Royal Road

Chapter 278

Chapter 277 Intolerable

The will in Luoyang City came sooner than expected. Knowing that Liang Feng was in the Shangdang party, the envoy turned around and went directly to Lucheng to declare the decree.

General Qian’anbei, who also led the governor of Jizhou, enshrined thousands of households, and even Liang Rong received a reward from Guan Neihou. All the same proves that the imperial court has adopted Liang Feng’s report. Wang Jun’s fault in this secluded battle.

However, Liang Feng and his staff were not too happy. Duan Wuwuchen became the new governor of Youzhou just because they got another news from the envoy.

Even if Youzhou is on the border, he has never allowed a foreign race to hold the post of governor. Don’t be dusty in the selection, the intention is really too clear. He is Wang Jun’s son-in-law, and in the just-concluded battle of Youhe, he lost a full 30,000 fine riders. What is the intention of sealing a new captain who is clearly not soft to the state?

“The court is suspicious of the lord.” Duan Qin looked a little ugly. The attack on Wang Jun this time seemed to have touched the little emperor’s inverse scales. I am afraid it will be difficult to gain the trust of the court. You must know that the lord is far from being able to stand on his own right now.

“There are rumors that the battle between Sima Yue and Gou Xi was instigated by the man in Luoyang Palace. It is not surprising that there is such a reward.” Liang Feng snorted coldly, “It seems that we need to use some tricks within Youzhou. Wang Jun There are more than one son-in-laws, and they suddenly get a bargain. I’m afraid they will make people jealous.”

He understood that although the little emperor was young, his political skills and consciousness were really not bad. He is showing a posture of hegemony, and being jealous of the emperor should be ignored? Anyway, the power is now aside, and the effect of the edict is not as great as imagined. The most noteworthy thing is still the immediate vicinity of Youzhou.

The precedent of Duan’s Xianbei is estimated to make many people greedy. In this battle, apart from Wang Jun, they lost the most troops. Wouldn’t the other Xianbei tribes give birth to Nianxiang? And this time the leader, but Duan Ji Lujuan. As a prince, will he shake his position even if he has lost so many generals? Duan Wuwuchen has more than one son, so he can provoke him, but it’s a matter of effort.

Duan Qin nodded: “The Lord’s words are not bad. In this way, I must return to Jinyang as soon as possible.”

Not only was it necessary to return to Jinyang to preside over the overall situation, but also to recruit Zhang Bin, Wen Qiao and others back. Jizhou Governor Ding Shao was seriously ill and had already resigned from the court. He must recommend a confidant to take charge of the prefecture as soon as possible. There is also the position of Wang Ping, the prefect of Wei County, and it is impossible to easily let it go.

There are so many things, how can you stay in the Shangdang?

Liang Feng didn’t refuse this time, nodded and said, “Go back tomorrow.”

The front hall simply made a decision, but returned to the backyard but encountered resistance. Yi Yan refused to give up, and had to return to Jinyang with Liang Feng, and did not want to stay in the Shangdang alone to recuperate.

It takes three or four days to go to Jinyang. The bumpy road is not conducive to recovery. However, Yi Yan was firm and raised the matter of Jizhou’s military arrangements. Emotion and reason can’t be rejected. Reluctantly, Liang Feng had to give up his spare shock-absorbing carriage for Yi Yan to ride.

In this way, a group of people drove towards Jinyang with their carts and horses.

Someone is yelling. The sound passed through thick smoke and flames, intermittently and hysterically, like an owl crying at night. The blood splashed on the face, the stench was thick, and it was too late to wipe it. Yi Yan wielded his long sword vigorously to fight the hideous enemies. Cut off the arms, cut open the neck, and the belly, as long as you need to lift it up after you poke it in, the **** intestines will come out, and it will grow into a long one.

He didn’t stop for a moment. There were more and more corpses beside him, and it was difficult for him to move. But in the distance, there are still people howling miserably.

He must rush out! Only by breaking through the siege, can we lead the tribe to escape from this Shura field! Yi Yan gritted his teeth and clamped his horse’s belly hard, trying to urge him to cross the Shishan Mountain day by day. But this time, the obedient horse did not obey the command, it wailed and fell to the ground.

Unprepared, Yi Yan was thrown off his horse. The head hit the ground hard, and his head buzzed like a swarm of bees. The whole body seemed to be torn apart, and the pain was unbearable. But he still struggled to get up, wanting to look back at his foal. He didn’t see Chaser. The goal is a **** face, with blood pouring out of the mouth, nose, and ears, and the face has long been indistinguishable.

The blood man cried and cried, “Why? Why?”

A knife was inserted in the man’s chest, and the hilt of the knife was falling in his palm. Why kill him? Why don’t you save him?

Who is that person? Are you a fellow villager who entered the house with yourself? Was it the soldier who was enlisted later? Yi Yan knew that he knew him, but couldn’t name that person at all. Hot blood ran down the handle of the knife on his hand, as if being burned by fire, Yi Yan released the long knife.

However, the moment he let go, the man burned, like a swaying fireball, screaming loudly. Yi Yan staggered back two steps, trying to find a way to leave. However, there were cliffs in front of and behind him, and the ground couldn’t help shaking, and it seemed that in the next moment, he was about to swallow him into the abyss.

With countless voices whistling in his ears, Yi Yan only felt that his heart was tightened. Did he win? Who else is there? He wants to go back! Go back to that person!

Yiyan woke up with a sudden shock.

The seemingly endless shaking stopped. With cold sweat all over, Yi Yan struggled to get up. The pain followed like a shadow, regaining the mind. Only then did he find himself in the car. This is the motorcade back to Jinyang, the sky is dim outside the window, it’s time to camp.

“General Yi is awake?” A maid asked outside the curtain.

On the return trip, they didn’t have to go in a hurry. If you haven’t rushed to the city, camp out in the wild. At this time, Liang Feng would call people to invite Yi Yan. In other words, the camp is more comfortable than the cart. Not only Yi Yan, but also other staff members have their own arrangements. It was just that General Yi was most “valuable” to the emperor, and the camp set up was the closest to the main account.

With his arms still shaking, Yi Yan squeezed his fists several times, barely stopped the shaking, and picked up the cloth towel to wipe off the sweat on his forehead. Then I put on my clothes and picked up the curtain: “I woke up and lead the way.”

Seeing Yi Yan get off the car directly, the maidservant was startled: “General! As a shoulder-to-shoulder…”

In addition, the state army has a regular stretcher, which is specially used for transporting the wounded who are seriously injured or in poor performance. However, the identity of Yi Yan was there, and Liang Feng arranged a pick-up and drop-off. The lord didn’t ride this thing very much, and Yi Yan was particularly uncomfortable. Two days ago, it was okay to be patient, but today, what he needs is not such a light and expensive thing.

Ignoring the exclaim of the maidservant, Yi Yanren’s feet landed firmly on the ground.

After a few days of training, most of the wounds on the feet were scarred, and the soft-soled shoes on the feet were not very painful. It’s a cracked calf bone, and some can’t bear it. But Bailaili has been able to hold it down, and these steps are unreasonable but can’t go down. Settling down, Yi Yan took a step forward and walked towards the main account.

As the governor of the two states, Liang Feng’s camp is a bit rudimentary, but the camp’s defense is still very particular. After two checkpoints, Yi Yan walked to the edge of the tent, and someone immediately entered the report. After a while, the drooping curtain was lifted up.

Candles have been lit in the tent, and there is a fairly clear incense, the man is leaning on the Pingji, closing his eyes and resting. Obviously there was still some motion sickness, and his face was twice pale. However, the orange and yellow flames reflected on his pale cheeks, making the jade face warmer.

With this simple and single scene, Yi Yan’s heart squeezed from the nightmare settled down. He walked into the tent and whispered: “Master.”

Hearing Yi Yan’s voice, Liang Feng opened his eyes. The vehicle was modified with shock absorption facilities, and the road was reinforced and leveled. The symptoms of motion sickness have been reduced, but I still have a severe headache after sitting for a day. But when he saw Yi delay time, his eyebrows wrung up immediately: “Why did you come here? Don’t you want your legs?!”

Is bone fracture a joke? ! It’s been a hundred days since I’ve been hurting my nerves and bones.

“The injury is okay, it’s just a few steps away.” Yi Yan slowly walked to the opponent’s side and sat down. His whole body was hurt, and he couldn’t sit on his knees. This kind of casual leaning was a little more intimate, which made him extremely fond of it.

“I still need a splint when I look back.” Liang Feng didn’t mean to let him be brave. “By the way, Liu Gong just came from Yecheng. I’ll call him in.”

As he was talking, the soldiers picked up the curtain again, and a man with his arm hanging from a splint appeared in front of the tent. Seeing the two people in the tent, his eyes brightened, quickly stepped into the tent, and kowtow to the two of them: “Master! General! The future is late!”

“Come all the way from the Shangdang? It’s not too slow.” Liang Feng smiled, “Come with your general.”

With the Lord’s fair promise, Liu Gong raised his head and looked at Yi Yan: “General, more than two hundred people have returned! Many of the brothers who were separated in Wang Jun’s camp that day survived. Those who went to the city to heal their wounds were seven disabled. There are more than a dozen people, but everything else is fine. I heard that the lord said that he would personally give them military merits, and I was so happy. And we are going to be promoted! There are nine thousand soldiers, which is comparable to the Perak Army!

Every word he said was filled with excitement. No resentment, no grievances, no regrets. It seemed that the shadow of death also faded.

There seemed to be a crisp sound in Yi Yan’s chest, and he couldn’t help looking at Liang Feng. The man answered him with a calm smile. It seems that all this is justified, just like welcoming them back in every previous battle.

Something is choking in his throat. But this time, it wasn’t the kind of dreamlike vain. He has experienced this, every time he cherishes and praises, every time he rejoices and cares. The mind that floated on the cloud head and fell into the valley, no longer separated, but slowly condensed, and fell on the chest. It’s like waking up from a big dream.

At that moment, Yi Yan was speechless.

Liang Feng replied for him: “Not only do you want to be placed in the army, but your rank should also be promoted. Do you like the post of Captain Weijun?”

Liu Gong’s face was flushed, and the former Wei Jun prefect was killed by him! Yecheng is even more full of clerks sent by the lord. How trustworthy it is to deliver such a throat fortress to him!

“At the end I wish to go!”

This voice is probably clearly audible from two miles away.

Liang Feng smiled: “It really is a strong general without weak soldiers.”

This sentence is a compliment to Liu Gong, and even more to Yiyan. Suddenly, the painful and numb body seemed to wake up. The longing in Yi Yan’s heart surged again. It’s not a light touch, it’s not a personal company, it’s a desire to swallow people into the bones.

Accompanied by pain and palpitations, it makes people restless.

Yi Yan shook his palm into a fist and pinched the sprouting thing in his palm.

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