Royal Road

Chapter 338

Chapter 337 Set chaos

“Shi Le gave the lead at Lijiapu? It was earlier than expected.” Looking at the military report just handed over, Liang Feng also breathed a sigh of relief.

In order to kill Shi Le, the staff did not know how many plans were set up. For every possible variable, carefully consider and consider carefully. And those family barriers in Yuzhou are just one link. It is still going very smoothly, and the link will be reached ahead of schedule.

Speaking of which, this is also the contribution of Zuti. After settling down several counties around Luoyang, Zu Ti began to secretly contact the powerful Yuzhou. In troubled times, these big families living together in fortresses all have a way to survive. Shi Le fell on the surface, but in private, it was inevitable to linger with Zu.

Coupled with the impact of the drought, the silent wavering is even more severe. Don’t say Li, there are no fewer than thirty Wubaos in Yingchuan County and Xiangcheng County near Sizhou. In order to cooperate with the ambush, Zu Ti also expressly hinted at these people early and let them seize the opportunity. Therefore, even if Shi Le couldn’t reach Lijiapu, others would come forward to intercept it. And this is much more terrifying than the ambush.

But now, it is lucky to be able to achieve the goal ahead of schedule. In other words, it was Shi Le’s misfortune.

“Thanks to the arrangement in Xifengling that worked. After the inspection, there were no fewer than 3,000 people who died in the valley alone. I didn’t expect gunpowder to be so powerful. If it were used to attack the city, it would be difficult to build a strong wall. Resist!” Zhang Bin said from the side, and there was some excitement in the words.

After the gunpowder was developed and formed, it has also undergone several improvements to increase its explosive lethality. Although it has never reached the power of yellow powder, if the quantity is sufficient, it can also play a shocking role.

This time in Xifengling, the method of lead ignition was used. Thousands of ambush soldiers will never be able to hide, but it is not difficult for a few people to hide. Using the detonator to burn the pre-buried explosive package, then when Shile’s soldiers passed by, they attacked by surprise. For people who have never seen gunpowder before, these methods can be called a world change.

People are frightened, trampled on each other, the number of people killed is the second best, the military spirit is collapsed, and the goal is no longer able to move forward. Shi Le was able to take a thousand people out, which was already a rare skill.

It was also this ambush that Zhang Bin clearly realized the power of gunpowder. Rocks can burst, not to mention the city walls? If the same number of explosive packets can be buried under the corner of the city, wouldn’t it be invincible and invincible?

Liang Feng shook his head: “There are many moats in the city, the soil is moist, and it is not close, so it is difficult to attack with gunpowder. Moreover, this method can only be used occasionally. If you use more, others will come up with a defense method.”

War is a game in which both sides continue to climb the tree of science and technology and strategic thinking. Once the true effect of gunpowder is discovered, it will never be too difficult to restrain it. We must know that the city defense has been fought for thousands of years, what kind of method has not been used? It is common to dig holes and set fires under the city gates. As a result, many large cities have waterways, and the ground is inlaid with tile urns. With this simple amplifying device, you can clearly hear the movement outside the city. Once you find that the enemy is digging a tunnel, or wants to set fire, you can take immediate measures.

As long as gunpowder is not lit, a pot of water can be used to deal with it. Surprise can also frighten the enemy. It is really used as a stand-by method. It is only a matter of time before it can be cracked.

Zhang Bin is familiar with military affairs, and when he heard the lord say this, he nodded: “If it can’t be used on the battlefield, it seems that it can be used for mining and digging in the deep mountains. This method still needs to be studied.”

This is more in line with Liang Feng’s idea. There are too many places where gunpowder can come in handy, and it is something that should not be neglected.

“Let the view of good fortune continue to experiment. Shi Le has been removed, it’s time to send troops.”

This is the most important task today.

Following Liang Feng’s order, the army of the state came out. From the Shangdang and Lishi both sides attacked Binh Duong. In addition to the soldiers and horses left behind in Jinyang, even the Perak Army also accompanied them to help out. The transformed siege equipment has everything it needs and is extremely sharp.

There are only a few defenders left. How can they block such an attack? Puzi, Yong’an, and Beiqu counties were broken one after another. When the army came to the city of Pingyang, the Xiongnu reinforcements from Yongzhou arrived in Hedong.

This time, Liu Yao also laid down sufficient capital and sent tens of thousands of elite soldiers. Unexpectedly, when he first entered Hedong, he encountered an interception. A fine horse rushed from Luoyang, and the two armies fought fiercely. In the end, the Huns were defeated and returned to Tongguan in embarrassment.

Without reinforcements, Pingyang lasted only seven or eight days before being breached. Following the great chaos in Hedong, many cities fell after hearing the wind, and the powerful family changed their families.

The situation in Sizhou will never go back to the past.

“This dog slave!”

With a bang, a golden cup hit the ground. Liu Yao was furious and rose to his feet!

The county magistrate of Wenxi has dropped! They attacked Wenxi back then, and it took a few days before they captured the city. It’s alright now, the surname of Liang is just a breeze!

Because of those aristocratic families who were slaves and maidservants at the beginning, all of them just wanted to dock their tails for a living. What now? Some people didn’t even want to take the hostages from Chang’an, and went straight to Bingzhou.

Now that Wenxi has fallen, An Yi probably won’t be able to keep it for long. Where can we keep the Yanchi in Hedong? It is also the group of kings and nobles who are too greedy, if they can be less restrained, they won’t be overwhelmed.

However, the situation in Hedong was bad, and Chang’an was not much better. Arriving in Chang’an, a metropolis far better than Pingyang, the Xiongnu dignitaries thoroughly learned the extravagance of the Jin people. Not to mention the arrogance and domineering, but also to squeeze out the effective Jin. When the first emperor was there, although the courtesy and virtuous corporal, there was already a tendency to pay more attention to the clans. No one is pressing now, and it is impossible to deal with it.

Even the local Qiang and Di people in Yongzhou were enslaved by those nobles. If things go on like this, there will be chaos!

How to do? Like a headless fly, after pacing in the hall for an unknown number of steps, Liu Yao finally gritted his teeth: “Order the army in Hedong to retreat and return to Yongzhou!”

“The king is not allowed!” the next few counselors cried at the same time.

Looking at the anxious faces of Zhang, Liu Yao suddenly thought of Zhangdian who was with him at the beginning. That person is at least a bit quick-witted, a bit courageous, how can he look like these wastes in front of him!

“The top priority now is to quell the Qinzhou chaos. Hedong has been lost. If you want to regain it, you don’t know how much money it will cost, it is better to leave the mess to Binzhou!

Liu Yao’s thinking is extremely clear. The drought is still going on. Even if Binyang and Hedong are taken, it will only be tens of thousands of mouths. It’s a pity that Hedong Yanchi. Now that Shuzhong is occupied by insurgents, Sichuan salt is unsustainable, and Guanzhong salt ponds are limited in production, and may not be able to support the army.

After the rebellion in Qinzhou is resolved, he still has to think about capturing Shuzhong or retaking Hedong.

Just look at when this **** drought will pass…

The Xiongnu’s retreat made Hedong, which was already in a good situation, even worse. However, the Bingzhou soldiers and horses were not greedy, and they still acted according to the original plan. They had never crossed the Yellow River and got involved with Hongnong, who had extremely limited guards. Only conquer the city in Hedong. The cities and the barriers gradually fell under their banners, and the surrounding areas were shaken.

Although the news was a step slower, it finally reached Yangzhou. Sima Rui was both pleasantly surprised and worried: “Even Pingyang was taken down and the Shilena rebels were killed. Now, isn’t Liang Zixi going to occupy Yu and Yan’er states?”

Now Liang Feng has three prefectures and two more prefectures, and half of the country’s income is under his command. Even if Sima Rui had no interest in Northland, he couldn’t tolerate this happening.

Dao Wang smiled slightly: “Yuzhou was originally designated as a provincial governor, and Yanzhou is also the case. If it is not competent, then it is a substitution. As long as the court sends officials to station, can Liangjun be seized privately?

In fact, if you want to fight, you can still take it away. But the focus is not on “capture”, but on “private”. Once Liang Feng disregarded the appointment of the imperial court and fought for the two states, he would no longer be a prince, and became a thief like Yuan Shao who wanted to seek rebellion. Judging by Liang Feng’s actions, he would not act rashly. Compared with Yuan Shao, Cao Cao and his likes, this sick young man seems to lack some ambition.

“Brake with stillness.” Sima Rui nodded again and again, “It’s so good. Yuzhou and Yanzhou are on the sides of Yangzhou, and they must be handed over to reliable people to guard. As for the credit for regaining Pingyang… Liang Zixi was originally the officer of Sili The reorganization of Sizhou is also a matter of course.”

One thing within the scope of the matter, the great credit will be completely deducted. But it is true that Sima Rui can’t be named, should he be named king for that person? He himself is still just the king of the county, and he has sealed Liang Feng. How will he win over when he becomes the throne?

Knowing Sima Rui’s thoughts too well, Director Wang did not say anything, and led the adjustment of personnel in Yuzhou and Yanzhou.

As a result, Hedong had not completely recovered, and Liang Feng received the court report. Yuzhou and Yanzhou changed their governors at the same time, and there were soldiers and horses stationed there.

“Is King Langya afraid that I will seize the two states?” Leaving the Di Bao jokingly, Liang Feng shook his head.

Now occupying the two states of Henan and Yan, sorry, he doesn’t have the military and financial resources. It was just the first battle in Pingyang, which lasted more than two months, and spent an unknown amount of money. If you want to settle down completely, it will take a few more months, let alone. This is still the case where the Huns and the pseudo-Han are unable to look around. Once the enemy slows down, they may fight again.

Under such circumstances, how could he now annex Yu and Yan?

Zhang Bin also smiled: “That’s good. If the new governor can defeat the soldiers and bandits and gather the people, Sizhou and Jizhou can also ease the pressure. Moreover, with such an arrangement, the court always has to allocate food.”

This is to borrow the hands of the imperial court to stabilize the surrounding environment. Shi Le is dead, but his generals and Lao Ying are still there. There are also generals left by Wang Mi, and a few refugees. Without the tiger Shi Le, it’s time for the monkeys to scurry around. Yuzhou and Yanzhou may not be peaceful for a while. Refugees are flocking, no matter how food is available, it is not used to fill a bottomless pit. It’s better to hand it over to the court first, and wait for them to deal with the disasters around them before moving south.

“If the order is passed down, officials from Bingzhou and Jizhou will be transferred to Pingyang and Hedong. The government of the two counties should be stabilized as soon as possible and the people’s livelihood should be reorganized.”

This is how many mouths to feed. Liang Feng sighed slightly. Seeing that the autumn harvest was over, when was this severe drought headed?

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