and Taofang and Mufang is relatively indifferent, not as good as Ding Daneng of Tiefang.

Who would have thought that after the Patriarch came back, he would start with Mufang first!

At this time, Wu and Jiang couldn’t help being confused. Today’s world is no better than before. Wan’s family owners are really fascinated. If they want to support Mufang, they will be miserable in these two workshops!

Tian Chang sat in the main seat, and his expression was a bit cloudy. In the past few days, he is almost as difficult as sitting on a carbon basin. The Wang brothers were not only condemned by the stick, but also expelled from the inner courtyard. I don’t know whether Liang Feng’s sick Yangzi knew the details of these two people. Those account books didn’t make a noise either, I don’t know if the other party didn’t look at it, or if he didn’t say anything about it. The taste of being fully prepared to hit the cotton is simply embarrassing.

However, he can’t watch his backyard mess up first, and clear his throat, Tian Chang said: “The two craftsmen don’t panic. I heard from the inner courtyard that the owner had suffered a serious illness in the past two days. I can’t see people anymore.”

“What?” Jiang Jiantou couldn’t help but startled, “Lord Lang is seriously ill? But isn’t that group of newly collected songs still practicing?”

This is also something new in Liang Mansion recently. The group of silly masters circled the main house early every morning, running sweaty and panting. The drill doesn’t talk about the formation, it means standing in a short walk, one stop is half an hour, and it makes you dizzy from time to time to turn around, which is very gimmicky.

If Liang Feng is really seriously ill, how could the part still have mental training?

Tian Chang smiled sympathetically: “It’s just some tricks. In fact, the host is already sick and can’t get out of bed. No one sees. I don’t think it’s just that the medicine prescribed by the doctor is not very correct. In short, he is sick. I’m afraid I can’t take care of myself.”

Hearing this, the two craftsmen looked at each other, seemingly moved. Wu Jiang said, “But even if he is really sick, we can’t wait for him to die on the couch. Isn’t there any way to let him make concessions?”

Tian Chang smiled and said: “Naturally can’t wait, so I only invited two people over today. Isn’t it almost time to harvest the mulberry? This year’s drought, the mulberry leaves in the yard are almost impossible to harvest. Brother Wu might as well ask for instructions. Let’s take a look at the host, what should I do?”

The Liang Mansion does not raise silkworms itself, but there is a mulberry garden where a lot of mulberry leaves are sold every spring in exchange for silk. Although the amount of silk in exchange was not much, it was enough for the whole family. It is indeed the time to harvest the mulberries, but Wu Jiang is not stupid. This is clearly for him to take the lead! With a cold snort, he said, “Although harvesting mulberries is a major event, I will only let me go and report back. Isn’t it right?”

“What’s wrong?” Tian Chang couldn’t understand what Wu Jiangtou meant. “The season is there, no one can make mistakes. Moreover, the hemp in the garden was also poorly harvested last year, and there was still 20,000 money in hemp cloth on the account. The foreign debt, the deed is here, Brother Wu can take it.”

A deed book was handed in front of Wu Jiang’s head, which was clearly to instigate money. The method is crude, but Qianbo always touches people’s hearts. Wu Jiangtou couldn’t help but stretched out his hand to take it, and asked: “Brother Tian is too polite, but will the landlord really recognize this contract?”

“I have already laid a foreshadowing in the account book to ensure that the head and the tail are clean.” Tian Chang smiled, not caring about the other party’s suspicion.

“Haha, so good!”

The two sang and made a peace, and Jiang Jiangtou, who was sitting on the side, also agreed with him and smiled approvingly. After a while, the two retired and walked out of the courtyard where Tian Chang was located. Wu Jiangtou walked to the house triumphantly, but Jiang Jiangtou made a bend and came to the pottery workshop. It was getting late at the moment, but the pottery kiln had not ceased fire, and several potters were busy rushing to make a new batch of goods. Seeing Jiang Jiantou entering the door, a young man greeted him: “Father, you are back.”

Jiang Jiang nodded his head: “How is the rush to produce goods?”

“This is the last batch, and it will be out of the kiln tomorrow. However, the shop said that there is no shortage of pottery recently and no longer accepts it.” The young man replied.

Jiang Jiantou naturally knew this. He sighed and said, “It’s a pity that there are a few good potters in the workshop, but it will be hard to come down.”

“Father, what’s wrong with this?”

“Come here.” Jiang Jiantou dragged his son to a quiet place, and carefully told him about the plot on Tian Chang’s side tonight.

When Jiang Ni heard this, he immediately frowned, “This Tian Chang is so courageous, I think things are going to happen!”

“Who said no?” Jiang Jiantou sighed, “This person has read a few books, and he is arrogant and ignorant. I think the Patriarch is going to be the real one this time.”

This is also what Jiang Jiangtou is most worried about. His family has made pottery for the Liang family for generations and has experienced several family owners. But there has never been a person like Liang Feng who will actively recruit Yongjian and reset the trilogy. Nowadays, in troubled times, having soldiers to defend themselves is the capital of life. If what Tian Chang said is true, and the head of the family has never given up training even when he is seriously ill, then his determination cannot be underestimated.

It’s not that there are no slaves to deceive the master in this world, but if the Patriarch is stronger, it is not easy to clean up a few slaves? What’s more, the Patriarch still has soldiers in his hands!

Jiang Ni pondered for a moment, and suddenly said, “Father, we don’t actually have to be with Tian Binke. If the host wants to rejuvenate the Liang family, he must also need some help. Since he is willing to use Liujiang’s head, let’s pottery, It may not necessarily lose Mufang!”

How could Jiang Jiangtou not know this, but he shook his head: “From your grandfather’s generation, the Jiang family started selling pottery privately. If this matter is stabbed out, how could the host let us go?”

Betrayal has always been an annoying thing. If Liang Feng gets angry, the entire pottery will only die. Jiang Ni clenched his fists: “But if we don’t take refuge in the lord, can we escape this?”

This is the most critical issue. If they follow Tian Chang all the way to Hei, can they get any good fruits to eat? Jiang Jiangtou seems to be careless, but his mind is extremely careful, of course he can think of the consequences of the incident. This is simply a dilemma, making it impossible to make a decision.

Jiang Jiang gritted his teeth: “Or, let’s look at Lao Wu first. If he loses his hand, let’s make plans again.”

“Then it’s too late!” Jiang Ni said anxiously, “It’s better to tell the lord of their tricks, we can also redeem the merits.”

“But in case…”

“The left and right are dead, it’s better to take a fight!” Jiang Ni’s voice was extremely firm.

Seeing the expression on his son’s face, Jiang Jiang finally gritted his teeth: “Go, let’s go to see the host!”

“Master, can you really kill the enemy with this?”

In the courtyard, Yi Yan picked up a spear and shook it vigorously. After several days of rushing to make it, Mufang finally sent the spear over. This gun is made of wood from the spine of the sword. It is one foot long. The wood is hard and flexible. You must use both hands to hold it firmly. With a strong shake, you can make a buzzing sound. However, there was no metal tip on the tip of the gun, which seemed insignificant.

“Natural energy.” Liang Feng leaned on the Pingji and replied with a smile, “On the battlefield, there is never a place for personal martial arts contests. Only guns and arrows are the key to victory.”

At present, Liangfu’s trilogy has not been able to adapt to the complex formation training, and can only start with the simplest spear formation. The two armies confronted each other, relying on the moment of a frontal charge. As long as you have a spear like a forest and motionless like a mountain, you will naturally be able to win first. Whether it is a long-distance running training, a line-up, or a spear assassination in the future, they all serve this purpose. In modern troops, bayonet and other methods of play are no longer emphasized, but special forces and even the armed police have continued this kind of teaching, and Liang Feng is no stranger to this.

He raised his finger to point to the place where Yiyan was holding the gun: “You are holding it too far forward. The gun is one foot long. Hold the back hand at the end. Don’t expose the base of the gun. The front hand is the center of gravity, in front of the base of the gun. At three feet. Clench both hands at the same time, use the front hand to force, and the back hand to stabilize the gun. Keep your body straight, step forward with the bow when you stab it, so that you can stab it out at full speed!”

This instruction is accurate to every detail. Yi Yan carefully held the gun as instructed, took a deep breath, and stabbed the spear with a hey sound. This was as fast as electricity and fierce as thunder, and there was a buzzing sound in the air.

However, Yi Yan didn’t stop, quickly closed his gun, and stabbed it out again. After five consecutive stabbings, he took a deep breath and stopped: “This shot is too exhausting.”

After just a few strokes, Yi Yan felt his arms swell and his waist felt sore. I am afraid that few people in the song could wield such a heavy spear continuously.

This kid is really keen in observation. Liang Feng said with a smile: “The pikemen are placed on the battlefield and can only make one blow. After one blow, the undead enemy will approach, and the long spear will lose its proper function. What do you think should be done at this time?”

run? Throw down the gun and fight the enemy with a knife? Yi Yan frowned and thought for a moment, then suddenly said, “Another row of spears?”

Liang Feng smiled: “Yes, the gun array can be used in two or three rows to strip off the enemy’s strength. When the two armies formally confront each other, our army will have a great advantage.”

Alexander the Great, who was invincible in Eurasia at the time, relied on the Macedonian phalanx composed of spearmen. The six-layer spearmen seemed to be invincible. Together with the upper reaches of the cavalry and the infantry, they could be destroyed in an instant. A huge army of Persians. The deterrence of the pikemen is evident! In the Daqin army of the same period, the long halberd array had to be matched with the crossbow and arrow troops, and it was not surprising that the six nations were wiped out.

But when he heard this, Yi Yan still didn’t let go of his brows: “Then the enemy attacked from the side? The Huns and Xianbei are both cavalry. They can turn around at any time and attack the ribs of the array. Isn’t the long spear useless?”

There is an apprentice who can draw inferences from one another and can also relate to the actual situation. It is indeed a lot happier to teach. No matter how powerful the Macedonian phalanx was, didn’t it still lose to the Roman Legion? Liang Feng nodded and said: “This is the necessity of multi-arms cooperation. In the face of field battles, sword and shield fighters and crossbowmen are also indispensable. The arrays are endless and changeable. How to effectively avoid enemy attacks And to attack the enemy to the greatest extent is the key to defeating the enemy.”

Even if there are the Tiefutu and the Kidnappers, which are known as mobile fortresses, there are also shield soldiers and scythes of Yue Fei and Zongze. The battlefield is never static. Whether it is weapons or tactics, it will change rapidly with the enemy. This is the terrible thing about famous generals and the art of war.

But for the current Liangfu trilogy, these are too early. You can’t learn to run without learning to walk. Liang Feng said: “Now concentrate on practicing the long spear, so that the recruits can master the use of the spear formation as soon as possible. The number is limited. It is best to let them learn to change the formation and shoot at least two shots in a row. You will have the basic ability to respond to the enemy.”

The long spear formation is not a simple line up. Both the psychological quality and the discipline requirements are more stringent. He doesn’t expect the recruits to master this quickly, but compared to fighting the sword and fighting bravely and fighting the formation, this is already The easiest tactic.

Understanding Liang Feng’s deep meaning, Yi Yan nodded vigorously. However, he did not continue to practice, but said: “Master, you should sleep in peace.”

He learned this word from Luzhu. In the past few days, he has been practicing in the barracks all day, and he can only return to his home at night. At this time, the lord would take some time to instruct him on the art of war and teach him the basic skills of drills or arrays. Of course Yi Yan likes such one-on-one teaching, but no one knows the lord’s physical condition better than him.

These days, Yi Yanyi stood by Liang Feng’s couch in a puzzled manner. The symptoms initiated by Dan Shi did not completely disappear, and the person in front of him was awakened from his sleep in cold sweat almost every night. The horrible episodes that had happened before were reduced, but the prolonged restless sleep was consuming his little energy, making his thin body even weaker. All these Yi Yan saw in his eyes, anxious to his heart. So as long as there is a chance, he will urge the lord to rest.

“You are almost turning into a green bamboo worm.” Liang Feng laughed and mocked, “Why, wait for me to fall asleep so I can be lazy?”

“Master!” Yi Yan frowned slightly and whispered.

Liang Feng smiled, but his body remained motionless. He didn’t want to take a break.

These days, the addiction symptoms show no signs of improvement. On the contrary, some more hidden sequelae appear. For example, the mood continues to be low, nightmares, nervousness, shaking hands, even the pen is a little unsteady. For him now, sleep is not the best way to rest. But there are some worrying little guys around him, and he can’t let these people worry about him. Therefore, the flowers on Liang Feng’s mouth have become more, deliberately making a relaxed look.

Seeing that the other party had no plans to leave, Yi Yan couldn’t help taking a step forward: “Master, it’s really late…”

He was about to say something more when Lu Zhu suddenly came over. In the past few days, people have been cleaned up in the inner courtyard, except for a few strict mouths, only the green bamboo can take care of them. However, Liang Feng had already ordered that no one should be disturbed when teaching Yiyan to train troops. Luzhu is an obedient child, it is impossible to break in so hastily.

Sure enough, Lu Zhu’s complexion was a little confused, and he walked quickly to Liang Feng and said: “Lang Jun, Jiang Jiantou from Taofang and his son are asking for a meeting outside, saying that there is something important…”

It was getting dark, and it was extremely rude to come to disturb Lang Jun. But the other party’s expression was so solemn that Lu Zhu had to come in and report.

It’s so late, or is it “important”? Liang Feng raised his eyebrows: “Let them come in.”

The Jiang family’s father and son walked into the inner courtyard cautiously. According to the truth, the candle should be lit here, after all, it is the master of the Liang family, even if you save three or five lights. But what is strange is that no joss sticks were lit in the hall, only two torches were inserted in the corner of the courtyard. There are torches and moonlight, making the courtyard extremely bright, but the hall is hidden in a faint shadow.

The ill-ridden host was leaning on Pingji at this moment, with a faint moonlight reflecting on that face of Yuru. He could not see the appearance of his illness, but he seemed unpredictable and exasperating. Beside him, there was a quirky-faced Capricorn with a high nose and deep eyes, and a pair of tricks was still blue, just like a wild wolf that occasionally met at night.

Jiang Jiantou felt that his knees were a little weak, and his heart was pounding. He hurried forward with his son, knelt down in front of Liang Feng, and kowtowed: “Lord Lord, forgive me, the villain has something to report. !”

“Oh, what’s the matter?” Liang Feng’s answer was neither salty nor indifferent, and he couldn’t hear his emotions.

Jiang Jiang shuddered, and he didn’t even dare to lift his head: “Damn the villain! The villain is obsessed with his heart, and he was tricked by Tian Chang’s little old man. It’s really important, and I have to tell the lord!”

Just a word, Liang Feng heard Jiang Jiangtou’s intention. This is here to inform, like a tainted witness, who wants to exchange lenient confession in exchange for a lenient statement. It seemed that Tian Chang was about to make a move, but the faction under him was not very reliable, and it collapsed.

With a chuckle, Liang Feng said lazily: “Why, Tian Chang doesn’t want to use you anymore. I want to change the head of Wu Jiang to start the battle?”

As soon as he said this, a layer of cold sweat broke out on Jiang Jiang’s head and back. He didn’t expect that the landlord would have been eyeing Tian Chang a long time ago. Perhaps even their conspiracy knew clearly. Fortunately, I came early, if I waited for the surname Wu to come back again, it would be too late!

Fortunately from the bottom of my heart, Jiang Jiantou didn’t dare to neglect, and the bamboo tube poured the beans as if he was recruited: “Lord Lord, please be forgive! It’s all who are surnamed Tian who have bad intentions and covet the authority in the house. I am just a craftsman. Read. It’s just that he instigated Wu Jiang’s head, saying that he wanted to use mulberry leaves to fail the harvest to embarrass the landlord. He also tampered with the account books and made a debt contract. I really didn’t even dare to hear this kind of betrayal , I came to report to the host overnight!”

As he said, he started crying, feeling wronged to the extreme. However, the people in the hall didn’t mean to say anything. After crying so uncomfortably, Jiang Jiangtou couldn’t help it, and secretly raised his eyes to look. Above the hall, it was still dark, and the other person’s expression could not be clearly seen, but those black eyes that were brighter than the stars in the sky looked straight, cold and bitter, as if they could see through people’s hearts. Jiang Jiang’s head was tight, and he hurriedly put his head back. What does this mean? The host didn’t believe him, but he still saw something…

Jiang Jiantou was thinking wildly, and suddenly a voice came from above: “How are the private goods burned in the kiln sold?”

These words were like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. The frightened Jiang Jiang’s head was soft and he slumped directly on the ground: “Lord… the villain, the villain is agitated by others, and the ghost is obsessed for a while. The pottery workshops burn pottery for the Fuzhong, only It’s easy to get no rewards in the workshop, and several craftsmen have to eat, the lord…”

His crying didn’t get any sympathy, and his voice was still cold: “Is it the shop he opened, or is it someone consignment?”

Jiang Jiangtou wanted to say something. Behind him, Jiang Ni suddenly took him a hand and straightened up and replied, “Lord Qi, he is consigned to consignment. The main thing is to burn some big things and sell them to Huren. However, this year there is some chaos in the state, and the store no longer accepts these crude goods.”

Hearing what his son said, Jiang Jiang was frightened out of the cold sweat on his forehead, and he quickly remedied: “Lord Lang Mingjian! Our Taofang really cannot make ends meet. The food distributed every year in the mansion is not enough for a few households to eat and chew. The land can be cultivated, really to survive…”

Liang Feng ignored this miserable rhetoric, and said to the young man who was nervous but winked: “Can only pottery be made in the workshop? Can’t produce porcelain?”

“The skill of burning porcelain is an unfamiliar secret, how can it be burned in the shop? The legendary porcelain fire is even more rare. We have tried some methods, but we can’t raise the temperature of the kiln at all.” Jiang Ni has already reacted. The landlord didn’t care about their greed of ink, but was extremely concerned about the affairs of the kiln. These words are precisely at the point of the question. It seems that he really needs someone who can help, and blindly begging for mercy and crying will only make people look down on him.

Sure enough, Liang Feng nodded slightly: “If the kiln temperature can be increased and the porcelain can be burnt out. Can the current Bingzhou be sold?”

“Yes!” Jiang Ni certainly replied, “If there is real porcelain, don’t worry about those who are not tempted. Even if they don’t have money or food, they still have a lot of horses, cattle and sheep in their hands. Porcelain is used by the nobles, never There is no market! It’s just that it’s too difficult to make porcelain. Even if there are veterans in pottery for generations, they may not be able to make good porcelain…”

There is one talk, no ambiguity, this is what Liang Feng wants to hear. What he lacks most is talents, especially those who know how to do business. Not only could this kid quickly hear the meaning of his words, but he could also respond fluently, and he had already met his basic requirements. Regardless of whether the porcelain can be burned out, this is a fellow who can be reclaimed for his own use.

With the semi-serfdom system of production in the Liang Mansion, it is a wonder that the people below do not think of stealing benefits. Such a sneaky person can do a career, and a little freedom, I am afraid it will make a difference. What’s more, he does know some methods to increase the flame temperature, such as the pull-out bellows. Since Tao Fang is not stupid, he doesn’t mind using these people as his own.

“Good.” Liang Feng sat up slightly, “Yi Yan, press them down.”

As soon as he said this, Jiang Ni’s face suddenly changed color. Why did the host suddenly change his face and want to lock them up? Didn’t you just say it well?

Jiang Jiangtou’s face changed horribly, and he shivered. All of them have big mouths from their own sons, and they directly smashed Taofang’s laurels. Now that the lord punishes him, isn’t he going to lose his mouth? !

“Lord Lang, Lord Lang! We are really here to send news…”

Jiang Jiangtou couldn’t help climbing the first two steps, trying to get in front of Liang Feng. However, Yi Yan’s movements were several times faster than him, and he swiped the spear in his hand and slammed it directly on his back, pressing him to the ground.

Is this a responsibility? Jiang Ni rushed up: “Lord, I made the idea! You punish me, forgive my father…”

Liang Feng said, “Tomorrow, Mr. Wu will really be as you said, so I will spare you this time. If not…”

He stopped insidiously, then turned to Yi Yan and said, “Find two people and watch them carefully.”

At this time, the high-hanging hearts of the father and son finally let go. It seems that the host is only to verify whether their secret report is true, not to punish them. As long as the surnamed Wu comes, they will be safe! At this time, the panic turned into a fluke, the two dared not say anything, obediently followed Yi Yan and retreated.

Looking at the two slightly rickety back figures, Liang Feng chuckled lightly. This one loosened, and immediately smashed the Jiang family’s father and son’s pre-determined line of defense. In the future, they wouldn’t dare to do it recklessly, right?

However, Tian Chang was more cunning and cowardly than he thought. Since he picked someone to die, he was disrespectful. Liang Feng instructed Luzhu: “Go and call Aliang.”

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