Royal Road

Chapter 322

Chapter 321 economic

“Gong Qi, last month, Haixing Port received a total of 920,000 shi! In the next two months, I am afraid there is still such an income.” Even if he has run a lot of big business in these years, Jiang Ni is the first time he has seen this. The scale of the transaction. The cargo handled by a harbour is so huge that it is almost equal to the grain output of several coastal counties in Jizhou!

This is still September, and when the autumn harvest is over, more merchant ships are bound to go to Jizhou. The trading of grain in Xingang is well known. Although the transportation of grain is profitable, the victory lies in its convenience. Which wealthy family that runs sea trade does not have dozens of hundreds of hectares of land? On the other hand, the goods that Bingzhou holds are not easy to obtain.

With this coming and going, a large amount of grain poured into the warehouses in Jizhou, and even Sizhou and Bingzhou. With food, naturally there is also the capital to feed the refugees and open up acres of land. If this lasts forever, why not worry about it!

Faced with Jiang Ni’s excitement, Liang Feng was calm. The handling of tens of millions of tons of materials in a seaport is not a big deal at all. Had it not been for frequent wars and shrinking trade, taxes might be more than that.

Duan Qin on the side was also very emotional: “When the lord said that tariffs were exempted and the market rent was reduced, many people were worried. Unexpectedly, the income tax was not only not less, but also slightly increased. If things go on like this, it is not good for Haixing Port. It can become a big port like Panyu.”

“Business roads are like water, and only if they are unobstructed can they be long-lasting. There is no tariff in Han Dynasty? It’s just picking up people’s teeth.” Liang Feng explained with a slight smile.

In the Han Dynasty, tariffs were indeed eliminated, which promoted commerce. It wasn’t until the triumphs of the Three Kingdoms came together in the late Han Dynasty that warlords in various regions set up control cards to collect tariffs and increase tax rates. The current tax number one was also determined at that time. That is, to pay one-tenth of the tax to the warlord under his jurisdiction. With such a high tax rate and additional tariffs, it is impossible for business to develop.

Although Liang Feng is not an expert in business, but the concept of attracting investment, invigorating the economy, and developing people’s livelihood, I really hear my ears. The biggest benefit brought by business is to benefit the people. The huge business district can drive the rapid development of the surrounding economy. Just like Haixing Port, is it not just because it is profitable to build a city in just a few months?

And what he did was to implement the most favorable measures, by the way, to build a real estate circle. The government-led new city construction will never lose money. As for the hotels and shops invested by individuals, it is the second most important thing, which is mainly to attract a family of shares to share profits, the interests are convergent, and it is also convenient to manage. Otherwise, how could the banditry in Jizhou drop by more than 90%?

Duan Qin nodded again and again: “Everyone says that business is harmful to the people, but half of the refugees in Jizhou’s new attachment are living because of Haixing New Port. I am afraid that Qin Zhidao did not do so!”

This is what Duan Qin is most emotional about. Road construction has always been difficult. At that time, the first emperor repaired the Qin Zhidao, “From Jiuyuan to Ganquan, grabbing mountains and valleys, one thousand eight hundred miles. The road is not complete.” At the end of the first emperor’s life, he did not completely repair this one thousand eight hundred miles. On the contrary, “the richer the rich and the heavier the riches, the more you can save you”. The death of Qin II was caused by such huge projects as Afang Palace, Straight Road, and Chi Road.

But the lord’s method is completely different. How dare to use the refugees to prosper in times of chaos! No state or county can swallow tens of thousands of refugees. There is not enough food and ripe fields are scarce. Whenever there is a turmoil, civil upheavals will occur. However, it is different with the work-for-work. The refugees can not only get food for their subsistence, but also can use the labor that they have no time to digest to build projects.

Just like the original dirt road, it will take at least three days to travel from Xingang to the ferry crossing of the Zhangshui tributary. Human and animal power alone do not know how much it will be wasted. But after the new gravel road is built, it can be reached in the fastest day! There are also post stations along the way, which can prepare fodder and meals for the grain team. As a result, the loss is less than 20% of the original.

And this road also brought great convenience to the caravan. The more merchants there are, the higher the city rent will be, which will then feed back the refugees. Isn’t it wonderful to go back and forth like this?

Liang Feng nodded: “The road should continue to be repaired, and it is best to cover Jizhou as much as possible. Jizhou has a flat terrain. If there is such a main road, it will be of great benefit to the future attack on Youzhou.”

Jizhou, the later Hebei, but a horse Pingchuan, is most suitable for cavalry play. If you want to resist the Xianbei cavalry, you must keep the road as clear as possible so that you can dispatch troops and transport supplies. Therefore, while the canals are cleared and the river is reorganized, road construction is of urgency.

Hearing this, Duan Qin frowned slightly: “It’s not difficult to repair the journey in a few days. But Jizhou has a large land, and I am afraid that financial resources are limited.”

“If you don’t have money, let the family pay. We reduce or exempt commercial taxes and increase the purchase share of salt, porcelain, and colored glaze. As long as it is beneficial, people will naturally flock. Some rations, there will always be people’s heart.” Liang Feng said.

Duan Qin’s heart also moved. This statement is not without reason. There is no shortage of manpower in Jizhou, and the large-scale water tank built on the Zhangshui line has also solved the gravel problem required for road paving. The water flowing into the sea keeps pushing the wheels day and night, and pulling the mallet to hit the rocks. Wouldn’t it be a hundred times more convenient than manpower?

With people and sand and gravel, all that is lacking in road construction is food. It’s really exciting to get the scarce goods just by distributing some grains. Moreover, the lord did not explicitly say that the only ones who can bring out the food are the family? In fact, there is a lot of food in the hands of the common people and the powerful! These people don’t have the opportunity to get involved in porcelain and salt. How can they miss such a good opportunity to enter the game?

Once this law came out, Jizhou might no longer be able to ban trade routes!

“Master’s method is very wonderful!” Thinking of this, Duan Qin couldn’t help but nod.

Liang Feng smiled, and the benefits of his business are more than just building roads. This class that only recognizes money is a weapon to break the monopoly of the family. As more and more people enter the property class through business, their children and grandchildren will also have the opportunity to enter school. Merchants cannot be officials, and it is also a tradition of the past dynasties to emphasize agriculture and suppress business. However, many merchants became landlords and prostitutes after acquiring land, and then promoted through this channel. And it just so happens that the system department of the state is now an elector in name. This is no different from becoming a hole that can be drilled. It depends on how many smart people can jump up to the dragon gate before closing this space.

But for commercial development, there is still a problem that needs to be solved urgently.

“You still need to be prepared for coin minting…” Liang Feng said slowly, “Once the number of traders increases, it will not be appropriate to rely solely on grain trading.”

“Don’t take this matter too hastily!” Duan Qin is extremely determined on this point, “Since Emperor Wu, the court has not minted coins for more than fifty years. Why rush for a while? Moreover, privately minting coins can easily arouse Yangzhou’s jealousy. If food is troublesome, you can use silk instead. Minting coins should be taken care of.”

This is also the problem that gives Liang Feng the most headache. The coins of the Western Jin Dynasty did not actually enter the circulation market. Money can also be used for small transactions, or transactions between families. However, the circulation of goods in general, and even the salaries paid by officials, are all carried out in kind. It’s just that after Emperor Wu became the throne, he didn’t make any money at all!

There are many families and manors everywhere. In such a self-sufficient society, business will naturally shrink. What’s more, for years of war and chaos, the Western Jin government has no ability to mine copper mines and issue currency at all. Therefore, the money that can be seen on the market now is the antiques left over from previous generations. The money of the Han Dynasty was considered good, Dong Zhuozhu’s bad money was useless at all, and the coins issued by the three kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu were not enough. As for the “straight one hundred and five baht” of Shu and Soochow, that is, a large coin with a maximum of one hundred and five baht, it is even thinner and cannot be equal to the face value of the currency.

This problem can be serious when a coin is not in circulation in large quantities, but is used as a display of face-saving behaviors such as rewards and funerals for the powerful. No matter how Liang Feng doesn’t understand the economy, he also knows that using currency instead of bartering is the progress of society. If you want to develop your business further, you still have to issue your own coins.

But Duan Qin’s various concerns have to be considered. According to his memory, the three prefectures under him only have copper mines in Hedong, that is, Yuncheng in Shanxi. But He Dong was in the hands of the Xiongnu, and he could not be defeated in a short while. And when you get copper, how to mint coins, how much to issue, and even how to circulate them, are also questions from universities. If you send more and less, it will cause social unrest. How can you not be cautious?

With a light sigh, Liang Feng gave in: “Let the doctors of the Qiuzhiyuan study it first. Minting matters. Sooner or later, it must be put on the table and cannot be ignored. But Haixing Port still cannot be settled with silk, and the grain is returned. Put it first. The foundations of Si and Ji are weak. It takes time to restore the output of that year, and it is the most important task to replenish the grain.”

In recent years, the weather conditions have not been so wonderful. The chaos in the merged state at the beginning was precisely because of the drought in several states at the same time. But there are definitely more than one large-scale weather changes. Droughts, floods, locusts, frost, and hail, the same thing after another, the impact on the farming society can be imagined. It was also when Sima caught up with the worst, the weather was like bungee jumping, and these princesses were still working hard to beat people’s heads into dog’s heads. It’s like an old birthday star hangs himself, so tired and crooked!

Taking advantage of the fact that the Huns and Shile, as well as the small court in Yangzhou, are overwhelmed by themselves, it is the most important development task to quickly recuperate.

There is only so much he can do.

The next step is to make the department in autumn. Liang Feng’s gaze couldn’t help but turn to the test questions sent on the case. The exam questions given by Fan Jijiu were much more difficult. I don’t know how many useful talents can be selected in this subject…

The author has something to say: Qin Zhidao is also a huge project, starting from Yunyang Linguang Palace, the military important site of Xianyang, Kyoto in the south (now Liangwudi Village in Chunhua County, meaning that Emperor Wu enjoys the cold), and north to Jiuyuan County (now Baotou City, Inner Mongolia). Southwest Mengjiawan Village), crossing 14 counties, more than 700 kilometers. The widest part of the road is about 60 meters, generally 20 meters. In fact, the first emperor was similar to Yang Guang, the emperor of Suiyang. They were both keen on playing infrastructure. He took a hundred more steps in one breath, and then he played himself to death_(:з」∠)_

As for the coin issue, the imperial courts of the two Jin Dynasties never made any money. Only during the Taixing reign of Emperor Xiaoyuan of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (318-321 AD), Wu Xing Shenchong privately issued some big holes and small coins. From the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Southern and Northern Dynasties, there were quite a few coin-minting regimes. Why did Sima not engage in it, and the nest did not understand_(:з」∠)_

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