Royal Road

Chapter 276

Chapter 275 Cocan

Setting up a camp outside Hukou Pass, Liang Feng couldn’t sit still for a moment, just wanted to leave the pass. However, Xingdao is no better than the other side, and the sky is getting late again. With only such a small number of soldiers, it has long been scary. How can the guards let him get involved? Being blocked in the gate, calming down a little bit, Liang Feng did not act aggressively, and ordered the scouts to meet him. Unexpectedly, before the scouts got on the horse, they hoped for the people they wanted.

Regardless of the comfort of others, Liang Feng forced the switch and stood in front of the gate himself. This battle will not be easy, he is mentally prepared. But at the moment when he saw Yi Yan, Liang Feng still felt that something was blocked in his throat, and he couldn’t speak.

He was clearly injured and scarred. It is almost doubtful, why can you still stand there? The look on the face is even more like falling into a dream, which is confusing and heartbreaking.

Liang Feng couldn’t help calling out his name. Before the words fell, Yi Yan fell to the ground.

At that moment, Liang Feng didn’t know what was in his mind. He ran up and rushed to the other side amidst the exclamation of the people around him. Kneeling on the ground, he pressed his finger on the opponent’s side neck. The blood sticks to the fingertips, and the pulse that is looming and unfading.

He is still alive. Still alive! Only at this moment did Liang Feng’s fingers tremble, and he couldn’t control it at all.

“General!” Wang Long was also taken aback by the accident and rushed forward. He didn’t expect to fall behind the lord without anybody. But at any rate, he was born in the army. Without careful inspection, he knew that this was just a coma, and hurriedly said, “Master, the general is afraid that he is out of power. He never rested on the way…”

It’s okay not to say this. As soon as he opened his mouth, Liang Feng glared at him: “How did you pick up people? Why don’t you let him rest in Yecheng for a few days? So hurrying, don’t you want to die?!”

He had never seen the lord get angry, Wang Long was stupid, and he was speechless: “Yes, it’s the general, he doesn’t listen…”

This embarrassment caused Liang Feng’s anger to converge slightly. This is not the time to lose your temper. Gritting his teeth, he got up and said: “Hurry up and bring him into the customs, there is a medical officer waiting in the camp!”

It’s all like this, how can Wang Long dare to neglect? He quickly called the soldiers and hurried to the camp with his hands.

The simple medical account was prepared long ago, and it just came in handy. The two medical officers touched the pulse separately and confirmed Yi Yan’s symptoms in unison, that is, overwork and sudden mood swings, which led to a coma. However, there are many injuries to be treated. The medical officer who was treating trauma in the army began to remove his armour and boots, ready to help Yiyan clean the wound, treat and bandage it.

The fear of holding the heart is gone. Liang Feng gradually relaxed and looked carefully at the figure on the hospital bed.

He has lost weight, his injuries have lost his shape, his spirit has disappeared, and black stubble has grown on his face, he is almost downright like a barbarian. It is true that Yi Yan was born in the Hu nationality, but for so many years, he has always paid great attention to appearance. Don’t say it’s so dirty, Liang Feng hasn’t even seen him appear stubble. The two little braids that he had in his early years were also meticulously combed into the bun. If it weren’t for the facial features that couldn’t be changed, his manners were even several times cleaner than many scholars.

And at this moment, how can there be that original face?

The broken armor was thrown on the ground, and the clothes had not been removed, the medical officer stopped his hand and said to the guardian, “Go get some hot water.”

“What’s the matter?” Liang Feng couldn’t help asking.

The medical officer replied carefully: “Return to the envoy, General Yi has been fighting for too long these days, many wounds are too late to deal with, the cloth is growing in the flesh. If it is hard to pull off, it will tear off the flesh…”

Liang Feng clenched his fist fiercely. Even when he was born and died, he never encountered such a situation. The clothes are tight and grow in the flesh? Along the way, how many times did he escape the siege by rubbing the death god’s sickle?

Seeing that the envoy did not answer, the medical officer said again: “Healing and cleaning may be unsightly, so you might as well wait outside the account…”

“No need!” Liang Feng flatly refused. He wants to see if the injury on Yi Yan’s body is in the way.

Hearing this, the medical officer did not dare to say much. The hot water came over, and he began to wipe and soften the clots. Some areas can indeed be removed gently, but more of them are torn apart the fabric abruptly. There were numerous large and small wounds, some of them were bright red, and some began to suppurate, showing a bluish-black color. The smell of blood also came out, mixed with the foul smell, making people breathless.

It must be painful. The texture of Yi Yan’s shoulders and back was already unconsciously taut, cold sweat broke out, and wet marks were drawn in the blood. But the pain was so severe that he didn’t wake up from a coma. He bit his teeth tightly and refused to show it with a groan.

Liang Feng only felt a buzzing in his head. Every movement of the medical officer made him tremble involuntarily, as if the pain was hurting himself.

There was another soft noise, and a large piece of flesh and blood was torn out along with the clothes. Liang Feng couldn’t help but opened his mouth, wanting to scold the medical officer, can’t he take it lightly? However, when he saw the beads of sweat on the opponent’s forehead, he suddenly woke up and walked out without looking back. He shouldn’t stay here. With him, the medical officer didn’t dare to let go. This is a torture for Yi Yan.

Outside, Wang Long was standing anxiously at the door. He was kicked out just after the consultation was cleared, but he was really uneasy and stayed there and refused to leave.

Liang Feng didn’t let him in, and asked, “Where are the other soldiers?”

The lord’s question, how dare Wang Long not answer: “They are all in Yecheng. The general ordered them to rest for a day, and then follow them if they can move.”

He remembered that others were made of meat, so he couldn’t make it by himself. Liang Feng’s complexion darkened again: “Are there many people seriously injured?”

Wang Long nodded: “Many people are unsteady. But if you can return to Yecheng, your life should be fine.”

The meaning in this statement is clear, it is really fatal, and it is impossible to make the return journey.

More than 1,300 people are all elites from Liang’s Mansion. This loss is painful and unbearable. Liang Feng closed his eyes: “The dead are all heroes, and they should be rewarded with compassion.”

Without them, where could this easy victory come from? No matter how heavy the reward is, these loyal spirits can’t be recalled.

Wang Long’s expression was also a little sad. They were all brothers from the first camp. How could he not feel sorry for him? If it was this battle, it would be nice if he could lead his troops to the battle, maybe he could save a few more lives.

For a while, both of them were speechless, but suddenly a woman exclaimed in the tent.

Liang Feng was shocked and walked back to the camp quickly: “What’s the matter?!”

The medical officer said embarrassingly: “It’s nothing, but the nurse wanted to wipe the chest bruises for the general. Unexpectedly, the general moved suddenly and bluffed her…”

Sure enough, the arm of the person on the couch was already tightly clenched in front of his chest, as if grabbing something, but he still didn’t wake up.

The medical officer hurriedly stepped forward, trying to take out what was in his hand, but failed to move after two attempts. The sweat on the medical officer’s head is now more, and General Yi has a lot of wounds on his arm and chest. How can this be good?

Liang Feng stepped forward and gently held Yi Yan’s hand: “Bo Yuan, let go. This is a medical account, don’t be nervous…”

I don’t know whether his voice reached that person’s ears, or the gentle soothing made him relax his nerves. The hand was released, and something slipped from the palm.

With quick eyesight and quick hands, Liang Feng caught the thing that almost fell to the ground. The first piece is wet and sticky, with blood and sweat on it. But when he saw that thing clearly, Liang Feng was stunned.

That is a jade carving of Buddha. Ancient jade ornaments were rarely worn close to the body, and were mostly made of rings and hung on the waist. This Buddha statue was originally intended to be made into a pendant, which is two laps larger than the Jade Buddha of later generations. But now he was hanging between Yi Yan’s neck. Moreover, the Buddha statue did not look like the common prints on the market, and it did not look like a man with a deep nose. On the contrary, it is similar to the Buddha statues made by the party, and between the eyes and eyes, it is somewhat similar to myself.

Behind him, Wang Longqi said: “Is this the new sculpture of the general?”

Liang Feng clenched his hand and held the jade: “Bo Yuan likes carving jade?”

“Well, when I was in the camp, I often figured it out for myself. It is said that it is a family handicraft…” When Wang Long said halfway, he suddenly found the lord’s face changed and hurriedly shut up. In any case, they are clumsy and not worth spreading.

However, Liang Feng’s discoloration was not because of Wang Long’s words. He thought that Yiyan had given him a jade pendant a few years ago, and he also thought about it by himself. So what is this Buddha statue used for?

My heart seemed to be rubbed severely, full of sorrow and pain. Since coming to this world, he has never lacked accessories, and he has no impression of where the jade pendant is. Why bother to carve these for him…

However, holding Yu Pei’s hand, the grip became tighter. Liang Feng glanced at the man who was still frowning in his sleep, and said to the medical officer: “Continue to bandage. When the consultation is over, report to me immediately.”

The body trembled slightly, and Yi Yan woke up from his sleep. It wasn’t that he had slept enough, but the fiery pain was like forging and digging, which made him involuntarily escape from his sleep. However, when he woke up, he felt unable to move. The body seemed to be torn into several pieces and put together again, and the pain was unbearable. Accompanied by pain, there is also a buzzing in the brain. He made his nasal cavity blocked, his mouth was dry and dumb, and it was extremely difficult to even breathe.

what happened to him?

Mu dumbly lay down for a while, Yi Yan finally remembered the scene before fainting. As if hit hard by a whip, he bounced his body and wanted to sit up. A voice came from the side: “You have just finished stitching, so lie down.”

Yi Yan froze and didn’t dare to move, so she twisted her neck a little bit and looked to her side. I saw a small case beside the couch. One person leaned there and looked to this side.

Those handsome eyebrows and clear eyes can only be seen in dreams for more than half a year. But now, that person is sitting beside him, between his eyebrows and eyes, looking tired.

“Lord… Father…” His lips trembled, and Yi Yan squeezed out his voice.

However, in the next moment, he seemed to have thought of something, bowed his head laboriously, and looked towards him. At this look, Yi Yan’s face changed color. He didn’t wear any clothes, only full of bandages, and a thin quilt concealed around his waist. He was taken to the hospital? He fainted in front of the lord? Just dressed like that?

Seeing the colorful and embarrassed face of the young man in front of him, Liang Feng got up and walked to the couch.

“Next time, I will tie up a line of orderly soldiers by your side. If you are injured and die, you have to work hard to come back. Do you think you are dead?” Liang Feng’s voice is not salty or weak, and he can’t hear the joy and anger. There are more than 20 scars, big and small, and there are six bones. After a few more days, I won’t need a medical officer.”

Looking at the man’s stern face, Yi Yan’s lips trembled again: “The last general… the next time it will definitely be…”

This is nothing like a cold-faced general who is invincible in front of outsiders. There was a tremor in Liang Feng’s cavity, spread his right hand, and handed something in front of Yi Yan: “You carved this?”

Yi Yan couldn’t help but stretched out his hand to touch his chest. There was nothing but a thick bandage.

This thing was discovered by the lord?

Before thinking about how to respond, Liang Feng spoke again: “Is it for me?”

This time Yi Yan’s face became more red, but he struggled and nodded.

Liang Feng raised the corner of his mouth: “Women should lead Buddhas, and men should lead Bodhisattvas.”

There is such a statement? Yi Yan only felt a blank in his mind, and grabbed the sheet under him severely. However, at this moment, the person opposite sighed: “Well, it can protect you, it should be of some use.”

As he said, he picked up the newly replaced red string and hung the Jade Buddha around his neck.

This is an accessory, it shouldn’t be hung on the neck. However, when the soft Buddha statue reflected the elegant and handsome face, something was broken in Yi Yan’s mind.

Suddenly standing up from the bed, he grabbed Liang Feng’s arm: “Master… Master, you should?”

Liang Feng’s brows wrung up: “You just sew a needle, do you want to break the wound?!”

Although his voice was stern, he did not deny, let alone refuse. There was a mess in Yi Yan’s mind, and suddenly he used his hand to pull the person into his arms.

Liang Feng stood on the side of the couch, completely unprepared, and couldn’t even stand up. After Yi Yan was seriously injured, his physical strength was also extremely weak. When he was brought to him, the two of them fell on the couch.

Damn it! When Liang Feng was startled, he wanted to get up. The collision was too severe, and he might have to crush the wound. But those hands hugged him like a drowning man holding onto the driftwood.

A suffocating hug.

Liang Feng stopped struggling. He felt that the person under him was shaking, like a candle in the wind. It’s too close, his face is buried in the neck. A touch of dampness stained his clean neck.

The man cried. Silently, with humble and trembling, tears came. Is this a surprise, a grievance, a regret, a pain? Liang Feng couldn’t guess it, and didn’t have time to distinguish.

A heart was ironed by the heat and humidity stuck to the neck. All struggles, all fears, all distress and unwillingness, all turned into a plume of smoke. Liang Feng relaxed his body and gently encircled the trembling body.

He was wrong, terribly wrong. This is not a world that can be slowly passed away at any time. Even the pampered gentry can’t live for half a hundred, and it’s even more precarious on the battlefield. Maybe it’s just a mistake, it becomes a farewell.

And how can he tolerate such parting?

But decades have passed. Liang Feng sighed slightly and closed his eyes.

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