Royal Road

Chapter 336

Chapter 335 Serial

“Your Majesty has a purpose, and ordered me to wait for troops to go to Pingyang. The order goes on, and we will start immediately!” Shi Le sat in the handsome tent and ordered loudly.

In the army, he has always had the final say. But this is the case, this order still caused a buzzing discussion below. A confidant cautiously said: “The one who attacked Pingyang, but the soldiers and horses of the state. This… shouldn’t it be considered carefully?”

The generals of the Huns had suffered a lot in Yecheng before. For other miscellaneous people, there is nothing worth saving in this old capital of Han. I just lost a game and went to touch the hard rock in Bingzhou again. Winning or losing is the second best thing. Morale may not be guaranteed.

Seeing the cowardly evasive look of the people below, Shi Le’s brows twisted together: “Pingyang is also the old capital of Han, so what I’m waiting for is the salary of Han. How can I put it aside?”

The words are awe-inspiring, but the generals’ faces are not so good anymore. What is Han country? How did you not think of the emperor of the Han Kingdom when you were on fire and Wang Mi? Now it’s Baba going to guard his turf!

Seeing that these words did not play any role, Shi Le said: “Besides the severe drought, Yanzhou is afraid that there will be no harvest in autumn. Where will the army come from? If it can defeat the Jin thief, defend Hedong. Let alone. Military salary, just salt benefit, is enough to help our army survive the disaster year.”

What he said was extremely straightforward, so straightforward that the rash soldiers below could also understand it. The general intends to Hedong Yanchi! They were all rebels. Which of these people didn’t know that salt was expensive? If you can win the salt pond, it will be a lucrative business! After all, it belongs to the Han country in name, and it was inconvenient to get involved in Yanchi before. But now the emperor in Chang’an City has made an order to let them go to Pingyang to participate in the war. Isn’t this a great opportunity to take control of Hedong? !

No matter how scared, this huge profit is enough to make people fascinated. The following clever generals said immediately: “The general said it is very true! I am all citizens of the Han country, so naturally I have to contribute to the court!”

“Jin thief is arrogant, when guarding my old capital!”

“If you recruit some soldiers from Wubao, it may not be impossible…”

Various sounds sounded in the tent, and the huge boulder in Shi Le’s heart finally fell to the ground.

As far as he is concerned, being involved in the Hedong crisis is not just for Yanchi, but for stabilizing the military’s mind. Buddhism’s talk is very uproar and has become a chronic disease in the army. If he can’t escape the battle anymore, maybe his soldiers will never dare to raise a sword against Bingzhou again. If you wait for the Bingzhou to ease the drought, you will have spare capacity to reinvigorate your troops. The first person to suffer was his “thief” who occupied Yan and Henan.

So he must win a battle. The Battle of Binh Duong is the best opportunity. No matter how Liu Yao lacks troops, it is impossible to give up Pingyang and Hedong. With the help of the Xiongnu’s elite soldiers, it is not impossible to repel the merged state soldiers and horses. After all, they are the best at defending the city. If they change to a siege, there will probably be a lot of mistakes in the battle. Are you afraid that you will not find a chance if you bring your own fine ride to disturb the enemy?

This battle must be won!

“In order to win, Shi Le will send troops to Pingyang!” Zhang Bin said calmly.

This is also a game that Xinling had arranged long ago. Shi Le’s mother, Wang, was actually found last year. However, Zhang Bin did not detain her. Instead, many Xinling tribes dressed as refugees and monks were placed near the village where she lived. The only purpose of these people is to convince the old woman that Buddha is the only savior that can be counted on.

This is not difficult for the Jie people living in Binzhou in recent years. After all, they originally believed in Buddhism, and the endless stories of anecdotes and a stable life have made the Buddha’s words deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. How can an old woman who is suffering and ignorant resist such an arrangement? In order to isolate her, Shi Le’s cousin Shi Hu was also removed. In the end, it only took more than half a year before the Wang family became a devout believer who could only burn incense and worship Buddha.

Later, when Shi Le raised his troops and began to attack Yecheng. Xinling people let go of the net, and the henchmen sent by Shi Le “discovered” this person and brought her back to Yanzhou. Imagine that after the big defeat, the biological mother of the head of the army vowed to say that if she was an enemy of the Buddha, she would be condemned by the gods. What should be the situation?

What’s more, even if the old woman was controlled by Shi Le, Xinling had planted many tribes in Yanzhou, spreading some rumors, and it was almost impossible to capture.

Once the rumor takes shape, it will be extremely harmful to that soldier. Most of Shi Le’s confidantes are miscellaneous, this is the foundation he can rely on, and it is also a weakness. In order to prevent the military’s spirit from being shaken further, Shi Le would definitely want to fight another battle and win a big victory in order to defeat the rumors that the gods and Buddhas condemned sins.

And Binh Duong, or Hedong near Binh Duong, is the best bait.

Looking at the map, Liang Feng said: “Forcing Shi Le to bypass Yuzhou is a good strategy. But what if he doesn’t change the road?”

Shi Le didn’t have much food and grass, and most of his army was cavalry. It was very likely that he would cross Xingyang and take a shortcut. Therefore, the General Staff plans to let Yiyan garrison Jijun, forcing Shile to avoid his edge, go to Yuzhou, pass through the Henan County under the jurisdiction of Zuti, and head for Hedong.

The road is farther, but for Shi Le, it is safer. He has just occupied a lot of cities in Yuzhou, and he can still replenish food and supplies all the way, far better than the elite soldiers who resist Yiyan.

And this is exactly what the General Staff needs. Several strategies will be followed in sequence. However, no matter how likely it is to succeed, you must be on guard. If he doesn’t make a detour, is there any other preparation?

“If you don’t go around, let General Yi take the back.” Zhang Bin replied simply, “Shi Le has been defeated by General Yi several times, but if he catches up to the tail, he can cause chaos in his army. Then the ancestor will be the prefect. Ambushed from the side.”

This is a bit more difficult, but the probability of success is still high.

“What if he escaped from Henan County?” Liang Feng did not stop and continued to ask.

“Xinling still has dark hands in the army.” Zhang Bin smiled slightly.

Hearing this, Liang Feng just nodded: “This battle will kill two birds with one stone, and we must have a perfect plan.”

During the severe drought, there are famines everywhere, and it does not seem to be the time for war. However, in his place, Liang Feng knew why wars were frequent in disaster years. Those who don’t have money and food must try their best to fight for it. And if his money and food can cope with the disaster year, he also has to shift contradictions and reduce losses.

Too much land cannot be cultivated, which means that there is nothing to do with the troops. If tens of thousands of people don’t use it, they will waste food in vain. Why not take advantage of the situation and fight a few battles?

The reason is that simple and cruel. After much deliberation, Liang Feng chose the most advantageous strategic goal, Binh Duong. Pingyang is the closest to Bingzhou, it is convenient to dispatch troops, and the supply line will not be too long. After taking down Pingyang, Binzhou’s flanks will no longer be threatened by the enemy. Going down again and occupying Hedong will be able to recapture the salt ponds, reduce the enemy’s strategic resources, and at the same time provide cheaper salt for Bingzhou and Sizhou.

In such a battle, it is much stronger to take advantage of the situation to attack Yuzhou and Yanzhou. But it is still one of the links, and the other is to lure Shi Le out and completely eliminate this confidant trouble.

Shaking the military’s mind with the words of Wang and Buddhism is only the first step. Enticing Shi Le to send troops is the real successor. As long as he steps out of Yanzhou, he won’t even think about going back alive.

And will Shi Le play? As early as the battle of Yecheng, it had already been decided.

So complicated, so detailed, just to count one person. I am afraid that it is not too different to kill Liu Yuan and force the Huns to move their capital.

“Lord, rest assured, this battle will be successful.” Zhang Bin answered with confidence. This is the key to pacifying the Northland. As long as Shi Le dies, Yuzhou and Yanzhou will be returned to the lord, it is only a matter of time.

Although he was upset, he almost messed up the military’s mind. But before the expedition, Shi Le still came to the other hospital where his mother was temporarily staying.

As soon as I stepped into the room, a strong scent of sandalwood puffed my nose. Shi Le has laid down so many family mansions and killed many princes and princes. How can there be a shortage of spices in the account? But there is only one person in his camp who can use these spices to worship the Buddha.

I saw Wang kneeling on the futon, bowing to the Buddha statue in front of him. The fragrant green smoke curled up, and the Jade Buddha was also mysteriously hazy for a few minutes.

This sight made Shi Le even more annoyed. He said, “Mother, I’m going to expedition in the next few days. You can raise your body at home and don’t go out.”

These words were a bit impolite, but the Wang family cared about everything. He raised his head and asked, “You went to fight. It was not under the control of the Buddha, right?”

Shi Le’s throat rolled for a while, and finally squeezed out: “No.”

Hearing this, Wang seemed to breathe a sigh of relief and put his hands together: “Buddha bless. It is not good. You must not offend the Buddha anymore. You should not accumulate merits if you fight and kill like this. You should vote for Bingzhou as soon as possible… …”

It was especially unbearable to hear Shi Le’s motherly heart. However, after squeezing his fist, he still patiently said: “Mother, don’t work any more, let the maids take care of them and heal the old diseases.”

Wang shook his head slightly: “My mother wants to confess before the Buddha for you, and let the Buddha forgive you for your foolish deeds over the years.”

Every sentence and every word of her comes from the heart, and is extremely true. I don’t know if the sandalwood is too rich, Shi Le just feels it’s hard to breathe. Without saying more, he bowed and saluted, turned and left.

The sun was shining outside, seeming to isolate the cold and loneliness in the courtyard, Shi Le raised his head and looked at the sky for a moment. Flicked the corners of his robe and strode out.

Two days later, with 10,000 Qingqi, the army set out. However, not long after leaving the old camp, news came from the scouts that the defenders of Yecheng had changed.

“They moved to Ji County?” Shi Le rode on the horse for a little thought, then sneered, “I’m afraid I want to ambush our army in Xingyang, right? Detour to Yuzhou, from Henan County to Sizhou!”

It takes more time to make a detour, but there are many cities in Yuzhou in his hands, which can supply food and grass. However, Henan County was besieged by the Huns, and it was absolutely impossible to recover in a short period of time. It is the best choice to avoid the headaches of powerful troops in Xingyang and Yecheng.

As for the enemies who set up ambush, let the soldiers and horses staying in the old camp harass them. If you can contain the opponent, the battle will be much easier.

With an order, the army changed direction and galloped towards Yuzhou.

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