Royal Road

Chapter 309

Chapter 308 Seize the seat

On April 13, Liu Yuan died, and Prince Liu He ascended the throne. That night, the new emperor recruited General Liu Meng of Wuwei, General Liu Qin of Anyi, and General Ma Jing of Zuowei into the palace to discuss the matter of purging the kings. Liu Meng was unwilling to do it, and was killed by Wei Wei Liu Rui. On the second day, the emperor’s army surrounded the residences of the three kings of Qi Wang Liu Yu, Lu Wang Liu Long, and Beihai Wang Liu Yi. After only two days, the palace was broken. Liu Yu and Liu Long died, while Liu Yi was taken into the palace and imprisoned with Queen Shan.

The news of the death of the first emperor Liu Yuan is still sealed in Binh Duong City. For a while, people in the middle and the middle were in panic.

Hu Yanyou didn’t take off the blood-stained armor, so he strode into the courtyard. He was ordered to attack the palace, and now the second king was dead, and he also had great feats in protecting and rebelling against rebellion. At the beginning, the emperor didn’t like his behavior, and he had a will not to be promoted for life. What now? He finally sat in a high position!

After entering the courtyard, Hu Yanyou was overjoyed and said loudly: “The mage is here too! The lonely killing of King Qi and King Lu, the big thing has been decided!”

The one he called a mage was a monk who was more than thirty years old. The appearance is plain, the eyebrows are high, and he seems to be of some Huren descent. This person was named Zhi Mingfa. It is said that he was a disciple of Zhiqian, a monk in the late Han Dynasty. But for Hu Yanyou, the most amazing thing about this person is not preaching.

I saw Zhi Mingfa step forward, and said: “The great Situ is highly skilled, your majesty must be delighted. But this matter is not over yet, King Qin and the fine riding he led must be dealt with as soon as possible.”

Hearing this, Hu Yanyou calmed down: “I wonder if the Master has any ideas?”

The fifty thousand army led by Liu Yao is really a headache. After all, they are the elites of the Han country. If the Shangdang were broken in World War I, the fundamentals of the country would be shaken. But letting Liu Yao continue to lead his troops is too threatening for Liu He. How to gather soldiers and kill Liu Yao is the key.

“King Qin is out on the expedition, and the news is not good. If you don’t send a messenger, you will say that your majesty is critically ill and ordered him to retreat. Once King Qin returns to Pingyang and goes to the imperial city to visit the disease, how can he lead his troops? Separate from the elite soldiers under his command.” Zhi Ming was indifferent in French, and his strategy was vicious.

Is it so easy to retreat in battle? Just this point, I am afraid that it will lose a lot of elites. When Liu Yao led his troops back to Pingyang, there were conspiracy traps waiting in front. With a two-pronged approach, 50,000 elite soldiers will not lose all of them, and can easily solve this confidant trouble, which can be described as simple and neat.

This is not over yet, Zhi Mingfa continued: “There are also Wang Mi and Shile Ministry, we must also strictly control the news to prevent them from returning with troops. After your Majesty has completely mastered the situation in Pingyang, you can gather your troops and move the capital to Chang’an .”

“Master, take a great plan! I will go to the palace to report to your Majesty Ming. If you can get rid of Liu Yao’s traitor, the Master should take the lead!” Hu Yanyou couldn’t help but praise.

At the beginning, he welcomed the eminent monk into the mansion because he was good at Buddhism and was able to cure diseases. Who ever thought, there are such great talents who seek a country! If he hadn’t made suggestions, how could Liu He listen to his own arrangements? In just a few days, he was promoted from Zong Zheng to Da Situ, and in the future he will assist the emperor in governing the country. Huo Guang was nothing more than that, right? Concentrated in his heart, Hu Yanyou laughed, stopped changing his clothes, turned around and headed to the palace.

He was so complacent, he had no eyes to see, he naturally didn’t see the cold smile that flashed across the monk’s lips.

At the same time, Liu Yao, who was in the Shangdang, also felt uneasy in his heart.

“How did the enemy begin to attack?”

There was a stalemate for half a month. Seeing that the wheat harvest was about to be harvested, the state soldiers and horses not only did not retreat, they even jumped out of the barrier and launched an offensive. This was beyond Liu Yao’s expectation. Could it be that they have made up their minds to stop this season of food and grass? He is all cavalry under his command, but the enemy has a lot of infantry. As long as he bypasses this group of soldiers and horses coming to entangle him, can’t he easily penetrate into the hinterland of the Shangdang?

That’s how it was said, but Liu Yao did not easily divide his forces. It was because he had fought against the soldiers and horses of Binzhou several times and knew his cunning. Is this another trap? Or what trick to lure the enemy?

However, the enemy would not give him time to think. In just one day, the enemy advanced a lot, forcing Liu Yao to pull out of the camp. Immediately afterwards, there was movement in the Liang Mansion. Ten thousand soldiers and horses gathered in the high capital, seemingly to be encircled.

They are really going to attack on both sides! Liu Yao quickly reacted, and anger also grew in his heart. Do this group of state soldiers think they are stupid like Pu Hong and let others kill them? Why not rush out of the siege and burn Lucheng!

At this moment, the palace came.

“What are you talking about? The food team has arrived in Luoyang? Your majesty is fragile and seriously ill?!” He jumped up from Hu stool in shock, and the cold sweat on Liu Yao’s forehead immediately came down!

No wonder the Shangdang is about to besiege, and they don’t care about that little food at all! Was it that even Liu Yuan’s condition was also scrutinized by Bingzhou?

You must rush back as soon as possible. If his 50,000 people lose, maybe there will be a crisis in Pingyang!

He was determined, but Liu Yao retreated but was not reckless. After all, cavalry is far better than infantry, as long as you want to go, you can find countless ways. The only thing to guard against is the Qingqi of Binzhou. However, the difference in the numbers of the two armies does not constitute a major obstacle. Liu Yao was also proficient in battle, so he steadily distanced himself from the enemy.

As long as he retreats to the front line, he will be able to withdraw the entire army from the Shangdang.

At this time, another secret report was sent to the big account.

“Great King, Your Majesty is dead! Now that the prince has taken the throne, he has killed King Qi and King Lu overnight, and King Beihai has also been locked up in the palace!”

The spy’s face was **** and he cried bitterly. Liu Yao opened his mouth for a long time before squeezing out: “What you said is true? When did your majesty pass away?”

“It’s true! It’s a message from the spies in the city desperately! Your Majesty died five days ago!”

Liu Yao’s body shook and almost fell to the ground. Liu Yuan has died? How many princes did Liu Hezhu kill? Who did the edict sent yesterday come from?

The body was soaked with chill. This is clearly, I want to kill myself! Liu He couldn’t even tolerate his brothers, so how could he tolerate his adopted son? What’s more, if Han State moved its capital like Chang’an and arrived at its own land, Liu He would never feel at ease!

How to do? !

The next moment, he solemnly said: “Order the left army as the vanguard, break through the Gaodu defense line, and General Jianwei will lead the five thousand soldiers to break the queen!”

Now is not the time to procrastinate. If you return to Binh Duong earlier, you will have one more chance. Only when Liu He thought he was in control of the overall situation could he be put to death by surprise attacking the city! Liu He didn’t die, he died himself. At a critical juncture, what is the breaking point of force? What’s more, it is not only his own family who came to attack the Shangdang this time.

Neither Hu Yanhao, who led the Zuojun, nor the Jianwei General Liu Ling, who was sent to the post-scission, were not a direct line. Put them in the front and back roads just to resist the soldiers and horses of the state. With these dead ghosts, his main force can return to Pingyang safely!

Life and death were only on the front line, and Liu Yao’s order was passed on quickly. The Huns began to move.

On the other side, Sun Jiao said, “General, do you really stop these people?”

Although he put on an offensive posture, his soldiers and horses have not tried their best. It can even be said that the nets have opened up to allow the enemy to escape. This style of play is really not very enjoyable.

“The enemy has 50,000 elite horses. It is not so easy to stop them all.” Yi Yan’s expression remained unchanged, “instructed the brave army to stop the enemy troops in the battle. Reduce the casualties as much as possible, and the remaining enemies, Just put it back.”

Yi Yan is aware of Zhang Bin’s plan, and he also knows the current situation of the Xiongnu. The internal friction of the enemy is better than spending energy on doing it yourself. After taking Sizhou, the forces of Binzhou are further dispersed, and it will take at least one year to restore the heyday. The Huns’ civil strife was an excellent opportunity for them to earn this year.

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Sun Jiao stopped complaining and passed the order quickly. It takes a lot of effort to swallow the bait thrown by the enemy safely.

On the same day, the pseudo-Han soldiers launched a fierce attack and broke through the defense line encircled by Gaodu. Lost more than 10,000 soldiers.

With more than 30,000 soldiers and horses left, Xingye rushed back to Pingyang. Seeing the success of the strategy, Liu He made an order in the voice of the emperor and ordered Liu Yao to enter the palace to meet him. Liu Yao did comply with the order, but he was not the only one who entered the city. Five hundred guards who entered the city, taking advantage of the defenders’ failure, took advantage of the city gates abruptly, and then 30,000 cavalry rushed into the Xiongnu’s own capital!

“Prince Liu Hexun killed His Majesty and murdered the prince, which is really treachery!” Liu Yao exclaimed, “Follow me to attack the city and rescue the Queen and the King of Beihai!”

This is an excellent title, and another massacre from Pingyang City. Although the guards were brave, Liu Yuan died too hastily, and the news has been blocked, and people’s hearts have long been uneasy. Besides, which of the princes is not married to the Huns? Kill them, who wouldn’t risk themselves? Liu Yao’s fire burned just right, igniting the anger in everyone’s hearts!

The situation began to reverse, and the sound of killing and shouting, like the blazing fire, went straight into the sky.

In Hu Yanyou’s mansion, Zhi Mingfa changed his servant clothes and put on a fake bun calmly. The task of inciting Hu Yanyou and creating civil strife has been completed, and all the news has been successfully passed to Liu Yao. Whether these two people win or lose, it has nothing to do with them.

“Start with Tiger Symbol, withdraw!” A secret word was cast down, and a dozen secret whistles in Liu He’s mansion quietly left. However, no one knew how many secret hands were still hiding in the burning city of Pingyang.

In a fierce battle, Liu He died. The rebellious party headed by Hu Yanyou was all arrested and beheaded to show the public.

With blood all over, Liu Yao strode into the hall: “Queen dowager, the minister is late!”

Queen Shan has been very frightened these few days. Hearing this “Queen Dowager”, she almost didn’t cry. He called her the queen mother, this is to support her son Liu Yi to succeed to the throne!

“King Qin hurry up and calm down! This time the killing of the rebellious officials and the rebellious son is still a great achievement for the King of Qin!” Queen Shan said hastily.

“It’s all ministers’ duties.” Liu Yao stood up, glanced at the Beihai King standing next to him, and smiled. “Fortunately, the Beihai King is innocent. Please also quickly ascend the throne, and the people’s hearts are at ease!”

After this turbulent battle, Liu Yi, how dare he immediately agree. Who knows the thoughts of King Qin, who dared to lead his troops to the imperial city?

Liu Yao’s posture was very respectful: “His Royal Highness is the first emperor’s son, and he will inherit the general rule! After His Royal Highness becomes the throne, he will immediately move to Chang’an, and my emperor should be able to overcome this difficulty!”

Move the capital! Queen Shan screamed: “Your Majesty had a last word when he was about to die. It was about moving the capital! Yier, King Qin was loyal, and he was a good general who assisted my great man!”

Seeing Liu Yi’s still cowardly eyes, Queen Shan grabbed her son’s arm, and her long nails were all pinched into the opponent’s flesh: “Yi’er, one country cannot be without a king!”

How could she not know that Liu Yao, who had a heavy hand in hand and had been in Changan for a long time, was equally dangerous. However, their mother and son are now helpless, the only thing they can grasp is “Zheng Shuo”! Liu Yao is not Liu Yuan’s biological son, but an adopted family son. In terms of position, he will never pass Liu Yi and pretend to be the emperor. Therefore, whether he wants to be Huo Guang or Cao Cao, he must protect the safety of their mother and child.

There is hope if you survive!

Liu Yi opened his mouth, unable to squeeze out a half word. Amidst the unresolved **** smoke of Pingyang Palace, another young emperor ascended to the throne. The news of Liu Yuan’s death also spread.

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