Royal Road

Chapter 270

Chapter 269 Break camp

When they just rushed into the bed, the three dead men had already killed the servants and maids nearby. Now there was no one on the left and right. They threw away the swords in their hands, quickly untied the leather armor, and pulled out several knots of five inches from the waist. Long bamboo tube.

The bamboo tube is tied close to the body, narrow and short, and there is no clue after piercing. Yi Yan also threw away the copper hairpin and put the seized token next to him. Then he pulled out the bamboo tube at the waist and tied it in place with the one handed by the soldiers.

Ten bobbins are bundled into a ball. In this tube, all gunpowder is placed. It stands to reason that gunpowder is the top secret of the state, and it is not allowed to be taken out of the state capital at all. But when he set out, the lord forced him to take a few. In addition to being used to send bullets, it can also treat traumatic injuries and is mostly placed in the hands of military doctors.

Before heading to Youzhou, Yi Yan collected all these gunpowder, wrapped it in paper according to known methods, and stuffed it in a bamboo tube.

Of course it was not enough to kill Wang Jun. How to disrupt the big camp and turn these 40,000 people into a piece of loose sand is the key to this battle!

Yi Yan took a step back and said coldly, “Ignite.”

The three of them held a butter torch and leaned in front of the curtain. The military tents are large and spacious, but after all they are not made of bricks and woods. They are covered with leather, blankets, and curtains inside and out, which are extremely flammable. With just a light flutter, the delicate and flimsy brocade ignited, bursting out black smoke.

Yi Yan took a step forward and took off the long sword hanging from Wang Jun’s body. When attending the banquet, everyone had to unload their swords, but Wang Jun didn’t use it. This sword is still made of top-quality steel made of 100% steel, and under the blazing fire, it reflects the light of the silver sword.

Throwing away the scabbard inlaid with precious stones, Yi Yan took a few steps back with the sword, and took a deep breath: “Avoid!”

The three quickly retreated, each looking for a cover, Yi Yan waved with one hand, and threw the tied bamboo tube into the flames.

“The general is still in the tent?” How could the tragedy that happened in the handsome tent be hidden from others, and soon, the few remaining generals rushed to the front of the tent. One of the Xianbei guys shouted and asked, “Why didn’t you rush in?!”

“The assassin kidnapped the general, and his subordinates are afraid…” The lieutenant wanted to explain, but the Xianbei man kicked him to the ground, “Get me in!”

A subordinate who had just withdrawn from the tent and escaped by a fluke yelled hysterically: “Send soldiers to kill the gang and the state army! They still have two thousand horses stationed in the camp…”

The scene was chaotic and terrifying, with countless voices mixed in one place, and I didn’t know who to listen to. At this moment, someone screamed: “Fire! Fire! The big account is on fire!”

Thick smoke billowed from the top of the big tent. This is someone arson in the tent!

The general Xianbei shouted angrily: “Follow me to save the general!”

After roaring, he kept stopping, drawing his knife towards the big tent that was already on fire. Behind him, the soldiers of Bai Laiming also reacted and rushed forward!

The smell of blood in the tent has not yet dissipated, and the meal is in a mess, almost like an abattoir. But there are no corpses in the eyes of those soldiers, only the burning curtains and screens.

Go in! To rescue the general as soon as possible!

Everyone’s eyes were cracked and desperate, but when they were about to rush into the sea of ​​flames, there was a thunder and burst!

“Ah!!!” The Xianbei man charged in the front screamed and fell to the ground.

His ears were buzzing, and he could not hear any sound, his eyes were pierced by the flying debris, and blood was splashing. What’s more terrible is the fire. The loud noise drove the flames and splashed. His hair, beard, and shirt were all burning, like a huge fireball, screaming, struggling, and rushing. The flame was not extinguished, but it burned more and more, emitting thick smoke, emitting a scorching smell, like a greedy beast, pounced on all the dead and living things in the tent!

Just a moment, it becomes a ghost!

“It’s the order!” Liu Gong stood up in the remote camp when everyone outside the account was shocked and his guts were torn apart.

He just rushed to the camp and sent the first level, he didn’t even remove the armor on his body. However, Liu Gong is not the only one who has not been disarmed at this moment. By his side, two thousand fine horses were all dressed and armed with weapons. It was night before the bonfire in the camp was lit. It should be a time for soldiers to rest and make no noise.

They are not among them.

That thunder was the signal to dispatch troops agreed by the general!

Forgetting all the exhaustion, Liu Gong turned on his horse and said sternly: “Kill the Chinese army! Take the general out of the camp!”

Don’t suppress it any more, beware of surveillance, his voice is loud and loud, spreading all over the dark camp. Following this military order, everyone turned over and stepped on horseback. Here is a large camp, with 40,000 soldiers and horses, enough to make the camp stand numerous, intricately intricate, making it difficult to distinguish east, west, south and north. But they don’t need to distinguish, because in the night, there is a fire blazing into the sky!

There is their goal!

Knees pinched the horse’s abdomen fiercely, and the horse stepped on four hooves and rushed towards the front camp. Amidst exclaims and screams, and dripping blood, Two Thousand Jingqi galloped towards Shuai Zhang!

What was that just now? Wei Tong was lying on the ground, shaking so hard that he couldn’t stop. Why does thunder suddenly explode in the big tent? There is no star falling in the sky, could it be a precursor to the movement of the earth? Why is there a big account in the Chinese Army…No, no, this is not the most terrifying problem. Why did the Jie general he brought back suddenly rebelled, hijacked the general and set fire to the camp?

He was cheated. I was deceived by that cunning Jie Ren! Wei Tong was shaking more severely. He just hid in the corner and escaped from the camp in the chaos, but what if he survived? Where is the general? Can you escape this flame and thunder?

He should run away as soon as possible. With screams around him, Wei Tong was so afraid that he couldn’t straighten his legs, so he could only use his hands and feet together and crawl away in embarrassment. But after just climbing dozens of steps and bypassing the crowded tents, his eyes widened suddenly. There were people fighting, fighting with knives and guns, blood was splashing, and I didn’t know how many corpses were lying on the front, back and forth. A strong smell of blood came along with the burnt smell. That is…enemy…enemy…

He screamed, screaming meaninglessly. The voice did not attract reinforcements, because it was uncountable how many people were screaming and crying. But that voice attracted people struggling to break through. In the battle group, the figure moved, rushing in this direction.

Wei Tong opened his eyes wide in horror, trying to close his mouth and quickly escape. But where can he escape? A sword shadow flicked across his eyes, and the scream stopped abruptly.

“Follow up!” Yi Yan didn’t stop and walked around behind the big tent.

When the gunpowder was just detonated, they cut through the tent and got out from the side. Not surprisingly, they encountered enemy soldiers. However, most people were distracted by the flames and thunder, and the guards from the side couldn’t stop them. According to reason, Yi Yan should escape from the chaotic big tent as soon as possible and wait for an opportunity to break through. But he didn’t leave, but just like to leave, wandering around the handsome account.

He is buying time. The more chaos here, the harder it is for the enemy to control the situation. Only when the overall command fails, can they escape. This is the enemy’s battalion, a camp with 40,000 troops entrenched, and they have not much advantage!

After a brief fight, some people seemed to feel that something was wrong, and the troops around Shuai Zeng increased. The response of Yi Yan and others was abruptly difficult, but no one showed a flustered look, just because of the sound of hoofs from a distance!

It’s Tiger Wolf Camp!

Riding on the night breeze, stepping on the smoke and dust, a Qingqi roared towards! The Chinese army, who was in a mess, suddenly turned into a pot of porridge. Yi Yan gathered up his fingers and let out a long whistle. Before the sharp whistle sounded, an uncontrolled gray horse flew with four hooves and rushed here!

“Day by day!” Yi Yan slashed the enemy admiral around him, rushed forward two steps, grabbed the horse’s mane with one hand, and jumped onto the horse’s back. Riding on the horse, condescending, the chaos of the Chinese army has a panoramic view.

This is the final blow. Yi Yan clamped his legs, and the horse under his hips rushed out like a sharp arrow from the string! In the night, the horse’s white mane was as red as dyed with flames, and it was thick with blood. Behind him, more horses followed, and the sound of thunderous hoofs even suppressed the killing screams around him. Like a javelin thrown, they plunged into the crowd fiercely!

There, the generals and counselors who finally woke up gathered together, wanting to regain control of the soldiers and horses under his command. It’s a pity that there are too few guards around them.

Long knives were flying, blood was splashing everywhere, and amid curses and roars, the cavalry once again rushed to disperse the Chinese army, like the evil dragon, strangling and crushing the only remaining enemy generals.

Liu Gong chased his horse: “General!”

“Is the people going out?” Yi Yan reined in his horse, her eyes flashing like silver electricity, throwing at him.

“It has been arranged!” Liu Gong replied loudly, feeling that his blood was burning all over.

“Withdraw!” Yi Yan turned his horse’s head without saying a word. The remaining soldiers rushed to the north, following the wolf-like coach.

Although the Chinese army was in chaos, it was a big camp after all. There should always be generals to escape the chaos and organize troops and horses to intercept. However, no one can do it.

The camp is bombed!

“The sky landed thunder and destroyed the Chinese army’s big account!”

“The earth dragon turned over! Get down!”

“The Chinese army is conspiring to rebel, the general is dead!”

“It’s on fire! The big tent is on fire!”

All kinds of shouts rang around the camp. Each statement is different, but it is equally inciting! This is the night, in the barracks, the noise at night will be executed. Because every general knows that once soldiers are frightened, they will scream. No matter how resolute and courageous generals are, they can’t stop this terrible force of blind obedience.

And now, everyone is crazy. No one knows what happened to the Chinese Army, but everyone can see the dazzling fire. Many people heard the thunder on the ground. Where is the general? Why didn’t the Chinese army send an order? Not to mention a soldier, even the generals panicked. And the night, magnifying the fear ten times a hundred times, no one can stop it!

In this panic and crazy military account, a cavalryman is like a sharp knife, cutting all the camp in half, and slaying it out!

I don’t know how long it took to kill and how long it ran. This soldier and horse finally got out of the chaos and jumped onto a small hill. Under them, there is a dense sparkle, like a frantic army tent by daylight. From a distance, the camp was collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye. There is no coach, no generals, no advisers. I don’t know how much effort it would take to gather this group of rebellious soldiers!

“We succeeded! It all depends on the general’s bravery!” A trembling voice heard in his ears. It was Liu Gong, screaming made his throat hoarse, but trembling, it came from the excitement in his heart.

They really did it! Destroy the enemy camp with only two thousand cavalry! If his generals hadn’t attacked Wang Jun and burned the handsome account, how could it be so light?

Yi Yan did not answer. He has seen more brave people, weak in body, unable to pull the bow, but dare to devise ambushes and wisely kill the enemy chief.

Can today’s move be able to overcome that person’s siege?

“How many people are left?” Yi Yan said.

Liu Gongfei checked it quickly, and his voice fell a little low: “More than one thousand six hundred. However, some people are scattered in the enemy camp and may not die.”

This battle loss is actually much less than expected. It’s already a big win. Seeing Yiyan still not answering, Liu Gong’s heart felt tight: “General, do you want to return to Jizhou? Or to Bingzhou?”

“No.” Yi Yan turned his head, and those eyes that were as cold as Ye Xing looked over, “Strike troops, go north to Jicheng!”

“What?!” Liu Gong exclaimed, “But there are only one thousand six hundred left in our army…”

Jicheng is Wang Jun’s lair. What are they capable of doing? General, is this crazy? !

“The emptiness in Jicheng is the best time to attack. It is not enough to die only one Wang Jun. Only when the palace is cleaned up and down can Youzhou really fall into chaos.” Yi Yan squeezed the reins in his hand, “For the lord, for the state, Must fight again!”

Wang Jun’s power can be passed on, and those Xianbei people are in-laws with him, resembling masters and servants. Only if his heirs die cleanly and Youzhou loses its true master, will it cause a battle for power. At that time, the crisis of the merged state can be completely eliminated. Otherwise, wouldn’t the Wang family’s descendants who hate the Lord be left in vain?

This battle is far from over!

In those cold eyes, the burning temperature is scorching, making it difficult to breathe, and the back is chilly. Liu Gong wanted to say something, but found that he couldn’t say anything. Send troops to fight Jicheng, rush hundreds of miles, deep into the hinterland of Youzhou? Compared to 2,000 to 40,000, where can it be crazy?

This is to merge the state, for their homeland, for the lord who gives them dignity and value!

“Final general, willing to break the enemy with the general!” Finally, Liu Gong responded loudly.

Not only Liu Gong, the generals behind him, and the soldiers behind the generals all shouted in unison. The stars are dizzy and the moon is dark, the four fields are lonely, and the large camp in the distance is still falling apart. The roar is like a dragon roaring and the roar of a tiger, shaking the wilderness to it!

This is the strong army he brought out, this is the elite of the elite under the master’s command. He wants to take them on a path of no return.

Yi Yan turned his horse’s head around: “Send someone back to Jizhou to report, so that the lord will send troops as soon as possible to take back Jingxing!”

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